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thank you so much for joining us at live Point Church online if God is using this ministry to impact your life we would love to hear about it and encourage you to share your story at life great org board slash story if you'd like to partner with us financially and help expand our reach all over the world with the good news of Jesus you can do so by clicking the give button at the bottom of the page and selecting the option that works best for you or you can use our text to give option by texting the keyword LifePoint and the amount to the number four five seven seven seven again thank you so much for joining us we hope that you are encouraged by today's edition we've been in this series for the month of January called I will and I told you I'll start out every year and I would encourage you to start out every year and you're not too late you're still you're still in time in the timeframe I figure the first six weeks of the year you can still be setting goals and and even in March you can start over in my everyday is a new beginning in Jesus so every day is the beginning of a new year right and so you can start but I said I encourage you to get a word what is the word one word that you feel like this is the word I'd encourage you I pray about it and I ask God what is kind of the word that just give me some Drive and direction pointing towards this year and I feel like the word for me was advancement for the church was advancement and my prayer is that you would advance in every area of your life that you know every tool every area is spiritual I hope you know that your faith is spiritual but your finances are spiritual because God speaks about that and your family spiritual your career your academic pursuit your friendships or everything is spiritual and so God wants you to advance he cares about it all wants you to advance in every area of your life and so this word advancement and we talked about in this series some things like I will start small and finish strong we talked about the power of small steps and of consistency in small steps talked last week about I will get what's mine talked about that you can pray and you can fast and you should do all those things and seek God but at the end of the day some of it is on there's a human responsibility and you've got to take hold as Paul said I'm gonna take hold of everything for which Christ Jesus took hold of me for and so I'm gonna get everything that God has for me and we talked about how that God's will for your life and then mine God's will for your life is that you would know God that you would find freedom that you'd discover the purpose he's put you on the planet for and that you'd make a difference in the world around you and so I decided to extend it one week and so this is the bonus track come on somebody anybody remember the tapes cassette tapes and our CDs you know the next generation and some friend would tell you hey don't let it play after the last track because there's a hidden track right so if you came to church you got there nobody remembers that on CDs you're all like no I was listening to hymns liars all your liars you were listening to Guns and Roses and you were listening for all the other Millennials Google Guns N'Roses they'll bless your soul and so this is the bonus track the hidden track I'm extending one week because I was concerned I was concerned I left you off last week at a place that wasn't sustainable if you didn't know some more stuff if you didn't have some more perspective I was concerned that hopefully you would leave motivated and inspired and have some resolve in you to pursue the purpose of God for your life that maybe you don't know but God has a purpose for your life but I was afraid I kind of left you hang in a little bit and I want to give you some things because I believe that as you pursue the purpose of God in your life and as you run after everything that God has for you that there will come a moment where you hit a wall I'm just telling you there's gonna come a moment where you hit a wall many of you know that I I say I like to run I run I can't say I like to all the time but I run and in races they they talk about this there's gonna come a moment in the race where you gonna hit the wall the proverbial wall and it just means that you you feel like you're running out of energy you feel like you don't have anything else in you and some people quit then some people go to the medical tent and take the slow bus back to the finish line and not this guy I would rather walk injured then quit anybody else with me somebody said I'm too dumb to quit so I just and so but you'll hit this wall and at the wall moment it doesn't matter how much motivation you have it doesn't matter how exciting the day is or how much the energy of the race momentum and other people running with you is it doesn't matter how much resolved in you at the moment that you hit the wall the only thing that is important is your training it's how well you've trained to prepare for this moment and I just want to tell you I don't want to discourage you but you're gonna hit a wall and I've seen it over and over you're gonna start out strong and about March you're gonna hit a wall maybe some of