Disaster Of Aeroflot Flight 593 After Kid Disables Autopilot | Mayday | Wonder

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air Lust air Luse

what happened is rodney was trying too say I was his son child or some thing they where trying to take over star Line this is the third attempt to take over that they have made

and rodney and rick bush did not care about peoples lives or anything they thought it would be so easy to run things and they thought they could just be as great as i was or take the credit for what was happing

they would purposely cause things to happen and then blame others it took me A while to realize why and who was trying to under cut me and things like that though my Lines of life are loyal

and I know my Lines of Life would find the problems and find the those at fault though rick buish and rodney would be blaming others is very complex

I do understand A great deal about it though

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/LusphurStarLine778 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 11 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

in time and space you will need to know one name that name is Lusphur Lored Silver Lite StarLine you will also need the person that is LS i'm happy too help and to do what I can

I dislike boy guy humans they hurt and blamed A lot of innocent entities

I is here on this planet from 1977 to 2077 or i should be if im not killed by rodney and rick bush

rodney thought if I was his child i couldn't kill him or remove him really i dont have too be and was not

there are many things that look like there one thing though they are not what they appear to be

rodney and rick bush are doing A scam A deception

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/LusphurStarLine778 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 11 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

rodney and rick bush would say humans are suker and fools they think that people are stupid because of what they did and this would make me angry


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/LusphurStarLine778 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 11 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

