DINOFROZ 3 full movie HD | AN ISLAND IN THE SKY | Dinosaur cartoon for kids | Dino fights

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[Music] four best friends sent into the ancient past their dino watch will set off a mystic ice blast to save humanity so they gotta move fast this brave team will enter the dragon land here's no option they've got to get the fire rock the superheroes are ready for battle using the special [Music] nothing can stop them not even come on [Music] they stand together time no might nothing will ever stop the metadials [Music] an island in the sky the oracle pyros has foreseen the time of our victories at hand the signal we're waiting for is coming has there been a decision as to the ultimate fate of mankind and why do you care so much about mankind i do not care but i do believe mankind could be of you says we taught them to use fire to forge metal why without us they'd still be in caves they display some progress they are qualified to serve vlad don't get distracted the destruction of the dino froze is our ultimate goal the green trees and the blue sea god like most life now i understand the upgrading transformations of the flames of golgoth will allow us to escape extinction flame is the dragon's allies and with the passage of the comet fire rock we enter into an everlasting covenant the earth will become a planet under our stewardship where only we can survive thanks to the fires of course why you ordered all of the dragons to gather here that's right but keep all of this to yourself vlad speak not one word of this to the other generals as you wish my lord [Music] huh good morning kara let me give you a hand with your basket cara say no thank you tom because kara can carry things for herself come on i won't say a word you won't even know i'm here at all cairo could never not know tom there is that good or is that bad because i gotta tell you i really hope it's good i kara and tom different worlds that's true excuse me tom you gotta hear what this guy's saying huh jenno says this is ill omen very ill island flying is bad ireland cannot fly foreigners have brought disaster here i think that jenna should learn to watch his mouth huh since foreigners arrived dragons become more dangerous much larger and more powerful he wants the whole village to hate us dino froze is evil enough hmm jenna likes saying not true things or kara not like hear truth we can solve these problems because we can talk to each other much better now leave here and no problems it's not like we want to live here we risk our necks every day protecting this village would it hurt you to say thanks one time that's enough dad but the dynafros are sorry if they've caused a fence please excuse us but now we must prepare for a mission [Music] you told them what it does i asked you to study that device eric not use it to start a rumble well thanks to the phoneme phone we finally know what some people are saying about us well half of the village thinks we're great the other half not so much the dynafros aren't here on a friend-making mission but just in case you've forgotten we're guests of this village that being the case we have to get along with everyone [Music] vlad you can't tell me dracomon doesn't have something to say about the appearance of that that's enough vlad already said he doesn't know anything about it yes i am you seem pretty unsurprised by the appearance of an island floating in the sky i'm sure that vladis told us everything that he knows we are brothers in arms the floating island is the sign the oracle pyro spoke of very soon a comet named fire rock will devastate the earth what keep all of this to yourself vlad not a word to the other generals there's something i must do with them goodbye for now well what are you thinking that there's no way that island is a good omen eyes open boys thanks to the phoneme phone we have a very good idea of where the hunters spotted will stroker we also know that will is still alive which i'll tell you is the first good news we've had in a while which is precisely why it's so important that we find him you're never going to believe where those hunters led us what do you mean bob did you spot something only the place where this whole crazy thing began dino froze rock so this is the famous rock of dino froze i thought it to be taller i'm getting a little choked up nostalgia wallach here what about you guys well this is the home of the dinofros bob hmm dino watch yeah they're up there flying away i know that they'd love to kill us but they're beautiful that's odd why is the d-watch still flashing hey everybody you have got to check this out ah well this is definitely writing of some kind but i don't recognize these glyphs i'll let you know just as soon as i finish reading them what have you suddenly become mr obelisk whisperer nope still just a run-of-the-mill genius vlad is not a very good poker player it's clear that he's hiding something from us your insight is worthless unless we can figure out what he's hiding does that unnecessarily hurtful statement come with a suggestion of course i'm good at finding things out let me