you already hit it and then when you hit the wall here's what your on them wonder is it worth it is it worth it you're gonna wonder should I even try you're gonna wonder should I keep going you're gonna say things like this for some of you and I've had people say this to me they'll say pastor I've tried gods before and it didn't work for me and you'll begin to say things like it didn't work for me I've tried to make my marriage better before but it just didn't work for me and I've tried to get out of this cycle of in debt until tax comes and hopefully I get enough to pay off the debt so that I can get in debt some more and I've tried to just doesn't work for me and and I've tried to to be a better student just doesn't work for me and I've tried to be a better friend and it just doesn't work for me and what's happening is I hear is you've hit the wall and you hit the wall without any training see now you don't know how to get past the wall and I want to help you prepare for the moment you hit the wall so that you're able to break through the wall I want this to not only be the year of advancement but if it's gonna be the year of advancement it's gonna be your year of breaking through breaking through to some new levels in your life in different areas of your life but you've got to have some training are you with me no but it's gonna take something are you ready for this no takers you want to write this down if you're not you need to write this down brace yourself though because we don't like that it's gonna take some work everybody say it with me work it's gonna take some work there's an old saying that says you don't get the glory without the grind all of us want the glory right we want the experience the moment the the accomplishment the objective reached we've executed the thing we want the glory but a lot of us don't want the grind to get there we don't want to do the work that it takes to get there we want the glory in our faith we want the moment where our reason we have great faith and God's moving and there's favor and there's blessing in our life and and our relationships are great and everything's clicking on all cylinders but it takes grind to get to that place because what we see is everybody's highlight reel we see their post and we're like they got a great life and everything's going good but if you would open up the hood or if they pull back the curtain a little bit for you they would tell you there was some grind to get to the glory yeah you're a little slow this morning there's some grind to get to the glory it's like my kids they want to my daughter wants a dog we have a dog they want another dog we have a dog who administer schnauzer and we have a hate hate relationship most of the time me and him everybody else in the house likes him not me I like them until he started peeing on my carpet I don't like dirty carpets especially when I had to pay for the carpet come on somebody but he's a great dog he really is like my 15 month old Abigail can lay on top of him can squeeze him he's got the schnauzer cut with the beard so she'll take his beard and then lick his face it's gross but we're building her immune system next she's gonna eat dirt it just it helps what I grew up but he's a great dog but I don't we just you know we have a new set of hate hate relationship and faith he's like dad I want a puppy I'm gonna ask granny for a puppy I'm like no you're not because grandparents buy things like that for their grandkids because they hate their kids it's revenge for all the things their kids did to them and they get it through their grandkids come on somebody you with me all the grandparents are like [Applause] so they sugar them up and send them home they buy them puppies I'm like you're not asking you're not asking granny for a puppy no you're not getting a puppy because we have a dog and you don't take care of the dog you got face job is to feed him in the morning it's like faith did you feed Winston I think so then it's the evening time it's like Owens time in the evening it's like Owen did you feed Winston and he's like I still feed him and if Tammy didn't live in the house the dog wouldn't exist I'm just telling you he wouldn't be alive right now because he would never get fed or watered they liked the idea of another puppy they don't like the work that a puppy takes are you with me sometimes we like the idea of our goals more than we like the grind that it takes to get to our goals we like the idea of knowing God we like the idea of we don't always like the grind that it takes to get there and it's gonna take work to push through the barriers and the things that want to block us and I think often when we think of barriers we think they're external you're right pastor I've got some barriers to get through if I had if I had more support from the people around me then I could do everything that God's called me to do and got it pastor if I had more money then I would have more margin and I'd be able to live wiser and stewardship and financial health and my life that's right to find more that that's the barrier in front of me and if I didn't have such criticism from the dreams I'm pursuing then that's a barrier and it's always like if I had more of something out here find more money if