Discovering Missouri, The Movie - Summer 2020

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(upbeat music) - In this episode, we are going to explore the great state of Missouri. We're gonna stay at a casino right on the Mississippi river. We'll also visit its confluence with the Ohio in Cairo, Illinois. Then back to Missouri, where we'll explore the Ozark Scenic Riverways. We'll see incredible springs, we'll visit an elk conservation area, more beautiful waterfalls, more beautiful springs. Then Branson, Missouri, Table Rock Lake. We'll do a section of historic Route 66, and finally, beautiful Wakonda State Park ♪ I'm riding ♪ Riding, riding ♪ Riding in my RV ♪ My RV ♪ Wherever I want to be ♪ Because I'm free, in my RV Greetings from Caruthersville, Missouri. We were here once before during the Grand Solar Eclipse of 2017 trip, in which we actually made a navigational error and ended up here. Not a bad place to end up. They have a casino with an RV park. Century Casino, Lady Luck, I believe it used to be called. Let's see our surroundings from 400 feet above ground. Today in a sense, marks the beginning of a new chapter in this trip. Shall we call it the Midwest? Even though parts of Missouri are also considered part of the South, we're gonna go with Midwest because we're going to set foot in Illinois. And from here we're going to Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, and beyond Well, this is my site I'm not even gonna unhitch or connect to water or the sewer. Let's just get a good night sleep here on the West bank of the Mississippi. The casino looks like an old river boat that hasn't sailed for years, but we're not going in. I wonder where this goes. (footsteps clanging) (dog barks) It's a dead end. It goes nowhere. Beautiful trees though. Mmh, I thought that trail would go to the river, but it doesn't (dog barks) Well, good night. (birds chirping) Good morning. We're slowly waking up. Making some coffee. (birds chirping) Check it out. Check out the moon. (soft music) I'm here making some coffee. On the road again. The plan today is to visit the Ozark Scenic Riverways, just West of here. It comes highly recommended, but I don't really have any plans set in stone or reservations or anything like that. Ooh, a Geo dealership. Remember Geo? I haven't seen one of those in a while. So yeah, as I was saying, all I have is just some recommendations from viewers, and that's all, we're gonna play by ear. All right, a lot of businesses in this part of Caruthersville here. I kind of like, there's a supermarket here across from us that seems to be... Well, may have been a Walmart at some point, I think. Which reminded me of another place that I wanted to visit in the vicinity here. And let me see how far it is because... (device beeps) Cairo, Illinois. I mean, it's an extra hour. I wanted to see it because that's the confluence of the Missouri and the Mississippi. And it's supposed to be kind of like a ghost town. Yeah, I might as well. I mean, we're not gonna come around this area for a while. Yeah, it's an interstate. Let's do it. (upbeat music) And just like that, I decided to make a detour, which will take us into the land of Lincoln actually. Once again, crossing the mighty Mississippi. Check it out. It's the Great River Road. We're going into Fort Defiance Park here. It's a nice park. Here we are. That's the bridge to Kentucky, which ironically is closed. I say ironically, because as of this filming in early August, 2020, Kentucky is one of the few states that has issued a 14 day quarantine for visitors from other states. And even though I hear it's not really enforced, I'm gonna stay away from Kentucky this time around. Sorry, cousin Juan in Louisville, I'll visit next year. By the way, very cool to see how they move all these huge barges here on the river. (barge roars) This is it. The Mississippi, the Ohio. Okay, so I couldn't resist. I had to try that dolly zoom effect with the new Mavic 2 zoom. And now let me show you where we really are. Right here at the very Southern tip of Illinois, the confluence of the muddy Mississippi to the left. Yeah, lots of sediment, and the relatively cleaner Ohio to the right. And you can definitely see it in the water. There's barge coming, and that's of course, beautiful Kentucky on this absolutely beautiful day. The only time we're gonna see Kentucky on this whole trip, actually. Look at that pusher boat, moving the barge upstream. And the beautiful, I mean, beautiful Ohio river. This one is going up the Mississippi. Are those clearance markings on the bridge, is it possible for the water level to really fluctuate all that much? That's wild, and so is this view. Amazing. How much commerce actually happens on these rivers? Okay, that's far enough, let's come back. Time to go. There's still so much to see. I want to drive through Cairo, Illinois, also pronounced Cairo by the way. And did is supposed to be mostly abandoned? And I want to corroborate that. A little bit of a