irANiAN iL/_\Zi/_\Z


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/LusphurStarLine778 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 11 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
paper was light gold in medieval times i want tobacco sugar [Music] that everything we thought we knew about the world might turn out to be completely wrong [Music] a russian flight to hong kong is in serious trouble the other way the other way to the left now to the right gravity has become a deadly force as the crew fights to keep the plane from falling to earth from 10 000 meters cause of all the chaos a 15 year old is at the controls right there we're not getting any options we have the terrain we are in an emergency [Music] it's a family outing a proud pilot taking his kids on their first trip abroad but in just a few minutes their vacation will turn into a terrifying fight for their lives call the control column just hold it back investigators would be amazed how did a 15 year old kid end up in the pilot seat flying a brand new passenger aircraft march the 22nd 1994 moscow fifteen-year-old eldar kudrinsky is going abroad for the first time he needs every gadget he has but this is no ordinary kid eldar's father is captain jaroslav kodrinsky an international airline pilot in russia that means membership of a privileged group and access to luxuries most of the country can only dream of ah captain is here now we can take off hello aeroflot allows pilots families to travel once a year at a discount so captain kodrinski is taking his children on a four-day holiday to hong kong mom it won't all fit anybody would think we're going for a year where is your daughter uh listen to the music in a car by the time that our age these kids are going to be deaf what deaf pardon captain vladimir makarov velodia at his friends is an aeroflot pilot too he's also going to hong kong on holiday and will be keeping an eye on the kids during the flight mrs kudrinski is only going as far as the airport to see them off jana promise your call as soon as you get there melodia you will make them call me um yeah we'll call as soon as we can okay come on come on come on [Music] they love seeing new places learning new things there's a chance for them to come along with their father and they jumped at it and jana aren't the only ones boarding flight 593 most of the 63 passengers are businessmen from hong kong and taiwan looking for opportunities in the new russia others like adrian deville have come from london flying aeroflot because it offers a cheap connection to asia he's the manager of a camera shop in northern england and has a passion for aircraft in fact he's going on a two-week holiday to hong kong to photograph the new airport they've just built he'd go as far as he could if he thought there was a good airport somewhere in the world he'd try his best to get to that airport just to go and make some nice photographs and the trip to hong kong grew from that because of them he wanted to see this brand new airport which was a feat of engineering at the time mark newport is a british sports promoter who lives in hong kong mark was in the army he was in the forces and he went to hong kong and he just loved it and um and got married out there i chose an aeroflot i'd never heard of it until then because it was just a cheap flight home in 1994 russia is in a state of great change three years earlier the old soviet union finally collapsed a new russia is bursting out from behind the torn iron curtain its people want the freedoms of the west the lifestyle the international travel but russia's state-owned airline aeroflot is getting a makeover too they struggled to buy five new aircraft from the company airbus industry the 70 million dollar state of the art airbus a310 300 though it seats fewer than 200 passengers it can fly three times further than any of russia's biggest passenger aircraft the a310 is a fully automated aircraft equipped with sophisticated failsafe systems aeroflot hopes it will help improve the company's checkered safety reputation anytime there is a national carrier supported by their particular government if that government is in turmoil whether it's financially or political turmoil it affects everything that's associated with that core government aeroflot is a national carrier and so there's always the perception that they may not have had the monetary resources and the wherewithal to be a very structured carrier with a lot of oversight to ensure a high level of safety at that time aeroflot has created a new prestigious division around the airbus fleet russian international airlines pilots wear special uniforms they fly state-of-the-art planes and travel to the world's top destinations ria represents a new modern russia to the world after collapse of the soviet union airflow still controlled by government was forced to look for profits and develop a network which would be commercially justified for russia's premier airline aeroflot hand-picks an elite corps of first-class pilots each of them has thousands of hours of flying time impeccable safety records and fluent english they're given special training by the manufacturers of the aircraft airbus industry [Music] the airline had around 3 000 pilots at that time only 16 men were to be sent to be trained first only the best at the same time and naturally we first got acquainted simply as neighbors then we found out we were both pilots later we both trained for the a310 we studied together i remember how hard it was for them to master it because the technology was quite different so they were working very hard but they all got through it and started to fly jana and eldar are finally on board the new plane they've