keep an eye on him the phoneme phone also has another application all language spoken and every other form of language such as written down or carved in rock so this thing listens and recognizes letters yep it knows how to read congratulations eric you have no idea how helpful that's going to be to everything we're doing here characters like these would ordinarily take years to decipher i should have everything interpreted for you in about 17 seconds or so i think that that little box is going to put me right out of a job [Music] so tell us the legend of the big black rock uh it's kind of about us it's remarkably closely related to dynafro's history uh well it's about this comet the comet fire rock will devastate earth after its harbinger is seen in the heavens it appears that the comet can be stopped but it can only stop itself am i the only one who thinks that sounds like young adult novel nonsense i studied fire rock in grad school it left meteorites all over prehistoric earth they're comprised of a super strong mystery element that we could absolutely weaponize guys listen to the next chapter of the glyphs on the wall there is one who is predestined to defeat the comet one who is both human and monster both leader and friend i think they might be talking about tom is there any more keep reading fire rock wait dino fro's fire rock fragments must be found looks like we're going on a big rock hunt once his team finds them the combined fragments alone can save the world so we have to find all these rocks to stop the world from ending well what if we can't find him or the dragons already have him in that case it's the end of the world well tom it's time to save the world i'm not sure why this keeps happening to you well it's got to happen to someone it's good that it happens to the guy with the best friends and father in the entire world tom this is about dragons no matter what it takes we're gonna get rid of these dragons and don't forget the extinction comet i know one thing if anybody can do this it's team dino froze the strongest element in the known universe what do you think dude this time i saved the earth blindfolded how are you gonna find fire rock fragments with a blindfold on the question is how am i going to manage to spot those two dragon fighters coming after us with a blindfold covering my gorgeous blue eyes hey there's dragons we've got two dragon fighters up ahead maneuvering to block our path i wonder if we fought with these two before it's possible you know it's almost like they were waiting for us well looks like they're alone the dino watch doesn't lie hey guys wanna settle this with a dance off don't slow down john do you honestly believe i have to be told mao bob please you're studying now all right brainzilla not brainzilla headzilla good job headzilla i guess all those video games weren't such a waste of time after all let's get back to the village we have a lot to do [Music] and you are absolutely certain that you heard correctly general unfortunately yes i am certain my lord i did suspect that the dynafros would return there that's why i had assigned two fighter dragons to keep watch on that rock so the dino pros have become aware of the impending disaster and they will be willing to do anything to stop it the inscription said that the fragments of fire rock could be used to divert the course of the comet my lord don't worry this is an easy fix all we have to do to ensure the dino froze never get one of those fragments is to destroy the dino froze now we're ready i am very curious to see this new champion they tell me your name is silver flash because when you run it is like watching a flash of white lightning my speed and skills such as they are are yours to command my lord then i command you to seek out their dino froze and remove from them the burden of their annoying lives it shall be done swiftly and stylishly and with the infliction of great pain and suffering my lord [Music] bring it back boy hey what are you doing come on let us go yeah tusk that's right show them wow don't mess with the diner froze mascot ever guys time to go to work the dino watch is going nuts dragon time this is not a drill your doom is approaching very fast dino pros the d-watch says to head southwest huh it's gonna be cold down there happen to bring a scarf man i do not like the cold something's coming and it's crazy fast [Music] ah everybody take cover now [Music] look check out the dino watch huh hey tom does that thing actually tell time and if it doesn't why do we call it a dino watch 1.5 tons mutant dragon can run 225 miles an hour um his special attack is turning himself into a living tornado of fire well that is truly an especially special special attack tom what dynafrost do you think could possibly stop him huh worthy foe but we're up to the challenge truly hello dinofros are you guys even moving i can't tell all right tom we'll try to help you dino pros evolution hmm [Music] that cart is so slow [Music] dragon [Music] hey no diving [Music] silverfish huh kind of a weird name for a big dragon very very funny haven't heard that one in hours let's dance nice