Diplomats for Sale | Al Jazeera Investigations

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Pretty impressive documentary, worth watching. Sometimes a bit of an annoying style, but quite revealing with plenty of facts to back it up.

Worth a watch.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/LateBloomerBaloo 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] al-jazeera's investigative unit is in the Caribbean to expose a corrupt trade and how that funds elections [Music] Dominique is Prime Minister has just announced the date of their next election is the 6th of December 2000 our investigation reveals how the sale of diplomatic passports helps keep politicians in power oh it's the definition of corruption corruption 101a we don't use the word bribe we'll just use the word a token of appreciation we show how a former Prime Minister acted as a broker in a secret deal the current Prime Minister's of Dominica and Grenada are said to have been paid by wealthy foreigners wanting to be diplomats something they strongly deny today as I understand it us 250,000 unless you're hot really hot then the price will go to over a million you know what 1 million US dollars can do that alone could finance a whole election we ask why some ambassadors to the United Nations don't meet the UN's own standard on who should be a diplomat I find it outrageous that the UN accepts these appointments and we reveal how an Iranian now serving 20 years in jail helped pay for an election in return for a title I couldn't call him Ali any mum yes I know you gotta call me excellency [Music] july 2019 our investigative team is in Panama to meet Oliver Seraphin he's a former prime minister of Dominica [Music] he's just had meetings in Dominica hoping to set up a secret deal the corrupt sale of a diplomatic passport he doesn't know our undercover team is filming confidence Seraphin thinks our undercover reporter is a middleman for a wealthy European businessman living in Asia he's willing to pay to become Dominique as ambassador to the Philippines and entitled to a diplomatic passport only Dominique as Prime Minister Roosevelt's carrot could make that appointment after 15 years in power and three election wins he's now campaigning in a fourth election Seraphin says he's already heard from a contract the Prime Minister's Skerritt would expect to be paid four million u.s. dollars I'm a couple friends our visa for the opposition so scary is in the business of region some huge amounts of money [Music] [Applause] [Music] three months earlier we're in Dominica for Carnival week the election could be called any time in the next year and the floats already echo early campaigning one band stands out this free booze on offer they're the only float with a police escort the band's patron was prime ministers Garrett's wife not all the floats seem pro-government several belt out a Calypso that's a direct attack on the prime minister the lyrics refer to a scandal involving the Prime Minister a criminal on the run and a diplomatic passport al Jazeera can now reveal the fourth story which has never been told although widely joked about [Music] my dominica trade house was a venture started in 2014 not in Dominica but half a world away it was set up in Malaysia to promote links between the two countries the man behind my Dominica trade house was neither Dominique in normal Asian but Iranian Ally Razer Mon ffred poly is a very flamboyant person just like magnet he has this way of pulling people to him to show him this is richness this is power this is how you can succeed Manoj Bhullar and his wife Kiran have never spoken before about what they witnessed firsthand bilasa Malaysian businessman recruited by Aleman fred to run my Dominica trade house in Kuala lumper he says they organised lavish promotions attended by senior Dominique and politicians who expected gifts yeah lots of smuggling pens wallets led away cartier watches jewellery we had 10 Basel or 100 gram each printed up with with my dominated trade house stamped on it I miss the value of each of those bars ten to fifteen thousand [Music] after six months of hosting several Dominica delegations Mon Fred welcome Dominique as Prime Minister Roosevelt's carrot to Malaysia he came with a present for Ally Manfred al he received his diplomatic passport through the hands of the Prime Minister personally when he came down to Kuala Lumpur he had a big lavish party and he announced he said I just got my passport the Prime Minister's give me my passport an Iranian Ally Manfred was now Dominika s-- ambassador to Malaysia he was the high in cloud nine like he was saying that he was a king he's excellency called him excellency I couldn't call him Ali an imam yes I know you gonna call me excellency the rules of diplomatic relations were laid down by the United Nations in the Vienna Convention ambassadors can live tax-free in the country they're appointed to diplomatic bags can't be opened their homes and embassies can't be searched and ambassadors are normally immune from arrest [Music] maaan Fred quickly exploits that at the my Dominica trade house office in Kuala lumper a rowdy party leads to a police raid training cops came out and they went straight to the office Ali locked himself behind the office though and all he did was short his diplomatic passport and said I'm a diplomat that's when the police just walked away the Balazs say they paid for the house which became maan Fred's home and the Dominique in embassy we had a leak right behind his house ordered 1500 dust Macao parents making a record neighbors were complaining it is a prime prestigious estate Mon frère is a house party and quizzes other