Digimon World: Virtual Baby Simulator | Billiam

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hey hey audience it's me Digimon it's like somebody saw a Pokemon and said what if it had abs as many of you guys know I am a big Digimon fan what started off as a Tamagotchi spin-off that could battle each other became this really cool franchise that has remained cool over the years because it's as close to popular as it can get without entering the mainstream unsubscribe now because I'm all about avoiding the mainstream but please don't I need to eat admission time before I played a couple hours of cyber sleuth I had never actually played a Digimon game ever as a kid did you mind games were really hard to come by I didn't own a Playstation until I was much older so every single Digimon game that I could get was for a Nintendo console and they must have had very limited printings because even when I'd be aware of a new Digimon game coming out whenever I'd finally have money to go buy it it would always be sold out everywhere I would try to go on eBay or slam azan to buy a used copy but Digimon games rarely sell for below $60 and as a kid just wanting to try one of these games it wasn't really worth it however seeing people get excited for some of the more recent Digimon games has encouraged me to go check out this giant back catalog of games that I've never played before including the first Digimon home console release Digimon world being early on in Digimons life as a franchise Digimon world shared a lot in common with the original V pets well the Digimon V pet shares many mechanics with Tamagotchi it's unique because you can also train your Digimons fighting ability to challenge another player's Digimon I can't remember the last time I was excited to see one thing plug into another thing Digimon World is a slow grind most of the game is raising a Digimon from its earliest stage and hoping to fulfill the right care requirements to watch it transform into cool and powerful Digimon but sometimes you just get a good eating slug but what can we really do as parents aside from care Digimon world features a Digimon world a world filled with other Digimon you the player character must take your checkered vans yellow hoodie and crunchyroll beanie and create a society in which all Digimon may live together in peace so let's take a look at a game that broke my brain because although it's really charming it's also charming enough to mask how frustrating it is it's Digimon World Club boy I'm sure happy I have $1 I can't wait to use this $1 to pay for goods and services I'll be taking that $1 this is a hacking oh I should have used expressvpn yes you should have me sending data over the internet without the use of a VPN is like sending a postcard through the mail the dozens are so people that have access to it shouldn't be looking at the information that's on it but what's really stopping them my bank account details and password a virtual private network creates a secure tunnel between your device and the Internet so it's essentially like putting an envelope around your data making it that much harder for hackers to steal your personal info VPN if you've ever connected your device to public Wi-Fi you have permitted everyone else connected to that network to come and steal your data I never connected to a public network without first connecting to a VPN I wouldn't want to be silly what I express VPN is just so easy to use and it only uses premium servers making them consistently faster than any other VPN providers I just hit connect in the app and boom I'm secure expressvpn is rated number one by publications like scene at the verge Wired TechRadar and many more and with its ease of use and 24-hour customer support it's not hard to see why so find out how you can get three months of expressvpn for free by clicking the link in the description are going to expressvpn comm slash billion thank you again to expressvpn for sponsoring this video Digimon World was released in January 1999 in Japan in May of 2009 it released just over a year and a half after the first virtual pet in two months before the Digimon Adventure anime premiered can you start with one of four digimon in the middle of file city file city is run by Zhu Zhu Mon who remembers when file city used to be a place where Digimon could live peacefully but some mysterious force has separated all the Digimon in the land and wiped out their memories you with your Digimon who I hope you also named lumen must traverse the island to recruit Digimon to help build vile city just like the Digimon V pets did you mana have five stages baby in training rookie champion and ultimate and just like child you can screw them up at any live stage later Digimon media would add mega as a 6 and final stage but here it's absent let us talk about mega and ultimate Digimon is making me sound like a mega ultimate dork so from here on out I'm going to be referring to digimons evolutionary stages as their number rather than their official names raising Digimon is the bulk of the game Uman here is my always dying ever reincarnating child the game runs on a simulated 24-hour clock that moves at an hour per real-life minute but certain actions like sleeping and training take up more time in game like falling asleep take seconds