huffle cure silverfish that's a quality evolution hey silverfish maybe i should have chosen the exterminator evolution [Music] if you're finished with your stand-up routine can we fight now please huh where'd he go if the name silverfish offends you i could call you i don't know or smog roach be quiet do you talk because you can't where'd you go now tornado fire that is gross huh that's bad wake up john go to the cannon [Music] i'll burn that fire curse you dino friends hello come on out little fire ant why don't you come on i can do that say goodbye to your friends dino right where did the dragon go this time right where did the dragon go this time huh it's right above us i don't think there's any way that all of us are gonna make it out of this one this thing does have an impressive bag of tricks it's just a wall of fire the wall of fire wall of deadly hot burning self-feeding fire i got nothing why did you stop making fun of my name oh that's right because you're about to burn to death i do not like him headset not one little bit [Music] what is tom doing oh whatever it is it better be fast or we're gonna cook oh that is very hot i'm going to make a smoothie from your ashes impossible silverfish you make me sweat i'll give you that and these special attack iron claw ah you saved our bacon raster dinofroze yeah [Music] ha i really dug that wait i thought i was the funny one no respect raptor totally walked through the fire that's right looks like we've got ourselves access to a spectacular new dynafroze hey what happened to the flying island [Music] the drones have confirmed the outlying sensor readings the flying island appears to have vanished huh what can make a whole island disappear uh probably the same thing that can make a whole island float huh great pyros i seek your wisdom i hear you general vlad lord i must know if drakemon speaks the truth is the end of planet earth truly coming the fate of this planet is decided but fate flows like a river one never knows which path the water might take to get to the sea so the path can be altered fascinating huh you followed me desperate times call for desperate measures my friend one of our allies has been hiding things from us generals you should not be here why not is there a dress code or something now vlad tell me what i want to know what is dracomon hiding in there huh [Music] our patience is running out vlad you'd better tell us what dracomon is plotting remember we talked about this there's no need to start inflicting your personality on anybody especially not vlad vlad is on our side what makes you so certain that our lord drakemon is hiding something from you do not insult us by pretending that you aren't harboring doubts of your own otherwise why would you be here questioning the oracle my reasons for consulting pyros are none of your business i have a problem with that vlad what was that strange jello save this village geno kick island from sky jenna more strong than dino froze just listen to him you know he's probably going to take credit for the next thunderstorm or earthquake huh did john just cause a sarcasmic quake earth thanking geno for his courage everybody loved jenna sounded like an explosion but jenna's definitely taking credit for it [Applause] here's the report we've been waiting for professor i'm astonished by the findings said island was a gas-induced hallucination we all shared crazy right they're actually still trying to identify the gas but they should have an answer soon interesting i'd like you to keep me updated on their progress in identifying this unlikely gas please one more thing helen if you would it's time for some answers from warnell uh all right sir are you guys not friends anymore well i thought we were friends but that was before i realized how much he hasn't told me which is a lot i promise you your mission jurassic eye will be remembered as the first step the first important step of the ddd's quest to understand our origins [Music] well i'm beginning to think i'm never going to find what i'm looking for ever what are you looking for in all these video files of warnell dad well supposedly the mission goal according to warnell was to study live prehistoric animals in their environment but what if that was a lie what do you think that it's kind of hard to explain but it just feels too noble and expensive and then there's this whole double delta division nonsense i can't ah ah another experiment i wonder where they're coming from well yet another thing for us to investigate today the fates have given us an important message for which i have been so generals that's why i've called you here to share this news we're all ears and horns the earth keeps shaking over and over again which i believe means fire rock approaching the infamous comet fire rock general vlad has already been told about this situation but now it's time for the rest of you to be brought up to speak we're finished we now have a map we can plot a search grid which will really help us find the fire rocks where to come from well where else i cross-referenced all the information that had been scanned into the phoneme phone