I had more support if I had more opportunity that's why I haven't got promoted I just need more opportunity and so we say the barriers are all out here but I want to propose today that the proverbial giant that you have to slay in your life is not out there it's in here but it's inside of you that the Giants are not on the on the battlefield of your life there may be something I'm not discounting those but I'm just saying those are not the ones that will cause you to hit a wall it's the ones in here it's the ones in here it's the ones in here that we don't want to talk about that we don't want to face because it's a whole lot easier to ignore the Giants on the inside of us it's a whole lot easier to push them down and away and not think about it and I don't want to talk about it and I don't do feelings and don't worry I'm not gonna have you hold hands sing Kumbaya that's not what this is turning into I don't like holding strangers hands either I'm kind of convinced that's why we scheduled ourselves with no margin in between because if we had a moment to sit stop and be silent we would have to face the Giants that are in here and so we scheduled ourselves every bit of white space on our calendar gets filled with something and every moment is something and it's from this thing to that thing to this thing that I think and then we raise up kids and we you need to be involved in this and this and this because we want to raise another generation that has no margin and thinks that life as normal is running at breakneck speed and so we'll raise up a generation that doesn't know how to kill the Giants inside them either we have no room to just breathe a little bit because if I'm on the go then I never have to slow to look inside so it's so much easier just to go so our schedules are our drug of choice oh I'm not addicted are you addicted to your pace so our busy schedules become our drug of choice so we don't have to face the Giants inside of us and so we get motivated for a season and we get inspired for a season and then after inspiration waves away and after motivation kind of dissolves a little bit we hit the wall we face some barriers and they're not out here they're in here and so I want to talk to you about that today because I don't want you to get to about mid-march and find yourself going it doesn't work for me because it will work for you if you work it it will work for you if you work it but it's gonna take you doing some work I was reading a book this week and it was talking about how that when skyscrapers are built in New York City in New York City Manhattan itself is like granite basically it's a slab of rock and that when they build skyscrapers up hundreds of stories first they go with steel like 25 stories below so they can go high and I was thinking man that is what we have to do if you're gonna go high you got to go low if you're gonna build tall then you've got to dig deep matter of fact that's the i wiill statement for this week I will dig deep it's gonna take some work though somebody shout dig deep we're gonna look at the life of a guy named Moses in the next few moments and I'm gonna give you a little like cliff notes or whatever I don't know what it is now cliff notes cliff notes when I was growing up that means you cheated not reading the book you read the notes I confess that so Moses is a God that's born into slavery in Egypt and he's an he's under a pharaoh who is enslaving at the time of Moses birth he decides I want to kill every baby under the age of two and so for Moses mother and father for him not to get killed they put him in a waterproof basket and they put him in the reeds in a creek well Pharaoh's daughter comes around to that Creek with some of her friends and sees the basket is like go get that basket for me opens it up and it's a baby bully and she's like I'm gonna take this baby boy so now Moses is adopted into Pharaoh's house and he grows up in Pharaoh's house and as he grows up in Pharaoh's house he's got all the wonderful luck all the wonderful amenities of growing up in the palace are you with me like nice life well Moses goes out one day they remember this shortened version Moses goes out one day and he goes to sees one of Pharaoh's men and one of the Hebrew slaves which he is of that nationality sees him getting beat up and he goes up to the to break it up and ends up killing Pharaoh's man who then he buries him in the sand well then he's about to get found out about this so he decides to run away into the desert he meets a guy named met Jethro the priest of Midian he marries one of Jethro's daughters and Jethro's puts him in charge of all these livestock got it say got it say got it all right that's where we catch up with Moses he's out doing that Exodus chapter three verse one says now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law the priest of Midian and he led the flock to the far side of the desert and came to Horeb the mountain of God there the angel of the Lord appeared to him in the flames of fire from within the bush this is the burning bush thing if you ever heard of that and Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up that is crazy so Moses thought I'll go over and see this strange sight why the bush does not burn up I look I