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thank you thank you man oh man what a night what a moment gracias wow stand before you with immense Pride and gratitude as I humbly accept this huge honor of being inducted into the Nays made Basketball Hall of Fame I want to express my deepest appreciation to the selection committee for bestowing this amazing recognition upon me this moment is a testament to the support guidance and inspiration I have received from so many through all my basketball Journey I've always remember the moment that Jericho Angela called me in to tell me the magic words you're in a pretty powerful moment I've got to tell you I know my fellow inductees will remember it too congratulations to all of you it's truly an honor to be in the same class thank you if you had told me when I was young a little kid growing up in a little city samboy that someday I would not only meet Tony kukoc but that he be presenting me into the Hall of Fame I wouldn't believe you and yet here we are Tony was a great player heck of a player man I mean he inspired so many European players growing up I looked up to you you inspired me to follow your steps I thought I was going to be a small forward uh you know but I kept on growing and growing until I was 20. yeah so I ended up playing closer to the basket having to face Timmy and kg and Dirk uh but who knows maybe in today's game I would have been a small forward who knows shooting threes all kinds of stuff anyway it turned out pretty good for me so uh thank you so much for this incredible incredible honor so I also wanted to thank my friend and role model Kareem Abdul-Jabbar uh I think me many of you knew know that he was going to be here being also one of my presenters unfortunately he couldn't make it he felt yesterday under the weather I just want to say uh you know wish you well hope you're well Kareem and thank you for accepting the honor of being my presenter I mean so so many people have contributed contributed me to me for being here uh but no one like my family I uh my dear parents um who introduced me to the game of basketball they both played at an amateur level but they played um thank you so much for all your teachings for your support for your love never missing the game never missing the practice taking me to practices after you work you've inspired me your commitment your efforts your sacrifices have fueled me and motivated me thank you Mom and Dad I love you so very much so very much for my brothers my brothers Mark and Adria I've been growing up with Margo special uh you guys have had the chance to watch his NBA career that he was a special special kid you know some shooting Hoops that are grandparents backyard and competing already he always tried to beat me um you know I always try to make sure that he knew that I was a big brother he shouldn't beat me but it did he start you know at some point he you know he grew up um we played for our country we played many championships won medals um and we got traded for each other crazy I think we are the only brothers who ever got traded for each other and and we experienced one of the most special things I think in our career which was a jumbo at the All-Star Game in 2015 at the Madison Square Garden you know it was pretty special to share that truly unbelievable thank you Mark [Applause] wasn't particularly interested in basketball early on he used to bring books when I used to play in Memphis just reading his books his comic books but um you know he's the only one in our family that got a master's degree in business so uh I'm very proud to have you both as brothers thank you love you and I wanted I wanted to take a moment to recognize all the players some of you are here coaches that have come before me that paved the way the build this amazing leak thank you all for your contributions I truly truly appreciate them thank you and being being from where I'm from you know from from Europe Spain I wanted to give a special mention to those first Europeans that came here across the ocean that took a chance and open doors for players like myself Fernando Martin the first Spanish player to ever played in the NBA Rosen petrovich sarunas Marshall and his deathless ramp arvia sabonis Dino Raja Rick Smith amazing players thank you [Applause] so when I was a kid when I was seven years old I was just having fun with friends at school with my classmates but then 1992 happened you know the Olympics in Barcelona I was 12. it changed my life the dream team showed us how basketball could be played it made me dream of playing at that level playing with the best of the best and that launch is really an incredible growth in the sport internationally in the 2023 class is a true Testament of it so thank you to the Dream Team 1982 to those teams also European teams that competed against them you know didn't do so well but but you know it is what it is they were pretty good then when I was 13 years old my coach at the next thing that I played my first club team that I played at CB Cornell gave me a chance to play point guard for a game teaching me how hard that position was it was extremely humbling obviously I struggled tremendously guiding