in real life but hours in the game each Digimons lifespan is only a couple of days but it gets increased as they transform to higher stages when they die they reincarnate into another egg it hatches and you start the process all over again did you mom don't evolve linearly like that Digimon ripoff that came out a year and a half before Digimon instead did you mind evolution is like a branching and reconnecting stream just like real evolution get out of here outdated linear model of evolution I just learned about this on PBS eons what did you mine your Digimon will digivolve into digi depends on how you raise it including the four base Digimon the game's evolution chart has 65 months to raise in total once the Digimon reaches the end of their life they won't digi die unless they meet specific criteria for evolution and every Digimon in the game has its own unique criteria even Big Brain Mon here let's talk stats evolution criteria involves these statistics but don't worry about outliers standard deviation or statistical significance the only thing I find significant is Andrew women occasionally pseudo Mon and neither of them are in this game a Digimon stats are divided into two broader categories first is health which measures the digimons age weight happiness discipline and virus meter and the other is battle stats which measure hit points mana offense defense speed and brains hell stats are affected by how you take care of your Digimon the Digimon needs to sleep e have its weight manage and be treated for wounds and sickness if you ignore these needs you'll make a care mistake which can affect your evolutionary potential some evolutions like Greymon can only have one care mistake and some like mom imon need at least 15 care mistakes I hate intentionally making care mistakes this game works I have an emotional connection to the little of Digimon on the screen and I hate ignoring its needs and I hate scolding it when I have to scold it why do you make me do this game it's cruel different kinds of food sustain your Digimon for different periods of time but may affect their weight meat makes Digimon gain weight while mushrooms can help them lose weight most evolution criteria requires that you keep your Digimon with an certain 10-pound window happiness effects a Digimons life expectancy and discipline affects how well they'll listen to you scolding or praising increases once that while inversely lowering the other unless the Digimon won't eat whatever item you're trying to give it then scolding raises both the best way to get these stats up is to force-feed your Digimon medicine until it doesn't want it anymore you scold and both happiness and discipline go up medicine that'll make your disciplined am i giving my Digimon Ritalin the virus meter is raised when you don't take your Digimon to a bathroom when it needs to use the bathroom it just goes okay all over the map the only way to clean up the poop is to raise either a new mom on or a sukham on who will well yeah taking the more humanoid Digimon to a bathroom is just so odd it's just like the body of a full-grown adult needing to be taken to the bathroom and just going right in front of you next our battle stats which affect how your Digimon performs in battle but once again they're also tied to evolution criteria so you can't just max out offense and speed and kick everyone's ass unless you're raising Allie Oman the man himself he's dead battle stats are raised by either battling your Digimon or through training at the green gym next to file Island battling takes more real-life time but less in-game time we're training stations can increase specific stats instantaneously but each training session takes up an in-game hour training also doesn't earn you money like battling does and makes your Digimon hungrier faster I found myself strapped for cash a lot because I prefer training to battling and you can't just mindlessly press X over and over again to train because it's a really easy way to make care mistakes training is just so much of the game is training trying to evolve a Digimon without explicit guidance sounds like a nightmare these stat requirements are so specific I can't imagine how anyone would try to complete the chart without a guide which oh boy oh boy is why I'm glad I bought the official strategy guide but like most self-help parenting books it does nothing it's littered with wrong information about the game imagine spending hours as a kid trying to get metal Greymon only to get a new mom on all because the official strategy guide lies to you I mean I don't blame the author I can't imagine having to learn about a game this in-depth to be able to write the official strategy guide on it that sounds like a nightmare especially for a game like this to mention the maps are completely unlabeled oh well not completely they do have a B and C letter points marks but without any guide to what events those correspond to not to mention they're just incomplete it's not completely useless though recruiting Digimon can kind of seem like a fool's errand without direction and the guide does provide a good checklist but despite not wanting to navigate the world without some direction I loved the world in Digimon World I'll be your a lot of direction it's the perfect size for this kind of game it's