Diff'rent Strokes | Pilot | Movin' In | Season 1 Episode 1 Full Episode | Classic TV Rewind

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now the world don't move to the beat of just one drum what might be right for you may not be right for some a man is born he's a man of means been along too they got nothing but their genes but they got different strokes it takes different strokes it takes different strokes to move the world everybody's got a special kind of story everybody [Music] it takes [Music] oh [Applause] [Laughter] i'm sorry mrs garrett i didn't mean to startle you oh mr drummond it's very dangerous to sneak up behind me i'm going to karate class and i just got an a and kicking where it hurts hey it's these thick carpets i once lost a small lawyer in this room i know a little joke when they're that little they need a lot of love the boys will be here any minute the boys the boys will be here any minute is their room ready yet oh yes sir there's just one thing left to do what's that i quit oh no oh please i promise i'll never scare you again i'll i'll wear a bell around my neck when you hired me yesterday you said you had one 13-year-old daughter you didn't say anything about two boys coming to live here i don't do windows and i don't do boys well what have you got against boys they bite i'll buy your tetanus shot okay okay so i did overlook a little thing like two boys [Laughter] please mrs garrett they're orphans please help me make them feel at home here i hardly know them orphans from harlem harlem yes their mother was my housekeeper for many years a sweet wonderful woman she was like a member of the family on her deathbed she asked me to look after her two boys they have no relatives that can take them in are you trying to make me feel rotten yes i am you're doing a great job thank you you're welcome you see they're two innocent sweet helpless little boys all right all right i've been sucked in they're here i'll get it oh i'll do it i'm very good with doors aha you're here welcome gentlemen talking to us of course how about that willis downtown two minutes and already we're gentlemen come in come in this is small place what shake hand huh like uh a brother i've been practicing willis no wonder they can't play basketball you've got a sense of humor like your mother oh mr drummond can i give you a hand with the boys fellas this is mrs garrett our housekeeper this is willis and arnold jackson hi hi fellas she got it right are you passing no only my hair is bleached mrs garrett why don't you take the boys things up to their room and i'll show them around be glad to here let me have this deer be careful of my goldfish his name's abraham i've never seen a black goldfish before that's okay he never saw a rich white man before if either looks like he's dead don't worry he's just sleeping yeah my ex-husband had the same problem oh excuse me boys hi sweetheart hello daddy oh oh they're here oh look at them daddy just look at them aren't they gorgeous real boys welcome little brother welcome big brother what'd she smoke [Applause] boys this hurricane that just blew in is my daughter kimberly this is arnold and this is willis kimberly hi there hi hi metal mouth oh daddy isn't this delicious we've just met and already he's insulting me like a real brother by the way guys stay out of my room or i'll punch you out [Music] hey i'm so darn glad to have you fellas here i can't tell you well what do you think of your big new house got big places in harlem too yeah but they're all falling down hey come here boys i want to show you something i want to show you the view from up here i've got a surprise for you look you can see the whole city from here we're on the 30th floor eh ain't there something imagine living up so high you can't even smell the garbage i never smelled the garbage in harlem you better check your smell fella this is my kind of pan i'm glad arnold it's my kind of pad too look at that view willis on a clear day you can see new jersey not that anyone would want it [Music] you know something arnold that chair you're sitting in is 200 years old with all your money can you afford to buy a new one no it's an antique see the older it gets the more it's worth we were sitting on a fortune in harlem and we never knew it boys listen i am going to open up a whole new world for you i'm going to see that you had the same advantages that i had growing up you're going to go to the best schools the finest colleges where you can learn about things like art and music rembrandt van gogh chopin real friends are yours they're all dead dodo head what killed him well they lived a very long time ago in other words you don't know what killed them look mr german you've done a nice thing promising mama you take care of us but arnold and me ain't gonna take no charity oh hey i am not offering charity you get no free lunch here you mean we gotta pay for our eats no i mean you're gonna have to work for it you're gonna have to go to school study hard and become solid citizens we get time off for good behavior no i want to show you your room and my hot tub you stole a tub if we help you fence it we get half [Applause] this is a hot tub and you are welcome to use it anytime you want plus i ain't going in this ocean without no lifeguard you boys are gonna love it when anything is bothering me i just slip into the tub and it eases away my tension how much bread you left for this wash tub about four thousand dollars no wonder you got tension it's worth every cent have a place where you can think about life and reflect soak away your troubles and make important decisions lois you're going in that thing of course nobody speaks for me but me and when he speaks nobody listens except for me come on guys i want to show you the way to your room willis well here it is boys how do you like it hey this is better than anything i ever saw on a brady bunch willis you take the top arnold you sleep in the lower bunk how come you keep telling us what to do all the time don't you think we have any brains i'm sorry willis i guess i just committed another faux pas you did what for your paw no arnold that's french for uh i blew it arnold you sleep up top okay but just don't go drinking the water before bedtime i don't want no accidents okay if you go eating onions don't go breathing up arnold there's a handy ladder here for you to make it easy i needed a laugh stand back everybody here comes arnold see it was nothing nice tiny arnold i'll get your flag to plant up there boy you guys are a tough audience but i sure am glad to have you both here you know something i always wanted a son and now i got two of them i'm a very lucky man okay guys i'm gonna leave you