a guy that was 5'2 and really quick having to bring them all up and down on the court but it um but what I took from that experience is that those ages I think the importance is to teaching and growing you know not so much focusing on winning and losing so um that's that's an important message I think to keep and especially you know at all levels in the world as we're trying to teach our kids to play basketball girls and boys a couple years later a guy that I was guarding his a tough turnaround jumper I'm like coach what what do I do how can I defend that he said nothing he'll be you know he used to play he was a guy from FC Barcelona at the time I wasn't there yet he said don't worry he'll make it to the pros and you won't so okay okay I guess um I mean we all face moments and comments like that through our lives and careers but I've always embraced him you know allow them to motivate me and uh and help me grow and then the next level I went to FC Barcelona where I played with many great coaches and players um some of them have become great friends today and I know a special mention to my good friend and Juan Carlos Navarro who was a special player special talent not just with with FC Barcelona with with Spain we're great great friends and great players so I wanted to acknowledge him because he really inspired me to to be a better player at that time and then after the NBA you know got drafted 2001. thank you for the Grizzlies for giving me the opportunity to play in the NBA for fulfilling my dream when I first arrived in Memphis I was like wow a pyramid I guess all NBA teams play in pyramids here it's kind of different but you know pretty cool I guess man I still remember our first press conference with Shane and will Solomon that also got drafted with us my English was very limited I wasn't very comfortable speaking what I knew which was very little but I quickly recognize that my day my teammate here was very tickling very smart so I just had to follow what he said right so when the media asked us how we felt about the MBA being in Memphis first time the team just moved from Vancouver and Shane went first obviously I was smart enough to allow him to go first and they wanted to I mean he was a fan favorite uh you know all NBA great guy um so I just repeated the last word that I understood you know that I was able to identify that it was electrifying sounded good right pretty good so thank you Shane for being here tonight I love you I'm proud of my years in Memphis the work that we did we set the foundation for with the Grizzlies have become some of those people that were there at that time Billy Knight Michael Heisley Sidney Lowe Mike Miller Lorenzen Wright Jason Williams throw miles Swift Hubie Brown Jerry West and Mike Fratello amongst many others obviously thank you all for everything that you did at that time during my career and for the City of Memphis February 1st 2008. you know Chris Wallace calls me to his office and gives me the news that I was traded to the Los Angeles Lakers [Applause] that obviously changed changed my life in my career I know some people in the league were upset about the trade but it happened right and that's um and that's why I got to know the person who elevated my game like no other who taught me what it took to win at the highest level who showed me how hard you had to work and the mentality you needed to have in order to be the best the commitment you had to make what it meant and what it took to be a leader Kobe that night that night I joined the team in DC and I got to the hotel after midnight you know he was texting me saying Hey I want to come by your room and I want to welcome you I want to say hello when I'm I want to welcome you to the team I said you know what I mean it's going to be late it's going to be like past 1 a.m you sure you don't want to wait for tomorrow who said no no I'm it's not going to be so late I'm coming I'm coming over set up okay sounds good the team had a game next day at noon so all right so he just wanted to make sure that right away firsthand I got the message I said welcome to the team I'm happy you're here now let's go win a championship together so I said all right I'm in man I'm in have a good night that was it that was it it's that was it no no crap straight straight to the chase I wouldn't be here without you brother I wish more than anything that you and Gigi were here today with us I miss you and love you thank you thank you thank you Vanessa for being here tonight um proud to be your brother [Applause] thank you and an uncle and an uncle to your wonderful girls I love you guys so very much we needed it all together 2009-2010 it was super special I mean that's what you work for right we've been talking about this the last few days with dirt with D Wade with Tony so I want to thank the Lakers organization the bus family Rob thank you for being here with your family tonight Linda Rambis Mitch cupcak the amazing coaching staff that we had my teammates there fisher Lamar Odom Andrew Bynum Luke who's here tonight thank you for being here Sasha Jordan Trevor Metta I'm so grateful to all of you I hope that the you take this honor that I'm receiving today as part