dystopian, post-apocalyptic welcome here, don't you think? Well, at least the church looks good. And actually this whole part of town here seems to be a little better maintained. Some of it looks like it may just be run down, but some of it without a shadow of a doubt has seen better days. I wonder what kind of economic meltdown happened here, but it seems pretty severe. Otherwise. But otherwise, it would be a pretty cool town, I mean. It seems to be. (upbeat music) Let's continue. Missouri awaits. Going back over the Mississippi one more time and back in Missouri we are, and we'll be for the next few days. This part of Missouri, flat and agricultural, that's expected, but I do see what looks like some topography in the distance, so I'm hopeful. I love driving through this part of the country. Where else could you find a billboard advertising seeds? We've got rolling hills, and the brown sign I'd been looking forward to. Those brown signs by international convention actually, are erected to direct visitors to points of interest along the way. And our first point of interest is coming up. We're going to stop here at Van Buren. Population, 819. The gateway to the Ozark National Scenic Riverways. Let's stop by the visitor's center. Why do I always get myself into this, no outlet situations with the trailer in tow? I'm telling you. So nice and so knowledgeable, the lady in there. She gave me the map and she told me what to do and where to go, and where to see elk and about the campground. And I'm gonna try and see. The 200 loop is supposed to be electric, otherwise, you know, I'll boondock and I'll rough it for a couple of nights. Let me look for United States post office. - [GPS] I'm offline so I can't do that. - What do you mean, you're offline? - [GPS] In the mean time, you can get directions, make calls and play music. - What do you mean you're offline? We have five bars of LTE. I'm telling you, this Google lady sometimes gets in my nerves. (country music) Rolling through downtown, Van Buren, Missouri looking for a post office because CDs and stickers must be mailed. We're going to Big Spring Campground on this windy and hilly road. It is one of those, first come first serve self-checking kind of deals. Okay, this is nice. Busy, but nice. Okay, I think this is gonna work because the last reservation left today, on the 5th, so it should be available in theory, right? Let's go. Let me go to their payment box. The pay station is farther than I remember. This is such a beautiful place. I think I'm gonna go back in the car. Okay, so it is $19 per night for an electric site, and that's what we're gonna get. Well, this is very nice here. (people cheering) Only electric though, but I have plenty of water so it shouldn't be an issue. I'm gonna go for a little hike. This by the way is the Big Spring Campground, here at the Ozarks. This here is the non-electric campground. As you can see, it's completely empty today. I think this is the trailhead. There are supposed to be lots of elk around here. There's the Current River. Yes, this is the Current River, which we will be following as we explore the Scenic Riverways, also Jacks Fork. In fact, there are 134 miles of rivers in this area. It would be nice to have a boat here, or at the very least, a kayak or a canoe. It is absolutely beautiful. I'm just gonna drive to the big spring area. Don't really feel like hiking anymore. This is the largest spring in Missouri, and one of the largest in the whole world, with a daily average flow of 286 million gallons. From far away, it almost seems to be like a waterfall. This is apparently one of those places where a lot of people come to get their picture taken. (intense water flow) Oh, look at that. Right behind me there, the photo shoot going on back there, but this is really cool. There's a marker there. That's lot of water coming from under the ground. It really is. It really is a spring. I mean the water is coming out of nowhere, out of the earth, really. Let's see, I forgot to bring the trail map, but this seems to be a trail here, so let's go a little further, see where it leads. So far, pleasantly surprised by Missouri. Hey, look at that. Look up there. Wow. I think this area has to be one of Missouri's best kept secrets. I mean, at least I certainly didn't know about it until very recently. This is truly amazing. And this is only our first day here in this area. Yep, very impressive. I'm gonna start heading back, it is getting late. This is amazing. I had never seen anything quite like it. I liked it. I liked it. Tomorrow we'll continue exploring. (rubs palms) Hmm, good morning. Cool morning here, it's 60 degrees Fahrenheit, 7:25 a.m. central time, and I'm gonna try to do the early bird thing, although we're not that early anymore, but the lady at the visitor's center said you could go see some elk. Look at that morning fog. And we have deer. Yes, this is the best time of the day to see wildlife wherever you go. US 60 here in Van Buren, and