like Moses thoughts I don't know that I would have thought that I'll go over and see this strange sight I'd have been like what in the going on this is crazy I would have cussed it sound like I would have why the bush does not burn up first forth when the Lord saw that he had gone over to look God called to him from within the bush Moses Moses and Moses said Here I am so the rest of chapter 3 and most of chapter 4 is this conversation between God and Moses coming from this burning bush and if you don't it familiar with the story what happens next is that God says Moses take off your sandals because the place that you're standing is holy ground and Moses takes off his sandals and then God says to Moses I've heard the cries of my people because the nation of Israel is the one that's enslaved to Pharoah he said I've heard the cry of my people and I'm going to deliver them I'm gonna deliver them and Moses I'm sending you talk about an assignment like wouldn't it be awesome if that's how the purpose of God was revealed to us like I walked outside and my landscape was on fire and I walked over and said why is this not burning up or burning my house and God speaks Daniel I'd be like I'll meet you back here tomorrow what else should I do would that be awesome but Moses like gets this clear call of God on his life and a clear purpose of God and God says I'm gonna send you and then Moses begins to deal with some Giants within immediately begins to deal with some Giants within and I think they're the same Giants that you and I will face and in chapter 3 verse 11 and 12 it says this but Moses said to God so he's just had burning bush miracle you know a lot of us are like if God showed up to me in the form of an angel then I would follow in the rest of my life not if you don't slay the giant inside you won't because look what Moses says look what Moses said he just had a burning bush God spoke to him from the burning bush and then Moses these are the first words that he says but God said to Moses Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt his first response was it said here am I send me I'm your man God I got you now I said Who am I then God said I'll be with you and this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you when you've brought the people out of Egypt you will worship God on this mountain question number one these are going to be in the form of questions question number one is this Moses said Who am I Who am I Moses was a murder Moses ran Moses was a Hebrew slave but he got to grow up in a pal talked about all kinds of identity issues like years of therapy to unravel all that he says Who am I Who am I God you know if I were to ask you who are you a lot of you would immediately go well I'm a teacher I'm an athlete I'm a student I'm a lawyer I'm a physician I'm a government contractor a federal officer first responder I'm a business owner you would go to all these things that you do but the question is who are you most of us when were asked who are we we go to what we do a parent a husband I'm a husband and I knew husbandly things you go to your employment you go to your skill set but the question that you've gotta wrestle with is not what you do it's who you are because what you do is not who you are because if who you are is what you do then what happens when what you do is taken away what if you walked in tomorrow and they said we're no longer in need of your service and you're no longer whatever that thing is that you do who are you then and what if your athletic abilities go away one day you will slow down one day the joints won't feel so good who are you then the money could go like that who are you then and maybe you would say oh I get where you're going then okay I'm loving I'm loyal I'm driven I'm compassionate I'm kind and you would begin to describe somehow tributes about yourself that may be true that may be accurate and maybe even other accurate where did I grow up Tennessee up in the mountains where we speak hillbilly and it comes out every so often accurate accurate I am educated and all those adjectives may be accurate about who you are but if I had to guess that just below the surface of that there is another you that there is the polished you it's the you you bring the church good morning god bless you welcome to life Point Church thank you good to be here I mean you were screaming the whole way here and swatting in the back hoping to hit something make contact with something come on you drop them off in kids point and looked at your spouse and said we're not picking them up today god bless you appreciate all this dream team members right it's it's too polished you it's the you that knows how to respond in this situation it's to you that you know that puts the smile on and everything is great but if I had to guess just below the surface of that and I know it's just below the surface because when the pressures on it pops up and when the situation is uncomfortable it rares its head and you can control on some level how much of it other people see but you know it's there as the country song said for sometimes you don't hide your crazy some situations make it come up were you with me you anybody remember when you were a kid you would be out in the Sun and you'd see your