Discovering the country with the most contrasts and extremes

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Indonesia a country unique both culturally and geographically it's an archipelago consisting of over 177,000 [Music] Islands this plethora has birthed a vast array of cultures each with their own languages traditions and beliefs a massive and magnificent [Music] land filled with volcanoes and breathtaking Landscapes Krakatoa has historically been one of the most feared volcanoes bromo perpetual ually awake in this documentary we'll showcase what Indonesia is all about its volcanoes culture people and the astonishing Wildlife found on its Islands [Music] Indonesia lies between the Asian continent and Australia and between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific [Music] Ocean it's Main Islands include Sumatra Java the southern part of Borneo or calam Manan sui the western part of New Guinea or Papua and the maluku [Music] islands in Sumatra one of the country's largest Islands Mysteries and natural wonders are [Music] plentiful many parts remain unexplored as it is rarely visited by [Music] tourists it boasts a high ecological [Music] diversity from Coastal [Music] mangroves to the dense tropical forests of its [Music] mountains intrigu seing animals dwell in the Island's national [Music] parks hundreds of bird and mammal species some being among the rarest on [Music] Earth [Music] the ganung loser National Park in the north of the island is one of the last refuges for the seatran [Music] orangutan this primate ranks among the most intelligent in the Animal [Music] Kingdom doe to deforestation and habitat loss they're classified as critically endangered males lead solitary lives actively defending their territories they are much larger than females developing fleshy cheeks and a swollen [Music] throat females typically give birth to just one Offspring The Young rely on their mothers for about 8 years one of the longest upbringing periods among [Music] animals upon giving birth females become extremely dedicated [Music] mothers [Music] youngsters learn by watching and emulating their [Music] mothers skills in foraging tool use and nest building are passed on in this manner in the river bathes a subspecies of the Asian elephant the Sumatran elephant the shadow of Extinction looms over this species yet conservation efforts aim to reverse their fate their skin is gray though it can have pink [Music] patches like other elephant species Sumatran are social creatures that live in matriarchal [Music] groups they Traverse long distances daily searching for food like leaves grasses and fruits ending poaching and preserving their habitat is vital for their survival [Music] several Sumatran provinces host conservation and training centers where they're protected and cared [Music] for the tessono nation Park in particular is crucial for their [Music] recovery in certain mountainous forests of Sumatra the Sumatran tiger persists the only tiger subspecies still found in Indonesia it's the smallest of all living tiger [Music] subspecies today only a few hundred of them remain in the wild their fur is a dark orange with black stripes these being narrower than those of other tiger subspecies their diet com comprises deer and wild boes but they can also hunt birds fish and smaller animals as we Ascend the mountains we may be fortunate enough to encounter the Malayan taper the largest among tapers young ones sport a brown or grayish coat with white spots and Stripes aiding in camouflage as they mature their coloration shifts to a two-toned pattern with a black front and a gray or creamy white rear typically they are solitary creatures and skilled swimmers able to dive to feed on aquatic vegetation in Cloud forests and swamps the Sumatran rhinoceros endures a living Relic from the past this species dor rhinos sumatranus stands as the smallest of rhinos and among the most intriguing it has maintained its appearance for about 2 million years evidence suggests a link to the extinct woolly [Music] rhinoceros with only a few dozen individuals in the wild it's critically endangered if ranks among the rarest mammals on Earth Beyond its biodiversity Indonesia resonates with the warmth of its volcanoes and earthquakes positioned on the Pacific Ring of Fire it's home to most of the world's active volcanoes and an earthquake prone [Music] area it's among countries with the highest volcano count brimming with captivating Landscapes and the nation with the most active volcanoes scattered across several islands even Indonesian Ocean Floors are teeming with volcanic activity the geothermal energy from these underwater volcanoes generates hot bubbles that rise to the surface [Music] Lake Toba located in Sumatra is the world's largest volcanic [Music] Lake it originated from a cataclysmic eruption around 70 24,000 years ago the area surrounding this lake is inhabited by the botok people famed for their unique houses with its Blue Waters encircled by Green hills and mountains it's sometimes likened to the picturesque Lakes of Central Europe the katoa volcano