we're going towards the town of Winona. And this is where the pavement ends and the dirt road begins. Six more miles until we get to our destination, which is Peck Ranch, which is a wildlife conservation area where you can see elk and many other animals, I have been reliably informed. Here we are. Well, I believe I'm the only human here today. Hello there. We've got some elk. We've got some wild turkey too. Oh, yeah, sure by all means, use the road Y'all know Thanksgiving is coming, right? (upbeat music) Let's explore some of the narrower roads that branch out from the main loop. But I presume most of the wildlife must be hiding somewhere. Here we go, we got some more deer. Bye guys. Our next stop, Rocky Falls Shut-in. It is called Rocky Falls Shut-in, and apparently Shut-in is a type of river and that's how they call them here in the Ozarks, which is confined to a small space. Look at the butterfly. Hello, butterfly. Whoo. Here we are, and oh, wow. Beautiful waterfalls. And it is not very crowded today. Apparently it is a popular swimming hole, and let me tell you, I am tempted, but I did not come prepared. Besides, the water is probably cold. (water flowing) All right, let's see how cold. Yeah. Yeah, that water is pretty chilly. I was thinking of bringing my bathing suit later on, but... It is really beautiful here. I had no idea. There, that gives you a sense of scale. All right, let's go. I guess that's a trail that goes to the falls, but I don't know exactly where it is. It is certainly not marked, so we're gonna continue. Well, I know it's not the most efficient thing to do because I'm kind of close to the other springs, some points of interest in the area, but I'm gonna go back to the campground, take a break, have a light lunch because I had a very light breakfast and my brain is still kind of in the Eastern time zone. So by the time I get there, it's gonna be noon. I think there's a... I don't know where that road goes. Should I, should I not? Nah, I'm not going. And as I said, I'm gonna soak my red kidney beans. Yes, tonight I am making Cuban style red kidney beans, Frijoles Colorados from scratch. (upbeat music) Well, it's a pretty hot day now, and this is what we're gonna do. And the lady at the visitor's center, she highlighted, you know, the highlights, and this is where we were today at the Rocky Falls, but we're gonna go all the way to Blue Spring here, and then go all the way West to Alley Spring. That's the plan anyway, and we'll see what else we find along the way. Let's go to the Blues Spring area. And apparently, it gets flooded around here. Crossing the Current River. This is supposed to be another beautiful spring, but first let's stop here by Powder Mill Campground. Yes, the campground is right here next to the Current River, which I must say, today has a pretty good current. I wonder if that's why they named it that. This is very nice, but I think these places are much more enjoyable with some kind of watercraft. Hmm, what is this? I guess it's not very deep and that will be a river access on the other side. There's so many butterflies. Look at that. Wow. (suspenseful music) Blue Spring, 2 1/2 miles on this dirt road. It's a trail, I hope it's not too bad because I forgot to bring my hiking shoes. It's not too bad. Well, it is getting worse, and pretty steep. What I'm gonna say is this Blue Spring better be worth it. Well, here according to the pamphlet, Blue Spring here is Missouri's deepest. Missouri's deepest. If the Statue of Liberty stood at the bottom, her torch would be under water. It's a half mile trail or so. It shouldn't be too bad, even though I didn't bring my hiking shoes. So let's do it. Right here we are at the trail head. There's the Colorado, there's the bathroom, and there's the trail. Maybe there's some information there at the trail head. And there's a picnic area over there. They have an emergency phone number, except that there's no cell phone signal here. (laughs) (suspenseful music) That's a very faded sign with all the information about how the spring came to be. There is the river right there, the Current River. I wonder if you would be allowed to boondock over there. That would be cool. And as I said earlier, the way to do this is with a small water craft. That's probably this place called Well Hollow. Mmh, more research shall go into this. Entering the Blue Spring natural area. It's very beautiful. I definitely should have brought my hiking shoes, which serves me well for not reading the map before coming. (snickers) I hear water, rushing water. We must be close. There you go. Some information about the spring. You can pause if you want. There we go. (water flowing) Even the temperature is cooler here right next to the water. (water flowing) And we made it to Blue Spring. It definitely has a unique color. (gentle music) Well, yeah, I would say that was worth the perilous drive and the short hike over here for sure. And I've been taking some pictures, and it's amazing what