Different valve kits for a Rinnai tankless heater

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hey youtube michael and i guy here how we all doing today i hope you all had a safe and productive week and happy easter and happy holiday to all all right i have to make this statement first before we start excuse me on the video i just want to let it be known i do not work for renai renai does not sponsor this channel i do not get paid by renai i don't even make um adsense notice that when you watch my videos there's no ads so i do not get adsense from youtube like i do on my other channel because it's named the renai guy so everything that i do as a licensed plumber that owns a business is strictly through my company economy plumbing and gas services i don't do this channel to spot to push out my business i do it just like for those that listened to my first podcast i do it to help you so again i do not work for renai even though my shirt front and back says renai i am affiliated with them and so are a few thousand other plumbers in the world we are trained they have our insurance we become level three um trained and i am what is known as an ace pro so i'm on the website as a pro finder pro so if somebody in my area wants a tankless or needs service they either call run i or they go on renai dot us and they find me and that's the only thing that i am connected with renai with and that i and of course install their product so okay that said today's video is going to be on isolation valves we i do get a lot of questions um not so much like where um it's more questions on like all the different types of valve kits and there are dozens of them and i have found a few that um are very good and pretty much all of the ones that rinnai uses are very good now they did have a webstone um valve kit that unless you service them and i'm going to show you this valve kit and what's inside of it unless you service it these webstone kit so this is the cold water now again both handles were yellow and the only way you can distinguish them was of course the heart always has the relief valve on it it was the was the service port red and blue handle so we'll get into that in one second all right why a valve kit now on pretty much i would say eighty percent of an eye units all of the rls all of the rurs or everything that's silver you get a valve kit inside wrapped in plastic a hot a cold hot a relief valve in the box in the styrofoam and that's what you use on the unit but on the v series they do not send a valve kit so when plumbers um install them they have to supply a valve kit now valve kits could run up to about a hundred and fifty dollars for you know this box so the whole valve kit hot cold relief could go up to about 150 bucks but you can get them as low as 40 40. and what i tell the plumbers that i train and on the channel is try to get a valve kit around 75-80 or a little better if you're going to put um a v series but if you add the price of the v series and then a good valve kit you're almost at and so just say you got a v75 and you're gonna buy a valve kit well for a couple of dollars more you have an rl 75 and you've got a very good valve kit i'm going to show you the valve kits that most likely you will get in the rl series and then i'm going to show you the valve kit that you're going to get in the rur series but let me show you this valve kit first this was a very popular valve kit it was in renais box and it was also supplied by the plumbers and webstone makes a very good a very good product but in especially our area florida very hard water and i call this the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit valve kid because that's what my son does when we walk up to one of these to do a service on it and they have those handles these t-handles now this valve kit does work it is a valve kit that we took off of an interior unit someone had it marked hot water out cold water in it was marked uh and it was a couple of them and we had one that was bad so we swapped it out with a new unit and the valve kit does work but with this valve kit it had a stainless steel ball in it but the rod was metal so the stem was metal and there's three things that this thing would do either work or shut off and break in the off position so you could not turn it back on after your service deck or break when it was on and we turned it off the whole handle would break off either water would just be dripping out or we had them where it was spraying out so the entire stem came out and now the water was just bypassing and spraying so like i said we say a prayer when we walk up to these and that's another reason that i say to you ask the customer the history of the service of the tankless because that'll tell you also the age of it that'll also tell you you know how good this type of valve kit is so it's it's again it's a it's a good company it's a good valve kit but if you have hard water and you know what you have working in your area the chances of if they didn't have the yearly service on this you will have it most likely either not shut off or break on you and here is let me grab both of them all right here's the cold water not so bad right here's the hot water look at that that is calcium and line buildup of because of lack of service so cold water is not so bad because cold water will flow through but hot water gonna sit there when it doesn't move like this and that's where it builds up because of the change in the molecules when you heated water that's why the hot and i mean i you i i can't even get my finger in there it's that calcified and then you could see how white the ball is okay so just be careful with this valve kit and you're not going to find this in in a ranae unless you happen to get your hands on a very old rinnai like an r series you won't find this valve kit okay now i have two valve kits here this is an easy flex valve kit which is probably around an 80 to 90 dollar valve kit and as you can see it's got the smaller