Digging a RARE $1,000 Dollar Marble - Bottle Digging - Antiques - Ohio History Channel

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[Music] so [Music] in the last week right here's another one like it it's a vintage christensen agate company flame marble it's what it is and look at what the guy wants for 149.99 and i found multiples of them here's one right here this is another flame it's clear base with white um but you can see it's not kid stuff you know that guy wants 149.99 for that but i'd say you know he's not gonna get that somebody's gonna make an offer well he's not even allowing offers that's just what he wants for and somebody might buy it but i'd say selling it selling mine today for both of them they're like if i put them on for 79.99 for bathe it sell um you know some you don't always get asked get what you ask but you know somebody might pay that if he's got it on there for that he's probably got that much for the marbles before and it's a marble seller called cat eye so um let's see there's a store it's probably a marble d yeah it's a marble dealer see right there's a hybrid marble king twenty two dollars for one marvel you know and you've seen me find these acro aggie patch shooter fourteen dollars for that there's an alley ag at fourteen dollars for one marble there's a cub scout right there there's a german handmade and see what he's got here there's a vintage marble king shooter 14 so you see this guy's selling these marbles and he's got him priced at what he's going to sell them see there's an oxblood acro again i found several of them on another dump this year 49.99 you see here this is not kid stuff there's another marble king 1699 for one marble there's another acro again lemonade oxblood 26.99 this bed on so you know four or five marbles can be a hundred dollars you just can and look at this like this alley i get here that guy'd want 30 bucks for this one it's unique colors versus that one he has on here it's just an average one but you can see you know this stuff is good it's as good as air heads later all right heading down in here i think i'm gonna start down in here where i was at i think i was right here right here because right here's where i found these christensen agates i just showed you in that last clip that was brutal getting them out of there with a handsaw oh i got them out whoa i'll get back all right got this cleaned up sergeant drake and been raking here five minutes and i see a shooter marble do you see it it look kind of when it rolled down the hill like a clear one but it's still big and cool right here yeah it's like a amber one and it's got play wear all over it all these big ones do you know that's not that's got some kind of weird veneer on the outside but see it's all chipped up let me wipe it off yeah that's probably a pretty old marble that amber but it's you can see it's got chips to it cracks this has been played with a lot another one fall right out of here down into this hole right there it is it's a blue it's one of them blue and white marble kings i find these all the time it's a common marble king marble you know may be worth a buck it's a nice condition now um you know like three or four of these in a lot on ebay real nice condition you'd want to list them at like 399 with a dollar 99 shipping and handling that's all these ones are worth i'm looking for better ones like swirls and alley agates and they're better another one and i found 10 of these already but i ain't even taking them little jars they don't sell as good as the big bottles but what's that what the heck that's a barrel flask hold on i'll get to that in a second but there's another marble king see i'm finding marbles every trip in quantity but you know this is another marble that you'd need 10 of them in a lot with maybe a red one too and start them at 2 3.99 a little cricket get out of there buddy you're gonna get smashed here he is he's get out of there buddy he's over there um you know an average marble king marble but still nice condition it'll look great in the frame and what's said yeah i thought that was a marble but we're chalking them up let me get this in my pot well there's another marble right there that's a cat eye i must have raked a bunch see how that's real lease here there's a blue cat eye nothing to brag about either let me get these in my pocket here real quick i'm finding the marbles again there has to be better ones but look at this that's a glass thing it's got a veneer over the outside it's not particularly old but that's pretty cool it's a barrel we'll set that over there i'll get back on my next one later on it looks like a vitro agate i'm hoping it's another one of them blue marble kings they seem to be going that way but we know there's veterans in here because i found one yesterday right when i started just cleaning out this hole i'll get back play another one you see it it looks like a cat eye when it rolled it's right here it is a cat eye let's see what we got hopefully it's two color i love two color cat eyes it is and it's a caged cat eye folks oh right that's the nicest one so far look at that all right no that's not nice is it it's a two color it's kind of brown green with white and lighter green cage vitro agate cat eye it's beautiful it's a little bit you can see it there it's wild looking it's nice i'm running this in now i started going that way towards that tree and i'm definitely hitting areas where i dug and there's just nothing in it i'm really thorough but man i really like it when i see this two mason jars hold on here stuck to each other i need these two oh look at that one because it was sheltered it says ball on it they're just they're real solid they were under this tree i'll use these on other jars all right price days like i said they're expensive to buy vintage mason lids because there's a lot of diggers that um i found this blue bottle too i'm going to put this stuff right in the bag so i don't leave it because these are really nice lids i'm right in here where i'm standing is where i dug them christensen again i'm gonna have to get me a a drink man it's hot but i'll get back on my next one later baby good bet to go this way i haven't dug none of this clear over to that hole where i was finding that marble can't call it you can see it right there my work but man this looks good it looks like a peltier see it right here this is a dame maker if it's nice it's a peerless patch look at that clear red base look at that folks that's a day maker i don't have one like this and it's clear red base that red's clear base like clear base is like clear so you can see in and see