heard so much about from their father hey now you two behave or uncle will push the eject button kodrinsky has 900 hours of flying the a310 under his belt it was their first trip abroad but naturally they had come along with him on other trips within russia they were quite well traveled for their age first captain danilov will command the flight through the busy flight corridors out of moscow relief captain kodrinsky will then take over when he does first officer piscarev becomes his co-pilot all three are first class pilots on this new a310 the flight deck is fully computerized like other state-of-the-art aircraft it's equipped with a sophisticated autopilot that can fly the plane for long stretches of the flight international routes like this one to hong kong are aeroflot's lifeline they bring in precious hard currency at a time when the domestic market is struggling to turn a profit flight 593 takes off at 4 39 pm local time then it will join the trans-siberian airway flying east towards mongolia and china it's a smooth flight only four hours into the 10-hour trip they've just passed over novosibirsk in siberia almost halfway but eldar and diana are too excited to sleep having negotiated the busy airways out of moscow first captain danilov takes a rest break he hands over control to relief captain kodrinsky who now becomes acting captain for the next leg of the journey you have control i have control oh yeah would you like that okay aeroflot's most technically advanced aircraft is now cruising on autopilot at 10 000 meters it's a calm windless night but the peace will not last the pilots and crew will soon be fighting to save the lives of everyone on board one of aeroflot's new airbuses is on a direct flight from moscow to hong kong captain kodrinski is taking his children on their first trip abroad they're about to pay him a surprise visit help some very important visitors should i bring them in okay this is first officer igor vladimir piscario hello hi so what do you think of our new airplane it's very nice it's amazing so it's quite different from our old russian plane so daddy what's that well this is a flight computer it flights the plane it does everything automatically now come and sit in my seat would you like to come it's a quiet flight many passengers are sleeping unaware of what is taking place on the flight deck daddy can i turn these yeah now jana would you like to pilot the plane no put your hands on the control column come on come on go on but you know don't touch any buttons okay especially this red one autopilot switch you don't touch it all right okay kudrinsky turns the heading select knob it doesn't disengage the autopilot but allows him to turn the plane slightly to the left it makes his daughter think she's flying the aircraft the artificial horizon shows the plane is banking slowly left this instrument is vital when you can't see the ground as it shows the pilot how level the aircraft is in relation to the horizon it was you you turned the plane kodrinsky now puts the aircraft back onto its preset course while first officer piscarev radios local air traffic control with their position novo kuznets this is su 593 flight level three three zero heading one zero five flight 593 is now over 3200 kilometers east of moscow near the middle of siberia sierra uniform 593 nova kuznets flight level 350 heading 105. sierra uniform 593 estimating zakir at 1759 now it's eldar's turn at the wheel he's been waiting a long time for this moment being filmed are you filming yes i am can i turn this yeah but if you turn it to the left where will the plane go left right look out to the left watching for the ground when we're turning eldar finds the control column quite stiff it seemed to move easily when his sister was doing it so he tries harder but he can't make the plane turn because the autopilot is keeping it on course is the plane turning suddenly the column turns easily wait it's the plane turning to the left yes yes it is set the horizon to normal for him once again his father switches the heading select knob back to its original setting ending the turn and eldar's illusion of flying the plane [Music] captain kadrinsky then selects navigation mode it tells the autopilot to put the plane back on course to hong kong dad but eldar is still holding the wheel to the left it's become stiff again can i go back to my seat what four you'll only go to sleep and don't run in the first class they will fire us eldar now turns his control column slightly to the right enjoying his time at the controls well i am going shopping on temple street it's a famous market that only open at night [Music] why is it turning is it turning by itself yes it is it's been just over three minutes since eldar sat down in the pilot seat the plane is tilting sharply a turn that's getting steeper every second the plane seems to be turning by itself but no one seems to know why some kind of zoom we've gone into a zone a holding pattern halfway of course we have an arc has replaced the straight direction line on the screen the arc looks like a plane in a holding pattern around an airport as they study the screen the plane continues to turn it's now banked at 45 degrees which is steeper than what it was built for suddenly the command bars disappear from the primary flight display the crew no longer have any information about course or heading the plane is flying at 650 kilometers an hour and banking hard like a quick turn in a sports car the dramatic movement of the aircraft begins to push everyone into their seats [Music] the a310s autopilot works to keep the plane aloft suddenly the nose pitches up the increased g-force makes it difficult for pisgah to reach the controls he does his