Discovering PARADISE in Koh Samui, Thailand - Is This the BEST Island in Thailand?

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foreign [Music] we have made our way to Southern Thailand finally finally we're here yes and we are on the island of Koh Samui very excited to be here it is absolutely beautiful what we've seen so far we're not all excited to be here on the island we're excited to be right here in Fisherman's Village exactly where we chose to stay and we think we made the right choice but we're going to walk around we're going to check this out and uh and see how much we're really going to enjoy it thank you [Music] [Music] another one better get a new shirt I might get a new shirt yeah I'm digging the pineapples pineapples look cool right here black blue all kinds let's grab the chain cake top your tan yeah I like the one with the green bars around it though one of the things that we're noticing is we've just started walking through the main street here a couple things actually there are restaurants really some amazing restaurants right on the water with a really great view right yeah even better there's an average pup go figure yeah and how many Irish pubs do you know of that look at over in the Crystal Blue Water like this one does it looks nice pretty sure we'll be getting a beer there sometime in the next month yeah that's for sure the other thing that's really nice on this street that um just anywhere that you honestly any place we've been it's so busy is that the traffic is really minimal and they can only go One Direction so you're not having to worry about like staying off the side and people coming back in front of you you just have to kind of pay attention One Direction so yeah that's really nice it's still a little bit early too so I think it's gonna liven up yeah it's gonna be uh more people we're thinking we're hoping so thank you [Music] [Music] okay once again I did this the whole time when you're in Da Nang Vietnam and I'm doing it now I'm on the beach with my tennis shoes on again I can't wear flip-flops they don't work on my feet I don't know how to walk in them they flip and they flop off my feet is what they do so I got to figure out something else besides tennis shoes maybe those sandals those tea the sandals maybe those just not the old man the old man sandals if you have an idea for me let me know what I should buy because those tennis shoes are not working for me [Music] okay so we found one of our favorite places so far down here on the beach they have a ton of seating the seats are already in the shade which is really kind of a bonus right now because it's really scorching hot but uh the downside for us is got those beanbag chairs that Brian and I are finding a little bit harder to get out of as we get older yeah those are hard to get out of that's for sure they look they look cool though yeah they do [Music] thank you the right on the main drive here in Fisherman's Village there are a lot of resorts like some really big beautiful Resorts one of the differences that we're seeing here is if you want to stay in this main village area which would be super convenient um you're going to be on the other side of the beach they don't have like you're not right up against the beach but you're just going to cross a little walkway and I think that all of these beach resorts have access there right and the pool there at the Holiday Inn Express why do you even need the beach I'll be honest there's a bar right there you swim right up try everything you need grab yourself a beverage you're going for a nap later on that afternoon you're not Sandy or anything yeah it might be the way to go yeah we are staying in near Fisherman's Village but we're not in Fisherman's Village but I can say that uh coming back we'd probably try and get maybe a little closer down towards this area because it's really beautiful it's nice down here for sure okay as nice as that Holiday Inn Express was still is this place is right next door and it's even better yeah it's really nice and there's just uh right across the street is the beach and there's nothing there that you kind of have to in the office yeah there's there's nothing interfering with you going from the pool to the beach back to the pool right into the bar they probably don't like you getting sand in the pool but it could happen yeah you probably have a little shower foreign there are plenty of activities down here on the beach if you want to paddle board you can do that there are um jet skis for that you can rent we're not sure on the price on that but everything we found has been incredibly affordable and then of course if you want a massage you can get one right here on the beach we're not really crazy about the whole ride on the beach massage thing but uh I like my privacy when I have myself but it is an option and it is really nice please [Music] coming into Koh Samui there are a couple ways that you can get here the most common way is flying in the airport is actually one of the nicest coolest airports that we've ever been in because it's all outside they pick you up into like a little it's a trolley art open air and then they take you to baggage claim which is also outside so you hope your bag comes out