Digital Textile Design

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[Music] hi my name is Rob I'm a freelance textile designer and I'm just going to show you through some of my toolkit so starters we're going to start with I'm going to start making a engineered border print so the first thing I want to do is actually have a ruler and a set square and I'll get to that later so I've got that I've got some watercolors here so this is just a basic like shape set I bought from echos Lee's so it kind of just comes out it's pretty handy it's good a little travel kit and there's a got a fancier one here too it's just like a Windsor Newton one but yeah that's pretty good I've got a needle eraser which I just keep in an old film canister just to prevent from getting dusty because it usually picks up a lot of like pencil shavings and stuff also got some Windsor Newton : markers their water call markers so they're pretty handy you can you know make your markings here and stuff and just add a bit of water and it's may blend really well keep in mind you want to use watercolor paper with this I've tried it on just regular sketchbook paper and it's just it's not quite the same that doesn't bleed the same way so yeah and I've just got this just basic paint brush I've got quite a fine tip because I'm going to be doing quite fine tip painting today yeah [Music] first thing I want to do is I'm going to make a border print and I'm gonna start with getting my ruler just a pencil just like to be and I'm just going to really light line like this okay so this is actually going to be the repeat that's going to be mirrored on both sides and to actually make the length of the border I'm going to use a set square here to make sure I can get some 90-degree angles I'm just going to break it into one larger piece hmm it's going to be separated by a smaller section here and I'll be another small one here so I'm gonna go for kind of like a Persian design so I want to start what I want to create is this kind of shape here you see in a lot of like you know Islamic textiles this kind of onion-shaped print and break it into some you know repeat florals here but if I'm making this kind of as a border whoops I want to think about it in terms of the kind of efficiency of not having to draw the whole element when I'm thinking of it as a mirror repeat so the best way think about is to look at each element and if we draw a vertical line through the center you repeat our for that first border stage it's just going to be something like that so you don't actually have to meet up paint any detail in here or here anything outside of that and then you can conclude you know additional information here if you want and it'll all just make it a kind of more kind of complex interesting print you know you can draw the full thing if you want as a guy but you'd have to be too detailed gonna go this with pen later anyway so keep in mind something if you're gonna put it into Photoshop there's a good chance of you we're gonna scale it down eventually which means you don't have to be super fussy about details you can work quite quick if you need to if the second one I'm gonna do something similar that just reversed so it'll be like a two directional print like this one down yes my he still have 24 these like Turkish style florals coming out for this border I might actually put maybe I actually put a diamond shape here so again I'm just going to be doing measuring half's here it's good too any time you're going online this repeat line you want to draw your element that's been split in half and again you know you're not complaining the whole thing you're just doing what's relevant [Music] just gonna get a got these unep in fineliners it's really important to know if you're using any art lines you want them to be you you want to make sure they don't dissolve in water so what and fade-proof so if you get your regular like cheap art line pens and then you put on watercolor paper and then you add a bit of water it's just going to bleed everywhere so just make sure you get that and I'll just check up on this me down a bit so I might keep it it's really fine keep in mind when you are actually if you were better going to digital printing the fine line can have some trouble showing up depending on the print stop but here I'm just using it as just kind of blocking out the shapes that I'm going to use which I'm going to fill with water color later okay I'm just going to clean it up then what I like to do first before I clean up my pencil is I'm just gonna make a little pen mark here and here that'll help me when I go into Photoshop I could put my guides in here the native all razors handy not just because you can get the fine points on it but on doesn't collect the graphite as much so it doesn't really smudge smudge your pencil as much as a regular eraser okay so you might want to think about doing you know mixing some colors maybe thinking about looking at some color inspired often I'll just sometimes I'll just wing it and I can edit the colors later into Photoshop it's good if you've got strong colors it's good - it's good to start with if you've got bold colors it's easier to don't go and desaturate them later in Photoshop she's got like strong blues and this strong reds if you think you never necessarily locked into one color palette because I could take those two colors use a hue/saturation filter and then put them anywhere on the spectrum and if I want to knock it back a bit I can just use desaturation a so I'm actually going to use the Pluto to color in the negative space view and it's okay to go way outside the top line here because I'm actually in a cropper now of course you could if you want to you could scan just the pen line in and color it digitally if you want if you do go down at posit you can't have the advantage of having really clean color separation and your file the disadvantage is you don't really get the same kind of organic feel of hand paint there there's something about it that's you can tell immediately of course if you want it like that fresh a little print you just you don't have to paint the background and keep it wide and just pay the elements but I'm just going for something a bit and if you use something like this color you can use it in small sections so that some parts of your print so it kind of brings in I have a sense that it's like kind of continuous maybe just feel a little bit more timely no okay so you can take something like that and when we've cropped this we can actually make multiple versions we can make a copy of this in a different color way and that can actually be a single tile as we bring it now so um yeah it's just I kind of the first stage of building the elements of a border print so I would normally at this stage scan it but you can also if you're kind of out and about and you might just want to photograph it so I'm just going to grab my camera I just got a little handy compact camera and I'm just going to put it on put on a larger small size okay so I've opened up my photograph into Photoshop and it's looking a little bit dark so I'm just gonna brighten it a little bit so that my