Digging Up & Moving 34 Hostas!!! πŸ’šπŸ’ͺπŸ₯΅ // Garden Answer

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hey guys how's it going so today's project is one i actually didn't anticipate having to do um but i was walking around the gazebo kind of reassessing what we have still going on around it and what plants i still wanted to move and i noticed a ton of hostas popping through the ground and i've already moved a bunch of hostas i didn't realize how many i still have left in this area and that's going to be today's project i have 34 in the ground around this gazebo in this general area that i need to dig up and move to other areas of our yard so first off round the base of the pine trees you might remember like some years ago maybe two three years ago i planted autumn frost hostas all the way around the base and i thought for sure those were wrecked when the pine trees were removed because that whole area was excavated i mean they ground out the stumps and everything but apparently nothing can keep these autumn frost hostas down because all of them but two are coming back there's a whole bunch right there and i just didn't realize it and then i already came in around the pondless waterfall and i removed one two three four empress wu hostas and i still have four hostas in there that i didn't see how does that happen and then also in this area right back here we had a bad hail storm couple years ago and a bunch of my hostas were shredded and ruined and i dug a lot of them up and moved them back here all to the same location just to kind of recuperate so i need to dig those as well now ideally i would have realized this earlier and had this project already done but i think it's still cool enough right now we got down to 34 last night 37 tonight and it's staying like it's getting warmer this friday's supposed to be 88. uh it's getting warmer during the days but we're still having really cool nights so i think we're still gonna be okay even though these hostas have already pushed growth so let me show you around the area and where i have to dig these up and i have really no idea where i'm gonna put them in the garden but i'm sure we can squeeze them in there's always room for 34 hostas so there's the gazebo this is the flower bed where the pine trees lived and here are the autumn frost hostas they kind of start here and ring around that side we're only missing two which is nuts to me so we're missing one here and here although i noticed we're having some weeds happily take over right there anyway so that's the first location i planted right around the front side here we doing russell you playing with that drip tube it's so weird i planted a diamond lake right here that i want to dig there are a couple that i don't know the varieties because they were here there's this one here when we moved in that was there as well as these two here and there's actually one right here and then swinging around the back side of the gazebo you can see all of them right in here there's some water slide autumn frost there are four big ones that i don't know the name of because they were here when we moved in one two three four they're beautiful though so i want to make sure to save those looks like we might have a patch of sunflowers coming up right there better hide them from aaron and then here where our pond was waterfall is there's one right here there's an autumn frost it's actually um planted in a piece of landscape fabric in the water i didn't know you could do that i learned that when brian and greg were here and then there are two right back there and my shadow hello so the little ones like the water slides and the autumn frost those will be really easy to place i'm just gonna have to think about the empress woos that want to get five to six feet wide however a little tip that i learned from people in the industry the growing industry those big hostas will really only get that big if they get quite a bit of water and we always think about hostas as like a good plant for drier shade areas and they are they do really well but they will never reach their max potential in size unless they get quite a bit of water so i didn't know that okay so basically i'm just gonna dig a bunch of plants up and go dig a bunch of new holes around the property i think i need to go change my shoes i have sandals on right now i didn't really think this through this whole project i didn't really think through all right let's get started [Music] bag o biotone where are you [Music] [Music] i got them all dug up at one point though there was a big root going through one of the like a tree root going through one of the root balls of the hostas and as i pulled the hosta root ball out the tree root came flinging out of the hole and flung dirt all over me like down my shirt and all over my face so who knows i don't have a mirror out here so anyway got the job done as well as a few other things there was a brother stefan clematis i had on the back side of the gazebo i forgot about and i did dig up a what else a columbine that is real pretty i'm also gonna have to dig up this japanese maple right there because when the pine trees and all that stuff came down all of a sudden this whole area is sun there's also some brunner that looks amazing back there i just thought oh crum i'm gonna have to get those dug up as well but the japanese maple i think will look really good where the venus dogwood was behind the fireplace because that's a morning sun location an afternoon shade perfect for a japanese maple like this i'm not going to do that today though because i don't want to shock these poor plants i need to get them in the ground so uh at this point we just need to run around the garden and start tucking hostas in and here they all are isn't that crazy that that's a 34 hostas i just couldn't bear to see any of them go away i just love hostas so much and then brother stefan clematis is right here which i just planted it last year it hadn't really rooted in that much but it's got a lot of new growth and buds on it so i'm thinking i might even tuck that behind the chicken coop like in between the two zefrin roses um that way it can kind of intermingle i think that'd be really pretty but i gotta look up is clematis poisonous to chickens i gotta determine that first our club mattis poisonous to chickens club mattis poisonous chicken our clematis vines poisonous to chickens ah our club mattis spines poisonous to chickens our clematis vines poisonous to chickens oh oh we got close enough this time so from what i am finding it says that clematis is poisonous but most animals will not eat it due to the bitter taste i would not risk that so we're gonna find a different fence to plant our clematis good to know i also realized i have three limelight hydrangeas here and three fire lights that were around the uh fountain area and i'm not really ready to place those anywhere else right now so i did text a friend and said hey i've got more shrubs if you want them so anyway i think she may come over and grab those as well as a few other perennials so i mean i think all of these plants that we have around this area every single one of them will have been located somewhere else or re-homed this is actually going to an area on the west side to mirror another comb boxwood that's on one side of a pathway it's perfect okay less talking more planting here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right i got them all in the ground i think they actually all look really good where they ended up so now i want to give you a tour of all those areas and then i'll give you some details on the plants at least the ones i know what variety they are so this is the last spot we ended up in today it's the one with the most consistent shade right now you can see aaron's been pruning on a tree the pruner's out oh boy but i had three autumn frost hostas left in the back of the gator so you can see them here here and here they grow about 12 inches tall 24 inches wide and