big but still small enough to be super memorable of course when there's a big old fellow like this hanging around you're bound to remember it from Toy Town misty trees and the gear Savannah and some of the music is just I can't get enough of it especially the two main battle themes and the gear Savannah theme I love it it's the kind of game that's designed to be played and discovered for an obnoxious period of time the kind of free time you only really ever had as a kid Barbara can playing this I'd be drawing maps creating evolution charts and checklists of Digimon I have already recruited but I'm an adult so youtube video walkthroughs it is I think not played a lot of Digimon games I always wondered why there were so many Digimon that were just recolors of others but I guess my answer is here they needed a variety of different enemies but didn't want to design new Digimon it's not a loom on its high Sabu mod it's not Gotham on its psyche mod it's not beta Mon it's my whole heart hate him on really really good the goal of the game is to build vile city you do that by traveling around the island to recruit other Digimon who all joined the city to expand its infrastructure some are really easy to recruit like the digimon inside the forest surrounding file city you just beat them in a fight and they come join but others are only available at certain times a day like seed Ramon who you have to catch fishing have a rare spawn rate like pixie Mon who has a 3% chance of showing up in this exact location or have to be rescued like shell Mon battling in Digimon world can either be incredibly easy or impossible but it's always like really obnoxious I like a traditional RPG you don't control your digimons actions rather you give it commands and a occasionally listens as your Digimon gets smarter it learns new moves and you get new commands but no matter what you give me it's like not getting better so often the Digimon just stands and no matter how many times you hit attack or give a specific attack command it just sits like watch this Maile Oman can easily one-hit ko this red veggie maan but it just doesn't matter because most of the time Lee Oman just stands there and when it's not Lee omens decision to just stand there they get a status of friction and it just slows everything down [Music] I find progress in this game to be really satisfying watching file city get built up with new infrastructure filling out the evolution chart and watching a Digimon you raised with your blood transform is really satisfying however that high reward comes with one of the most stressful examples of a game with high consequences your digimons lifespan is this ticking clock and utilizing what time you have with the Digimon well can be a really stressful decision-making process you can probably beat the game without ever raising a Digimon to ultimate the fifth stage but it's fun to do but you'll be spending most of that Digimons lifespan training so while you get this stronger cooler Digimon it's not like you get to use it to knock off a bunch of boss battles you realistically only get a few tasks with each highly trained Digimon really and pro gamers who have been playing this game for over 20 years if you're pro gamer skills allow you to pro gamer through the game with only one Digimon that congratulations you're a pro gamer that was not my experience I thought myself getting really stressed when a Digimon was close to death like really early stressed is there even a point of trying to get something done traversing this world eventually becomes such a hassle and while there is fast travel it's a premium fee one way fast travel from file city to any location a lot of the game is just walking back to file city because it's the only place you can heal without items or before your Digimon needs to sleep and it's the only place to buy a variety of different items for a decent price and if your team on loses three battles it dies so entering any fight feels like life or death because you can lose hours and hours of training if you are beaten burned Ramon here took about three Digimon to beat and it's not like I finally just trained a Digimon that could handle bird Ramon literally every piece of advice I see on this game tells you to just stock up on healing items the only way to get through a bosses that keep throwing heal items at your Digimon just constantly well I mean why would I do it any other way I don't want to risk losing a Digimon I spent hours and hours training I'm only willing to risk a Digimon I spent a few hours training a hard boss in Digimon world isn't hard because you have to increase your skill level it's hard because it takes a long time to train a Digimon that strong or to grind enough battles to be able to afford premium healing items that's not difficulty in a skill set sense that's difficulty because it tests your patience but then again I don't really mind the grinding for the training than the raising evolution process I guess I find that to be more rewarding turns out my personal taste isn't always consistent the ogre dungeon I kept not buying enough heal items to make it to the end of the Digimon so I would have to walk back to file city and I lost a few Digimon because traversing the world while avoiding battles can be really hard well when you have