translates well in still photography and what doesn't. Some things are better on video and some things you just can't replicate. Your eyes sees it, but then the camera, it's not 3D, I don't know. It's a mystery in a sense. Ah, let's head back. I gotta figure out how to go there. I would love to figure out how to boondock over there. There has to be a way. Uh, there's a trail that goes right... Let's do it. Let's go. Let's come down here. Wow, cool view. Let me tell you something, I really like this place. This is called Alley Spring and Mill. So let's explore. (map rattling) Alley Spring. We came through here, crossed that bridge. We're parked right here. So Alley Spring and Alley Mill, that's where we're going, and it should be right around there. I wonder what that building is. Oh, a schoolhouse. Let's check it out. And apparently they have preserved it as it would have looked in the past. It was actually moved here from North of Eminence in 1971. Oh, that was a nice little trip through time there going into the school. So I'll say, look at the flagpole, it's like very rustic. All right, so let's go into the main attraction over there. Please do not wade or fish or swim. Uh, man, good thing I forgot my bathing suit. Oh, my God, look at this. How pretty. This spring by the way, doesn't empty onto the Current River, but to its largest tributary, Jacks Fork. And here's the famous Red Mill, Alley Mill. Very modern for its time. It was very large, had steel rollers, and it harnessed the energy from the spring by using some kind of turbine, which gave the miller the ability to control the speed. Are these the milling machines, perhaps? (water flowing) That must be the gate that regulated how much water went into the turbine, and the view down stream is just beautiful. A lot of water under the mill. 81 million gallons a day to be exact. Let's do the spring branch trail. I have only one explanation for this. These people wanna keep it a secret, and they don't want anybody to come here. I mean, this place is totally under the radar, this whole area. I'm so glad I came. Wow. I'm so glad I can share it with you. Check out all these butterflies. I've seen them all over the place. I just realized it is like a loop trail so that the car is right there. So I think your brain can only process so much beauty in one day, so let's quit while we're ahead, go back to the RV, make some beans, and tomorrow we go to Branson. Branson, Missouri Here we go, carrots, green pepper, chorizo, smoked pork shank. Let's remove the casing on that chorizo and slice it. Chopping an onion. Now, let's do some garlic too. And hello Instant Pot next time, you guys, slightly longer cable will be nice. I'm just saying, I'm just saying. Funny thing, I have like 10 of these cables back in Miami, you know, of different lengths and gauges, but not here. (objects clattering) Here we go. Let's remove this. Then I set it on saute or more. It doesn't matter how long because we're gonna change it to pressure before that, but on saute all the way. Chorizo. Let's add the pork shank. Let's add the onions and the peppers and the garlic. And they keep forgetting this instant pot is a lot smaller than the one I have at home. I'm gonna have to remove one of the pork shanks because I'm running out of room here very quickly. I'm gonna add my cooking wine, not too much, but just a little bit. Put a little bit of salt. Not too much because this stuff is salty already. Just a little tad of cumin. Oops, maybe I over did it. This stuff doesn't really require a lot of cumin, but it does require a little bit of oregano. (food simmering) (beeps) And you know, paprika... Although, that Spanish Chorizo already has a lot of paprika. I'm gonna add just a little bit more, because it wouldn't be me if it didn't have paprika. And I'm gonna add that saffron. Let's add our pre-soaked beans. What is that marking on the thing that says, I think that's pretty much it. We shouldn't fill it up any more than that. Maybe a little bit more, but just. And now we're gonna fill it up with water to that marking, and I'll put this in a bag and put it on the fridge, and tomorrow when we get to Branson, I can do another batch. We'll add the water, cook it for about an hour at high pressure, and that's it. Oh, I forgot a major ingredient, just a little bit of tomato sauce. (objects clattering) Just a tad, not too much. (groans) (phone rings) Who closes these things? Who's Face Timing? I don't know that number. Hmm, I think it looks good. Of course, this would normally have potatoes and carrots, but they didn't fit. I'm gonna add a lot of that ham because that's gonna be my protein for today, you know. All right, see you guys tomorrow. Well, today, we have about a three-hour drive to Branson. (soft country-pop music) It is a momentous occasion: The Colorado has reached 50,000 miles in less than two years! Well, it's always good to know, to see, get off the highway for a little bit and see what the towns look like. And