ambassadors on the perks of his new job I asked him what immunity what protection what benefits can you carry cash with your bags be checked we've obtained a secretly recorded conversation from the party it's between the then Jordanian ambassador and Ali Manfred he said I cover up to looted a diplomatic passport we can say and any security be there for the detox gosh yes you are community for for especially the ambassador's they cannot arrest you they cannot come to your house because your house promises I think it's completely wrong to have a conversation about the perks these are guarantees that you can conduct your business on behalf of a nation-state without being interfered with Mark Stephens is an expert on diplomatic law being an ambassador is somebody who represents at the highest levels and with the highest levels of probity and integrity their country and their country's interests invariably that person is a citizen and a national or domicile of the country who appoints them but our investigation has found dozens of examples of Caribbean governments appointing foreigners as their diplomats around the world time and again we find that these small countries often after bribes are paid will qualify people with no connection no experience but who are international criminal so who need for some dubious reason the protection the shield of diplomatic immunity and they buy it which is a scandal an international scandal Geoffrey Robertson was involved when the abuse of diplomatic passports first became known he acted for the wife of a wealthy Saudi she sued her husband for a divorce settlement in the British courts but Waleed Jafar Lee didn't want to pay so how do you get out of a law that everyone else has to obey very simple sail off to Santa Lucia and lo and behold in time he was made the ambassador to the International Maritime Organization and he never turned up for two years he never turned up and yet when his wife properly made an application for money he claimed immunity diplomatic immunity is a shield now that was obviously outrageous a British Court eventually agreed with his former wife diplomatic immunity didn't apply in a civil divorce case criminal immunity only applies in the country an ambassador is appointed to Iranian Ally Manfred didn't know that when he thought a diplomatic passport was the answer to all his problems those problems began on the malaysian island of Labuan in 2012 18 months before mon fred set up my Dominica trade house Manoj bowlers family ran a shipping business in Labuan le monde Fred contacted him claiming to be an agent for the Iranian government wanting his help Iran being in a sanction they had problems in moving your and I specialized in Marine Logistics Manoj bolas solution to international sanctions on selling Iranian oil was to disguise where it came from ships would come in from Iran we loaded up with oil we'd have empty tankers parked outside the mothership come alongside our tankers they would discharge the oil onto our storage facilities the oil will be stored out in the sea for months at times we wait for winter to come in China the surprise goes up and then the sister ship would come along our side our tankers it's a direct route straight to China you will be in China within 14 days [Music] after a year it became known China was buying Iranian oil so they closed down the operation what Manoj Bala didn't know was maan fred was skimming off the profits stealing from his own Iranian government by 2014 they were after him as an Iranian citizen he was vulnerable to arrest he needed another passport montfort would not leave his house he was so scared any phone call would come he would jump any knock on the door slowly he materialized why and the way he had to find another citizenship it's called citizenship by investment and it's a major source of income for Caribbean and European countries it's legal but controversial wealthy families from Asia the Middle East and Russia invest around a quarter of a million dollars in luxury resorts or a government scheme in return they get citizenship and a new passport which allows visa-free travel to many countries [Music] maaan Fred took Manoj Bala with him to Dominica to buy a passport through citizenship by investment to help one for its case will are primed him with other investment ideas for the island officials was so impressed they suggested a meeting the Prime Minister's Garret I would enough for two days I was in a casual mode to my shorts and t-shirt I had to borrow a shirt and apparent from the front desk get myself prepared since I was gonna be meeting the Prime Minister Manoj Bala says he did most of the talking and Reza belts Garrett immediately made him an offer not the kind of passport given to foreign investors but an upgrade to a diplomatic passport the conversation Skerritt says he doesn't remember why don't you be our ambassador at large straight away day it's a formal ambassadorship trade away ambassador-at-large I declined and I said ah I'm a businessman not a politician more free turn around and said to me he said are you out of your mind an opportunity like this and you declined it did Munford say to you why he wanted the passport he said I get diplomatic immunity completely I don't have to be worried about Iranian we're investigating whether a former Dominique and Prime Minister can broker a deal to make our candidate Dominique as ambassador in the Philippines and what it will cost Oliver Seraphin confirms diplomatic passports can be bought even by criminals he's miss our intention is Astros mistakes offensive ambassador's has written here our traditions of those persons having been on the International