shadow I'm the only one that did this maybe I was crazy but you try to run from your shadow did you ever try to run from your shadow as a kid come onto my wife at me to help me every campus Richmond wave at me you you try to run from yourself are you trying to do get like can you be faster I can see my shadow a little bit right now I'm like the cameras can't get it maybe it's bad lighting but and this is what I feel like we do in life is that there is a shadow us that there's a shadow us that goes with us everywhere we go and we think well this marriage didn't work someone go to the next one and maybe I can outrun the shadow me but it follows us into this and it was this job and well I got out of this job so I'm going to the next one and maybe if I move fast enough the shadow me won't follow me into the next job and the shadow me won't follow me into this school and it won't follow me into this relationship but it seems like everywhere we go our shadows there and it's the one right below the surface that when you say I'm loving on the on the polished you it goes really and when the polished you goes well I'm compassionate it goes well what about the other day and when the Polish Jew is going I'm gonna pursue this purpose of God in my life it's the shadow you is going you ain't enough to do that you can't do that you're failed your Moses you're a murderer of Moses you walk away from things Moses you go on the maan run Moses you don't stick it out Moses you don't face up to the things you need to face up to Moses it's the shadow you that is just below the surface that will be the barrier and sabotage your destiny if you don't face it head-on who are you who are you God said Moses says Who am I Moses wasn't asking God to tell him his name and he wasn't asking God to tell him some wonderful attributes about his character in the moment I'm convinced that God says Moses you are gonna go to Pharaoh and you're gonna lead the nation out immediately what rose up on the inside was Moses shadow self they said you can't do that you're a murderer you run away things you're a failure you don't even belong they don't like you you were one of them didn't you grow up in the palace and Moses goes who am i if you're not careful your shadow self will sabotage the purpose of God in your life if you're not willing to face it if you're not willing to pause long enough slow down long enough to go what is it that my shadow self is tell me and what is it that God says about me that counters it I love God's response to Moses here's what he says I'll be with you Who am I that I should go to the lead Israelites up I'll be with you I love it I love it it's like God was saying I'll be just like he was with David who murdered a man because he slept with his wife and got her pregnant and wanted to cover it just like I was with Gideon who I called a mighty warrior while he was hiding in a winepress out of fear just like I was with Peter who had a hot temper and cut a dude's ear off but also preached on the day of Pentecost and three thousand people came to faith in Christ him one day he said I'll be with you Moses I know that here's what I love is God was saying Moses I'm gonna be with you I come near to you before I called you I knew your polished self and I knew your shadow self before I ever called you I knew the good things about you and I knew the weaknesses about you and I called you anyways can I tell you something God knows that church you and then you not Church you God knows that polished you and the shadow you and he says I want to use you anyways I want to do something great with you anyways who are you you're my child you're called you're loved you're forgiven you're accepted you're a holy priesthood a royal nation you should be responding better right now this is who God says that you are you got answer the question Who am I Who am I they tell me I got four minutes let me move along got four points and we'll give you three okay we'll slide the fourth in if we can first 13 Moses said to God suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them the god of your father's has sent me to you and they asked me what is his name then what shall I tell them and God said to Moses I am Who I am this is what you are to say to the Israelites I am has sent you and God also said to Moses and say to the Israelites the Lord the God of your father's the God of Abraham the god of Isaac and the God of Jacob has sent me to you this is my name forever the name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation and I love this number one Moses question God Who am I then he says who are you listen to me very clearly the most important thing about you and I'm not over exaggerating the most important thing about you is what you believe about God it's the most important thing about you what you believe about God determines what you believe about eternity what you believe about God determines what you believe about yourself if you believe God is small then you'll have small faith and experience small things if God is a God of vengeance and you believe he's a God of vengeance then you're gonna be ducking and hiding to stay away from him if God is a God that is absent then he'll be a god that is unattainable and doesn't listen if God is a