alone to unpack ah i know we don't belong in this place germany ain't our people and we ain't staying here but willis how many kids like us got a chance like this don't you realize we have everything going for us now forget it come seven o'clock tomorrow morning you and me are going back to harlem when we belong [Applause] after papa died who was the loot after while mama worked you did willis well now i'm your mama and your papa and i say 7 a.m tomorrow morning we split can't we split after breakfast no well it's i know you're my brother and i do what you say but i got feelings about things too i think you're wrong well just don't go spilling anybody that we're leaving tomorrow well you won't even get dinner tonight fellas i got some great news i just managed to get tickets for the circus eight o'clock tomorrow night that's real you can't go why not arnold's got to rest i do yeah you got tired blood now that's no excuse i've got tired blood too yeah he goes to sleep an hour before i do [Laughter] any any chance in that circus at a different time well what time would you prefer how about six o'clock tomorrow morning now arnold you know that that's impossible well we'll just have to do another time anyway saturday night we have tickets to the next lakers basketball game hey you can't go to that either unless that's at six o'clock in the morning say now we gotta go our friend's birthday party which friend is at willis the one with the birthday yeah that's him all right i get the impression you're gonna turn down every suggestion i make before i can even suggest it but i'm still gonna make one final suggestion what's that that you reconsider my other two suggestions this is garrett if i told you that arnold and willis turned down a chance to see the circus and a knicks lakers basketball game what would you say i'd say i'm available for both events you know something i have a feeling that my new tenants are planning to leave i guess i just haven't been able to make them feel like they're part of the family well may i suggest something sir oh please do the way to do it is to to have a little fun with them family fun in my family fun was sitting around counting our money i never had any funnel i was old enough to count you keep laughing like that and you get another raise [Laughter] oh well i'll tell you our family fun was entertaining each other like after dinner someone sing and someone do something else and then i'd dance ballet in my little tutu safe there's a thought forget it my tutu has turned into a two two by four fourth still giving me a good idea i got a terrific way to surprise the boys tonight get kimberly and i'm gonna tell you both what i'm gonna do yes sir wow that's what i call an excellent meal i can't wait to get rid of these dumb braces i'm tired of making sparks with my fork louis where are you going it's our room come on arnold oh you don't want to miss family fun time family fun time what channel's that on that's an old roman tradition we all get together after dinner we have fun entertaining each other oh leave that for now mrs garrett it's family fun time here come the clowns please please thank you and now ladies and gentlemen you're about to be entertained by the world's greatest magician the great ramondo [Applause] young man would you please be my assistant sure now i have here in my hand a 10 bill which in some countries is worth as much as 65 cents i'm going to make the ten dollar bill disappear abracadabra abracadabra it is gone oh come on arnold took it that ain't no trick oh yes it is the trick is to get the ten dollars back from arnold [Laughter] oh so much for the great dramondo [Applause] all right mrs garrett you're next what are you gonna do for us oh well i never know till the spotlight hits me oh the radio [Music] [Applause] this is [Applause] willis what did you do that for now it's my turn the great willis is about to do his famous disappearing act come on arnold wait a minute fellas i think that may be for you what's all that stuff for that's all for you guys [Applause] [Applause] arnold what's the matter willa's mr drummond brought a lot of nice toys but you can't buy us i'm not trying to buy you i'm just trying to make you feel at home come on arnold we still leave in the morning arnold you don't really want to leave do you no but i got it without me willis is nothing oh daddy please don't let them leave willis what's poppin stubborn as you are are you the only one in the family that got the disease i ain't stubborn i'm proud can a man be proud and own a pony at the same time willis there's something i want to say to you you didn't even give yourself a chance to get to know us the only thing i'm guilty of is trying to make you and your brother feel at home yeah mr drummond santa claus and you're treating him like our old landlord toys and money ain't family that's right willis toys and money ain't family family is love and caring maybe i overdid it but i did it because i cared about your mother and now i care about you but caring has to be a two-way proposition and you're not even willing to meet us halfway the worst part of it is you're only thinking about yourself you're not even considering your brother you're just being selfish willis willis not one word out of you arnold does this count as a word if mama was alive you would have got a lot worse than a raspberry what you talking about we're here because before mama died she asked mr drummond to take care of us do you think she'd send us to live with somebody who didn't want us i do what you're telling me to do willis but you've been a sourpuss from the minute we got here mr drummond's right you're not being fair to me or you or him or mama willis i've been sitting here soaking and thinking does that mean i can say welcome her boy son yeah now the world don't move to the beat of just one drum what might be right for you may not be writing songs [Music] [Applause] different strokes mistakes [Music] different strokes different strokes [Music] different strokes [Music] you
Channel: Classic TV Rewind
Views: 1,555,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Classic TV, Diff'rent Strokes, Sanford and Son, Philip Drummond, Arnold Jackson, Willis Jackson, Conrad Bain, Gary Coleman, Todd Bridges, diff'rent strokes funny moments, diff'rent strokes best moments, arnold best moments, whatchoo talkin' bout Willis?, willis best moments, mr drummond best moments, Diff'rent Strokes Season 1, Season 1, Diff'rent Strokes Movin In, Movin In, Diff'rent Strokes Pilot, Pilot Episode, Diff'rent Strokes Full Episode, Full Episode
Id: mlxpv8ZlVJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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