spinning guilty cause all kinds of friends yeah my longer in this those include in lab sang while a diplomat for Dominica he bribed UN officials now jailed in America Italian Francesco Corallo gambling tycoon designated a UN Ambassador awaiting trial for fraud after being on Interpol's most-wanted list this is gonna be like for me because we how much to see channels appear in a perfect world it would be really nice to do this diplomatic passport stuff and have the money goes to the right place you know fortunately [Music] our investigation also takes us to Grenada Prime Minister Keith Mitchell has been in power for most of the last 25 years his diplomatic choices don't seem to conform to the spirit of the Vienna Convention that ambassadors should be Nationals of the country and full-time diplomats many of Granada's ambassadors are foreigners with business links to the island although there's no suggestion these diplomats paid for their appointments Oleg fire-up runs an internet firm in Miami while grenadiers ambassador to Moscow Hamza al Kohli heads a global company while a UNESCO ambassador in Paris Najib Severus designated grenadiers ambassador to France but never accepted by the French [Music] so Eris is one of Egypt's richest men he owns the luxury silver sands on grenadiers premier beach [Music] he's now building phase 2 further along the bay locals fear expansion into the adjoining cameroon park the last strip of public land leading to the sea [Music] the young trend of the country in the Sun the parka is our access meter each command tax is a part of me it's a part of my life my childhood life and really it's one of our national assets and we deserve to have this party we can have a situation has happened in many countries where all the lovely sights were taken up with commercial developments the residents have become second-class citizens and there is nowhere for them to really enjoy anymore their fears were reinforced in 2017 when a draft resolution to protect Cameroon Park for redevelopment was rewritten by the government instead of having the park as a place for us to enjoy perpetuity they rewarded it to see that all attempts should be made to facilitate the investors expansion of this project so this is worrying when the government would go to that end there's no evidence Najib swear is paid Prime Minister Mitchell for his title by contrast an American conman says he did pay for his ambassadorship era christina is a serial fraud stir who for a spell operated in the Caribbean David Martin runs the financial crime database offshore alert which investigated era Christina why would he want a diplomatic passport when you operate like rest on it does you even know you're under investigation or you know that you will be under investigation at any given time so it provides a level of security offshore alert claimed rest ina promised Prime Minister Mitchell a million dollars handing over half at a Swiss villa with a plan to ensure he wasn't double-crossed his former head of security told me that he secretly recorded video and audio rest ina giving a briefcase with half a million dollars of cash in $100 bills to Keith Mitchell after it was secretly recorded rest on had told the head of security that if he tries to with me I've got him by the balls and they had security then put all of this down into some form of legal document is that rice for an affidavit and I was given a copy of that the Americans jailed res Steiner for fraud in 2006 and confiscated the tape without making it public a judicial inquiry accepted Prime Minister Mitchell's explanation he did receive cash but only 15 thousand for travel expenses Keith Mitchell just wants to enrich himself at the expense of the people who voted him into power and it's disgusting it's disgraceful [Music] you know what 1 million US dollars can do in an election that alone could finance a whole election George warm publishes the new today paper in Grenada he says his sources confirm the sale of diplomatic passports has helped Keith Mitchell stay in power there is a gentleman he was a government agent he was like the middleman in establishing the communication between these individuals and the government and he was telling me the kind of prices that these diplomatic passports and other official positions but when you talking about the diplomatic passports it was going for 1 million BC and if a million dollars was paid where did that money go in the personal pocket these are the monies that the politician would then use to service their constituency so when people say we want the fridge we want the stove that's where the money is coming from [Music] the number of times I've had people approach me asking whether I could get into blue medic passport because they know I hang around with all the the Prime Minister's neo food has spent years doing business in both Grenada and Dominica for the prime minister's I would suggest that the trade and diplomatic passports is the most lucrative endeavor first time I had heard about this was about 15 years or so ago then the price was 25,000 then I went to 50,000 today as I have status 250,000 unless you're hot really hot then the price will go to over a million criminal activities indictments it happens so the more desperate you are for the immunity the more the price goes up exactly yeah the sign was for a project in Grenada also linked to an ambassador role so GSA was the project and then a cross they were the people who are bringing the money in is here knowing very different the site was meant to be an organic shrimp farm a government-approved project for foreigners to invest in and gain citizenship Col David was working