last right yeah it's pretty nice yeah and then there is taxi service right there you can go ahead and just go with them or you know if you want to negotiate price we didn't worry about it on the way we just wanted to get to our place the other way that you can get here is you can take a ferry it is not the most common used way it's more common for people who maybe live on the island and go back and forth because it is a lot less expensive you know [Music] okay now we've shown United markets in Chiang Mai we've done Vietnam the 99 markets now we're down here in Fort Samui there's a night market here as well we're not going to go through all of it but there's one thing this Market has that we have not found in any other market and that's cocktails I'm getting myself a margarita I don't know what she's getting put a margarita on a day like today sounds fantastic yeah they have these awesome cocktail stands [Music] any kind of cocktail you want and they are they kind of range right around 99.80 my kids too those ribs look so good that's the one thing I'm missing about being back home is some good barbecue in the backyard as soon as we get home and making ribs just like those [Music] um [Applause] thank you that is good so strong it's good all right now I don't often have two drinks at the same time but when I do one's a margarita and one's a beer and it might be tasty to make a uh enchilada out of it brilliant [Music] oh look at that thumbs up [Music] Carrie's going to want to do this I'm gonna have to steal some of this beer they're good it's delicious [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] there's the coconut one it was only 40 Baht here which is actually one of the cheaper places that I found to get a smoothie so in it is fantastic [Music] hmm that pad Thailand should be 10 15 times since we've been in Thailand and uh they've never disappointed me looks delicious now I already drink my margarita and my beer so I'm eating dry right now um I could go get another beer but I'm so hungry right now I don't have time okay so being in Vietnam for the last month that we've kind of missed Thai food We're not gonna lie so we're excited to be back and uh back to the uh markets where it's only 70 it was 70 Baht for it for the chicken Pad Thai like Ryan said we haven't tried a pad thai we haven't really liked we rank them like good bad or whatever but that's really good she asked us if she wanted Spice in it so if you are coming to the markets you can tell them you don't want to fight so if you're worried about that because I know that's kind of concerned of some people coming into Thailand [Music] thank you [Music] if you need anything while you're here you can find it at any of the markets in Thailand anything you want yeah if you want your North Face you want your sports gear your new new luggage whatever you want you can get whatever you want just ask for it they'll find it right um and in pretty good prices you do have to bargain so if you're if you want to do that it's kind of fun if you're not very good at bargaining like I'm not very good at it I just I just make sure you do it because she gives me the best deal possible I just trust her thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] 20 40 62 in much nicer than I am or I should say easier than I am he just kind of jumps and starts opening up his wallet but you can't do that you can't do that if you want to negotiate you have to be a little more firm about it first of all this shirt looks fantastic it does he was sold on that first of all second of all he was a very nice man yes he was third it was a special deal just for me today only they say that to everybody I don't know stick to your price [Music] thank you oh very nice [Music] this is a fun area we're excited we chose this area to stand for the next month because I have a feeling we're going to be down here quite a bit yeah absolutely I got a sweet shirt that I get to put for next month and I wouldn't have gotten yeah I would have gotten that prize tomorrow it was today only and it was a special offer just for me so keep telling yourself [Music] [Music] now like we mentioned we are staying near Fisherman's Village but we are near also a beach called Bang Rock Beach we believe that's how it's pronounced it's a great Beach that's where we are right now we just walked down here from the condo that we're staying at two minutes we love our condo the condo has everything that we possibly could want it's got a pool which we love we spend just as much time down there as we do here it's got a weight room it's got everything that we bargained for so now when picking this place didn't necessarily pick it because because we picked picked as a wash machine and we want to make sure it has all those amenities that Brian just mentioned so it checks all those boxes but if you want to be able to get to Fisherman's Village or you want to get down here to Bang Rock Beach you are going to be walking a little bit or you're going to be catching one of the little red trucks and the red trucks are easy to find they come along this road every two or three minutes so that's not a big deal you will have to pay for them obviously right and that could add up so we choose to walk most