Bakugan: Evolutions Episode 1 "Evolutions Unleashed" FULL EPISODE

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this Story begins when a strange event took place on Earth we still don't understand it another planet called vasturia fused with Earth how our world is filled with Mighty creatures called the Bakugan and that's when my life became awesome loved to battle and kids like us make awesome battling partners and there's been plenty of battles all sorts of crazy characters have tried to cause trouble fun are very powerful creatures [Music] they've saved us countless times but we've helped them a lot too they've given us kids the confidence to overcome the biggest challenges [Music] I mean who could ever have imagined that me Dan kuzo would help save the world not just once but like three times to the first couple of times you kind of get used to it ah who am I kidding it's cool every time but not everything goes perfectly our Bakugan had to go into hibernation and recharge after they used up all their strength in one of our biggest battles ever when you're an awesome brawler every moment you spend without your Bakugan partner kind of feels like forever lucky for me dragon recharged quicker than the other Bakugan and now we're back together come on lightning lightning can't you at least try to act like pegatrix I get it things just aren't as fun here without our Bakugan Partners but there's not much we can do they still haven't recovered from our battle with havoc and who knows when they'll be ready to battle again come on guys cheer up we're the awesome Brawlers I mean it's not like things can get any worse am I right or am I right huh this is Veronica Venegas reporting live from downtown Los volmos where strange Vines have suddenly erupted in the middle of the freeway they grew out of this glowing hole in the Earth it is uncertain what it is or what it means we'll continue to follow these incredible what's going on out there I don't know but it looks like a job for the awesome Brawlers well for me and Drago anyway that hmm they're not citizens of Los Volvos the awesome Dan kuzo is here to save the day hey let go what is all this come on crazy Vines you're making me look bad [Music] who was that my head [Music] let's go Elemental Brawlers drum up to protect the area from any further damage [Music] [Music] a new group of Baku Brawlers has arrived on the scene can they solve this dire problem facing Las Palmas oh thank you [Music] a new to ride on the scene hey what's with the goofy pajamas trying to look like TV superheroes or something it's called a uniform the elemental Brawlers take saving the world seriously we don't need some internet clown getting in our way Drago is not an internet clown take that back I believe she meant you Dan unbelievable come on we're out of here Drago green rock oh man [Music] that's a Bakugan how in the world did it get so enormous looks like it's bursting with the same energy as that hole in the ground everyone focus on Rescue operations I can deal with this Bakugan myself Roger summon Echo wait did a Bakugan just emerge from another Bakugan what is a nanogon okay wrath Echo Center Echo wing Athena suppress the elemental energy use your gate card on it [Music] good work Elemental Brawlers return to the academy yes sir what was that what just happened I'm not sure me neither that Bakugan and all the jungle growth were made of some strange energy yeah in what in the world is an no gone last week's jungle eruption on the Los volmos freeway was just the beginning all around the world's strange occurrences have been taking place where the Earth splits open and a strange energy spews forth fortunately the newest team of heroic Baku Brawlers the elemental Brawlers were everywhere the energy erupted from using a new technique called Elemental brawling and a new type of Bakugan called nanogon they're saving the day these nanogon are especially effective in turning the tide smaller than a regular Bakugan but faster and more explosive they've saved countless people from the string of incidents we have dubbed the elemental storm looks like the elemental Brawlers led by the brilliant Dr Marlo Faustus will be the one saving the world from now on why would Leah's mom say that what about us the awesome Brawlers but what can we do when we don't have any Bakugan to Bro with besides shouldn't we be more concerned about this Elemental storm that's showing up all over the world I agree Leah I'm sensing that all these Elemental storm outbreaks are somehow coming from Destroyer but how is the story and energy getting here to Earth more importantly why is it that those Elemental Brawlers always seem to show up in just the right place at just the right time yeah only any Brawlers can be that smart or that good it's not