for the man who initiated the project Leo Ford so we would have employed 100 folks in the area that had the highest unemployment rate on the island so that had to be something going on in the island what they needed a big rah-rah for the election because the election was coming up plans for the shrimp farm were announced by grenadiers prime minister I'd like to invite to the podium the prime minister of Grenada doctor the right honourable Keith Mitchell I'm so proud of what we see near this afternoon and then fallen to it to see this project take off in every sense the PM is we were walking out of that I said Bob Ella but I'm gonna need your help for the approval process and that's when the prime minister said or the elections coming up we take campaign contributions talk to my ministers how did you interpret that comment that means they wanted a lot of money to make everything go ahead quickly sahrin dow moody a Swedish national was the partner who raised the project funding both Leo Ford and a colleague say dowdy told them he was offered an ambassador role Soren was talking with his attorney and his attorney who's very well connected with one of the ministers convinced him that he could become an ambassador for the UAE from Grenada how did he seem to feel about this he was like a little kid in a candy store you know I don't bought himself a pair of 8 or $900 shoes in the ground opening it it rained and it was muddy and his traipse and throwing these beautiful fancy shoes a yen a tech Keith Mitchell won his fifth term in power but neither the ambassadorship all the shrimp farm ever materialized SAR endowed eat denied he'd been offered an ambassadorship and called it a vendetta by Leo Ford he also denied the money raised was missing that's now the subject of an investigation by the Grenada government Keith Mitchell said all the allegations about him were false and came from political activists wanting to tarnish his name and hurt Grenada it's our second meeting with Oliver Seraphin who says he can broker a deal to buy a Dominican ambassadorship he's already named a price and his cut [Music] you get your fifty so is that three hundred and fifty thousand or is that 450 450 gets four okay okay he says the four hundred thousand will go to Dominique his prime minister Roosevelt's carrot a secret slush fund to help win the next election expected within months to bring Dominique illness who are in the bangles like it out resumes and so on so I am invited me to vote okay you know so that he has the number so he did it before yeah to Dominic all expenses paid he medians pulled it off [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but Skerritt denies any corruption or illegality in Dominica he's building a new home his family also had a base in New York across the river from the United Nations but is the apartment linked to a secret deal for a diplomatic passport the evidence for that starts with Diaz Annie Allison mad wakey who is Nigeria's minister of petroleum resources every Nigerian will be touched by the rewards and the proceeds from the oil and gas sector four years later her last day in office she's facing allegations she looted billions of dollars of oil revenue for herself and corrupt associates the week before in London she's personally handed a Dominica diplomatic passport by Prime Minister Skerritt a passport which could shield her from criminal charges we found documents showing a few days later a shell company forms in Delaware an American state where laws mean the true owners of the company are kept secret for months later that shell company buys the New York apartment for 2.2 million dollars with no mortgage property records confirm the prime minister's wife Melissa was a resident photos place the Skerritt family they're both Jews and Allison Midway key Anne Roosevelt's carat strongly denied any link to the company that bought the apartment Roosevelt's caret said the family resided there due to a kind gesture by an unnamed friend of his wife he strongly denied any wrongdoing and didn't ask or receive any money from Allison Midway key [Music] in Dominica we've also tracked the money trail linking prime-minister Skerritt to another doubtful diplomat Iranian Ally Manfred among the documents that we've got are a series of emails about sending money from Malaysia to Dominica and specifically to a petrol station in the town of Portsmouth it's owned by the nanfan family Emanuel nanfan was among senior politicians who visited Malaysia when Manfred opened my Dominica trade house there he was also key to the upgrade to a diplomatic passport after the materialized their ally was supposed to get his diplomatic passport as sum of money a token of appreciation as we say was to be given not an offer to use his company then he said well I've got mental substitution send the money through there within weeks of the trading house opening in Malaysia nana fan is phoning and emailing from Dominica chasing money he think that the Prime Minister is waiting the Prime Minister is inquiry that basically goes to show that nantan was actually being a middleman doing all the dirty works for a private listen thank documents show two hundred thousand dollars is then paid into the account of Nan fans service station were you under any doubt that this was a bribe for the diplomatic parsley obviously we don't use the word bribe we'll just use the word a token of appreciation but definitely without that money he would not have got his diplomatic passport the my Dominica trade has opens in 2014 the year of Dominique as last election documents confirm a rally by prime ministers Garrett's ruling party with entertainers and fireworks