Discovering Something Heartbreaking at Hollywood Forever Cemetery | I Never Knew This Was Here

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I've never ventured past these walls into this area of Hollywood forever and I can't believe what I found here this is [Music] unbelievable I know you going to dig [Music] this F with me n [Music] what's going on everybody how you doing today here I am at Hollywood Forever Cemetery uh if you've watched my channel before you've seen me here at Hollywood Forever Cemetery it's uh sounds weird to say but it's kind of my favorite Cemetery to visit and not just due to the fact that there's a lot of celebrities here in my channel is about Palm culture but um the animals the beauty fact it's right in Hollywood Hollywood Forever uh and it's always beautiful I mean it's one of the more beautiful cemeteries you're ever going to see and I was sitting having breakfast this morning listening to some Angels and Airwaves great band if you don't know them I love them and I was thinking about the stories that I'm working on today here there's about four I'm doing four individual stories and then I thought well I oh a cat running through the I'm very easily distracted by these cats here oh special shout out from uh Jana and April to the cats there it goes they asked me to say hello to the cats for them um so I was listening to music and I was doing my uh research and stuff and I thought well you know I've done walkthroughs of Hollywood Forever many times before my channel various Graves and overviews visited like tons of celebrities in one video or two times I've done that I thought today I'm going to do something like that but just really off the cuff I have going to start here I want to show you a grave right by the side of the road here that I that I've just noticed I've never noticed it before I kind of think it's cool and then just look at some celebrity Graves while I'm getting prepared to work on my other ones so if you're watching this video it's probably Wednesday June 12th if you're watching the day it came out uh cuz I'm working on so many things here in Los Angeles I'm I'm working on some bigger projects and they take a lot of time to edit it's very difficult to edit at night on the road I'm finding it as I'm getting older I'm finding it I'm editing all night and waking up early try to film so I'm was like today I'm just going to put up a video that's not a lot of maybe a couple pictures of the people but all as you know as always pay our respects to everyone that's here hope that made sense it was kind of a garbled mess now I just I just noticed this Zak and look at the picture and there is a cat Hall forever is famous for his cats he's right there watching me and I'm watching him hello he just ran up this tree as soon as I came over take a look at this grave I don't know anything about them 1985 and 1991 is when they passed they just look awesome I love it right across the street here you're going to see so many graves with pictures on it eted in like that and gorgeous gorgeous headstones this one I've never noticed before hiob and Olympia and I hope they're resting peacefully and I just love that picture I feel that if I sat down to talk with them we wouldn't understand each other I think there'd be a language Bearer i' like to say they just look like a sweet couple they probably accomplished so much and probably so many people who love them and miss them don't normally show a lot of private grades but I just like that picture so much just caught my eye now the oh the cats I could start off with the cats if you'd like normally I go to celebrity Graves and then visit the cats or the peac PE fowl afterward but today just walk right over to the cats see what they're up to when you come into Hollywood Forever make an immediate left go past the P file cage and here's where you're going to find all the cats and they're well fed I've said this many times taken care of and they live outside here and they get a lot of food look at these guys hello hi now is it the same black one that was over there kind of looks exactly the same the way he's nestled like that I see you hey so sweet no no interest what about you buddy nope okay we're not going to force the relationship I get it so it says there do not feed the animals that's because they are fed and taken care of so and they sit and they lay on the headstones they're all up behind here this is early in the day so they may maybe a lot of them are still sleepy I'm I have I'm a dog person I love cats too but haven't owned a cat since I was a little kid so I don't know what their schedule is what are you doing all right we're going to go over to the center visit some old familiar Graves pay our respects um right over there that cat I showed you at the beginning when I just said now if that other black hatat is that same black hatat no that black hatat still look there in the center he's still there so he has a doppelganger cats are right down there at the end of that road I didn't make it very far because I want to stop and show this grave that I've seen many times with all the dogs daxon I believe still bringing people people together Mike is man oh I don't think Mike's Mike might still be alive there's no death date journalist activist Uncle friend got couch with a lot of dogs let me Google that yes he's a journalist writer activist that's what it says and he's still alive he has multiple scaros I believe living with his daxon here in Hollywood here we are beautiful Graves and one