best but nothing happens pisgah's hard turn to the left has had no effect on the plane hold it hold the control column eldar is the only one with both hands fully on the controls he can only follow the most basic orders he can't get up because the speed of the turn is pushing him back in his seat to the left to the left to the left now to the right the other way i am trying to get left okay get out eldar has been in the pilot seat for just over four minutes and now he can't leave his body feels twice its normal weight get out get out kudrinsky can do nothing but struggle against the crippling g-forces the aircraft is plunging towards the snowy earth and there's nothing anyone can do crawl out to the back get out get out get out russian international airlines flight 593 to hong kong is in serious trouble there's the ground the pilot's 15 year old son has been at the controls for four minutes the plane is turning steeply and losing altitude the other way captain kudrinski desperately needs to get back into the pilot seat but he can barely move the plane is turning so steeply and so quickly the g-forces on his body make it feel like it's twice its normal weight [Music] everyone on board now feels the force of the plane's dramatic movements his plane is in a serious crisis but captain danilov can't get to the cockpit he too is squashed by the powerful forces created by the plane's extreme bank the plane still isn't responding to add to their confusion an alarm begins to sound it signals the complete shutdown of the autopilot the plane is now completely in the hands of biscarev and eldar and to make matters even worse there's another alarm the plane is about to stall an automatic safety system kicks in to keep the plane flying it lowers the nose and puts the airbus into a steep dive to regain speed the plane dives at a frightening 40 000 feet per minute for the people on board it's like having an elevator fall out from under them in just seconds the heavy pressure of the high speed turn is replaced by near weightlessness [Music] as the plane suddenly drops away it's now a very dangerous environment people and objects that are not secured will land anywhere once gravity returns [Music] they'd been flying at 10 000 meters but now they're falling fast unless they do something quickly they will hit the ground in less than a minute pisgah pulls back on the control column as hard as he can to bring the airbus out of the dive the nose finally comes up and the aircraft begins climbing quickly gravity now returns with a shock as the plane climbs the rapid acceleration pushes people down relentlessly the dramatic change in speed makes everyone feel four times heavier than normal meanwhile first officer piscarev is still trying to gain control of the aircraft too slow pisgah has pulled the aircraft out of the dive but it's climbing too quickly the engines on the a310 don't have enough power to push it almost vertically into the sky the airspeed drops dramatically the plane strains to climb but it's been pushed too far as the force of the acceleration eases kudrinsky leaps into action but peskarev has stalled the plane the nose drops into a corkscrew dive now the airbus is twisting towards the ground from 6000 meters and a breathtaking 70 meters a second full throttle for the first time since the crisis began captain and co-pilot can work together to save the plane i don't know i got it i have full throttle got it kudrinsky pumps the rudder the vertical surface on the tail to help break out of the spin i don't see it at last the plane seems to be responding working the rudder kodrinsky has nearly stopped the corkscrew dive coming up coming out too much speed is back on throttle a bit after a desperate struggle the two pilots have managed to pull the plane out of its terrifying spin they're starting to level out but still not completely in control in all the chaos of the past few minutes the pilots don't know exactly how far they've fallen suddenly they run out of time sierra uniform 593. this is novokuzneas area control please come in 500 kilometers north of the mongolian border air traffic controllers in nova kuznetsk wait for flight 593 to radio that it's left their control area control please come in less than two hours later the first search party goes out to look for the airbus in the frozen rugged siberian wilderness they finally locate the remains of flight 593 on a wooded hillside about a hundred kilometers east of novokuznetsk it's soon clear there are no survivors among the 75 passengers and crew this was a brand new aircraft fitted with the latest technology what could have brought it down why was there no warning not even a distress signal the russian media are quick to speculate could it have been a terrorist bomb when i was in moscow the the the news we had that it could have been a terrorist act because we had terry stacks on aircraft previously we was completely unaware other than nobody survived it [Music] for some time they wouldn't tell me anything specific and only on the next day the airline director told me there was no hope whatsoever it was a horrible moment of course it's hard to believe [Music] aeroflot flies the families of the deceased out to moscow among them is brenda clark the mother of british passenger mark newport we met my daughter-in-law there they've told us you know it's cordoned off we can't go down there and she said you can go down the brim because um the chinese are down there they have to do rituals and things you know and um so she said they're down there that's when i knew they had lied to me and said that it's cordoned off and that's when i told them i want to go down and if you don't take me down then i thumb a lift the