layers palette yeah I'm just going to just going to double click the background just to make it a working layer it's gonna go down to here and go levels I'm just gonna just bring them up a little bit yeah so it's a bit it's a bit nicer I'm just gonna hold down shift it's like both of those and then just go merge merge that now the first thing I want to do is actually just crop a section out but you'll see how I've when I've put it in it's actually on a bit of an angle if I go to view rulers see I can these rulers appear I can actually bring guides in over here and you'll notice if I line that top line this one down the bottom here it's not quite right so what I'm gonna do is I'll just go hide what does clear those guides for a minute to actually align it perfectly I can go over here to my my eyedropper if I hold down the the eyedropper tool I get this ruler tool I can select this point and go right down at this point and if I go to a P go image image rotation arbitrary it puts in the angle here where I can actually just go okay and it'll actually fix that so when I could bring the guide in again you'll see it's now perfectly aligned I can do the same over here so what I was good turns there to bump that one a bit I just zoom in a bit actually to to get in a bit closer so I'm just using the scrubby zoom there okay so here I'm just gonna go to now my rectangle marquee and I'm just gonna pull out I'm just gonna hit command or control J and you'll see here that's just copied the selection onto a new layer so if I turn that off you get that so I'm gonna I can hide those guides now so you can go I can just clear them actually so I don't need them anymore okay so from here it's pretty simple there's not much to be done except just repeating it as a mirror tile so if I hold down alt and shift I can drag a copy across here like this if I command or ctrl T brings up my transform controls which means I can now right-click and flip horizontal enter to apply holding out shift again bring it in close and once it's met like that I can select both layers command 8 and that will merge them and what I'll do is I'll command T and I'll make it a bit smaller so we can see as we go across I'm going to hit command a each time and then alt shift drag again you'll see there might be a line that appears there but if you zoom it disappears don't need to worry about that it's just a screen thing you can kind of see from what was like a fairly simple drawing on paper the more you repeat it like this so command T again I'm just gonna bring it in you get kind of interesting looking tiles like that and you can even take another section if I go ctrl command click on the layer and I can go here to my say hue/saturation I can do maybe a slightly different color version here I can play with the saturation I can merge this now to apply so it's command II I might do the same up here with this one so I'm going to command or control click and it's top line I might desaturate that just to bring the colors down a little bit they're a bit intense Andy and I can't even merge those two now you can actually crop that as your complete repeat tile you can also do some interesting things if you want to create some interesting patchwork prints if you go command T and holding down shift if you hold down shift you see you can rotate this block now at a 45 degree angle if I hit apply or enter to apply I go to my marquee I can bring this across command J it's gonna hide the one underneath I'm gonna go command to you again shift and rotate so it locks back now I can use this piece as a corner tile so I can go alt shift drag command ctrl T right-click flip horizontal enter to apply it across again I might just use my cursor keys to bring it in a bit neater look size out by a tiny bit always zoom in if you feel like you a bit worried about where it's cropping I think it command will control a again I'll just bring this and I repay the process so alt drag command T bring it across but I can actually start to piece together my tile like this so you can see with something that's quite a small design originally it's now very easily transformed into some quite interesting tile so quiet oops I just hit escape if you if you end up like doing something like that you can just hit escape and get back but yeah you can create interesting tiles like this and I can use that same technique as before if I want to now go across here so I'm just using alt whoops and then if I say I want to bring one in here just bring that across you know I can click command click on that tile again and then use my hue/saturation again I can make this you know another kind of interesting colorway and may bring the saturation down a bit and then build my tile from there what I want to apply that first [Music] and eat emerge yes so you can see that's just from a very simple illustration at the beginning that we've tiled as a boarder and then I've got created a and you kind of square like a scarf tile from it so yeah and then to get the repeat there you would just all you'd need to do is crop from the center here and the center here again and then flip it yeah that's just some basics in putting together a repeat I'll with using a border design with just a few simple elements so yeah okay so these are just some headers from my portfolio so I thought I'd show you some actual printed material so the same way we did that border you'll see that like it's really the the original white have been just probably drawn like that this wasn't painted on paper this was all like digitally colored so I've just done it in pen like a fine fine liner and then just colored it digitally but you'll see like I've got multiple borders here and then I kind of just ran like a repeat up the top non border paint and then it breaks up and then just continues all same with kind of this one another one that sisters pan and digitally colored and I'm just lots of variations of borders here so it's both all stacked on the one piece same here except I've broken it up with a Paisley in the middle and tried to make something some more interesting compositions here so it's not just border border this one was actually done entirely with pencil and the colors were just inverted so you can see here that's just pencil that's been cut wood color a whole section and then crop it in different parts this all this white section is just pencil that's been inverted the black as the paper here's just a watercolor tropical floral you've got this was originally black ink inverted again this one was entirely done in Photoshop just drawing on a Wacom tablet so just just freehand drawing different elements and pulling them together these are all small watercolor elements just and then deep etched and then rearranged with a little bit of color manipulation and this is from actually just a photograph of some plants in my backyard but I detach to put some color overlay and then made a kind of photographic tropical print you
Channel: PVCE Art and Design
Views: 32,765
Rating: 4.9585133 out of 5
Id: __-EFteiEXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 28 2018
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