the whole screen zoomed out it's easy but too much of the game is all the way zoomed in I can't see anything as the city grows your ability to raise Digimon becomes more and more efficient you can recruit Kabuto Iman and quagga man from beetle land and they'll upgrade the gym equipment to be more effective then you can also recruit some plant Digimon to upgrade to the meat farm to be able to grow fatter cuts of meat the file that you recruit veggie model so sells food that increases training that g m-- on over here pushing supplements probably has CEO in his facebook bio as you practice raising digimon the intense number of criteria for certain evolutions start to feel less and less intense I finally feel like I got the hang of this game you start to pick up on ways to shorten the process like saving stop raising chips for certain digimon strategizing training requirements to maximize primary and secondary effects and being comfortable with making a few care mistakes early on because care mistakes don't transfer from evolution to evolution and the first few stages are really easy to evolve to it's like bodom on I know you've just been born and you've come into this world scared and hungry but you must experience the crushing weight of this waterfall right now because this world isn't fair and the sooner you learn that lesson the sooner I can get monochrome on I'm just a parent living vicariously through my child I could have been a monochrome on I love filling out the evolution chart it makes the part of my brain that gets happy from filling out charts happy but also utilizing different Digimon in this game has made me appreciate the non partner Digimon from Digimon for years my favorites have really only been the main partners from the anime but being partnered with monochrome on seed Ramon mama Batum on my best pal Batum on here it makes my taste in Digimon expand a little bit more and appreciate some of these creature designs that I've never really given a passing glance to oh you mean you don't like monochrome on can't say I don't blame you you don't come into this world appreciating a t-rex head with a little tail of horn and four stubby legs monochrome on is an acquired taste Wow gah blue on here needed a 95 discipline to evolve to Guru Monde so I fed him some happiness mushrooms which automatically raises happiness so I can afford to school on a few times to get that 95 discipline after just under an hour I have guru Ramon check now let's try to get mega sea German I do my best to raise guru Mon for an hour straight while making no care mistakes because you're barely allowed to have any for this evolution and then after reaching all the qualified stats to get mega seed Ramon I spent the next few days just keeping guru Ramon at the right weight finally the time has come for evolution and the room undyed all that work was gone [Music] I stopped playing the game for a few weeks after that I questioned YouTube as a profession I read a book I lived a slightly better life got back into a regular exercise routine made a schedule I was being productive I started working on a different video but that guy just kept looking at me in the face I had to go back no good parent abandons their children I figured I didn't have enough text to get mega C German but I find the tech criteria to be very inconsistent like even though I do not have 35 technical moves discovered I got Leo Minh who also needs 35 but for summaries and mega seed Ramon didn't work so I guess it's just inconsistent I have no idea I cannot find a clear answer anywhere so no matter how much I feel like I got the hang of it there's always some unknown variable I guess parenting doesn't have set guidelines there's always something new to learn but this is a game digimon world was fun I enjoyed playing it quite a bit and I may even do some postgame stuff on stream eventually when I feel like streaming that doesn't mean soon it's a really charming game but it's also exhausting putting an effort to raise a Digimon over and over again and then watching it die over and over again is exhausting and although it can be rewarding it's the kind of game that would make me go insane if I didn't take ample amounts of stress breaks so I'm gonna put Digimon world down for a moment and try to better myself verbatim on anything so much for watching this video if you've played Digimon games before please comment down below which ones you remember fondly or which ones you would like me to look at in the future other than that this is your first video of mine consider subscribing following me on social media you know all the junk youtubers ask you to do I know I haven't been posting super frequently recently and it is totally my intention for the rest of the summer to get back in a normal posting routine I have a lot of stuff ready to go and I have a lot of work done for a lot of videos so I say this with full intent on following through when I tell you I'm tired I'm stressed I'll see you next week
Channel: Billiam
Views: 399,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Billiam, Digimon, Digital Monsters, Digimon World, PS1, Playstation 1, Greymon, MetalGreymon, Virtual Pet, Tamagotchi, Nostalgia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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