other one I want to show you one with the horses on it Robert C diman and Bruce Bronson with a couple of horses right beside Vampira m n me you don't see this too often with the horses on well actually I don't see this to often I haven't seen this and I've been to vampires but I don't think I ever noticed that before the horses on it very cool Lori beckan a creative joyful passionate writer activist and friend who devoted her life to making the world better and More Beautiful yeah oh and of course I'm not going to get into a full I've done I've done that before I'll try to find that video put a link to it did pretty well so I love you to see it Darren McGavin the father from A Christmas Story right back here um de Ramon's down around just down that way and who's over here John Houston's over here Fame director yeah lot of lot of people okay we're going to move over into that area across the pond before I leave leave looks straight ahead middle of the screen see those flowers on just to the middle screen that's Bert rand's right in the middle there's Bert did a whole video on that grave and on Mr Reynolds right there there's the Bandit's grave and while I'm here vampire's grave right here take a look at that bust that is crazy that is very very detailed wow mice now I forgot the name m organizan up here says hovan I'm not sure what the last name of this gentleman is but hope he's resting peacefully and that's a very impressive very impressive uh bus there Chris Cornell right here always trying to take a look to see what's going on with Chris's grave one of my favorite musicians of all time and people leaving things rocks coins pictures Flags pin Wheels helina Hinson she was young lady that was shot accidentally on the set of rust the Alec Baldwin film right there and over here uh Tony Scott the famous film director right here Top Gun it's got a list of his films on the side I believe does did I say Top Gun yeah Top Gun uh Days of Thunder True Romance the fan with dairo one of my favorite movies taking of pelum 123 I believe that was a remake the one with um Travolta and Denzel Wason I love that movie over here this is a senot had McDaniel is not actually buried here she's somewhere else in Los Angeles at a different Cemetery there reads to honor her last wish had McDaniel 1895 to 1952 renowned performer Academy Award 1939 Gone With The Wind in Hattie you are credit to your craft your race and to your family Edgar Goff dedication October 26 6 1999 let's go um Johnny Ramon of the Ramon right here we got some nice um Rob Zombies written on it has a inscription on it Eddie veter El on the back Lisa Marie Presley Oh Linda Ramone you're my partner you're the coolest I love you much for love you so much forever and always and of course I've showed this grave before Edmund simonian he's an artist look at him look at that I'm telling you you may not get cooler than Edmond simonian and I say that completely with the truth I'm not being sarcastic that's just awesome the jacket the cane the glass is the Hat incredible rest in peace Edmond as it made my way past Edmond here I've seen this cve before Brad Dunning and the inscription on the side reads from Kiss to kiss breath to breath my soul surrenders as to as astonished to death which I believe is a Patty Smith quote I think he was a former punk rock turned interior designer Brad Dunning pretty sure the MS or something I I was looking it up before once I should look now but he was an interior designer but before that he was a part of the punk rock scene and there's not really much information on when he passed away or anything maybe he's not dead maybe he's still alive well maybe somebody write in the comments cuz I'm not sure if Mr D is alive or or not but it's possible this is just his plot bought in advance but this says born 1957 and no death date hello I've actually never walked right down along here to the edge of the water went on the edge of the water on there see some turtles turtles Right There not seen any Canadian geese yet Irene Mama Irene right yes Mama Irene this is a very uh oh she got some dust it off a bit come yeah just dusted off a little bit the best beautiful statue of Mama Irene Not only was she perfect she was Italian and over here look at these owls I've never seen these owls before unless ass me they owls from it's the bench with owls wow some sort of praying Angel a Cher oh there's a grave right there cannot read it can't see it and over here we have Anton yelin um if you come out here usually one of his parents his mother or father are sitting here with him that's usually uh almost every time I come here there one of one of the two of them sitting which is sweet and sad he died so young one of one of my favorite actors I love Anon I thought he was great Alpha Dog I've said this a million times alpha dog is in my top five movies of all time so you know now just on the other side of this small W here there is a service going on so we're going to be very very quiet and I hope you can hear me Toto now that is just a memorial to Toto for Wizard of Oz of course he was I believe buried somewhere they made room for the 101 freeway or maybe the five I think it was the one I'm not sure a long time ago when he passed away or she passed away I think it was let me see Ventura freeway I Studio City this is just a memorial originally named Terry and then right up here I've SE shown Mickey Rooney's grave before yes the ceremony is just wrapping up beside me Micky roon in here and H this wall here with Alicia Benham