Disco Elysium - 6 ways to get the most out of 2019's best RPG

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skill checks failure and dressing like a disco super cop here's how to get the most out of 20 19's best RPG disco Elysium is a classically designed C RPG in which you control an amnesiac detective recovering from the worst hangover in the history of human existence but it's also much more than that it's a thoughtful unusual adventure through a richly detailed alternate universe and one that allows you to be whatever kind of cop you desire from shuffling hobo cop who apologizes all the time to spin kicking shamrocks superstone and while there's no clicky combat or raw tests of skill it can be difficult to get to grips with not least because you're not just solving a crime but piecing together the shattered human psyche of a drunk detective who argues with inanimate objects and can't even find both shoes and that's where this list will help it's a largely spoiler free examination of disco Elysium systems with recommendations about the best way to approach it and that's enough backstory let's detect here are 6 ways to get the most out of 29 teens best RPG right now I know that you're worried don't be worried everything's going to be alright firstly and perhaps most importantly you need to pay disco Elysium differently the cooler you try to act the more likely it is you'll die a crushing embarrassing death you can even die taking your own tie off a sieve so with that in mind try embracing the game's oddities be weird make unusual choices and as I'll talk about later on don't be afraid to fail I wouldn't be so sure about that all of the tests in Disco Elysium are randomized dice rolls based on your character traits the entire game is built around testing your character's abilities from mental and physical traits such as volition or physicality to more esoteric ones like Inland Empire which measures the inventiveness of your imagination and the power of your internal monologues when you first start out it's worth scanning these abilities and picking the ones that reflect what kind of detective you want to be if you're planning on being a merciless brute put points into physical instrument and half light if you want to be a disco version of Poirot put points into empathy and perception my detective excelled at Inland Empire which meant I spent a significant time in game examining my dreams and talking to my time yes my literal necktie it's that kind of game just remember that whatever you choose the experience of playing the game will mold and change your character as you find ways to overcome new problems and discover what kind of person you are at some point disco Elysium will reflect on your progress and suggest who your hero might be but don't worry too much about making the correct choice this is one of the most densely written games that ever made and there's no way you'll be able to see everything in a single place more than this your lead is one of the most malleable characters in gaming you can be anything from a self-loathing communist art cop to a self-appointed disco celebrity so just see where the game takes you hello hello let me know if I can help you with anything to get the most out of disco elysium you're going to need to take your time it's a dense game packed with characterful smartly written text you'll find it easier and more rewarding if you slow down and read as much as you can like an elderly shopper paying for their groceries with loose change it's not in a hurry to go anywhere you'll spend the first 30 minutes of the game getting dressed for instance it'll probably take you a few hours to find both of your shoes and good luck getting your murder victim down from the hanging tree on the first in-game day so the point here is that you can't and shouldn't rush things this is partially the pistil game rewards you for taking your time you get XP from exploring interesting conversational avenues with NPCs ask questions and don't be afraid to act strangely sometimes this can take you to some revealing places in the same breath however you should be aware that time in Disco Elysium is relative it doesn't pass when you're wandering around investigating but it does when you're having conversations if you need to pass the time to level up a new thought for instance something I'll talk about in just a bit try having a few conversations to move things along you can also sit on benches or read a book if you want to quickly windfall of the clock there are a few caveats to this some quests have time limits so pay attention to the time of day and prioritize to them don't start chatting to everyone for example if you have a dead body that needs refrigerating some tasks can only be done on certain days these will have a clock next to their name on the journal screen and remember the disco Elysium is a logical game with linear time if you want to steal a dead man's boots for instance you need to do so before you send him to the morgue he monster and finally remember that some things can only be done when your partner Kim is asleep wait until he goes to bed or is off on another assignment and then get busy collecting illicit drugs having salacious conversations about your past indiscretions or just have a bath to wash off all the corpse juice much better one of the brilliant and unusual elements of discs of Elysium is that it's perfectly okay and sometimes even desirable to fail you'll often find yourself in situations where the odds are stacked against you or you're facing an obstacle you just can't circumvent my advice to you here is to embrace failure and see where it takes you it's all part of the unique journey the game offers the results can be amazing things like excruciating attempts at seduction making up a preposterous fake name when you can't remember your own and the most flamboyant attempt at sneaking away to use the term very loosely in all of gaming you'll miss these bits if everything goes right to get the most out of the game however it's worth being mindful of what type of check it is that you're attempting there are two types of roll White's checks can be reached at if you fail you can try again if you put more points into the relevant skill and sometimes world events will open these back up red checks however cannot be retried remember that your clothes all have modifiers that affect certain skills and you could change your outfits to optimize your chances of success try to collect as much gear as possible and wear a well-rounded outfit with a blend of useful modifiers even if it makes you look like you've been kicked through a 70s charity shop you can back out of most conversations change your getup and go back to attempt a skill check you can also increase your chances of success by using drugs and booze these boost your stance but at a cost to your health which is precisely how you got into this mess in the first place with all this in mind I'd encourage you not to save scope of course if you want to play the game