nestled in the Sund Strait is Infamous for its catastrophic eruption in 1883 deemed the second largest in recorded history explosions were so loud they were heard in Western Australia equivalent to about 200 megatons of TNT it was thousands of time stronger than the Hiroshima [Music] bomb pyroclastic flows combined with volcanic ash and tsunamis devastating the region and impacting climates globally a British captain from that era wrote a horrendous explosion so Fierce it shattered crew members eardrums with a continual rain of stone and [Music] dust one of the most hazardous active volcanoes in the Pacific Ring of Fire is Mount marapi situated in Central [Music] Java ancient Indonesian Legends and Monumental forces are entwined around it its eruptions are known to be notably explosive and frequent [Music] but Mori isn't solely a harbinger of Destruction its slopes are fertile from volcanic [Music] ash facilitating the regions thriving [Music] agriculture [Music] venturing east of java Mount bromo greets us with its signature mysterious [Music] Aura it sits within a massive Caldera named the Tanger [Music] Caldera an active volcano its eruptions are [Music] commonplace toxic gases emitted in the crater area pose a continual [Music] threat Mount bromo's name derives from Brahma the Hindu god who created the universe every year the Tanger pay tribute in the crater with food and flowers [Music] Mount bromo is part of bromo Tanger samaru National [Music] Park one of Indonesia's few deserts is located in this [Music] area [Music] it's covered by the ash from Mount bromo's eruptions with a cold and Sharp [Music] air this is the Sea of sand a desert plane more reminiscent of a lunar landscape than a tropical [Music] country here sandstorms occasionally occur so one must be [Music] prepared a blue gleam beckons us to explore another of East Java's volcanic Treasures the E [Music] volcano this sural turquoise crater is one of the planet's largest acid [Music] craters at dawn when the the first light of day filters through the Horizon the Crater Lake shines [Music] brightly and sulfur Vapors create [Music] clouds for years local miners have descended to extract [Music] sulfur taking risks as it's a tremendous and dangerous [Music] task at dusk een reveals an unexpected spectacle the blue flames because of the sulfuric gases that combust upon contact with the air ethereal blue flames Dance in the Dark [Music] Darkness we follow the sound of water to find another Javanese natural wonder tumac seu with mount semaru in the [Applause] [Music] background despite its dazzling Beauty it's not widely known [Music] internationally from above the view is simply [Music] extraordinary water flows like silver veins within an emerald green heart it's said that Nature's spirits inhab the [Music] surroundings on sumbawa Island lies the Tambora volcano famous in the history of volcanology in 1815 the most powerful eruption recorded in modern history occurred here it was four times stronger than katoa leaving behind the massive Caldera visible today it's believed to have caused the deaths of between 71,000 and 250,000 people both directly and indirectly [Music] at the Eastern end of Indonesia in the province of East nusa tangara stands the Kelly Mutu [Music] volcano it's a complex volcano with three Crater Lakes at its Summit they are unique because they unpredictably change [Music] color ranging from blue green and black to red and brown depending on volcanic activity and the sun's position each lake has a specific name associated with the souls believed to inhabit them tiu ATU blue in color is the lake of Elder Souls tiu COI Nua muri in green and blue hues of young souls and maidens tiu atap Polo red or brown in color the Enchanted Lake returning to Java in the central area of the island Boro budor awaits it's one of the Ancient Wonders built by man not a typical Temple but a stone mundela embodying Buddhist [Music] Enlightenment built in the 9th century this imposing complex is the world's largest Buddhist Monument astonishingly Boro budor was hidden under volcanic ash and vegetation for centuries until its rediscovery and Restoration in the 19th century not far away the pranan temple weaves a difference story dedicated to Hindu [Music] [Music] cosmology it's a complex of Hindu temples with Slender and pointed Towers dedicated to the Hind Hindu Trinity Brahma the Creator Vishnu the preserver and Shiva the Destroyer with the central Temple dedicated to Shiva the reliefs in pranan are equally captivating among which stand out a series of panels narrating the Epic ramayana just as borobudur pranan was forgotten reclaimed by the jungle and earthquakes until its rediscovery in modern [Music] times crossing the Java sea we arrive at a much smaller Island yet far more renowned worldwide [Music] gentle sea breezes Cliffs beaches and rice fields greet Us in Bol the island of the Gods [Music] here spirituality and Beauty blend in a symphony of [Music] nature while Bali is a part of Indonesia it seems to belong to a realm of its own the island is distinguished by its peaceful