that's opaque well i guess the weight isn't opaque it's got a little clear base to it too but let me get this wiped off i mean i've gone 15 minutes you can see this hole when i left yesterday was no hole at all cut these out started raking all this haven't been seeing much and boom if there's one there's probably more that's abuse keep my glove on my right hand that's the one i cut bad yesterday i cut it clear to the bone but i super glued it back together man that's a pretty marble look at it oh that's nice it's real nice condition i would call that a pouty or peerless patch and that's a unique colored one man that's nice nice condition just a beautiful marble and that weights clear base it's a beaut man all right that's a day maker i'm going to try to fill that other little frame today with the select marbles from today and we'll look at it at the end i haven't seen a marble for close to two hours and you see look at this here's another piece of it right there's where i found that other collet glass and look at this there's that's marble collet glass i don't know if somebody worked at a factory and brought it home to their kids and then it got thrown away or a marble factory dumped here this is a town dump but i mean i got a marble that looks just outstanding i saw it flash if it's a real oh folks look at this this is something outstanding this might be like a christensen oh folks it's a christensen it's another christensen i had it oh look it's a hand-dipped one with this oh oh this is the nicest marble of the week oh look at this all this digging and i come up on a nutting stone and now this oh yes folks this is a showstopper it's got like the six on it oh folks this is valuable let me get this cleaned off this is awesome hold on this is worth the whole day and six hours of digging at least oh fakes this is just insane this is awesome folks oh this is nice let me get it wiped off some more hold on oh man look at this smoker it's handmade look at that the glass coming up oh this is beautiful this is insanely nice it's amber oh folks this is nuts it's my favorite marble for a while i like it even better than them handmade look at it it's got that string of glass flipped out on it oh this is nice oh man face that's a day maker man later i'll get back i'm going to do a little more in there i'm wet but man that that'll give you some energy later and right here that many steps off where i found those other christensen's and handmaids so i'm just right there they probably got strung along the hill i'm not nearly finding them as in concentration as they were here but i'm telling you what that's awesome [Music] just found a broken marble look at that ah broken half can't tell what that is it's probably a blended marble king but man that's a nice one that's a stinking shame there's some toys and stuff in here i've been breaking out little plastic chairs and stuff to doll houses and ah that stinks today make her bottle if it's not broke you know the euro stuff i'm digging in there's some older stuff and this isn't particularly old but it's awesome bottle i've only found one of them ever it's all there new grape look at that look at this i'll show you the other one i have at the house it's just perfect all right new grape soda this is awesome minimum content six fluid ounces i don't know if these have the date on them or not yeah they do they have like a 30s or a 20s date on them bottle patented in march 9th 1920. all right beautiful bottle look how awesome they are oh i'm bossed up hell that's worth the trip oh right and i got a peltier marble fix let's see if it says in town name on the bottom it'll even be better if it does oh man i don't have this either look what it says i don't i'm almost positive the other one i have is blank on the bottom sistersville west virginia i had no idea they made this air this is an awesome bottle and it's a real i mean the smallest town there's one stoplight in the whole town this is that watch wander or clock wander i found that's pretty nice it's a big heavy brass piece but here's the new grape i found today i haven't got it cleaned up yet i'm just too whipped my hands cut up i gotta get relaxed i will say the marbles next day sistersville west virginia and i told you i had another one i found and i found this one i gotta i haven't even cleaned this one yet it's just setting in there in a box but it's not nearly as aqua but it is aqua and this one says man hall pennsylvania and it's the same bottle 1920 on it but this one's gonna look amazing i might clean it up and put up a picture in the video because that's gonna look amazing that's a really beautiful color but anyway i wanted to show you [Music] so [Music] i just had a key man that's a pretty nice sprite it's got that texture that's worth taking i'll get back into a little stuff i saw some broken bottles there's a pop gun but i got like a clock wander and it's brass and it's old you see it there look at this that's for one and a clock i would guess that's really cool that's really nice that's old that's probably in 1905 or before i would guess i'd say it's 1800s that's off a real old clock i'd say that's where it was wound that's how i like to seen the clock that's pretty nice [Music] i don't know what's up with this these look like pig teeth to me i don't know but there's teeth coming out of here i've seen another one too you can put all these bones in mason jars and make like a or yeah well clear mason jars and people will buy them like a jar of bones people are into the macabre stuff if you put them in bleach and soak them and put other bones and stuff in there it actually looks kind of cool if you think about it like some longer leg bones and in big half gallon ones it looks like voodoo stuff kinda you can print out labels for the back of the mason jars too if they're clear and put on it like with a witch on it or you know what i mean and make them a cob type display and people will buy that kind of stuff it's like a marble since that peltier and i mean i've dug a bunch but i'm just finding bottles today i see i think this is a squirt it is it's a huge one it's awesome look at this it's a very cool bottle look it's even got the little kid on the back oh it's gonna be savable never an after thirst bottle under a authority of squirt company never an after thirst that's pretty cool that'll all clean up it's a green bottle take that one i'm looking like yeah i'll be taking this too it has to be worth a few bucks sergeants they're still making products it's got a little dog on it acl 75 cents flea shampoo for dogs richmond virginia this huge spider he's pretty big look at