I've looked her up before she was an actress lot of younger in RC well no but Roa kadali feminist Pioneer Steven John a but I was looking up there if you can see grace Elizabeth messing bring only 22 activist artist actress so it seem like there's a lot of actors and actresses although it's just actor now Rayman ente and of course this wall I've shown many many times Holly woodlon Andy Warhol Superstar and and then down here I mean Bob esti herb Jeff and Larry Drake La law remember that show we've got Tom Reed The Master Blaster so these walls seem to all be empty right now all these walls along this side just give you an indication of where we are there's the center of the pond and anthon Elin Chris Cornell are that way excuse my finger so we come along here this wall oh I've never noticed in here before I've never seen this does open I just see here right on the other side wow all these Graves back here behind I've never seen these before ever let me see what's going on here if there's it's open it's not it's not locked it's a gate I'm going to take a look inside if if I can move it there we go what oh my goodness I have never in my 30 or 40 times at least I've been to Hollywood for I've never seen oh I mean I guess let me see what we got here some Crips no it's all walls if you wouldn't even notice these Graves back here but there's some well tended I mean they're not the best tended two some things are fallen over I wish I could pick everything up as you can see it's kind of everywhere everything everywhere um wow oh is this no it's not I thought maybe this was going to be like baby land because this is our little angel so this is for a little baby 1999 to 2003 Ashley rest in peace little Ashley here we have Julian 2001 to 2002 yeah that looks like the ones along here are for oh it is it's all little babies I did I 200000 to 2002 little Durant hey buddy so I guess this is Hollywood baby land is every Cemetery has a baby land pretty much where the young where they bu where they bury the babies in children that didn't make it or didn't La didn't live too long um and I guess this is it let's say this child was still born Julio August 5th 2002 some of them just have the date they were born except I did not know that there was a baby land at Hollywood Forever and it's heartbreaking to see this little Jason little Victor little Adam yeah 8 years old for little Fernando here oh it's little picture and I know what you're thinking like I mean Hol forever is beautiful these right there you can see Grays that are taken care of really well and um these are but these everything's falling in and I I I'm not able to fix up every single one but it runs all the way down there all the way these are all babies I've never ventured past these walls into this area of Hollywood forever and I can't believe what I found here this is unbelievable I'm just walking up one year uh 3 years old little dollhouse look at that wow our baby Rogelio Andreas Espinosa 11 1801 mommy loves you safe In the Arms of Jesus only made it a a few months little Jonathan W so all the ones against the wall are babies oh josi no Joseph Angel Gonzalez always in our hearts baby stomper I had no idea no idea seems to end right about here to regular Graves actually there's not too many slav Beed on this side that I know of most in the middle and on the far side of Hollywood Forever that I've done sensibly but I had no clue that Hollywood Forever had its own baby land lesie lesie Vasquez as morala it's hard there's a lot of look at the I mean families got to get out here if they can it's probably difficult for them uh yeah there we go it's it's a big job I will let them know the front gate excuse me Gabriel I would let them know looks to be I mean whatever Vine This is just tree and things are buried toys oh my goodness oh it's just it I think the graves are tended to I can tell excuse me I was just coughing with the the it's manicure the grass and everything it's taken care of here it's just this this wall uh everything's Falls but you can see people come out here quite a bit so it is taken care of these babies are not forgotten all the way down all the way down it's that little Ashley our baby CD Carolina Cruise wow an Maria Nathalia Ayala Lupita Martinez again another one one one month old here did not expect to find this I'm glad I did though yeah I think I'm going to wrap the video up here i' um like I said I've done extensive visits to Hollywood Forever with lots of celebrities and this is a new area that I've never visited before I've never didn't even know it was here and obviously it's heartbreaking and for you to see it's very sad let's not forget all these babies from one day old born still born a few of them just 6 Seven 8 nine just little kids I'm sorry a bit of a sad ending I was just going to do a walk around Hol forever and I did not realize I was going to discover this at all um rest of peace all the little babies behind me and uh to everyone here at Holly forever not just celebrities all the regular people as well all right thanks for watching everybody peace out
Channel: SCOTT ON TAPE - Your Pop Culture Tour Guide
Views: 198,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hollywood graveyard, Hollywood forever cemetery, Hollywood forever cemetery tour, Famous graves, Faces of the forgotten, Chris Cornell grave, Burt Reynolds grave, Anne Heche grave, Cemetery, Cemeteries
Id: vLh13-ZZiRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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