culture stunning panoramas and a Serenity that attracts [Music] tourists bali's Landscapes are like a moving painting with Terraces cascading [Music] downward centuries ago the banese began carving the hillsides to cultivate rice thus creating an intricate Mosaic of green fields winding through the Hills this ancient agricultural system known as subac is more than just a farming method it's a philosophy a community and a way of [Music] life in Bali art and religion are inseparable temples serve both as places of worship and time capsules preserving [Music] [Applause] Traditions the uluwatu temple is among the most [Music] iconic stands majestically on a cliff overlooking the Indian [Music] Ocean it's one of the nine temples believed by Banes to protect the island from evil [Music] spirits [Music] nearby the tanot temple unfolds another spectacle before our [Music] eyes as if a piece of land between sky and sea it stands on a rock isolated during high tide [Music] tanot is believed to have been inspired by the priest Nara who was taken by the sight's beauty and decided to construct a temple [Music] there a fascinating aspect of tanal lot is the sacred cave at its base supposedly guarded by a mystical sea [Music] snake visitors often leave offerings and seek blessings from local [Music] priests we have head to ubed bali's Heart where culture art and nature [Music] intertwine considered by many as bali's cultural [Music] epicenter surrounded by rice fields and jungle [Music] areas one of the most curious places in ubad is the sacred monkey Forest [Music] it's a sanctuary inhabited by hundreds of mischievous [Music] monkeys moreover there are various moss covered temples and statues worthy of a Magical Tale generally the monkeys aren't dangerous but caution is advised as some might snatch objects or food from [Music] visitors dominating the Eastern Island's landscape is Mount aung which in recent years has seen multiple [Music] eruptions bali's highest peak the mother of all mountains is deemed Sacred by the [Music] Balan believed to be the home of the Gods temples are built aligned with the mountain and locals frequently prey facing it [Music] however it's an active and dangerous volcano a major eruption could be disastrous for nearby [Music] residence a short boat ride takes us to an entirely different world nusa [Music] pan located just off bali's southeast coast this island is a Haven of natural beauty and serenity nusa panita is the biggest of the three nusa islands Nature's magic wand touched this [Music] place it's rugged Co Coast lines crystalclear water beaches and breathtaking Cliff Landscapes are awe [Music] inspiring the most beautiful beaches can be challenging to access and strong currents often prohibit swimming in some areas NSA panita acts as a natural barrier for ocean currents being part of a Marine [Music] reserve in Manta Bay divers and snorkelers get the chance to swim alongside giant manta rays unlike other Manta species they are harmless creatures and amongst the ocean's largest their constant motion pushes oxygen-rich water through their [Music] gills the mola mola another incredible fish found in nusa [Music] panita it's the world's heaviest bony fish they're flat and when extending their fins are as tall as they are [Music] long usually solitary swimmers they occasionally [Music] group in the Bali sea and throughout the rest of Indonesia hundreds of marine species await [Music] Discovery some are strange and [Music] peculiar like the wonderpus photogenicus [Music] octopus it can quickly alter its color and shape to evade Danger The Blue Ribbon eel has vibrant coloring and moves in a wavy [Music] motion Garden eels burrow into Sandy seabeds to shelter and catch food drifting in the current the range of colors and shapes make nud branks stand [Music] out they shed their shells after the larval [Music] phase the term nudan describes their visible respiratory [Music] organ some possess High toxicity and the ability to emit [Music] light we set sail Eastward from nenita crossing the blue Indonesian Waters [Music] reaching the iconic Komodo national [Music] park it is a conservation area covering the islands of Komodo rinka and padar as well as several isets and Marine [Music] areas this park is home to the legendary Komodo dragon the world's largest [Music] lizard it should not be confused with the water monitor the second largest lizard found across much of Southeast [Music] Asia Komodo dragons have a prehistoric and fierce appearance they are apex predators mostly feeding on Carion but they also hunt [Music] the water buffalo which resides in various parts of the park is one of their prey straying from the group makes a juvenile and easy [Music] target the bite of these lizards is not as strong as that of crocodiles [Music] but it's highly venomous capable of killing their prey in just a few [Music] hours attacks on humans are rare but have occurred when solitary individuals search for food in settlements they can swim but prefer not to venture far from their native [Music] violence sailing Northeast we reach Raja Amat an archipelago