fair I mean they just happen to show up right where the energy outbreaks are that's suspicious you don't think they're causing the energy outbreaks do you it wouldn't be the first time someone created dangerous incidents just to gain power for themselves all of them tried to gain ultimate power be right but just hear me out here guys I think pattern to these Elemental Storm surges like Drago said they seem to be coming from Destroyer how's this guy he called it Elemental energy if I run a Baku radar computer simulation I think I might be able to predict where the next Elemental storm surge is likely to happen got it the next storm surge should be wait this can't be right hmm Elemental storm everyone stay here try going I will deal with it [Music] Bakugan brawl Bakugan stand [Music] maybe I shouldn't have left them inside the Flames are getting stronger those Flames are made of Elemental energy from Destroyer which means Drago what are you doing I think I can absorb the elemental energy first thing you did it Drago [Music] God Drago this can't be happening you okay Dan where's Drago he's he's gone huh a gate that's weird [Music] I'm back Leah have you fully recovered you know it different do I kill him wow trucks you look amazing yeah Dan what's wrong [Music] what do you mean what's wrong I just lost you drag off but but how did you so different you're all back that explosion created a portal that allowed me to return to vestroia I arrived in the shrine of recovery where the others were still hibernating I had to rid myself of the elemental energy I'd absorbed so I transferred it to them and their new Elemental forms were the result [Music] but Drago you were only gone for like a minute or so you forget Dan time works differently on destroya listen Dan a great storm of Elemental energy is brewing on vestroia really yes and the excess Elemental energy is erupting through the Earth there seems to be no stopping it should discontinue destroyer and Earth will surely be destroyed we don't know what started these Elemental storms but we must stop them I don't understand all that when danger Comes to Town the awesome Brawlers will greet it you can't be serious about this somehow somehow these uniforms are gonna help us we're gonna need to look like a real team if we're gonna stop these Elemental brawls Whoopsie Daisy Dan do you really think changing our look is going to make us as strong as the elemental Brawlers totally we are going to show that goofy team that we're the best now that our Bakugan have gained elemental power the awesome Brawlers are gonna be the ones to save the world just like we always have oh man this isn't going to end well oh huh look we've got company I know I called them the report we received said an elemental storm surge was happening around here but you don't need to worry about that the awesome Brawlers will take on the elemental storm and we don't need you huh what are you talking about don't play innocent don't tell me you sent in a false report to Loris here you're the ones making stuff up in order to look good how dare you awesome Brawlers are here to protect the world come on guys let's do this easy now we're not here to battle you Bakugan Bakugan [Music] [Music] Elemental [Music] [Music] it appears that we have no choice but to Baku battle them let's go try go yeah Tangled Blaze you amateurs you don't even know how to control your Elemental attacks let's just end this quickly and put them out of their misery Elemental Brawlers joint attack hmm [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] yes I I can manage how come you didn't bring out your nanogon because I can easily beat you without it ah you shouldn't underestimate us we've overcome odds greater than this countless times yeah that's right you'll see about that raging clock twisting Inferno got it hi see okay fine let me show you that I simply won't be defeated Nano God summon [Music] Drago Backdraft which should I attack the Bakugan or the nanogon neither throw it down at my feet what or their nanogun appeared there was a strange core at their feet I think I need a little burst of Elemental energy in order to help me spot one [Music] let's do this frago nanogun summon Fury [Music] foreign [Music] but can you control it like I can spinning Scorchers Athena call off your attack huh squirter stops hey Mr faustis I'm just I said stop now scorcher Blitz Fox return now huh thank you Dan Cuzo stand down huh believe it or not we're on the same side Fury dragon return we've never been properly introduced my name is Professor Marlo Faustus I'm what you might call a Bakugan scholar and you Dan kuzo along with your partner Bakugan Dragonoid show great potential in Elemental brawling you you think so absolutely you were able to call out dragonoid's nanogon