authorities take them to where the plane crashed relatives of chinese victims drop pieces of paper with messages written on them others throw flowers yeah that was really moving we had the flowers they had the little they wrote messages on i think on these pieces of paper and they threw them out lovely yeah [Music] the russians take the families to a morgue in a town near the crash site where the recovered bodies are being held many are too badly mutilated to be identified they ask the families to look at recovered items of clothing to help identify the bodies brenda clarke finds her son's family photographs it sends a chill through her for the first time she knows for certain he was on the flight the recovery operation gets underway the russian government mobilizes 238 soldiers police investigators and rescuers everyone in the aviation world wants to know how a brand new state-of-the-art airbus could fall out of the sky without any warning does the a310 have problems no one knows about they need to find out fast chief accident investigator ivan mashkievsky is in charge the crash site itself offers few clues the ones he does have are puzzling unbroken bottles of champagne a flight attendant in an oxygen mask and finally the body of at least one child thrown into the cockpit [Music] the plane's digital flight data recorder indicates the engines were running when it hit the ground he rules out engine failure mashiki needs the expertise of a man who knows the a310 well someone who can also recreate the fatal flight and find out what exactly went wrong vladimir biryukov is an experienced test pilot and crash investigator at the gromov institute in moscow he's an expert on the a310 airbus biryukov was directly involved in testing and certifying the aircraft prior to the russians buying how could such a thing all i knew was that the plane had crashed somewhere over siberia i remember spending a sleepless night distraught and trying to figure out what might have happened and what could have caused it yeah come i think you should come and listen to this each investigation begins with a complete analysis of the plane's cockpit voice recorder this time it reveals something disturbing now come and sit in my seat would you like to come daddy can i turn to you yeah kudrinsky was in the pilot seat wasn't he yeah according to the diagram can i turn this a bit yeah but if you turn it to the left where will the plane go left right blue count again can i turn this a bit yeah but if you turn it to the left where will the plane go 10 years ago it wasn't unusual for people to be invited up to the cockpit of course since 9 11 it's become a lot tighter and you will find cockpit doors are locked generally throughout the flight every country sets its own rules as to who has the authority or the access to the cockpit some in some countries it's up to the captain so the captain can invite guests up to the cockpit but to have them actually manipulating the controls of an airplane regardless of whether they have people on it or not the fact that this was allowed to occur is definitely exception in the industry the two investigators are stunned by what they hear on the cockpit voice recorder it's unbelievable these two youngsters the ones who we couldn't identify they were not thrown into the cockpit by the crash they were his kids and they were flying the plane the investigators are speechless how could three experienced pilots allow children to fly a commercial airliner they're about to learn something even worse the children are only part of the problem a little-known feature of the plane proved deadly why is it turning is it turning by itself turn it to the left the other way the other way to the left now to the right the other way i am trying to get left okay get out russian investigators listen to the cockpit voice recorder of an aeroflot airbus that has crashed in siberia [Music] [Music] you should understand the frame of mind of the father he is very proud of what he's doing he invites his kids into the cockpit strictly speaking it's a violation of course but i know such violations do occur in real life i'm not condemning him or defending him here what i'm trying to say is that no disaster occurs for just any single reason there's always more than one all coming together but this time it really does look like a single cause a child flying the plane and it sends shock waves through aeroflot's higher echelons no i think it would benefit them investigators feel the pressure the media has learned that eldar was at the controls aeroflot trying to improve on its soviet era image wants to minimize the damage boris ryback is an aerospace consultant in moscow airflow managers and executives indeed try to conceal results and try to downplay importance of this accident because it was very embarrassing managers at aeroflot aren't the only ones following the investigation airbus the european company which made the plane is also intensely interested what's wrong nothing if the accident was caused by eldar it will vindicate airbus at the same time grieving families are also clamoring for answers are you sure for mashkeevsky and his team it's a delicate balance there is always more than one reason for a plane to crash and we must fight it i'll do my best his reputation the reputation of airbus as well as aeroflot all now depends on finding this other cause this was an international flight it was a western-built aircraft and it was inevitable that the the investigation that would be conducted by the authorities and the inquiries that would be conducted by claimant lawyers would expose information at the same time manufacturer of the aircraft airbus industry was very keen to get as much realistic