not widely known internationally making it a hidden G [Music] M it consists of over 1,500 small islands and [Music] eyelets it's nicknamed the Amazon of the oceans due to its impressive [Music] biodiversity the the waters surrounding Raja OT have one of the world's highest marine species diversities with about 2,000 reef fish species it's the global epicenter of tropical Marine [Music] biodiversity the spot finin porcupine fish has its body covered in spine for defense against [Music] predators the pygmy seahorse has evolved to camouflage amidst the [Music] gorgonians one of the most admirable camouflages in the animal kingdom in the areas adjacent to Raja ampat in West Papua it's possible to spot the whale shark they are gentle Giants friendly and harmless to humans being the largest fish on the planet they breathe through [Music] gills their wide mouths contain thousands of tiny [Music] teeth they Traverse broad distances across the oceans feeding by filtration consuming Plankton microscopic plants and small fish each has a distinct pattern of white spots and Stripes like human [Music] fingerprints to the West we find a region of rainforests adapted to River geography we are in Borneo or calam Manan shared by Indonesia Malaysia and brunai the bornean aratan subspecies which represents the largest wild orangutan population resides [Music] here whereas a century ago it spanned the entire Island now it's only in scattered [Music] areas in calam Manan Rivers turn into floating [Music] markets they're vital to the economy alongside gold and diamond produ [Music] ction entire families rely on this water Centric [Music] lifestyle for 's second most famous primate is the prascus [Music] monkey They mainly inhabit coastal areas along rivers and in Mangrove [Music] forests living in harams with one dominant male several females and their offspring the male is distinct with its large long nose which swells when he's aroused or [Music] agitated it's believed that the nose size enhances vocalizations and is a desirable trait for females their gut is designed to break down hardto digest leaves causing a bloated appearance due to [Music] gases they are skilled climbers spending most of their life in [Music] trees in borneo's Evergreen forests at low altitudes we spot the unique [Music] sunbear decades ago it was common in southeast Asia's tropical forests but its numbers have alarmingly [Music] declined it's the smallest among Bears yet it can be [Music] aggressive it has a short snout and large round ears with long curved claws adapted for climbing and digging for insects and honey [Music] though omnivorous it shows a strong preference for honey and [Music] termites they are solitary creatures that mark their territories with scent glands [Music] lifting our gaze we discover the illusive [Music] kugo a common inhabitant of the middle and upper layers of the forest canopy [Music] they're also called flying lemur they don't fly in the strict sense but Glide skillfully from One Tree to another females give birth to a single Offspring after a gestation period of about 60 days [Music] days when born they are vulnerable they cling to their mother's belly protected as she moves through the [Music] trees [Music] the world's smallest elephant subspecies the Borneo pygmy elephant has a small population in Northern calaman usually found in lowland tropical forests and river valleys their tusks tend to be straight and in some males are not [Music] visible moving in matriarchal groups these animals are led by an adult female and consist of females and young [Music] ones [Music] during their first months the calf depends on its mother and receives additional protection from other group [Music] members they are only found in the northern sector of Borneo with several dozen individuals in calam Manan and the majority in the m Asian part borneo's tropical forest is one of the oldest and most biodiverse in the [Music] world in addition to the fascinating Wildlife this part of the planet houses unique and endemic plants on the ground the most eye-catching plant is the raia aroldi whose flower is the largest in the world it's undeniably beautiful with its thick and fleshy petals however this flower has a peculiar Secret [Music] when it blooms it releases an intense smell of decaying flesh attracting flies and beetles to pollinate [Music] it [Music] having explored some of Indonesia's natural wonders we move on to learn about its culture and people Jakarta is Indonesia's largest city the most populace and one of Southeast Asia's oldest continuously inhabited cities since the nation's Independence in 1945 Jakarta has been its capital yet the government decided to relocate it to New santara in Borneo the country's New Capital the plan with new santara is to balance development between Java and the other Islands moving the capital to a central point in the archipelago [Music] nevertheless Jakarta might Remain the economic and Cultural Center for a long [Music] time this Mega City contrasts sharply with the Serene nature and relaxed pace of other Islands [Music] part of the