Discord Server ICON Maker - How to Create a Discord Server Icon for Free

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Alright, welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the Chupacabra Tutorials channel. I'm your host, Larry, and today we're looking at a free tool that you can use for Discord to make your very own server icons without having to have an image editor like Photoshop or Learn how to use one of the freebie ones that you can get from an open source project. So to use this tool, all you have to do is log into the website. I will link it in the video description. Click on edit this template and then. This will allow us to use this built in image editor to adjust everything that's going on. So let's say you have very limited stuff to work with. You don't have an icon, you maybe have a background image you like, so let's work from there. So the first thing I want to do is let's get rid of this text. We don't need this text. Down over here on the right hand side panels where all of our tools are. Let's go ahead and delete that. And then let's delete this background and then let's go ahead and click in the upper left hand corner the upload button and then let's upload my low Poly wallpaper that I like to use for all of my various YouTube branding and graphics. And then once this populates and we should be able to smoosh this around. Provided I don't freak out the editor and we just wanted to take up the whole of the screen, then over here in the lower right hand corner we can say backwards to send it to the back of the image so that it's not covering up everything. And then I kind of like the idea of having this little circle here, right? I think you can add this by saying add an element if you want. In fact, let's find out let's. Click elements and then let's say how you can add like an arrow. You can add an X. You can even add a spaceship if you want. So if we wanted to we could even create our own icon. May hold shift, so this maintains its scale. We can even just do like a little rocket ship. And then we could color match whatever we want to use for the circle in fact. Well, that's not what I wanted. Let's back up a step. I wanted this circle. And then the outline of this color. Let's make it more like my kind of blue and then the inner icon. We can make this white if you want. You could also make it. Oh, I don't know. Let's make it kind of like a purple like a dark ibir purpley blue, so that's slightly different. And this already is a pretty decent icon. But if you want to as well, we can also do text. Let's grab some text. And what kind of fonts do we have available? Let's use, oh, it uses my computer fonts excellent. I can use my brand font. Actually, no, that's that's impact. That's not mine. I'm looking for on ramp, but impact would worry. Let's use baby baby boss new and what do we want our server to be? Caldwell Mines the Chupacabras layer for the chupacabra tutorials. Yeah, I'll just do Chupacabra tutorials. See T. And for the font color, let's just do that same blue. And then this should allow us to scale it however we like. To make it all big and crazy. Although maintaining that scale is a little wonky. Let's just do. Where can I adjust that? Right here it looks like. Let's well where did it go? Come back friend, I just want there we go that's better. So I can now that I've got that ratio better, I can just kind of pull it a little bit. That can be Chupacabra tutorial, so it kind of affects. Do we have a guide like a drop shadow to that we can blur it if we want. Oh man, if we blurred that a little bit. Can we duplicate this? Can I like? And I. Copy. And then it wow. I don't know what that was. That was crazy. And then we can just paste that and now that it's kind of like unblurred, we can remove the blur effect and we can edit that to be like red. And then I've got like a cool little blurry thing going on behind it. I have Reds kind of intense, though. It's kind of like make it like a purple E. Yeah, I kind of like that that's working so you could quickly just throw together a really nice icon and then you know pop it on to the Internet. Alternatively, if you're not really big on text 'cause not everybody is, I get it. You could go back and you could upload or use away. They got like a library of stuff, don't they? Don't know those are my things that I'd have to upload, OK? Oh, you can even use emojis, so if you just want to use like a quick emoji, that would be perfect. What kind of creature represents the chupacabra to you? Let's just do like a little demon a phase? Yeah, that's perfect boom done icon, you can use it because you know they're built in and free and all the stuff that you use. But in my case I already got an icon. Do I have a transparent one somewhere? Let's do this one. Boom, Shaka laka and then we just plunk that here in the center and Bing Bang. Sort of boom it. It's kind of cutting it off a little bit, but you know whatever, we'll just do that. And boom, there is our logo, so let's export that image. Oh, I see. So the way that they get you with these tools is they put a little kapwing watermark at the bottom, but I don't know that that matters because if we go over here. So like if we go over here, you know and look in the sidebar. All of our icons are kind of like trimmed off in a circle, so people wouldn't really even notice if you had a little watermark, so I would just say download that bad boy, throw that into your channel graphics wherever you keep on. Let's see You Tube files, channel graphics. And we'll just slap it. There and now we can click it and open it. Boom, there is our. Kind of janky at the top icon, but it works. And so yeah, there's a bunch of tools like this that exist for free. And I would totally recommend using them if you find yourself without an editor of choice. So yeah, it's free. Use it, love it. If not, you can always grab something like Photoshop in various different ways and use that instead. That's it for this. Ladies and gentlemen, I've been your host Larry. Don't freaking subscribe and I'll catch you next time. Bye everybody and have a good one.
Channel: Chupacabra Tutorials
Views: 20,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Larry Chupacabra, Chupacabra Tutorials, Tutorial, Guide, Instructional, kapwing, discord server icon maker, free, image editor, custom discord server icon, Create your own server icon, server icon, icon maker, free icon maker, free discord server icon, discord server icon, server icons, Getting Started Guide, How to Use, How to create, Web Tool, Web Editor, Gaming, Voice Chat, Create your own, How to Create a free Discord Logo
Id: FfMW74vkomo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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