explanation of what happened because the reputation of this aircraft was at stake what i objected to was the way we was treated by aeroflot after the accident they wouldn't tell us anything what was going on they denied everything i wanted to know why my son died i wanted to know why these men had been allowed to do such a thing but all we got from aeroflot was blank blank blank every time we tried to find something out they just didn't want to know families aren't the only ones desperate for answers vladimir biryukov continues trying to learn all he can about why the airbus fell out of the sky analyzing information from the flight data recorder he can trace and repeat every command given to the aircraft during the flight we were trying to get as close to the truth as possible because that was the precedent the first foreign produced plane to crash while flying for a russian airline the investigation confirms the autopilot was on when the plane got into trouble even with the children in the cockpit the plane should have flown on course what went so terribly wrong so any new developments we can discount kudrinsky's daughter she sat in the chair but she didn't fly the plane at 17 47 and six seconds captain kudrisky tells her not to touch the autopilot switch her father gave the autopilot the command to turn while jana just rested her hands lightly on the controls it was you you turned the plane but when eldar took the controls biryukov discovers something dramatically different happened no one could possibly have guessed not even the three pilots in the cockpit biryukov may have found the key to the puzzle the plane's flight data recorder shows the two and a half minutes before the crash while eldar was at the controls the autopilot partially disconnects this is the start of all the planes troubles but how did that happen [Music] the autopilot is a sophisticated computer which manages an aircraft's speed altitude and heading altitude and heading are controlled by three key functions the rudder which controls sideways movement the elevators which control vertical movement and the ailerons which are for turning on flight 593 the autopilot had disconnected itself from the ailerons and the autopilots that were used in transport airplanes years ago were an on off in today's sophisticated flight management systems you can literally take fragments of the autopilot and disengage them but not necessarily turn the switch off and turn it all off unless you want to the question that really worries accident investigator biryukov is how did the autopilot become partially disconnected there's no mention of it in the cockpit voice recording if this is a fault with the aircraft it could prove fatal to future flights [Music] the only way to know for certain is to reconstruct the accident on a flight simulator at airbus industries headquarters in toulouse france biryukov's experience as a test pilot and his detailed knowledge of the a310 is crucial to the investigation using information from the flight data recorder biryukov reconstructs the events beginning at the moment captain kodrinsky allows his son to sit at the controls a co-pilot will help replicate piscardo's actions look out to the left watching for the ground when we're turning unlike his sister eldar turns the wheel before his father can tell the autopilot to turn the plane the controls are stiff because he's fighting the autopilot [Music] in the simulator biryukov reproduces eldar's every movement [Music] no it's starting to go going going there hold it long enough and it disconnects how long 30 seconds and it disconnects smoothly no warning no no no one in the cockpit knows it but this is a critical moment eldar's resistance actually turns part of the autopilot off it takes just half a minute but from here on eldar is controlling the ailerons eldar is actually steering the plane why is it turning is it turning by itself yes it is what seems like an open and shut case is suddenly much more complex the 15 year old flying the plane isn't the only reason they crashed the discovery highlights an apparent flaw in how pilots are trained on the a310 i got it i have full throttle [Music] accident investigator vladimir biryukov has finally discovered the terrifying sequence of events that made aeroflots flight 593 fall to earth captain kudrinsky's 15 year old son had turned the plane's control column against the programmed flight settings this disconnected the autopilot without warning from the ailerons which turned the plane there hold it long enough and it disconnects how long the aircraft then began an uncontrolled turn to the right which got steeper and steeper but why didn't anyone realize the autopilot had disconnected another peculiarity of the plane is that it has no alarm signaling the disengaging of the autopilot in the list channel irregular as it was believing that even if the autopilot got disengaged the crew would be alerted to the fact the a310 airbus has only a small light to tell the crew the autopilot has disconnected there's no alarm and the russian crew was obviously unaware of it but there's also another reason why no one realized what was happening the autopilot still appears to be working normally because it's controlling the plane's other functions although the plane is now banking the situation isn't yet critical at this point if the crew takes the proper action they can still stabilize the plane eldar is the first to notice that the artificial horizon is at an angle why is it turning is it turning by itself yes it is the three pilots don't understand this at all after all kodrinsky returned the flight to its autopilot heading makarov offers an explanation going into some kind of zoo we've gone into