on your own which is most impressive that was nothing but an accident that may be the case Athena but imagine if Dan followed my lead then he could help save the world huh what do you mean save the world I've been tracking and studying the surges of destroying energy that have threatened the entire world to that end I've started a Bakugan Academy where I can use my findings to train the world's best Brawlers in the ways of Elemental brawling in order to prepare for the troubling days ahead huh you've already met my star pupil Athena Monde let me now introduce you to some of the teachers Professor K I've spent my life studying this drawing science hey I'm Hamilton bomberg I'm a teacher of Bakugan history Sage Bliss I researched the spiritual connection between brawler and Bakugan I'm Nivea Sykes I teach Elemental Bach brawling strategy all of our instructors are top-notch experts in turning students into true Elemental Brawlers and we would love the awesome Brawlers to come and visit us at our Academy I can't believe the nerve of that guy there is no harm in just visiting the place what do you think Dan hmm hello oh amazing this sure doesn't look like much of a school to me this is one of the greatest places I've ever seen are you sure you've been all over the world even the great Council chamber in eropolis you mean you've actually been to the Bakugan Council chamber of course we have what are the awesome Brawlers we are the greatest and only Brawlers needed to save the world that's unbelievable and Drago's even a council member that is true of course I didn't put it together the other day Drago is the Dragonoid of pyrule oh my good believe I'm actually in the presence the real Dragonoid are you all right Mr bomberg oops sorry about that um sometimes I just get carried away I love to nerd out over Bakugan please you can call me HP [Music] awesome Brawlers thank you for coming I can't wait for you to see the campus so you can fully appreciate our Bakugan Academy no thank you there was no point in coming to this goofy place we're out of here whoa I admit Professor bomberg is one of our more enthusiastic instructors allow me to give you an official campus tour wow now breathe deep and clear your mind and feel the elemental energy flowing through your Center go now Blitzball yes infertile lift oh Grizzly hello Screech [Music] your attacks are strong Athena but extremely predictable I won't lose next time oh no observe as I combine pyrus and Aquos Elemental energy extract the proverbial Fire and Ice everyone dunking cover oh whoa everything is shaking and I didn't even mix it yet huh [Music] that explosion came from outside what on Earth is going on out there huh [Applause] all right it's an elemental energy surge and this has got to be the strongest one yet yep just as I thought the Baku radar has picked up Elemental energy surges all around this area and guess what's right at the center of them the Bakugan Academy in all have lost for almost this spot contains the highest concentration of Elemental energy and now a gate opened there's a Bakugan emerging from the gate I've never thought about who gone like that before that's the biggest Bakugan I've ever seen and it's getting even bigger it absorbs all of that Elemental energy it foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] come on guys let's brawl there's no need for that huh this is happening at the Academy so my team will handle it you're not students here you should Evacuate the campus immediately we're the Austin Brawlers you guys should leave and let us handle this awesome Brawlers you can't even handle your Elemental Bakugan you want to settle this with a brawl huh let's go you and me right now just chill out fam Let It Go Dan I hate to say it but she's right we'd be in their way fine hmm please that thing is quite strong yes but we can still do this huh an elemental car phone Elemental attack unleash nanogon yeah hola huh oh hey seriously Dan you can't just stop like that wait a sec look huh watch what happens when they attack that thing [Music] that's not good that thing is absorbing the energy from their attacks and growing larger and stronger we need to go tell them right now even if we're not brawling you're right Dan now you talking hmm Rat full out attack short Setter now leg lamps attack foreign [Music] don't back down why aren't you listening to us I lost [Music] breath hang in there foreign [Music] where's it going oh nowhere good that's for sure oh no it looks like there's another Elemental energy surge this one's at the power plant which power plant the one right by the city if that thing absorbs all the energy it'll overload and destroy everything what what do we do Winton you need to figure this out I don't know there's no stopping it now that thing is just