is paid for by the Malaysian trading house as are thousands of party shirt they kept saying that it is very expensive for them to import t-shirts into Dominica I have it printed and we said yeah we can get it done printed here Malaysia and we can ship it out to you and then agree to have something like 5000 t-shirts printed out the bill for printing the party's manifesto is also paid by the Malaysian company two months later Prime Minister's Gerrit wins a third term of office days after that Iranian al-eman Fred sends his voluminous thanks and appreciation to scare it for making him an ambassador nanfan then asks about arrangements for the Prime Minister's visit to Malaysia this trip to be paid for onward towards China private jet hire hotels shopping money the staff informed me that Ali has withdrawn hundred thousand from the company's account for the expenses of the prime minister to be used in China Emanuel nanfan denied receiving any gifts both he and Roosevelt Skerritt called the payments entirely lawful campaign contributions and denied any wrongdoing Nansen didn't explain why they were paid to his family's service station hungry hyenas they were just out not for the interest of the country I've seen corruption a lot of corruption I've seen in my life in my business but this is way corruption to the point where the interest is only ninety percent per cell and ten percent of the country [Music] sundays with george grand everyday we do that day grenada on thursday nights we do this program in grenada george grants online show is discussing the growing controversy over diplomatic appointments made by grenadiers Prime Minister Keith Mitchell it's just embarrassing right now to take a look and see what's going on out here the people are aware of what is happening the online panel attracts listeners around the region and the Carribean expat community worldwide some fallen into some dark areas where the law is concerned overseas this kind of activity totally devalues and mocks in the notion of diplomats they're especially angry that many Caribbean governments refuse to reveal the names of foreigners appointed ambassador the Foreign Minister an attorney herself says it is not in the public interest to disclose the full list I think we're gonna have to take a little break now once we got into the segment about the diplomatic passports or hell broke loose of course this comes as absolutely no surprise to you folks people have seen this happen over and over again just tell me what's happened somebody actually tried to stop the program it's called throttling they squeeze the bandwidth so that there's a lot of buffering so just to be clear this has happened to you before every time you do 19 times 19 times anytime you're discussing something that pinches a political nerve look out they're not gonna squash it because we're gonna leak out there anyway but they're gonna make it a living hell are you doing sitting wet something that goos makes you question this thing you call a democracy the Grenada government denies any technical interference [Music] the list of diplomatic passport holders is secret in several Caribbean states Antigua and Barbuda have published their list there's no suggestion of illegality or bribes but again questions about who's become a diplomat movie star Robert De Niro was given the honor for attracting investment and celebrities to the islands muda al-assad is a nephew of the syrian president his links to antigua are unknown a third economic envoi is Colombian Alex our Moran we've seen confidential police documents outlining a multinational investigation into Moran and financial documents showing huge amounts into two Antiguan bank accounts there from his companies for a Food Programme for Venezuelans food boxes many rotten and infested with beetles Antigua's Prime Minister Gaston Brown defended Moran's diplomatic appointment only when the u.s. indicted Moran for money-laundering unconnected to Antigua did Gaston Brown revoke his friends diplomatic passport Brown didn't respond to our request for comment [Music] situation of day weather is so terrible that right now it's a bombardier than for 100 miles or so it has been about day in terms of weather but all those as well after three months trying to arrange the sale of a diplomatic passport Oliver Seraphin sends voice messages saying he's met Dominique as Prime Minister Roosevelt's carrot and so on but he is very destructive it's hurricane season and Dominica is gearing up for an election Seraphin says the Prime Minister can't risk any more diplomatic disasters persons who were given diplomatic passports were imprisoned Dominique his former ambassador to Malaysia is sentenced to 20 years in jail by a Tehran court Siham is debajo de montfort a true Coulibaly basura de shabekuri boats as he said wishes - al-qaduli ali reza Manfred lost diplomatic immunity when he traveled outside Malaysia and was arrested by the Iranians the Prime Minister has been having a string of very disappointing appointments including the former minister of petroleum from Nigeria Hasani Allison Midway key appointed Dominique as Trade Commissioner has 40 million dollars worth of jewellery confiscated the Nigerian government investigator for fraud everything is in the hands of the Prime Minister no new driver deliver this matter after the elections are called it's not a negative at all it is about timing another breaking scandal involves a current Dominique in ambassador to the United Nations in New York fashion TV covers Paolo's and ponies parties the footage reflects his varied roles diplomat real estate broker and former model agent Paula Zahn Pony is an ambassador for