of the time [Music] thank you the water is like bathtub water yeah now if it's 90 degrees out and very humid I like a little colder yeah cold water I like it to be refreshing this is not refreshing but it is I like to just climb right in so this has been great for us but uh the other thing that's kind of cool here is this would be a great Bay to be on if you like to paddle board or you want to kayak or anything like that you can rent the boards right here um because you can walk for really a long ways I don't even know where it stops where it doesn't even go above your knees right not only that but there's a sandbar out the mushroom if you can see it in the video there's a couple kids out there playing right now and I can promise you this I will be on that sandbar within the next couple days probably with the lawn chair enough without saying one thing that is very cool here that you really you see on a lot of the beaches but I think here because it's such a quiet beach is there's a bunch of private Villas that you can go ahead and rent and then you are just walking right out on you are on the beach there's no two minute walk like we're doing not quite in our budget right there's also Beach Clubs now there's a rumor going around but you can go into these beach clubs have a drink I'll give you a towel and you can use the pool as well for free so we're gonna find out we do know you can go in and have a beverage you can't go and have a beverage yes [Music] [Music] we stopped off at a really cool little beach bar here and I got a mango smoothie I actually did not get a beer so don't frown upon that but it's a lot cooler so weird I know um but it's a lot cooler it's a hot one today it's really humid um yeah and you guys and I I did have a sip of her a mango smoothie the first thing I did because the first sip is always the best it was delicious I did get myself a beer and she got the first sip of my beer so uh you know that's just the way it works fair enough right here on the beach was 100 baht and then my mango smoothie was 90 Baht so it's not that crazy and here's the view [Music] now our YouTube is usually we're about two weeks behind on when you see those videos where we're at currently so if you want to see where we are currently make sure and follow us on our Instagram because we are up to date there and you can see kind of where we're headed to next we kind of keep you more in the loop [Music] thank you [Music] now right here in this little part of town there is a pier that if you want to go on to I know there's some day trips that you can do from here and then there's also some islands that if you want to go out and be able to spend a couple days yeah I talked to a couple people they're leaving poison movie they're heading out you can do that from here now this place seems awfully quiet we're as cool and as amazing as it is I think they're still recovering from covid it's March 2023. we really enjoyed here we were really liking it we can't figure out why there's no more people yeah and that's our only guess yeah so if you like quiet places like us this might be the place for you so digging it yeah we are digging it you know our party days they're they're few and far between are gone they're not gone they're just less than maybe they used to be true [Music] [Music] thank you foreign there's not really so much of a big grocery store or there's not one near us but we do have a couple options so we have this one behind us which is a Lotus that one has a little bit more if you want to cook a meal at home they have some fresh meats things like that but we like the 7-Eleven and it is just right down the street that's where we go for just any of the stuff if we don't feel like eating out that night they have a lot of just ready to go plop in the microwave meals which are actually pretty tasty oh very good [Music] [Music] they have a little bit of everything here and the nice thing is when you're traveling you can buy everything in these little teeny tiny packets so you don't have to buy a ton of it yeah I got everything I needed it was a hot one today we are back at our place this is one of the reasons why we love having a pool uh now next week you want to make sure and tune in because we're going to bring to you all of the other beaches from Koh Samui that we keep hearing about and see how they rank compared to this one yeah we're gonna go explore a little bit now if you like this video please give us a thumbs up and if you feel like it go ahead and subscribe all right we'll see you next week cheers [Music]
Channel: Brian and Carrie
Views: 87,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ko samui thailand, best island in thailand, koh samui 2023, thailand islands, where to stay koh samui, Brian and Carrie, koh samui thailand, koh samui, ko samui, surat Thani, koh samui thailand beaches, best beaches thailand, koh samui travel guide, fishermans village koh samui, fishermans village koh samui 2023, First impressions of koh samui, First impressions of thailand, fishermans village koh samui night market, Koh samui vlog, Thailand travel vlog, Thailand best beach
Id: eygRwKL4xak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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