him i don't want you to bite me buddy i don't want you to get hurt most people would smash him i won't look at him he's beautiful he's huge it's a wolf spider i think look there you go buddy hey you're not coming up on me it's getting ready to fight i'm not letting you bite me chief look at that thing get over there you don't get hurt well anyway later i'm right on the base clay and there's a creek right down there i'm right on a point above a creek i'm hitting the base clay right there and look what i found i found an indian artifact in the dump look at that nutting stone these damn things are everywhere that's a daggone nice one too and i'm gonna have to keep this one and label it up i found it in the dump on this video that's unbelievable there's probably arrowheads here on the side of this hill there's a nice little flat right there there's a creek down two more flats there was indians living here too i found airheads in the creek down here nothing nice makes creek funds you have to look a year to find two nice points in the creek they're all tumbled um but that's pretty nice for coming out of the dump i'm not even looking for arrowheads and i'm finding indian artifacts unbelievable i'm taking a drink break on that one that's a dandy nutting stain that's a dandy lady i'm right at the bottom of this hill that's a flat here so i'm digging on the bottom of the hill and right there's the base layer of the dump the original layer before they started dumping trash and i dig down in it a little but that nutting stain was laying right on the base plate sticking right out and i popped it right out i couldn't believe that but that last marvel was the best known man i can i'll be able to say that in a book but i'm gonna look and try to find one more thing i'm not seeing many marbles i can get right over there and find marble kings i found one nice swirl over there maybe we'll do that in the next video and i can go back that way around the hill i can go down farther we got lots of places to dig here so make sure you subscribe i usually can come up with something but i stay for hours i stay till i get a video later well that's happened two days in a row i pressed my hand down it was on something like that and the thing broke and puncture wound me put my glove on that'll stop it then i'm going to have to watch i start wearing two gloves i'm cutting myself i'm getting tired i'm not watching what i'm doing that hurts two days in a row bleeding all over the place later i don't know that i've ever seen this bottle bottle made in canada no wonder buckley's but it's melted but i had a paper label on it stink i know i don't have that buckley's right off the base of the dump i'm going a little bit longer this is probably gonna be it i'll show you my handy work i do this because there's lots of fake channels here um there is people planting stuff you see i'm doing digging the holes right there's where i started up in there i've dug all week just semi truck probably full of dirt i've sifted easily dump truck fools went all back in here today that way a little bit got into an area that i um had already dug around that tree so i moved over here and it was worth it it was absolutely worth it i got that nice sistersville bottle out of here that gray bat says 1920 on it i got a christensen agate hand dipped marble a poutier marble right there not as many marbles as usual but i got enough to fill that frame so we'll look at it when we get him i appreciate you watching and i will continue to kill myself digging to get these videos so you people have something to watch thanks for watching the transitional molded panel i'm no expert on these but right there's you know the in it's about the same thing this one's 1250 to 2500. um this is the book i'm using collecting early machine made marbles mf christensen and sun and christensen agate and this is a christensen agate marble and it's one of the good ones it's like a year maker you see there mine's even nicer this one's all chewed up and it's still 1200 bucks um see the like six or nine pattern it's handmade let me see what else is in here real quick see these are later stuff but this is a book just on these i look at this stuff and see i dug around in there for a while because i assumed these came in a little box all together and see there's another one there that's it's not the same marble that mine's real old it's real old see how mine had the melted glass on it melted panel 1500 to 2500. um where's it at it's got a pinch mark right there um see how the glass is melted on it over the outside that's the way that one was man that's a good find fix right off of those other ones just down the hill a little bit farther see you can see there's the like six or nine on these but here you go that's a really valuable marble that any kid stuff it's a smoker i'll show you the frame here here in a minute well there we go a couple crockery marbles one clay and that other one is crockery like it's almost like iron stone it's handmade but this one's from a little while ago but i had that one in a jar i found that's in the cover image of my one of my videos it's an alley and i didn't want it bouncing around in a jar so i put it in with ease to fill out the frame there's that polior patch that might could even be an acro patch but i'm pretty sure it's a peltier um there's the two color or three color cat eye from today and this marble is just oh it's a transitional melted panel christensen agate company and you saw the book value in the picture like 1500 to 2500 for that marble and the conditions as good as you could ask for for something like that um man it's nice it's sick right off of those other ones right down the hill and you saw these christensen flames um oh man figs this is i'm proud of this frame i'm proud of it that's a heck of a find it's like finding a clovis for a mobile collector it just is oh man well anyways thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Rocks Cousteau
Views: 42,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oak Island, Treasure Hunting, Vintage Marbles, Soda Bottles, Archaeology, History Channel Documentary, Marble King, Vitro Agate, Alley Agate, Peltier, Coca Cola, Milk Bottle, West Virginia, Ohio Valley, Archaeology Documentary, Dump Digging, Pet, Squirrel, Privy Digging, Metal Detecting, Old Toys, Antiques Roadshow, Pawn Stars, American Pickers, Discovery Channel, History Seekers, Hiking, Nature, Documentary, Garage Sale, Sistersville, Christensen Agate, Adventure Archaeology
Id: CZQdR5wln8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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