this is not just any town. - [GPS] Continue for five miles. - Oh, look at that tiny post office. That's like that one in the Everglades almost. (laughing) The reason why we're here, this is the Laura Ingalls home; not where she lived as a child and the inspiration for her books, but this is where she actually wrote most of the "Little House on the Prairie" books. This is actually the Laura Ingalls Wilder Memorial Highway, going into the town of Mansfield. Coming up here to the left, Rocky Ridge Farm, where the prodigious author lived from 1896 until her death in 1957. It was here that she wrote the famous "Little House on the Prairie" series. We're gonna continue, and tell you why. Besides, I'm not in a museum mood today. If I had plenty of time, I would have done it, but I wanna get to Branson. I have a bunch of stuff to do. And today, we have the livestream, so I wanna get prepared for that. All right, I think I'm going to stop here for a few minutes, take a break, and then we continue towards Branson. We're parked in front of a mural depicting Rocky Ridge Farm. And here we've got some of the old downtown buildings. This was just a quick stop here in Mansfield. There, the park across the street has a bust of Laura Ingalls Wilder, the town's most famous former resident, for sure. Let me tell you something: Busy little town here. Let's continue. We're a little over an hour away from Branson, Missouri. (soft country-pop music continuing) Check it out! We must be in Amish country. Here, we start seeing all these billboards advertising the many Branson attractions. And all of a sudden, I realize coming here may have been a mistake. These are not the kinds of things I want to be doing during a pandemic. It looks like it would be a lot of fun during normal times, just not in the summer of 2020. It is a beautiful drive on this final stretch between Springfield and Branson with all these hills, all these part of the Ozark Mountains. Here we are, Branson. And we're gonna stay at the Lakeside RV Park, which, I believe it is owned by the city. Sites are a little tight, but it is very centrally located, and they even have a trolley stop. After all this, I realized I'm backwards. It is actually a pull-through site. (tree trimmer buzzing) Yeah, the city is trimming some trees, so not the quietest of afternoons. How about a quick flight? (soft electronic music) They have this marina here and several floating docks where people can fish. Very nice for a city park. Beautiful area. I can't wait to explore more tomorrow. Let's go for a walk around the park. (soft ambient music) This is actually very nice. And there comes the trolley. (train rumbling) It wouldn't be a proper RV park if it didn't have a train track right next to it, right? (soft jazzy keyboard music) Oh no, we've got rain coming. Breakfast of champions. Well, good morning! Just making sure the door is locked. All right, yesterday, when I arrived, this park actually didn't give me the best impression because we are very tightly packed together here, which is expected for a city RV park, in a sense. But apparently, we are like right there; you know, right in the middle of things downtown, so that might make up for it. And... Also, it may have been like... if I wanted this trip to be the "social distance" trip, (laughing) it might have been a bad idea to come to Branson because this is a very touristy town. - [GPS] Boxcar Willie Drive, Branson Landing Boulevard. - We're gonna try to stick to nature as much as possible. But first, there's the Branson mural. At some point before we leave, I would love to take a selfie with it, but we'll see. You know, expectations are a funny thing. I didn't know what to expect when we came here, but somehow it wasn't this. Yeah, I'm thinking Branson was perhaps an unnecessary detour here. Yeah, let's try and do something that involves nature. And I was reading online about things to do in Branson, and there is this Waterfall Trail. It is supposed to be right here, next to the Westgate Resort. (pulsing electronic music) Well, yeah, the parking lot is in that industrial area over there, and apparently it's right there. Yeah, and there's the Westgate. But, yeah, this is it. This is the Waterfall Trail, so let's do it. (soft piano music) Our luck with waterfalls this trip has been hit or miss, especially at the beginning, but I have high hopes. Hmm, perhaps wishful thinking. It's pretty cool. I mean, it's an urban trail; this is like in the middle of the city. A little slippery. I definitely should've brought my hiking shoes. I wonder how this got here. I mean... (chuckling) You would really have to go out of your way to have this old washing machine here. I don't see a whole lot of water rushing through, so I'm thinking this Waterfall Trail might be a bust. But, hey, it is the journey that matters, right? Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you the waterfall. They've gotta be kidding me. I mean, it is beautiful, but there must be a drought or something. It is technically a waterfall, right? If that is the only waterfall, I'm gonna be disappointed. But maybe there's more coming this way. It's very wet and slippery, that's the only thing. Hmm, I wonder if they are as flabbergasted as I am. Don't be fooled by the apparent wilderness. We're right next to the resort. Doesn't seem very remote now, does it? (laughing) Hmm, that looks promising. Okay, this wasn't so bad after all. (water trickling) It almost looks more like a fountain than a waterfall. Actually, yeah, it is. This pond here, it's like a dam. It's somewhat artificial, as you can see. But still... Not the most roaring of cascades, but... Oh, check it out; these people at the resort, they have a view. All right, let's continue. Let's continue going upstream. Maybe there's (pausing) another even more impressive waterfall coming up. Let's walk a little more, just for the exercise, but I think this is as good as it gets. Oh, wow, check it out! This is not bad! (water trickling) (soft piano music continuing) Yeah, I remember the washing machine. It's pretty cool. (energetic electronic music) All right, let's go for a little ride. I was speaking to my neighbors, and they recommended I do US Highway 165. We'll see. Supposed to be a pretty drive around the lake. Let's check out Hollister here real quick and historic Downing Street, also known as the English Village. It is lovely, actually. Let's park, if only for a few minutes. Very nice. Much quieter than Branson on the other side of the river. Scenic view! Yeah, let's check it out! Definitely, they were not kidding. We can see the White River, Table Rock Dam in the distance, and the notably higher water level of Table Rock Lake. It is, shall I say, a most commanding view and the highlight of Branson so far. The castle-like building perched atop the hill is none other than Chateau on the Lake Resort. (slow electronic music) Let's continue towards Table Rock Lake State Park. This was actually on the shortlist of places to camp, but it is the weekend. (energetic electronic music) How nice, even on this somewhat cloudy day; everybody enjoying the lake. Let's go for a walk on the Lakeshore Trail. Hmm, here's the boat ramp. This is almost as entertaining to watch as someone backing in their trailer at the campground for the first time. Okay, I won't be rude. Let's continue. (light tropical music) Ah, nevermind. I just can't help myself. There's a trail here that goes down to the water. (waves lapping) This is so nice. It is choppy, probably in part due to the wake from all the boats. I betcha it makes for a bumpy canoe ride. Actually, a pontoon boat is probably the way to go here to spend the day on the water. Oh, that's gotta be that Showboat Branson Belle. They do dinner cruises with entertainment. Supposed to be really good. Yeah, when I grow up, I want a pontoon boat; or even better, a friend with one. Yeah, apparently this is the... The local escape from the sweltering heat here. Look at that. Yes, I'll betcha that's the... The Table Rock. (light tropical music continuing) And this here to the right must be the campground. It doesn't even seem to be full. Yeah, next time, I have to make sure I make reservations here way ahead of time. This here to the left is called Peninsula Lookout on Moonshine Beach. Let's stop for a few minutes to enjoy the views. Table Rock Lake here was created in the mid-to-late-1950s after the construction of Table Rock Dam, so, yes, it is artificial. And its original purpose was flood control on the White River and hydroelectric power, but it is definitely also a super popular lake for recreational activities. (soft upbeat music) Let's go up to one of these hills to get a view from the higher ground. Let's stop here. This seems to be like a real estate office for some new development down there called Nantucket. But actually, the views from the parking lot are pretty spectacular. There's the dam. There's Moonshine Beach, right there. There's the showboat and that little island in the lake. And there's the Chateau on the Lake. Hello there, excuse me. Oh, look at that. That colorful development down there must be that Nantucket they are trying to sell here. Let's go check it out. (soft upbeat music continuing) It is cute. Apparently, it's like a resort, a timeshare kind of deal, something I've learned to stay away from. But people buy into them all the time, so I assume it might work for some people. I'm just gonna drive around the lake a little longer, but I don't think we're gonna stop anywhere. Well, I think we've had enough fun for one day, even though we haven't really done much. But tomorrow? Tomorrow is another day, and we have a long drive ahead of us. And we're back in Branson. I'm just starting to realize what a great campground this really is, right here, right next to the White River. And we've got all these folks here hanging out all the time, lots of them. (soft ambient music) (boat engine humming) This would be a perfect