population leads their lives in these [Music] skyscrapers the massive shopping centers are the main places for leisure and commerce [Music] people from all over Indonesia and Asia come here to make a living turning the city into a place with multiple [Music] cultures walking through the city the iconic monus shines as a symbol of Indonesia's [Music] freedom ragunan is the ideal spot for nature enthusiasts wanting to see animals rarely found in other zoos like the orangutan the [Music] gorilla the comodo [Music] dragon or the ca [Applause] [Music] among all the islands of Indonesia there are over 1,200 ethnic [Music] groups between volcanoes and fertile agricultural lands lies the Javanese ethnicity the country's largest ethnic [Music] group The Javanese follow a unique blend of Islamic beliefs and traditional [Music] spirituality they are predominantly Muslims though some of their customs and rituals incorporate elements from Hinduism Buddhism and animist [Music] beliefs from West Java come the sundan the second largest ethnic group in terms of [Music] population their customs and Traditions reflect an inherent sense of politeness and respect towards [Music] others spirituality also permeates every aspect of the daily life of another ethnic group The Banes group cremation ceremonies are commonly observed and individual ones Banes Hindus believe that the soul remains trapped in the body until [Music] cremation in individual cremations are expensive and usually pertain to members of the upper social class although Indonesia is predominantly Muslim Bali is mostly [Music] Hindu it's a unique form of Hinduism blending with animistic beliefs and the worship of local [Music] deities throughout the day especially in the morning Banes make offerings known as gang [Music] s these are small baskets made of banana leaves filled with flowers food and sometimes money offered to the Gods in gratitude silence is also a part of Banes culture once a year during Nei or the Day of Silence the island comes to a halt there's no traffic lights or work Banes spend the day in reflection and meditation a stark contrast to the ceremonies observed daily in Central and Southern Borneo reside the Dak an ethnicity composed of of various indigenous groups each with its own customs and ways of life in the highlands of suasi is the Taja tribe they are known for their boat-shaped houses called Tong Conan that rise on stilts and are adorned with detailed carvings and [Music] paintings many Taja have adopted Christianity this is one of the world's tallest St statues of Jesus Christ located in [Music] sui however their ancient animistic beliefs still persist in their daily lives and [Music] rituals one of the most intriguing aspects of this culture are their funeral Traditions upon the passing of a Community member a ceremony with Buffalo and pig sacrifices feasts and dances is [Music] celebrated they also feature a unique burial method in Cliffs the coffins are placed in cavities carved into the Rock often accompanied by toaa wooden statues representing the [Music] deceased while in suoi one must mention the peculiar crested black [Music] MAAC locally known as Yaki which inhabits the tanoko Nature [Music] Reserve its most distinctive feature is the crest on its [Music] head it's endemic to the rainforests of suu oi Island as well as some nearby islands like lmbe and manad [Music] DOA another strange animal from sui is the babusa its upper tusks grow upwards and curve backwards piercing through its snout and growing toward its [Music] skull if not worn down these tusks can grow long enough to penetrate the animals [Music] skull in the eastern most part of Indonesia in lmata the lamalera people live [Music] for centuries they've engaged in traditional whale hunting as a means of subsistence hunting still takes place in traditional boats called peladang the food serves to feed the entire Village which is why they are exempt from the global ban on whale [Music] hunting on Flores Island live the [Laughter] mangarai this island was somewhat of a lost world animals extinct elsewhere since prehistoric times surv survived [Music] here among them the homo floresiensis or florz man also nicknamed [Music] Hobbit based on Islanders accounts some authors suggest this being might still live in Flores other scientists have asserted that would be impossible the fact that Indonesian folklore speaks of the aurang pend deck and reported sightings have persisted for over a century surely Sparks curiosity according to Witnesses it's a primate covered in short hair the size of a child among the mountains and pristine jungles of West Papua the donni tribe resides whose culture and way of life have largely remained unchanged for centuries traditionally wearing only the essentials tribe members Adorn their bodies with feathers shells and natural pigments they face the challenge of balancing the preservation of their ancestral culture with adapting to a changing World in South papaa another of these indigenous tribes resides the Asmat canoes are essential to them handcarved from tree trunks they use them for