DIRTY SECRETS of WW2: The Aces of Squadron 21
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Keywords: aviation, action, planes, politics, country, life, culture, people, education, usa, discovery, classic, footage, world, facts, learn, movies, how, record, youtube, man, old, clip, hd, new, full, news
Id: fheHMpP-kzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Can't wait for the parade of "OMG how can they strafe random houses and people in fields" from people who didn't understand the scale of this war. This is an area of Italy during a time where it necessary to assume anything or anyone on the ground should be a target.
This is from the documentary "Thunderbolt!" I bought it on amazon for $5 a couple of years ago. Man, I wish Gaijin would hurry up with those Razorbacks already.
Man, that was crazy. 8-9 missions a day... I'd get tired just doing 8-9 sim battles man!
stupid ground pounders, should've climbed \s
This doc is one of the best I've seen in learning what it was really like to fly a mission, what was on the minds of the pilots and how devastating air superiority can be. Hollywood and propaganda films are never good at showing what it's like to be on the job.
As for the comments about ROE on those houses... it followed scenes of attacks on valid targets like the train, lighthouse, radio station and HQ with military vehicles. The voice-over doesn't say what made the houses look suspicious to the pilot(s) and we don't know if they were operating on intelligence reports which was then confirmed by seeing other things. They flew these missions A LOT in a very organized manner so we should assume they had a good knowledge of the area, were always keeping an eye out for possible targets, discussing them on the ground before their runs and it likely wasn't as indiscriminate as the scene inadvertently implied IMO.
EDIT: No they definitely knew one of those houses was being used as an ammo or fuel dump. They wouldn't allow filming of strafing random houses in the countryside and the odds of hitting something that explodes are beyond incredibly low. They knew what they were doing.
Now I wish we had trains to strafe in War Thunder.
Late to the party but...
One of the P-47s seen in this video is the Hun Hunter XIV. A guy here in Tennessee bought a non-flying P-47D from Brazil and mocked it up to look like her. She flies today as the Hun Hunter XVI. Also, another flying P-47D lives here too.. The Wicked Wabbit. They fly as a two-ship in shows.
She lives in the Tennessee Museum of Aviation.
Pic with my 3 year old. You can see all of the coffee cans catching oil.
Every now and then, you will see it flying around when not doing airshows.
The size of a P47 still blows me away to this day.
EDIT: One more pic. Daughter running between Wicked Wabbit and Hun Hunter XVI.