with all the available files from the jurassic trucks database whipped up a little algorithm and voila we have a map and a 3d reconstruction of a fire rock fragment wow impressive work eric let's go hunting what do you say where do we start well if you ask me i'd say we're going to the swamp now swamp all right sound swamp swap say swamp black swamp specifically head southwest stop it so you believe i'm vlad this gives us an advantage over the dino froze it means so much more than a mere advantage fire rock essentially means the complete elimination for all time of our enemy the dinah froze a world without men a world without dinosaurs a world with nothing but dragons but why vlad why is it that drakemon trusted you with this information but didn't trust his other two generals i guess you'll just have to ask drakemon that well some of us have a mission to do catch you guys later i have an appointment with the sacred fires farewell my friends much may you learn from your turn in the burn whatever oh i'll say it again if i want dragoman's pet enjoy your secrets and lies while you can welcome to the valley of the black swamp this does not look fun this is the set of a horror film death swamp no wait murder bog [Music] well alright then i think this is where we should start ourselves i don't see any other way but to go outside and do this on foot all right let's get this fire rock search started uh people we have a visitor were we followed by a dragon of some kind it kind of looks like a dragon but it smells worse that's tusk well everything seems quiet but not too quiet the fog's gonna make it hard to find that piece of fire rock where do we start with the fragment being a hollow log or a cave or a mud hole or bob's skull huh dino watch time well we've got dragons come back that poor thing's not gonna listen it's terrified just stop we're gonna have to handle this dragon guys oh wow is this timing bad huh what the back to the truck now it's useless to flee dino froze this is my lad and no one ever escapes the fury of poison wing wait where are tusk and bob huh we've got to go find them huh you have no escape dinothrones head south they both went in that direction i'm going to have to take the long way around otherwise we run the risk of sinking the j-truck just where are you [Music] is it me or did it feel like that dragon was just waiting for us that's impossible how would he even know we were coming [Music] oh you're being scaredy cat there's nothing to be afraid of or maybe there is that scream was bob head over there hang on headzilla all right josh we're gonna be fine why can't i run any faster i can run faster than this i know i can running is futile large-headed little man just go run away he wants me buttercup [Music] we've got the best friends in the world right tusk haha reduced accuracy laser stunning [Music] oh i think i drank some mud way to go my young friend bob are you all right i'm sorry but i'm not i think that i just got scored i feel just awful about it and how are you tusky wusky all right i'm thrilled that you're back with us oh yeah okay that's enough now eric come on bob's been poisoned and tusk is fine link is up and running professor you may begin your conversation dear greta hello there and you dr hoda it's lovely to see you how are things a million years in the past it's just a wonderful point in time there's no traffic no pollution i'm starting to consider taking up jogging you're already in better shape than all of us stroker what a nice thing to say professor warnow this temporal uplink costs thirteen hundred dollars per second do you really just want to chat ah and there's that worn out charm that i love so very much dr hoda and i must leave you now well goodbye stroker may good fortune follow you professor [Music] it's now just the two of us well my dear professor there are questions which have begun weighing down on me of late there's only one answer to this question the dragons found out somehow they know we're looking for fire rock fragments i guess that would explain why poison wing was waiting for us in black valley swamp so the dragons know about the fragments that's gonna make it a whole lot harder for us to find them but why the heck would they want to try to stop us if the comet fire rock hits the earth wouldn't that mean the end of the dragon world as well it would seem not if i've learned anything about those dragons it's that they're always working an angle but what the fire rock fragment must be defended at all costs is that clear poison wing yes general petrus the dino froze will not get their grubby little hands on the fragment if you are successful you will be rewarded with a permanent upgrade treatment in the sacred and transformative fires of calgary hey warrior so are you feeling any better i feel like a chewed up piece of dragon gum but at least i regained the ability to move the paralyzing effects are passing but you're still going to have to take it easy for a while but hey you got nurse tusk on your side tusk isn't my nurse kayra time for some leaf soup drink up soon bob will be better than ever nurse kara promises to