Dirty dog did what to the pussycat??

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Top 6 answers on the board. Name something specific the dog does that makes the cat say to it, "You're pathetic." Taylor. Taylor: Chew toys. Steve: Chew toys. Bea: Eat food. Steve: Eat food. Rachel. Jess! Jess: Cry. Steve: Cry. [Cheering and applause] [Diazdeleons talking at once] Bea: We're gonna play. [Cheering and applause] Steve: Hey, Rosie, we got no strikes. Give me something specific the dog does that makes the cat say to it, "You're pathetic." Rosie: Um...humps it. [Laughter and applause] Steve: Humps it. [Audience groaning] Tina, name something specific the dog does that makes the cat say to it, "You're pathetic." Tina: It chases its tail. Steve: Chases its tail. Diazdeleons: Good answer. [Cheering and applause] Steve: Hey, George, give me something that the dog does that makes the cat say, "You're pathetic." George: Licks himself clean. Steve: Yeah, that's what we wanted to hear, yeah. [Laughter] Tina: Yeah. Steve: He licks himself. [Cheering and applause] Only one strike. Come on, Bea. It don't matter. [Laughter] Name something a dog does that make a cat say to it, "You're pathetic." Come on. [Laughter] Bea: I don't have any pets but I'm gonna go with, um, making holes, you know, on the ground. Steve: Making holes. Making holes. Making holes. Making holes. Come on. [Audience groaning] [Applause] Jess, two strikes. You gotta be careful. What does the dog say that makes the cat say, "You're pathetic"? Jess: It eats its own poop, Steve. Tina and Bea: Ohh! Steve: He eats his own poop. Bea: Good answer. [Audience groaning] [Cheering and applause] Steve: Ladies, name something that a dog does that makes the cat look at it and go, "You're pathetic." Tracy: Swimming. Steve: Hmm? Tracy: Swim in water. Woman: Good answer. Steve: Swimming! [Cheering and applause] Number 5. Audience: Sniffs/butts. Steve: 4. Audience: Fetches. Steve: Number one. Audience: Begs.
Channel: Family Feud
Views: 32,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family feud, family fued, steve harvey, steve harvey on family feud, family feud funny moments, celebrity family feud, funny family feud answers, family feud steve harvey funny moments, steve harvey family feud funny moments, funny answer on family feud, funny Steve Harvey reaction on family feud, dumb answer on family feud, steve harvey cracks up on family feud, steve harvey makes fun of family feud contestant, it's already up on the family feud board, dumb family feud answers
Id: D9KSY7awdOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 7sec (187 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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