Discrimination: Homosexual Survivor Stefan Kosinski | USC Shoah Foundation

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I never forget my first arriving there, they put me to this cell with 8 or 10 prisoners - but first they asked me immediately the reason for my stay here. I said "oh, the stupid situation..." they say "what kind of stupid?" "Oh, I wrote a letter..." "for letter writing, you are here in prison?" "Oh, you had maybe something, maybe you are 'pedal'?" and then I say "yes, I wrote." "OH, you know what happened before the war with (unknown)? You could be here, kid." "We don't like such homosexual emotion in this way, 'pedal'." They couldn't see their before the table and I was really treated like second category of prison I suffered very much I wanted to watch a little to see where I I never forget when once I'm watching through the window the window was of course with this grate on. I saw my mother, she was standing and she was, you know, she was watching hours long. She never saw me but I have seen her and she was standing. It was very touching for me, because I understand how she suffered. I was her loving son. I was I am looking like she exactly and she was very proud for me when we went on the street and some neighbors: oh, your son looks exactly - yes he is my son. And now she is coming every day and she was work -- she was watching and watching, it should be very very hard for her and so I was in there. - You said you were mistreated by other prisoners - how? For this reason that I stated, that I had something. Well, really not exactly but they called me, they called me 'pedal'. Pedal is like enjoyment rule in that way, and therefore I was created. If I were a thief, if I murdered, they could accept me. But not this. - Were you beaten by other prisoners? No-no, but if I wanted to have a better bed place, "no you must go there! You-you have a smell you have differently smell" It was not nice - it was without job, only sitting sitting you can't imagine how long is the day and then I was at the corner only sitting so they never asked me for something without talking talking and I was at this time in my civilian clothes and I was so hungry some of them they deal for one piece of bread they took one shirt and they get me wrong, better...wrong equality but I I could give everything only two but even the small pieces of bread never fooled me, my my stomach. - Were the other prisoners who were called "petal"? No, in my cell, no. And I didn't see in Torun I didn't see, no. Later, yes. Later, but in Torun I didn't see, our time was only morning for 20 or 15 minutes to run to take a fresh air to make to hard work walk to walking and then again to the cell and sit. I don't know why without job which are dancing and then I never forget all to this day. It was the first of December nineteen four, the door was open and the vac Meister called me "Come on!" He gave me also this and he took me not on the street only from this prison to the judgment it was later I have seen it was judge house. They had a special way under way probably this way is still now internal because this judge house and this prison is still still standing. When they took me to this to this judgment or judgment house, I looked behind me, there was mother, and there was 'Heil Hitler!' You know this birds better with Hawking cries and five or six members of this in black dressing, so not Gestapo only just say judges, like judges here. First they stated my own powers born where I was living this as and later they started to shout you must be punished you must be isolated you make demoralisation with the German soldiers not only one, but at all one army, how you are like who, Polish who, you must be punished. For five years we punish you and my mother was death you are sitting you can understood I was insured you know also I didn't kill nobody I didn't seem never and they punished me for five years and after that when they gave me again - yes, they gave me again the hands and I passed my mother she's smiling, only a little, me too, we couldn't spoke nothing, and it was the last seeing of my mother. - The trial was in German? No, in Torun! - No, no, the language, was German? Yeah. In German language. I- I- a little, not everything, but this I, yeah. I told you only a few sentences, but maybe - maybe half, maybe one, but you see I was standing also, and they talk and talk I only kept some sentences from this. It was long in the reading maybe like that, they put it on their head so you know this terrible. - Can you say some of the things in German what they said to you? Yeah, (speaks German) (speaks German) I do not exactly the word (speaks German), but it is more heavy than prison. Young boys 17 and up, for (unknown). Do you know (unknown?) Very, very, very.
Channel: USC Shoah Foundation
Views: 44,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homosexual, Jail
Id: I-8w8-wxYyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2016
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