bob yolk that's good listen to your nurse she's had lots of experience treating headzilla i'm just going through mild starvation can i just have like 10 pieces of purple fruit sorry bob not today no food must stay strong all right impressive well i see bob's in good hands so i'll just go on my mission tom you've got to take care of poison wing do it for hedzilla come on you know i will promise [Music] now watch what info you got name poison wing species poisonous mutant dragon 60 feet long and it's found only in black valley swamp covered in weaponized spores and fungus which can cause paralysis and hallucinations the dragon's special attack setting fire to strategically placed pockets of swamp gas it also has a poison sticker on its tail welcome back dino fros i'm going to get so strong when i beat you [Music] so thanks in advance shall we get this over with [Music] tom it's go time bob says hi poison wing dino froze evolution ah oh no a dinosaur that was sarcasm did you get that with your little dinosaur brain poison you seem like a totally fun guy i'll show you how fun i why don't you stand still and let me tell you a tale got to watch out for that stinger tom went with t-rex poison wings sure a big dragon you've got to be strong to fight that i've been meaning to ask you if you want to wear my ring of fire i'm not digging my way out of here that's for sure feel like the end is near king of the dinosaurs well i feel like something's near like a big ladybug is that close enough for ya poison wing turned the swamp into a cage of fire tom is trapped in there and there's no way at all to help him maybe there is a way out of this trap i have no idea if this will work your death means my rebirth dino froze dino pros switch what no that's cool did tom just spontaneously transform from t-rex into raptor it is not possible you're taking a nap i can come back i'm going to put you to sleep nope too slow tom just switched from one dino froze evolution into another one that is an entirely new phenomenon we have never seen that happen before at all it's kind of unfair i want my upgrade so was your mom a mushroom and your dad a dragon still was the other way around don't talk about my mommy well that upgrade made you faster i am faster [Music] it's actually staggered final attack time let's go tom time to wrap this up it's not over yet dino froze it is not possible oh it's possible for the dinofros reduced accuracy laser stunning [Music] yay john i've run out of banter congratulations you're the first dragon to outlive my material special attack lightning petrified i'd like to be the first to tell you you rock yup definitely an upgrade guys we're not finished yet don't forget the fire rock fragment well all right let's hide so she doesn't know anything the jurassic truck which she commissioned he's in active use for the first time but she's just out there looking at flowers and doesn't care at all about her pet project do you really expect me to believe that it's the truth this is the first i'm hearing about the jurassic truck i can't believe it's still functional well yes it is one more question have you ever heard of dynafros big super fighting dinosaurs dino froze sounds like a dessert well it's not a dessert i believe that it somehow involves james carter as well as his son tom i'm sorry stroker i just have no idea what you're talking about ah fair enough my old friend well let's hear your impressions i could do you but not him helen he doesn't mean that kind of impression sounds like he doesn't know anything about either topic trust me he's lying through his fluffy gray mustache yeah i know him quite well huh what is this saying takes one to no one [Music] huh [Music] the dragon's lair that's the logical place to look for the treasure huh the fire rock [Music] yes ours we have to keep it safe this fragment must never fall into the wrong hands guys party tonight [Music] oh [Music] come on melton time to shake that mammoth groove thing tough mammoths don't dance come on your texture doesn't matter guess not everybody likes the party you boys are going to have serious trouble with that one mark my words hey all right look who's coming bob very good finished all medicine bob starved bob could eat melson i'm way too tough ask john if you don't believe me wanna dance yes all right it's like hip-hop on a cave man [Music] [Music] how do you feel bob things in the jade truck just aren't the same without you tom i'm honestly starving how does kayra even know the word cleanse chewing leaves is not eating tom nelson would like to talk to you now i'm on my way and bob you keep chewing leaves you take care of yourself what do you taste like just buddy [Music] dude i partied all night long not very responsible behavior from edina froze uh you're just mad because nobody asked you to dance i don't know how to dance not like you anyway hey speaking of great dancers right the two of them were really burning up the dance floor last night huh there he goes again we better figure out what he's saying with the phoneme phone these explosions are now recurring with more and more frequency our time approaches