both Dominica and Grenada his social media showcases his friends in high places very high places he once worked for President Trump and supposedly introduced Melania to her future husband some holy escorted Trump when the president addressed the United Nations ambassador Zamboni is also linked to a new resort in Dominica funded through the citizenship by investment scheme in a legal dispute he claims investors from countries covered by US and UN sanctions have bought citizenship the developers deny that but the charge also suggests the Dominique in government didn't do the required checks on who's eligible for a passport Prime Minister's Gerrit denies that but it's still politically embarrassing coming from one of the many foreigners who are already his ambassadors the climate right now has exacerbated into the extent of fear and apprehension that no mistake can be made in any appointment particular this crucial pre-election them we found around a dozen UN ambassadors who like Paulo sampaoli are not Nationals of the Caribbean states that appointed them once again there's no suggestion of any illegality just more questions about who should be a diplomat billionaire while fix Aida is a former ambassador to UNESCO in Paris facin Vincent tycoon Gilbert augury is also UNESCO ambassador for st. Lucia a Swiss Court once convicted him of money laundering Brazilian model Amanda Ungaro made UN Ambassador the Grenadier Amanda Ungaro is also palace and pony's wife I'm a former UN appeal judge and I find it outrageous that the UN accepts these appointments it hates challenging the actions of member states member states don't like it but in the case of these fake diplomats I think for its own reputation it must Paolo Zamboni told us he and his wife were assets who brought investment to the Islands Grenada told us his wife Amanda Ungaro is no longer a UN ambassador [Music] our undercover investigation into buying an ambassadorship in Dominica takes an unexpected and dramatic turn Oliver Seraphin dominique is ex prime minister says the outcome of the forthcoming election is too close to call he says if we offer the opposition party a donation they'd appoint our candidate an ambassador if they win he tells us to call the opposition party's lawyer okay can you say you speaking on his behalf David lennox linton the opposition leader could become the next prime minister within weeks Bruni stressed our candidate for ambassador would have to be of good character and help develop Dominique his economy I just wanted to be clear that you you were aware of the conversations that Oh Jay had been having with my representative in Panama [Music] he's trusted say what Oh Jay had to say you're a hundred percent happy with all of that bats Bruni then drafted a document stating that within 28 days of Lennox Linton becoming Prime Minister he'd appoint our man ambassador-at-large there's no mention of campaign donations I would suggest that the panama dollar are matter and they prefer not to discuss it on the phone them they believe that the attacks of hackers and so on Seraphin means the payment agreed in panama to buy a diplomatic passport both Bruni and Serafina Pierre keen to avoid the direct involvement of the opposition leader who's campaigning on a platform of anti-corruption the gentleman prefers to create a buffer because he does not want to be implicated at that stage the question be that the first 50 percent of the Panama agreement will be what is expected at this time the funds are needed very urgently t-shirts and vehicles beer systems and various supplies Seraphin sends bank account details for his $50,000 fee and 20,000 for lawyer david bruni who he says will also handle money for the opposition amongst that could be assistant the leader and control his account the funds will be declared as humanitarian donations to Dominica we've obtained a second document signed by both opposition leader Linton and his lawyer that also promises an ambassadorship to another foreign national if the opposition win the election early November 2019 and prime minister Skerritt finally announces the date is Friday the 6th of December 2009 [Applause] [Music] Roosevelts carrot strongly denies speaking to oliver Seraphin about an ambassadorship calling his comments totally false Skerritt says he's suing Lennox Linton for making similar statements Seraphin says he was speaking without authority name-dropping to impress Lennox Linton said he knew nothing about Sara Finn's conversations with Bruni and would never exchange an ambassadorship or passport for money David Bruni didn't reply to our queries [Music] the end of Carnival in Dominica is marked by a symbolic funeral this year's winning calypso is all about corruption paying for power as our investigation shows that's not limited to any one party or one nation [Music] any regime putting up diplomatic status for sale is morally bankrupt it's a whole business to give immunity and protection to crooks and criminals it's a business where countries keep their lists of diplomats from their own people the Ambassador is supposed to be representing the country is that supposed to be secret secret agent ambassadors [Music]
Channel: Al Jazeera English
Views: 1,269,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: al jazeera live, al jazeera english, al jazeera, aljazeera, aljazeera english happening now, #MoneyLaundering, #DiplomaticPassports, #CitizenshipByInvestment, #ViennaConvention, diplomatic immunity, diplomatic passport
Id: m1Yba1-ijh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 3sec (3183 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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