way to end our day, except that I still have to cook that second batch of red kidney beans. Don't tell me you forgot about those. (soft jazzy piano music) I'll chop an onion. Salt. Pepper. Our two leftover pork shanks. And this time, we're gonna do some celery and some carrots. Before I slice the carrots, let's add some of that vino seco cooking wine and the rest of the beans. Water. I'm out of real garlic, so this will have to do. Cumin, just a tad. Oregano; you know, the usual stuff. And lots of paprika, since I'm out of that Spanish chorizo sausage. A little bit of tomato sauce, and now we chop the carrots. High pressure for an hour and we should be good. (steam hissing) Probably not as great as the one we did a couple of days ago, but I'm sure it's still pretty good. - Well, we'll watch your Missouri video. Nice to meet you. - All right. Nice to meet you too. - Thank you very much. - On the road again. Oh, big fifth wheel coming this way. Let me make sure that everything's buttoned up. (whimsical piano music) I think we're good. Well, today-- By the way, it's really hot here in-- - [GPS] Head west on Boxcar Willie Drive. - Hot and humid in this part of Missouri, here in Branson. I mean, totally different compared to the other part of Missouri we were. I don't know if it is the area or just that the climate changed, but, man, it's hot and humid, even at 9 a.m., 9:21. I'm 21 minutes behind schedule, which is not bad for me, actually. - [GPS] Turn left onto Boxcar Willie Drive, Branson Landing Boulevard. - Well, we're gonna-- - Turn left onto Boxcar Willie Drive, Branson Landing Boulevard. - We're gonna do a little bit of Route 66, because that's what you do. I've never done the Missouri portion of Route 66. I'm gonna go... I'm going to Cuba. (upbeat keyboard music) Goodbye, Branson, barely knew ya. We will return one of these days when the circumstances change and we're able to enjoy you properly and find out everything you have to offer. But now, the journey must continue. We are going to do a section of Route 66, which, around here, goes almost parallel to I-44. And then, onto Iowa. I just love this drive here on US-65 North coming out of Branson will all these rolling hills. Very cool road, fun to drive, perhaps even better if you're not towing. It is kinda hard to keep up with all these ups and downs. We are now on the "Mother Road," Historic Route 66. Yeah, this part of Route 66, not all that interesting, and it runs parallel to, (pausing) to I-44. So, I don't know, probably after our next point of interest, I'm just gonna take I-44, to be honest. Not a whole lot going on this area. But here in Marshfield, there's something we want to see. This is the birthplace of astronomer Edwin Hubble, responsible a long, long time ago for the discovery of other galaxies far, far away from our own Milky Way. They were originally believed to be nebula. And if the name rings a bell, well, yeah, the Hubble Space Telescope was named after him. And here in Marshfield, they have a replica. Here we are. Route 66. And the reason we've stopped here (pausing) is that. Here we have it, a one-quarter scale model of the Hubble Telescope that has been orbiting the Earth since 1990. It is very cool to see, actually, even if it's not life-size, here, in front of the Webster County Courthouse in sleepy downtown Marshfield, although, to be fair, it is Sunday morning. I am sure it would be a lot livelier at a different time on a different day. Here's a memorial dedicated to Webster County veterans. That's a cool-looking gun, if you ask me. Well, we continue, although we are going to use I-40 this time because... Otherwise, we'll never make it. And apparently, Route 66, except for these few points of interest, like the Hubble Telescope, which was super cool, it isn't really all that-- - [GPS] In 400 feet, turn right onto West Jackson Street. - And I've totally lost my train of thought. (soft banjo music) Check it out, it is the World's Largest Gift Store! Isn't that awesome? $1.66 for gas. That's some kind of bargain. It's super crowded, though. We're gonna go back onto Route 66. - [GPS] Turn right onto State Highway F, then turn left onto Historic US-66 East. - There you go. You're not gonna believe where we're going: Cuba! Who'd have thought I would go back to Cuba? As you probably know by now, I was born in the island of Cuba, and I thought it would be appropriate to visit its Missourian namesake. Now, look to the left. If you blink, you're gonna miss it. It is the world's second-largest rocking chair. And we missed it. I could have parked too. Well, we missed it. It was supposed to be back there and I didn't stop. I didn't see anywhere to... It was supposed to be the world's largest rocking chair. Cuba here is actually famous for its murals and a particular barbecue place. I don't know, but I get a feeling we may have missed a couple of the murals along the way because I didn't see that many. Well, at the very least, I'm gonna take a selfie with