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Discord stopped closing random innocent people's accounts we all know that most people who get banned are not underage I made previously a video about this topic before but they changed the method a little bit so this is an update video first thing you gotta do is to go to the support website this one and then click on submit our request what can you help with you're gonna choose appeals and age updates previously it used to be the trust and safety team but they updated it to uphills and age update requests next you're gonna tap your email address here and then you just check this option this little box are you in the rest Place yeah I am actually next you're gonna go down how can we help you're gonna choose update my age and formation phone number is optional so just leave it like that if you want to type your phone number actually you can but I prefer to leave it because it's not important and then your date of birth you're gonna rate it in a month slash day slash year format for example mine is the month is zero three March and then day is 15 and then 2004. next you're gonna check this one please confirm that you have attached the required materials check it check it and then go down block domain URL just leave it like that and then in the subject just give a title for your email that you're gonna send for example age update request something like this and then in the description wait actually and then in the description just write your message about what happened give them your username and stuff actually if you do not know how to write a good email I suggest using AI to help you just don't forget to mention your username I will leave a good website for the AI in the description down below as you can see AI wrote this email but it has some mistakes that I'm gonna fix it anyway just paste it here and then you're gonna read it I'm writing blah blah blah blah and here I'm gonna write my account has been disabled because being underage anyway I'm just gonna edit this message just fast and then hear your age anyway you know English I suppose that you know English because you're literally watching an English video anyway guys you're just gonna just edit this message actually I prefer if you write it yourself I don't need the attachments box now you will need to do some work in real life go get a piece of paper and write your username in it next take a picture of you holding the piece of paper that has your username with your ID card note a passport is also accepted birth certificate and school id2 are accepted in case you are from USA only I guess after you choose the image just click on the button submit to send this one to Discord and now I will answer some frequently asked questions how long will they take to answer actually it depends on the Discord team we cannot figure how many days they will take to but usually between three to a week they actually did not answer me after weeks I am worried that my account will get banned and deleted forever actually I say do not send more requests I recommend replying to the same ticket asking for help they replied with we will not reinstate the account as you heard my friend it is the decision actually sadly you would not have the account back I still don't have an ID you can still use a passport or bit certificate in school ID or any other government issued ID note your account will be permanently deleted from Discord after 14 days of being disabled so hurry up and send a request it may take to a month though anyway guys this was the video I hope you liked it and yeah see ya
Channel: The Anexis
Views: 30,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nM8jrNFRFwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 35sec (215 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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