we must not be caught unprepared when fire rock makes its appearance may we speak with you for a moment general vlad what about him vlad has been behaving strangely as if he has something to hide from the rest of us he just disappears for days and days vlad is on an important mission on my orders i assure you he has my absolute trust notify me the moment he returns oh we will master i'd give my left horn to know what it is that vlad's working and if it's so important why won't he share it with us we're his generals i never did like that geno me neither but a lot of people seem to that's only because he learned to play on their fears i'll give him this much he is brave [Music] this is it i'll wait outside thanks it's important to find a safe place to keep the fire rock fragments the cave of the firefly should serve you well fear not [Applause] [Music] general strong general strongest of all powerful it's humbling to see so much humility dripping off of one person well the ladies sure love his strong man act [Applause] [Music] hello boys can you tell me where i can find tom huh yeah we sure can professor he's hiding the fragments with melston is there some kind of problem going on not exactly but we really should get going come with me we might have a new lead on finding stroker but we need to act now who are the dino friends i'll appreciate if you run that by me one more time bert well they're kind of special dinosaurs that are designed for fighting but they're not dinosaurs because they're humans or rather one human named tom carter sir hmm a boy who turns into a dinosaur [Music] good morning professor good afternoon gentlemen we need to understand who's behind the dinofros program because we know it isn't us we're analyzing all the tactics they use to defend the village and fight the dragons but we don't understand what they hope to gain which is why we have to work harder to truly understand their mission some men brought this from a village by the marduk river and they saw stroker and his team all i was told is that we should go look in the cave of the wing yet another explosion i think this one came from the white cliffs that's where we're heading right by the marduk river hmm okay eyes wide open who knows what we'll find what would stroker come here for well it wouldn't be for a drink because this water is disgusting while the watch is finished it scan 30 feet to the east all right this cave of the wing that we're looking for must be right across the river and bingo has anybody considered that this might be a trap a trap yeah because remember how half the village hates our guts and spends all day doing anti-dino froze rain dances do you think there's an ambush waiting for us in there then here's what we'll do all right john you hang back with dad while eric and i go into the cave let's be sure to keep in touch with each other exactly what are we looking for some kind of strange engravings well tom are these engravings strange enough for you [Music] yeah i think that'll do huh really what tom eric we've got fighter dragons incoming huh how far out are the dragons they're 10 seconds out we got a scat i had just enough time to scan what we found eric who on earth could have written on the wall of that cave dad don't worry sorry we'll have to answer that question later because the dragons are here now we need to get out of here [Music] john i'm going to go back and man the cannon [Music] now bob's laser stunning tom all right great work dino fros now let's see if we can make our way back home and solve the dad don't worry mystery [Music] well what do you think about that bob i'm no expert [Music] but i'm pretty sure it's english yeah it is it was written in marker on a cave wall hmm cairo i feel way better can i please stop my leaves only diet right now yes bob can stop when nurse kayra say so you are one scary cave girl you'll make it the worst in fact is over no one tom i had a thought only two people in the ancient world could have possibly written this bob what are you trying to say to me tom if you didn't write this then it was will stroker why do you say that nobody else in this time period could possibly write and has a father to write to it's just logical huh how dare you go behind my back you went behind our back first and don't bother denying it because you're a bad liar did you ever hear a chain of command or need to know basis we wouldn't have gone behind your back if you've been around and the last time i checked we all shared the rank of general vlad let's all just try to get along excellent suggestion so when will the new champion be ready should be any second now that's what i'm talking about my dragons he'll make a worthy opponent for the dino pros he must stop them from getting the next fragment welcome back to the team man we really missed your giant noggin thanks where are we going we are headed west back into a forest that contains the next fragment of fire rock is there any word yet on what dragon will be trying to stop us [Music] oh my dragon fire dragon mutant species a whopping 38 feet long guards the forest of drums and his body is flames held