transportation fishing and ceremonial rituals the Asmat are expert Navigators and fishermen with the canoe representing a symbol of status and skill [Music] all this cultural wealth is tasted through the incredible variety of Indonesian culinary [Music] Delights the Sate or sat is essentially grilled meat skewers boxo is a meatball soup which can be accompanied by rice noodles and vegetables a popular dish is Nasi gorang fried rice served with meat vegetables and sometimes a fried [Music] egg [Music] Soo a traditional soup might include beef noodles and an assortment of vegetables all in a broth flavored with local herbs and spices renang originating from the minang gabal region in Sumatra is a slow cooked beef stew prepared in coconut milk and a blend of herbs and spices Nasi tumang is a rice dish served alongside various stews and complimentary [Music] dishes kipik USU sayam are cleaned chicken intestines seasoned and then [Music] fried Mar tabak tour is a type of pie which can be sweet or savory filled with minced meat and [Music] eggs kab Kong is a dessert made of glutenous rice palm sugar and shredded coconut it's presented as small cakes and is popular at traditional [Music] festivals seblak is a spicy soup made with ingredients like chicken wings noodles eggs or rice cracker seasoned with chili peppers and other [Music] spices kak tayor is a crispy cake made from glutenous rice eggs shredded coconut and a spice blend it's slowly cooked to achieve a crispy surface and a tender [Music] filling boora Asura is a stew made with rice legumes and other ingredients it's usually prepared during the day of a shura in Islamic culture consumed as a way to commemorate and give thanks [Music] in Bali there's Bobby guling banese style roasted suckling pig seasoned with spices and herbs for a more exotic or unusual treat for foreigners there's the catfish it's caught or farmed and is cooked fried stewed or grilled bats are consumed in specific areas like suasi and the malua islands albeit less so [Music] nowadays after being caught they're marinated in a spice and Herb blend then grilled or stewed eel on the other hand is a common food in various Indonesian regions it's especially popular in coastal areas where it's freshly caught and prepared in several [Music] ways in Indonesia Faith profoundly influences daily life it's the country with the largest Muslim population globally close to nine out of 10 individuals identify as Muslim however it's officially a pluralist nation Islam Protestant ISM Catholicism Hinduism Buddhism and Confucianism are all recognized the diversity and complexity of this country become even more apparent when diving into Linguistics with over 700 recognized local languages Indonesia is one of the world's most linguistically diverse Nations among them one language unites Indonesians Bahasa Indonesia or simply Indonesian the official language it plays a crucial role in connecting the various ethnicities and regions of the country using the Indonesian language is mandatory in schools and it's employed in government administ rtion media and [Music] literature it's the means by which Indonesians engage in society Express their ideas and connect with fellow countrymen interestingly the Indonesian language is known for being relatively easy to learn it lacks complicated verb conjugations gender grammar and uses the Latin [Music] alphabet Indonesia is an economic giant being the largest economy in southeast Asia its economy is as diverse as its thousands of islands showcasing a mix of Industries and economic activities a key factor in the Indonesian economy is its abundance of Natural Resources the land is rich in oil natural gas tin copper and gold oil and gas extraction in particular has been a crucial Revenue source for the country though in recent years there's been a push to diversify the economy to reduce its [Music] Reliance agriculture remains significant [Music] Indonesia is one of the top Global producers of rice tea coffee spices and palm [Music] oil despite the challenges posed by deforestation agriculture continues to employ millions of Indonesians proving essential for the country's food [Music] security the nation has also seen rapid growth in the textile Electronics automobile and Footwear [Music] Industries the tourism sector is on the rise with its beaches Rich culture and biodiversity the archipelago attracts Travelers worldwide while Bali is the most popular destination interest in other islands is growing and considering the vastness of the country and its many islands there's still much to explore like the tidal boore which occurs in the compar river of Sumatra it's a natural phenomenon where an incoming tide forms a wave that moves Upstream against the river's current this phenomenon is quite rare and occurs in only a few places worldwide because of all this Indonesia meets many conditions to become a global economic Powerhouse in the [Music] future it's the fourth most populous country in the world and boasts a young growing [Music] population this means it has a big domestic market and a large potential Workforce