God and you believe that that he's a God that you got to live up to to please him then you'll be spinning to your life trying to make him happy and look at me but if he's a big God then you'll have big faith if he's a miracle working God then you'll have miracles in your life if you believe that God is a God of favor and blessing then his favor and blessing will be on your life who are you Who am I but who are you God and God responds and says I am Who I am we'll deal with that in a second and then he goes on and he says and also it's almost like God said to Moses I love this part he says I am Who I am and it's also like he's like and Moses also telling this say to the Israelites that I'm the God of Abraham the god of Isaac and I'm the God of Jacob now that may not mean much to you and when I first read it it didn't mean much to me either I was like why is God giving a little history lesson on Abraham Isaac and Jacob when Moses is about to go lead the people out and maybe think about some God wasn't giving him a history lesson he was given him a faith lesson because he is saying I'm the God of Abraham well who's Abraham well Abraham is who God gave the Abrahamic covenant - what's the Abrahamic covenant it was God's promise that he would make a great nation out of him and through him he would bless all the nations of the earth well how did he do that he came to Abraham one day into Sarah I said Abraham you're gonna be a father of many nations and he wasn't a daddy at all and his wife was ninety come on ladies have a baby when you're 90 and push that thing out no thank you but God said I'm gonna give you a child as Sarah laughed Sarah laughed and thought there's no way this is gonna happen but he's the God of Abraham what he was reminding Moses is this I want you to tell the people I'm the God of the promise keeping I'm the God that makes a way where there seems to be no way I'm the God that comes down and wants to bless the people so I want you to remind them that when you get up against Pharaoh and he says I won't let the people go remember I'm the God of Abraham I'll make a way where there is no way I make promises and I keep the promises he's one to say to you today when you get down 2018 and there seems like insurmountable things in front of you he's the God of Abraham but he's also the god of Isaac and Isaac is the son of the promise paper Isaac came from Abraham and Sarah that Sarah laughed about Isaac is the son of the promise so he wanted to remind them he is a promise keeper piece of promise giver but he's a promise keeper not one good promise of the Lord has ever failed his promises are yes and amen in Christ Jesus if he's made you a promise you can take it to the bank he'll fulfill the promise but then he says he's the God of Jacob and this one confused me why would he say Jacob please say Jacob because Abraham and Sarah had Isaac and Isaac and Rachel had Jacob and he's just going down through the lineage and that would make sense but Abraham was the man of faith pack up and move Abraham and I'll show you where I'm going yes Lord let's do it Abraham I will make you a father of many nations yes Lord I receive it I'm will cause you to have a baby in your old age yes Lord let's do it Abraham's like come here sir we need to be obedient to the Lord amen amen she said keep building and Isaac makes sense because Isaac is the son of the promise but Jacob is a trickster Jacob is a trickster Jacob tricked his brother-in-law Esau out of his birthright with a bowl of soup and the Jacob tricked his father out of the blessing that belonged to Esau on his deathbed what a scoundrel and Jacob ran off to uncle Levens house and married two of his daughters with those like sister wives like TLC happening is crazy it's a whole nother day we're just playing that one and then he built this big inheritance in this big wealth and he amassed a lot and then one night he decides to leave without having telling Laban that he's taken off and then laid him chases him down and God tells Laban don't hurt him and so then Jacob despair but then Jacob hears that his brothers Esau is coming to to address him and confront him after all these years and so Jacob is such a scoundrel he sends all of his family and all of his livestock and all of his children across in front of him like y'all go see he saw first and he waits in the back he hides behind all the women and it's there when he's alone that God meets him God says to him he wrestles with this angel all night and the God says to him because you've wrestled with God and persevered I'm changing your name from Jacob to Israel he changed his identity so why didn't God say Moses go tell him I'm the God of Abraham Isaac in Israel why do you say Jacob because I think God wanted to remind Moses that Moses I'm the God of your shadow self and Moses and the god of your polished persona I'm the God of your good days and I'm the god of your bad days I'm the God when you got it all together and I'm the God when you don't got this ought to make somebody happy in the house today because he's the God of Jacob he's the god of your good and he's the God of your bad he knows your shadow and he knows your polish and he says I choose anyways he's the God of Jacob I sit down settings him right