too strong [Music] to us but now we're going to show you how to save the world oh yeah the right foreign [Music] okay trox we can't hit him with elemental energy so we're gonna aim at his feet instead okay you too hydras yeah root rap [Music] they still can't control their elemental powers [Music] hang in everyone ah she's getting away Dad don't worry about us keep going and stop that thing huh you got it Drago yeah [Music] let's just get there triangle use backdrop to put a roadblock in front of him right we may not be able to fire Elemental energy at him but we sure can use our fist feet and tail Crusher good one but that won't slow him down for long huh oh Drago use pyrus tornado but he'll just absorb the attack don't aim it at him fire it at the rubble right got it pirate tornado foreign wave and seal him in there okay what ah [Music] are you okay can you hear me yes Dan you're shouting what are we going to do we can't beat him maybe it's not only up to us to save the world Dan we can ask for some help what do you mean well you haven't really considered the elemental Brawlers worth a shot now that our Bakugan have gained elemental power the awesome Brawlers are gonna be the ones to save the world just like we always have what are the awesome Brawlers we are the greatest and only Brawlers needed to save the world don't worry about that the awesome Brothers will take on the elemental storm we don't need you huh guess I've been going about this all wrong it's not just your fault Dan Professor Faustus is smart just not smart enough to listen to us I can deal with this Bakugan myself stop attacking it's not working yeah listen to us if you keep feeding that thing energy it'll just keep growing don't back down stop why aren't you listening to us you guys are right if we combine his knowledge of Elemental energy and our brawling skills we'd totally win let's do this together all right let's call the professor together we'll save the world go round it Dan kuzo Professor Faustus we're going to need your help if we're gonna stop that Elemental monster I'm sorry Dan we didn't listen to you and now we created a disaster but I have an idea the only way to stop that creature is to overpower Drago with a massive amount of Elemental energy remember how Drago absorbed edit Studio D I don't know if he could take that again ah damn we have to try oh wait a minute Drago was able to give the others his energy maybe they're able to transfer it back that should work we're on our way it's ridiculous maybe but like fauster said we have to try Bakugan [Music] [Music] thank you ready Drago let's do this Dan yeah Drago [Music] I really hope this works I can't believe you're trusting Dan coo though with our lie it didn't work damn I feel some kind of energy I've never felt before bubbling up inside of me yes I feel it too it's Dragonoid Evolution Elemental strength [Music] whoa what is this tracker you look awesome did you just evolve I'm not sure Dan but I feel incredible thank you all it worked it really worked okay after that giant Bakugan time to finish this [Music] thank you [Music] remember Trigo we can't let him get to the power plant or that Elemental storm you got it Dan there's no way I'm losing now [Music] now it's my turn to help okay hang on try Go I Won't Let You Go [Music] [Applause] thank you there's no holding back now Drago romantic Blaze [Applause] foreign you did it we did it yes but what huh in the world was that Bakugan [Music] please take care for us it will be safe with me the Bakugan Academy will use all of its resources to investigate this incident when we were totally helpless against it I couldn't have done it on my own I did it with all my friends and Professor faustis now Athena I think we can all learn something from Dan and the awesome Brawlers oh there's no way it's my hope that you'd consider joining the Bakugan Academy you can even bring lightning if you'd like we'll we'll think about it [Music] hmm do you really think it wise to share our secrets with the awesome Brawlers you saw what they were able to do oh that's right you didn't you weren't even around to see when they saved all our hides I don't appreciate your tone human well perhaps you can appreciate that kuzo and his friends are the only Baku Brothers capable of stopping these Elemental energy surges that are leaking in from your world right [Music] for the sake of both our worlds
Channel: Bakugan Official Channel
Views: 693,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bakugan, Bakugan Evolutions, Evolutions, Episode 1, Ep 1, Full Episode, Evolutions Unleashed, Episode, Full
Id: 8LEm3vcaqNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 4sec (2644 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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