they are zoned three through nine and i've got them in here with lamb's ear these are the three hostas and the japanese maple that came from behind the pond earlier so i transplanted those this spring and they're doing fantastic now this spot does get some afternoon sun so far so good i'm thinking i may have to do some sort of trellis like freestanding obelisk or something with a vine we'll see just to provide a little bit of extra shade it's such a short amount of time that they get sun though that it might be okay as long as they're getting enough water and then i planted the brother stefan clematis right here we get to the other side it's kind of maybe a better view yeah there we go i think that it'll do great on this trellis right here so this one has gorgeous bluish purple blooms that are huge and they bloom early summer all the way through the rest of the season they're a type that blooms on both old wood and new wood so it's the ones that we get the longest flower show from it is a zone four through nine and it grows oh i don't know about five to seven feet tall and maybe four to six feet wide or something like that anyway it'll cover a good portion of this trellis okay let's head to this flower bed here this flower bed is interesting because this front side gets a surprisingly lack of sun so you see a quite a bit of sun right now but as the season progresses this locus tree leafs out and it fills in and it gets a lot more dappled in here there's also a maple tree let me turn around go slow so that it doesn't make you sick so this is the maple tree we were just under and that helps protect this area from afternoon sun as well so it's just an interesting spot i can usually get away with doing some sun lovers and some shade lovers in the front here but i stuck the hostas a lot of them right in here because this is the north side of our house and this spot is always shaded uh so let's see i gotta remember where they all went benjamin came out to help me with this and when we found a bunch of worms he was loving it so there's one here i planted the columbine right there there's another hosta there i think so i'm not sure what variety that one is uh and i don't think i know what variety that one is either i'm so helpful aren't i there's another one right there i planted one right here to fill in this space where hooker didn't come back one autumn frost right there isn't the variegation gorgeous i love it and then another one right there there are hostas all over in here in fact there's one coming up right here too i had to be really careful because there's hostas in this entire section there's one right here it's just it's a hosta filled bed and it's gorgeous and i did plant white fox glove in here last year um there's some hookers and i planted some columbine up on that side it's a really fun area and then i did tuck some hostas in here as well this is kind of my hellebore area the snowflakes are looking absolutely beautiful right now look at those gosh they're like giant snowdrops and i love them but i had a little room back in here so i planted these in here last year and i had room to pop this one that one and then another one that's just starting to emerge right there so most of the hostas i have back in here are coast to coast hostas which grow roughly 30 to 36 inches tall and wide i believe but they have more of like a golden colored leaf and very bold and beautiful and i think that the one i popped here might be a coast to coast i'm not positive what this one is right there it might be a wii hosta and then this one right here was already here when we moved in so i'm not sure what variety that is and then swinging around from this area boy that's just so open isn't it now all the way over here to the right this is where more of them ended up so we've got three autumn frost right at the base of the iris right here the lamium is just in its prime and looking beautiful now this hosta right here gets massive like it fills up this entire area it gets like four by four or four feet wide and then maybe three feet tall it's really big so i popped one hosta back in here one here and i think it'll i think it'll be fine i think that this one has enough space and then this area already has a bunch of hostas that do really well so there's one here there's another one coming up over here the let's see these two were here so i popped one there there there and there it's gonna be totally full of hostas last section i planted is underneath the golden rain tree over here so we planted a little hosta garden in here was it last year last spring i think it might have been but everything is looking so gorgeous i mean these are we hostas right here aren't those beautiful there's hudson bay right here water slide right there this one i think is etched glass as well as the other two so there's three that swing around the front of this tree there are wula la hostas which get really big there's more hudson bay there's a coast to coast right there and so you can see i planted this one here which is an unknown variety i planted one two three four autumn frosts and then i did plant an empress wu right here which i realized these salvias are gonna have to move but i think they were gonna have to move anyway because i didn't realize how much shade this area does get um and the salvias they do okay but i think they might do better somewhere else and here's our clematis that we just planted sparky let's see this one's sparky purple gosh they're so pretty pastas are just one of the best shade plants ever and a lot of ours get a good block of sun too especially in the morning but as long as they get the protection in the afternoon they're typically really happy plans now one nice thing about our area in hostas is that we're so dry that we don't deal with a ton of slugs we do have them but i know they're a huge problem for some of you guys um i do usually come through in the spring when i start seeing a little bit of activity slug activity which i just saw one first one a couple of days ago and i start baiting with that bug and slug and i just do that every couple of weeks or so and just as a preventative to keep them nice looking my main uh concern with hostas here is weather so our high winds can be very damaging to hostas as well as our free hail storms that happen every once in a while um it typically doesn't happen though and usually even if we get a strong windstorm it'll tatter a few leaves you remove those and then they produce more so it's not a huge deal but they provide such a huge bulk and a beautiful texture in our flowerbeds and i just love them and i cannot wait until we have some more shady areas as some of our newly planted trees you know over the last few years start you know getting some size i mean a lot of our areas that are sun right now won't be forever and we'll have to slowly transition them into shadier beds but i do have a little bit more transplanting to do like i mentioned the japanese maple and the cone boxwood over there and a few other things and then my friends are coming over this afternoon to dig out hydrangeas and some other things around the gazebo so anyway slowly but surely we will get it handled by the time the hartley is ready to come so anyway i hope this video is helpful in some capacity maybe you're in a position where you're not sure if you can move stuff still um and i say like if you need to move it move it just keep it nice and moist i made sure every single one of my plants has drip run to it and i did water everything in today so it should be settled in and good to go i use biotone starter fertilizer which does help it create a strong root system quickly and usually my stuff does okay so anyway thank you guys so much for watching this video and we will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 192,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: vkD_kQ1UKu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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