Dio - Rainbow In The Dark (Official Music Video)
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Channel: RHINO
Views: 1,841,434
Rating: 4.9105854 out of 5
Keywords: dio, dio Music Videos, dio Videos, dio Songs, dio 80s, dio playlist, 80s Music, 80s playlist, heavy metal, power metal, doom metal, ronnie james dio, rainbow in the dark, rainbow in the dark video, dio rainbow in the dark, rainbow in the dark dio, thor trailer, thor 4 trailer, thor 4, thor music, thor song, thor songs, thor soundtrack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 10sec (250 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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I've loved this song since I was a kid but this is the first time I've ever seen the video. So all I got to say is...thank you. Thank you man.
You thought it was Ronnie James, but it was me! Dio!
Dio has rocked for a long long time...
Best pipes in the business.
Dont worry, in 100 years he'll come back to rule the world and try to kill 3 Japanese people, an american, an Egyptian, a frenchy, and a dog
Dio has rocked for a long, long, time.
TIL his thumb was severed in a bizarre gardening accident.
The recent Khemmis cover of this song is pure fire.
Heaven and Hell is one of the greatest rock songs ever. His voice was so beautiful and powerful.