now is going to tell you about how the third question was is what's in your hand because God says what's in your hand but I'm have time for that one and I just want to say that everything you need God's already put in your hand you're waiting on God to give it give me more money give me more relationships give me more influence give me more networking God's going I've already given you everything you need to accomplish everything I've called you to just open your eyes it's in your hand but then Exodus 4:10 Moses said to the Lord oh Lord I've been never been eloquent I can't talk God neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant I am slow of speech and tongue Moses says God I stutter and I can't talk and you want me to go talk in front of Pharaoh and so he says Who am I who are you and now what he's saying is God what about my weakness what about my weaknesses I want to be used by you I want you to do great things in my life but I see my weaknesses I just want to encourage you with us today that God says this to you my strength is perfected in your weakness my strength is perfected we live in a culture we live in a culture that says put all your strengths up front we serve a god that says bring me your weakness our culture says that what you're strong at let everybody see your strong side and God says if you'll expose to me your weak side I will display my glory through your weakness so when you feel weak keep moving forward when you feel weak keep pressing in when you feel weak don't run from me but run to me can handle your weakness I am the God of Jacob [Applause] I believe in this year that God wants you in advance in every area of your life but if you are unwilling to dig deep you will hit a wall and you hit the wall you will be frustrated and confused wondering why God isn't doing what God said he would do and it's not God and it's not the Giants in front of you it's the Giants inside of you who are you who are you whose God which you believe about God is the most important thing about you who are you and who is God what about your weakness [Music] you don't have to be perfect to come to God matter of fact it is in our weakness we come to God it is our weakness that God can handle I think we somehow live thinking we hide our weakness from God he already knows he's waiting for you to realize and to come to him and in your weakness Moses got them to the other side of the Red Sea they celebrated they partied it was awesome but when they got to the other side of the Red Sea there's no doubt in anybody's mind who got him there it wasn't Moses it was God and I don't know about you but I want to live a life marked not by perfection not by a polished persona I want to live my life marked and when people look at me they go God was with him God is with you and God can do in and through you anything if you'll face the Giants in here if you'll dig deep will you pray with me at every location is every head bowed every eye closed for some of you the most important decision you need to make in this moment is to make Jesus the Lord and Savior of your life I'm not asking you to join a church or become a part of a religion I'm s inviting you into a relationship the Bible says that we've all sinned and fallen short of God's standard that means there's a barrier and the only thing that can break down that barrier is that Jesus came and He gave His life on a cross and he lived the perfect life died so the Uni could have our sins forgiven if that's your desire today I'm gonna invite you to pray a simple prayer with me and all across every campus across the whole church we're gonna pray this out loud for the benefit of those praying it for the first time but if God's speaking to you today and you need to know you know you need to come to God or even come back to God then why don't you pray this and mean it from your heart to the heart of God just everyone say out loud with me say Jesus I confess that I'm a sinner I believe you died on the cross for me and I believe God raised you from the dead I ask you to forgive me and to give me a brand new beginning I thank you for saving me I thank you for making me new with every head bowed every eye closed if you just prayed that in you minute for the very first time at every campus will count to three ask you to shoot your hand up I'm not gonna embarrass you or come to you I just want to pray over you on three one two three you just shoot it up high up high god bless you all over the room all over the room you can put them down father in the name of Jesus we thank you that heaven is rejoicing over every person that just responded to your love and your grace we give you thanks and we will in this season dig deep in the name of Jesus we pray amen let's thank God for his word
Channel: Lifepoint Church
Views: 2,288
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Keywords: lifepoint church, lifepoint, church, fredericksburg, spotsylvania, stafford, culpeper, virginia, christianity, pastor daniel floyd, daniel, floyd, RVA, Richmond, King George, destiny, training, identity, God
Id: CpL-zc3xXhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 32sec (2432 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2018
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