of your own without you I couldn't have done it a special thank you to Phil Jackson what a truly incredible man besides besides showing us how to play a triangle I think the most important things were um what he taught us about mindfulness about meditation about blocking the noise encouraged us to read you know cultivate our minds thank you Phil for that then I had the chance to go team that we grew up pretty much for idolizing and following the Bulls played two years for the Bulls got to know an amazing city thank you Jerry and Michael reisel for being here tonight very special two years from there I signed with this verse the San Antonio Spurs what an amazing what an amazing franchise pop Becky Tony Manu I mean one of the things that Bob told me during the free agency and and I talked to Timmy I talked to mano they're they're you know they're strong right their pitch is really strong so think about the guys that you're going to spend time with think about the guys that you're going to be in the bus with and the playing with and in Israel Ray we spent a lot of time with teammates in our teams so I I just love the opportunity to play with you guys it was it was truly an amazing experience and I've always forever be thankful thank you RC also for the opportunity my wife and I will always cherish those three years in San Antonio we had so many great memories um and we'll forever love them I learned I learned I learned so many things about pop obviously the basketball stuff you know the good to great play harder and smarter than your opponent for 48 minutes all that good stuff it's very important but I'll never forget one of the things that he said that I will take with me and I've taken with me and I've applied it was Valentine's Day and he asked did you guys get your significant others flowers and some of us proudly said yes yes absolutely yes for sure of course and he followed up with well why does he have to be Valentine's Day for you guys to give flowers to your loved ones so I thought that was a very important message thank you Bob and lastly the lastly that'll be walking bugs where I ended my my career it seemed like the miles that I put in my body finally caught up with me so you know it is what it is uh of course you cannot understand my career and me as a player without my national team La Familia so many battles with with friends um we made each other better you guys pushed us to to earn every one of those all those games um against the way USA team there are so many battles in Germany representing for me representing my country was a big big deal such a privilege so um but today we're going into the Hall of Fame together how crazy is that and how beautiful is that all right I want to I want to thank my agents uh Aaron and Stephen uh for guiding me throughout my MBA career thank you for being here tonight both of you by both are amazing to all the physios the strength coaches the staff team doctors the security you know everyone in the organization that allows us to do our job we couldn't do it without you and we appreciate your job and dedication so very much all the media thank you so much for everything that you do for giving us the platform to reach hundreds of millions out there and I wanted to take a second to especially acknowledge my my trainer Joaquin who was uh was being with me for 20 20 years or throughout my career and committed to me to enhance me as a player to be a good friend and to prolong my career as long as I did thank you for my wife to my lovely my lovely lovely lovely wife I'm the luckiest man um thank you love thank you for being my best friend thank you for being patient with me for dealing with my ups and downs for complimenting me you're the best I'm so lucky to be your husband I'm so lucky to be a father to our Ellie and Max you're the best and you know transitioning from the NBA to the next chapter is not easy you know I don't you know I don't care we talked about it with Shane years ago you go through a dip right it's you've got to figure things out it's a big shock especially emotionally no matter I mean I was able to you know prepare for it build things along the way but still you struggle and having the support of my wife throughout that time throughout this time has made it possible for me so thank you love and to rep to wrap up [Applause] um as the old phrase has it to whom much has given much is required I truly believe it those values the pursuit of Excellence the drive to succeed the love of family the recognition to give back the power of empathy the ones instill both my parents both working in health care home by Kobe always wanted to be extraordinary and Epic and encouraged and supported by my beautiful wife and family they're the reason I'm committed to working to make a bigger difference in our world and I want to encourage you all to continue to find ways to join efforts to team up so our impact can be much larger we have a unique opportunity to do so thank you all very much [Applause]
Channel: NBA SPAIN
Views: 210,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yFrOFINoc_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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