together by armor well that sounds just psychotic this data is amazing i can't believe it the dragonfire of dragonfire is the most potent and deadly fire of all time please tell me why am i not surprised and the tip of his tail has been modified into a high-speed high-powered flamethrower cannon i'm going to need to be fast and strong [Music] where are you going dino fro i'm just learning to get to know you [Music] [Music] all right tom are you ready oh yeah dino froze evolution ah oh what a nice little kitty cat you are you singed my paw fur that was just a start impressive if you've never fought a dragon before how about this smilodon why'd he pick that he picked him because it can jump very far and very fast it also packs quite a wallop sure at close range but tom is not a good close range fighter just let me give you one little hug sorry you're just going to have to hug yourself why don't you come down here and face me i'm going to have to engage him at close range i'm terrible at close range i know that i'm incredibly awesome and intimidating i get that you're not i'm not intimidated nice view from up there right [Music] i hope fighting you won't be as disappointing as fighting all of your brothers was [Music] that depends on how disappointing you'll find it to be burned to an absolute crisp [Music] uh it's about to get better that's going to keep hurting worse and worse [Music] embrace the flames dino froze [Music] [Music] you call that advance warning sorry headzilla just saving tom's life i'm curious how tough you are without your armor i wonder how tough you'd be without your dino bracelet [Music] [Music] it's the armor if i can get rid of that armor he should just fall apart absolute blaze i've got him distracted tom take him out uh power dynasty tiger [Music] let's see just how agile you are i hate to break it to you fire tale guy but i hold the school record in the high jump oh there's lots more fire where that came from thanks so much but i've had enough if i want a fire i'll call a boy scout [Music] all right way to go tall wow you put that fire out [Music] peace out fireworm sweet move the mission's not over yet putty cat right the fire rock fragment is supposed to be hidden somewhere in the forest of drums over there well then let's move before it gets too dark [Music] [Music] what [Music] huh tom it's going to get dark tom we should probably start back uh tom are you all right i'm fine but you're not gonna believe what i think i just saw over there in that underbrush [Music] tom who do you think that girl is i have no idea not at all i mean it was getting dark but she definitely wasn't a native you said she was wearing a gray uniform yeah it almost looked like she was military of some sort oh well i'm glad to see your appetites all right you have no idea john i'm starving i'm not sure i'll ever catch up [Music] um eric what's this cave dude saying well he's saying he wants to challenge you oh i might be up for that bob forget it you're still recovering are you kidding i could take this guy blindfolded and hopping on one leg you can tell cave dude he's got himself a challenge [Music] oh come on what is that the little pointy darts they use is blow gun ammunition you have to hit the target at least two times in order to be the winner [Music] yay bulldog just you wait bob buddy i am so in the zone holding your blow gun backwards you don't think i know that i'm just trying to psych him out [Music] [Laughter] [Music] was that a bullseye well it wasn't a bulls eye but it was a dinos tail [Music] all right shot headzilla [Music] just hit the target bob i'm focusing don't interrupt my mental process are you serious it's not a target it's a cake covered in chocolate frosting i can almost smell it it smells good that was nice shooting cave dude put her there hmm yeah i just imagine a big chocolate cake what are you doing over here alone hey i'm working on my new books blow gun challenge chapter i'd say i can't wait to read it if i hadn't read your other book when exactly did my sweet and heroic little boy turn into such a big unmitigated smart aleck dad do you honestly think we'll make it home well i promise you one thing we won't stop trying hmm [Music] off a mystic ice blast the superheroes are ready for battle using the special powers together [Music] together to save the whole planet [Music] nothing will ever stop the metal diner [Music]
Views: 2,582,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dinofroz, dinofroz 3, dinofroz full movie, dinofroz cartoon movie, dinosaur cartoon for kids, cartoon for kids, dinofros, dinosaur cartoon, dinosaur fight, dino froze, dino froz, dino squad, dino frost, battleclaw, dinofroz toys, dinosaurs, extreme dinosaurs, cartoon dinosaur, dinosaurs battle, dragons, dinosaur vs dragon, dragon, mondo world, dinofroz an island in the sky, dinosaurs vs dragons cartoon, cartoon for children, dinosaur, dinosaurs for kids, dinosaur adventure, t-rex
Id: 4dE-af5QFwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 5sec (4205 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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