as a flawless spin kicking super cop who can best any opponent I'm not going to stop you but disco Elysium is and it's most rewarding and nourishing when you go down paths no other game can take you and occasionally that means getting things wrong really really wrong [Music] there is a lot of information to pass in Cisco Elysium it can sometimes be slightly overwhelming and just as your partner Kim writes everything down in his little notebook you too can make use of the game's interface your journal keeps track of all your ongoing quests and includes hints about what to do and who to speak to if you find yourself at a dead-end check here first likewise the map has a tab listing all the white checks that are outstanding and highlights the ones you're in a position to retry again if you get stuck try solving some of these to progress these checks should also influence how you choose to level up the challenges in Disco Elysium aren't constant you won't be getting into random encounters every five minutes because of this it's better to stockpile your skill points and use them to upgrade specific skills when you need to retry a check you can still focus on the abilities you care most about but the game is generous enough for you to buff supplementary abilities when you need them finally spend a bit of time in your thought cabinet this is a secondary way of leveling up that adds personality and direction to your character every so often in Disco elysium thoughts occur to you that can be internalized changing how you approach problems think of them like physical semi-permanent buffs that change your stats and define who you are new thoughts can come from anywhere if you act in a certain way by being honorable egotistical or apologetic for instance new thoughts will occur to you allowing you to refine exactly who you're playing us some thoughts will improve your abilities things like letting you see further in the map for instance but they can come with debuffs and they even change how people treat you you won't know what each one does until you've internalized it and this is another reason to stop pile your ability points you can forget thoughts by spending a skill point hence the semi-permanent element and you also need to spend skill points to unlock new slots there around fifty three thoughts and all enough for a video all of its own and you won't come close to finding them all in a single place room disco Elysium is a detective game in the truest sense of the word very little is explicitly spelled out and it rarely holds your hand you'll need to get out explore and converse with people you should try talking to everyone however unimportant bigoted or otherwise irritating they seem oh by the way I heard you were rather rude reception from a certain Lawrence guarde some people have no manners by doing so objects may be revealed you wouldn't otherwise see allowing you to progress to areas that were previously closed off moreover it's worth paying attention to what they actually say as it can reveal important hints that feels like an obvious thing to say but it's essential here at the same time you don't need to exhaust every line of interrogation most games encourage conversation or completion ISM but it can get you into trouble in Disco Elysium ask the questions you think are interesting but don't feel you need to say something just because it's still highlighted in fact doing so might embarrass or annoy NPCs the mysteries in Disco Elysium extend beyond dialogue try clicking everywhere on an area before leaving in case you've missed a location you're able to explore and make sure you equip the torch when exploring dark areas this will help you see more orbs and uncover hidden areas and you can find it in Kim's kanima ie car outside the whirling in racks hotel on a related note remember that certain things are easier to see in the correct circumstances such as markings on a wall at Twilight or watermarks on documents as you'd through the lights of a vehicle and my final entry is the most important element of detective work in disco Elysium I mean I don't personally name his fault you know and folks gotta eat just some of the other guy you don't look too kindly on the scabbing kind if you know what I mean mister a few of the entries above are quite conceptual but let's finish with something practical in disco Elysium the tab button is your best friend whenever you get stuck run low on the game's currency reel or want to uncover secret compartments hit tab it highlights hidden items and exits show you things you'd likely otherwise miss and you shouldn't feel ashamed of it disco Elysium is a highly stylized game so there's a trade-off between that striking artful aesthetic and visual fidelity and more than that the tab button is a staple of classic C RPGs such as boulder skate and Planescape torment if it was good enough for them it's good enough for discs of Elysium and you'll need it too even if it's just a scamp through the streets to find coins to pay for your accommodation pressing tab even gives you useful info about the nature of the thing you've uncovered a green highlight means you can interact with it yellow usually pertains to elements that require further investigation and a white outline means the object or door is locked and if you can't find a key you might be able to get it open using a pry bar try searching everywhere finding new clothes will increase your versatility and things like postcards can be sold at the pawn shop to get some extra cash is not often that I see offices of the RCM in my pawn shop and if you're especially low on money you can connect Bacchus probably thorns that you dropped and deposit them at the fritter convenience store you'll need a plastic bag to do so though and if you don't want to know whether is skip ahead no ready head west after leaving the whirling in rags hotel look for the drunk on the steps and examine the bank at his feet he'll move later on but the bank will still be there equipped this and you can now recycle and make money lovely so there you go even after all of that a gigantic list of tips clumsily disguised as six I still feel like I've barely scratched the surface of this overwhelmingly cerebral game let me know if you want more specific tips or maybe just an hour-long video essay about how utterly brilliant it is then I'll gladly oblige because you know I quite like it and if you enjoyed this video or found it useful please hit the subscribe button and remember to ring the bell so you know and our next video nails
Channel: Logitech G
Views: 435,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disco elysium, disco elysium gameplay, disco elysium bag, disco elysium thought cabinet, disco elysium character creation, disco elysium tips, disco elysium guide, disco elysium help, disco elysium secrets, rpg, crpg, best games of 2019, best pc games, best rpgs, disco elysium skills
Id: GAqheuuciys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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