the sign. But first, there's that famous Missouri Hicks Bar-B-Que, and it looks like there may be oversize parking here to the right. You know what, I don't think this is gonna work. This place is packed and it's gonna be an incredibly long wait. Yeah, this is not gonna work. Let's continue. Yeah. Yeah, we'll be back someday. You see, I'm gonna leave St. Louis, I'm gonna leave Missouri without eating barbecue, but it is what it is. As I said, at least let me take a selfie with the sign. (photo shutter snapping) Well, from here on, it is going to be nearly nonstop. We're basically out of time. (soft banjo music continuing) Four long hours later, we are arriving at Wakonda State Park, near La Grange in Missouri. All right, Wakonda State Park. (metal rattling) Yeah, excuse the Berkey Filter. It's making noise and falling apart. Basic site. Reservable site, oops. Let's see what this is. Full hookup, reservable, R. Register and pay fee at the area. Registered campers only, no day use, quiet hours 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. That's the plan. Let's see, Site 103 I'm supposed to be. 100... 114... 101... 102... Wow, this place (pausing) is awesome! (soft upbeat piano music) Definitely one of the better campgrounds we've ever stayed at. Definitely have to write this one down. Look what I just discovered. We have our own little private beach here. Just for us. (gasping) (water splashing) Actually, (pausing) it's not cold at all. I was really tempted to jump in the water, but it's kind of murky and there's the warning sign that there may be, you know, debris, unacceptable bacteria levels, who knows. So, I'm not gonna jump in. But let me tell you... To launch a kayak or maybe if I was into fishing, maybe fishing, I don't know. But... Definitely, this campground is top 10 of all places I've been to, I'd say almost pretty much in the whole country. So... I will definitely be returning here, and I could spend a whole week here. I mean, we have full hookups, so I could spend a whole week here. And (pausing) Hannibal is very close, so we could visit all the historic Mark Twain stuff. And, yeah, what a... What a great way to say goodbye to Missouri, because tomorrow we're saying goodbye. But (pausing) I'm definitely coming back to this place, maybe even on the way back from this trip. Yeah. (laughing) What a great discovery. By the way, thank you, Benjamin of "Geezer at the Wheel" for, (pausing) for discovering this. Yes, it was from John Benjamin, "Geezer at the Wheel," that I learned about this place. He posted something on Facebook and I said, "Let me add this to my map," and I'm glad I did. I am pleasantly surprised. Remember, Site 103 for next time, although all these sites here next to the lake are probably good. (soft upbeat electronic music) Oh, I'm hungry, so I'm just gonna grill some pork chops. (grill sizzling) I think I may have overcooked 'em. And with that, another day comes to an end. Let's add some stickers to our map. (soft ambient music) It is time to go. Well, I've been almost a whole week here in the Show-Me State, and all I gotta say is show me more. I really liked what I've seen and (pausing) can't wait to come back. Today, we're going to Iowa. (smooth keyboard music) It is the Mark Twain Casino. (chuckling) Well, yeah, they are definitely taking advantage of Mark Twain's legacy around here, with good reason. And I know, I know, we're so close to Hannibal, Mark Twain's boyhood home, the inspiration for Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, and so many others. We were there briefly last year as part of an unplanned detour and we'll be back again, I promise. But now, Iowa awaits, and Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho. Let me tell you, the summer of 2020 road trip is not even halfway there yet. Someone recommended this RV park here in Canton and I'm just gonna stop by real quick. Maybe we can stay here on the way back. It is called Mississippi Park: $20 a night with water and electric. They have a garbage dumpster and a sewer dump station. Kind of honor system; you write 'em a check and drop it in the box. And I believe you can also call the police department to make a reservation. They have this picnic area here and the playground. Yeah, we're definitely staying here on the way back if the route brings us this way. Here's the sign with all the info. Let me take a picture. As we cross the Des Moines River, we are now in Iowa! But more about that on the next episode. Until then, thank you so much for watching, and see you on the road. (smooth keyboard music) ♪ I'm riding ♪ Riding in my RV
Channel: Traveling Robert
Views: 294,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rv life, RV travel, winnebago, micro minnie, free in my RV, 1706FB, travel, roadtrip, traveling robert, nomadic, wanderlust
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 7sec (4747 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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