located between the Pacific and Indian oceans it's strategically positioned for international trade to understand present-day Indonesian culture it's vital to know some of its recent history from the 4th Century several Hindu and Buddhist Kingdoms thrived in this Asian region such as the tarum managara suaya and majapahit from the 13th to the 16th Century the kingdom of majapahit became the dominant power this is considered the Golden Age of Javanese culture and [Music] civilization with the arrival of Traitor and missionaries Islam began to establish a foothold in Indonesia around the 13th century by the 16th century most Coastal States in Sumatra ra Java and Borneo were Muslim sultanates the country's last sultanate is that of Yogyakarta which still exists today in the 16th century Europeans primarily Portuguese and later the Dutch started arriving in search of spices the Dutch eventually became the colonial rulers of what was known as the the Dutch East [Music] Indies during World War II Indonesia was under Japanese Occupation and after Japan surrender in 1945 president sukarno accompanied by Muhammad hat declared independence however the Dutch attempted to recover the territory sparking a war that lasted until 1949 when the Netherlands recognized Indonesia's [Music] Independence now that you're familiar with much of the country you might be considering a visit let's discuss what to know if traveling is a [Music] tourist although the majority of tourists face no issues it's crucial to be aware of potential natural disasters given its location on the Ring of Fire Indonesia is earthquake prone underwater earthquakes can cause tsunamis which sometimes reach the shores quickly as has happened in the [Music] past with hundreds of active volcanoes eruptions are a real threat these can result in pyroclastic flows Ash showers and Lahar [Music] flows heavy rainfall can lead to floods and landslides in the most touristy area of Bali the South there's a tsunami detection system if traveling to other less frequented areas or Islands it's advisable to recognize signs that a tsunami is approaching and to install a disaster signaling app if you feel an earthquake or see the water receding unusually from the shoreline it's a sign a tsunami might be coming move to Higher Ground [Music] if areas around a volcano are closed off there's a good reason don't [Music] trespass Indonesia spans immense distances it's advisable to plan your travel route in [Music] advance check which areas you'd like to visit visit and how much time you'd need for each it's a tropical country so keep the weather in [Music] mind the rainy season runs from November to March dry season spans from April to October indon IIA offers a wide range of accommodation options for all budgets luxury stays usually come at a considerable price while hosts and guest houses are much more affordable taxis rental cars and buses are common in cities whereas in rural areas mini buses and motorcycles might be the only [Music] option on the islands tourists often rent motorcycles if you're inexperienced it's advisable not to and if you do always exercise caution and wear a helmet the currency in Indonesia is the Indonesian rupia it's advisable to carry cash especially in rural areas where ATMs are rare and establishments only accept cash generally Indonesia is a safe country to travel in however as anywhere basic safety precautions are recommended diseases transmitted by mosquitoes like malaria and den pose a risk in some areas consult your doctor before traveling to see if you need any vaccines or preventative medicine Indonesians are friendly and hospitable it's important to respect local customs and [Music] traditions avoid actions that could be perceived as disrespectful towards the people or [Music] religion in Balan temples dress modestly and follow the sight's rules [Music] in mosques appropriate dress is also required and shoes should be removed before entering among other rules to help address the plastic issue carry a reusable bottle and avoid using plastic bags Indonesian culture is collectivist reflecting in everyday life with a more relaxed pace than the [Music] West there's the concept of hamarat meaning rubber thy it denotes time expanding and Contracting like rubber here it's uncommon to say time is wasted if someone waits for another it's understood the other person needs [Music] time punctuality is valued in Business and Professional settings but timing isn't as strict with Harmony and personal relationships prioritized [Music] if you find yourself waiting and feeling impatient try remembering this unique aspect of Indonesian [Music] culture and with that we conclude our virtual tour of this beautiful country [Music] I hope you enjoyed it until our next Journey samai humal [Music] lagi
Channel: Lifeder En
Views: 1,645,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Indonesia, countries, world, planet, earth
Id: Y7VZ-krWvlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 14sec (5774 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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