Ding Junhui 147 Max 8.1.2024

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the initial start of this match all the more bewildering to be honest with you because he really wasn't at the races for the first four frames today not like he'd been in the UK quite rightly as you say with those B qualities so well he's found some form at the right time you would have to say from 4-0 down another frame with a with a frame one in contribution make make a huge difference okay let's see what we get in frame seven good length with the break shot and not for the first time when some of these broke off the black has got tied up if it wasn't then Ronnie would take this red on to the right corner but I don't see the value in taking it on if you can't get the color think j's got himself back into this match so the last thing he wants to do is just gift Ronnie an easy way to get back to the table he's got a lot bit of momentum and keep this table as tight as possible until he gets his chance for a little bit thinner than he played on that safety can't see a a pot for Ronnie to go out here well he decided to go for that and that was very risky I mean you always look for a pot from that distance where you can play as a shot for nothing there was no shot for nothing there and you can see the way he chalked his queue there he's getting a little bit agitated as well he might [Applause] one H Ron looks on to ding with this great opportunity would love to get rid of the red it's to the left of the black to clear the black into both Corner Pockets just finished with a little bit more angle there's no major problem just a little bit more angle than he wanted here felt he had to go into the pack and W I don't think he's on anything easy not sure he needed to play the shot like that there I think it was a risk that possibly didn't need to take okay you'd say he's unlucky not to be anything easy but did take a risk well that's very handy that is very handy that [Applause] available who's going to go first John you or me three Reds three blacks there I've done it you've done it how the momentum in this match has swung 25 again he would have he would have liked to have been either high on the black slightly high or straight to be able to play for the red to LIF the black into the same pocket that's the that's the headache at the moment if that Red's not there this is an easy chance to win the frame it's just causing a little bit of annoyance 30 over 2,000 people but you can hear a pin drop 33 and this time he's nicely on the black will he risk trying to move this red he'd love as Steven said get this red to the left of the black out of the way makes the black easy available into both Corners this R is is definitely missable because he's got to play it with Pace to get up for the black two frames in a row he's got momentum I don't expect him to miss it yeah well played now okay winning the frame as a priority that's all i' be thinking about but where the reds are situated this could be a very very big break 48 49 he's already made 147 at the Masters ding jamui one of the few players actually to do that back in 2007 and this shot tells you what he's thinking 57 it was easier to follow through and play a paint to the right corner if it was a deciding frame not sure whether he would have played for the black off that last red but he's still in Prime position 65 made things even easier yep this black and one more red cleanes the frame so all eyes now on the maximum 72 [Applause] 73 I said there's not been many of the masses but one of my first memories of the masses I think was C Stevens's 147 in that white suit all them years ago what a tournament to make a 147 in H1 8 only three players that made 147 I knew there was many ding 89 I think it's Marco Fu and Kirk Stevens come on ding [Applause] 96 97 it's okay he's got a slight angle that's the perfect on the red by the pink bigger fish to fry 105 he's not been hanging around in this break either and this is the shot do you play for the red to the same pocket as the black or do you play for it to right middle he's played for it to the same pocket needs a CQ ball to travel absolutely perfect apart from that split when he relied on the plan he's had the Q ball on an absolute string on this break oh doesn't want to be too straight in the block 13 good shot needed now if he wants to make the yell easy deep screw he queed it absolutely he want to slow down a bit this yellow is tricky across the nap he have to drop it in dead weight get in what a shot what a shot yeah to trust his technique stays still and 25 it never ceases to amazer this game Steven does it I mean in the first four frames he was really struggling Ronnie gave him a lifeline and boys he grabbed it now and what a moment 29 blue pink and black for the Maxi just slightly more more angle than he wanted he's got to get the Q ball on and off the cushion go on Q ball perfect perfect it's there and now this black for his second ever maximum at the Masters get in you beauty absolutely fantastic Ron Kamal congratulate him absolutely superb from ding way 40 down up down and out we've got a m John now absolutely wonderful there's a lot of whooping and hollowing in the studio isn't there Canon John you've just witnessed the fourth maximum ever made at the Masters and dingin wi is the first man in history to make two of them unbelievable you know what roofer cuz this one's just come off oh what a moment what a moment Stevens 84 Dam William himself in 2007 as a wild card 17 years later he's done it again Marco Fu 2015 and we've had a 9ye wait until this one today wow how did you like that one oh absolutely superb you know from start to finish he got the plant and then just kept going but made some beautiful little cannons to keep the break going and just as Q ball was exemplary it was a perfect break and let me tell you by the way that yellow was smelly that was horrible smelly yellow across the table dead we can't do anything with it got a playing baller yeah fantastic shot it was and from 40 down and looking like he was going home very soon goodness me what a turnaround in this match what a moment these guys have all enjoyed here absolutely and be fitting for such a great crowd for such a wonderful tournament uh and for such a wonderful place for snooker you know it's great to see him come back the way he has was just one shot and here's the black thankfully he didn't miss it like I did but uh great to get it in yeah absolutely brilliant moment this is what makes this sport so magnificent how in anyone's mind could you see that happening a 4-nil down no confidence not playing with any looked bereft of everything and all of a
Channel: Gareth Coulson
Views: 134,071
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Id: yORJox1dx6Q
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Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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