a zone a holding pattern halfway of course we have increasing one degree per second 27 degrees now we should be entering into the zone what's that a strange arc now appears on the navigation panel it looks like the courser plane would take circling an airport waiting to land there appeared in ark very much resembling the ark that appears on the display when a plane enters a waiting zone there are waiting zones around airports when too many planes accumulate they enter such a zone and circle around while they wait but there could be no such zone at that point on the route and yet we hear in the voice recording hey we're entering a zone this false holding zone distracts the crew for nine seconds in that time the plane crosses a critical threshold the airbus is now banking at 45 degrees far beyond its design limits it cannot turn this steeply and maintain height it's now losing altitude but the airbus autopilot is no longer controlling the ailerons its other functions try to compensate by pulling the plane's nose up and increasing power to maintain altitude passengers are pushed back into their seats it's on the verge of stalling it starts to shake like a leaf just hold it part of the flight control panel now goes dark it's a warning sign that the plane has gone beyond its design limits from here on the airbus is out of control by recreating the fatal flight biryukov has worked out how a lapse in judgment and concentration has resulted in a catastrophic crisis but could the crew have saved the plane and its passengers the pilots of flight 593 tried to bring the plane out of its fatal dive by pulling up but they go too far the plane climbs steeply and stalls we're losing altitude now we've started to spin so what do we do [Music] it's coming out of the corkscrew now we're leveling out in a moment we'll come out of the dive all they had to do was let go the plane has an inbuilt survival mechanism which won't allow it to stall even at very low speed but the pilot has to know that but the situation is totally new to them something they weren't accustomed to handling a stressful and incomprehensible situation it would have taken special skills to act correctly in such a difficult situation it was not the crew's fault but their misfortune because if a person doesn't know how to do something because he was never taught to you can't really blame him the team's perseverance in an open and honest investigation did show that there was more than one simple cause behind the accident their findings benefited the whole industry especially the revelation that the autopilot can partially disconnect this remains a feature of the a310 as it enables pilots to control certain elements of a flight while leaving the rest to the computer but crews are now made aware of this captain kudrinsky's misfortune is that it was triggered in a way that was unexpected and difficult to detect the crash of the russian plane comes at a troubling time for the airline industry in 1994 the same year that flight 593 went down a series of crashes in the united states raised questions about how commercial pilots handle upsets situations in which an aircraft finds itself in extreme flying conditions when we think about upset in a large airplane we think about an attitude of the airplane that's beyond what normal flight regimes would be that is greater than 20 degrees nose up greater than 10 degrees nose down and bank angles greater than 25 degrees within a year the industry had begun offering pilots upset recovery training teaching them skills to handle extreme situations like the one on flight 593. the tragedy of one trip to hong kong may have contributed something to the safety of other passengers and crew for parents and friends of those on board though what happened that night is never far from their minds [Music] adrian deville's body was one of 22 that were never identified their remains were cremated together by the russian authorities in my mind he was asleep and that's the way i deal with it and you know he didn't know much about it [Music] the crew of the airbus are buried in mitinskoya cemetery in moscow in a hero's grave next to the firefighters who died at the chernobyl nuclear plant jana and eldar lie next to their father [Music] i can imagine the horror they experienced in their last moments he knew there were not only all those people depending on him [Music] but also his own kids [Music] yes it was a violation yes he did it but how it all happened it was just a freak accident a bizarre coincidence [Music] i can forgive the pilot i can forgive the children because they were innocent this man was 39 years old and for those 39 years he had an exemplary flying career he had a family he was proud of them and it was the final five minutes of those 39 years that went awry yeah children shouldn't have been allowed in the cockpit i don't believe but me saying that now won't bring mark back for that but it might stop things happening in the future [Music] you
Channel: Wonder
Views: 1,166,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wonder, wonder channel, survivial videos, survival stories, i shouldn't be alive, wonder i shouldn't be alive, extreme documentary, mayday air crash investigation, mayday air disaster, air crash investigation, air crash investigation full episodes, air crash documentary, aeroflot flight 593, aeroflot flight 593 air crash investigation, aeroflot flight 593 documentary, aeroflot flight 593 mayday, aeroflot flight 593 air disasters, plane autopilot failure, plane autopilot crash
Id: LHyymJu6c4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 29sec (3029 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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