handle full stainless steel ball with a full stainless steel uh shaft in there and there's a very small there is a it's a very small stem and then of course your service port for coal then you're hot and then it comes with a relief valve now again all the model numbers names description below now on this unit it has the union half it's going to same so we don't have to go through the whole thing with the hot water it's got the union half so this part would be going up into the cold water side of the tank of the renai but this one here the washer is set into a recess so if you're like doing something like say you have to pull the water inlet uh pipe off because the filter won't come out or you gotta do something with the water servo valve the chances of you losing this washer because it's sitting in a groove like an o-ring in a recess and then once you make up your adapter you would then make this up into the unit now here is an actual rinnai isolation valve kit look at that seated now the difference here look at the hot water see there's a there's a fairly decent size different hold on yes grabbing the wrong one here we go sorry about that look at the see the hot water size difference still got the relief relief union union there's a big difference here now here the cold there is not that much of a difference but there is a difference and we're going to get to that in a second so this is renais valve kit and this valve kit was supplied on some of the the newer models but of ways back now you've got the union half on this one the washer is built into it's put onto this end of it and it just sits in a little cup so this one if you have to remove be careful that you're it doesn't drop and it rolls away and it's always good to try to save some of these washes if you're removing and putting new on because remember you do an rl you're going to get a new valve kit so try to save some of the washers an old washer used is better than no washer but now here's something that i want to show between these two valve kits just say that you have a unit that we're going to take texas for example they've frozen broke you've got to put a new unit on well you might be constricted to where the pipe comes out of the house especially if it's an exterior or even an interior and the bottom of the tankless so you need some extra room so you might benefit you to forgo putting this back on and putting the smaller one back on because then you'll gain it looks like you're going to gain about almost three inches enough to put the pipe it back in if you have to rearrange the piping so that's why we carry both of these well we really carry this so i don't carry this one i carry the one that i'm going to show you now okay so this is renae's newer valve kit on a lot of the newer rl's you're going to get this and here is your cold so here's your hot it's a it's bigger again if you notice it's not as big as the original ranae but then again it's closer to the um flex um what was that again easy flex but the beauty about this valve kit is that it's got a built-in union there's no union half so all you have to do is just put some um compound little bit of tape and that's what you're making up into the cold and hot water piping on the bottom of the tankless and then your adapter then your hot water same thing with your relief and it's got a union half now the way i like to place these is here's your cold and here's your hop the way i like to place these and now of course this is the way it's situated your heart is always forward than the cold your cold is back so that's the way i like to place these just like this and then you can get your hose on for servicing now i know a lot of guys were like well what if i just put what if i just put a valve on well yeah valves on hot and cold you can shut down but where's your service port okay i'll put two t's with two hose bibs on it shut off the two valves i got two hose bips this is very important on a water heater a tank style heater you have a tmp relief valve temperature and pressure it's made so that that water heater doesn't become a rocket and i have seen one that actually lift it up and smash the beams in a basement and not as a plumber as a fireman this is very important it needs to be put on the hot water side so now you buy two good ball valves you buy two t's you buy two hose bibs another tee and this relief valve you're way over a hundred bucks by the bathkin get the valve kit even if it's one of those it's still better you still have the relief valve and you still have the service ports and it looks a lot neater okay all right the last valve kit this valve kit you're going to find on the sensei series ru ru-r series unit now as you notice the cold water is the same size except you get on the one this one here you get this hot water out here it's in bubble wrap okay the service valve is it's handless it's got the little hex where you got to kind of get an open-end wrench or even a socket on it to open and close it but it's the same size union halves this one's got the valve now you're going to find that when you initially turn they come in the off position and as you can see yeah so now i'm going to grab a pair of pliers you need a pair of pliers to open your valve kits you'll hear a pop and then after that they'll open and close without a problem but you need the pair of pliers to initially open the valve kits so now you have your hat but now notice something on your hat where's the relief valve on the ru series relief valve let me just be careful because we don't want to lose the washer the relief valve is separate so on the rur or the ru you have your cold water then you hot then you hot you like that one then you're hot then in the middle you're going to see a large male thread that this gets tightened on and your relief valve is now actually part of the heat exchanger plus your relief valve could be spun 360 degrees in whatever direction you want to put your pipe very neatly back to the wall and down it comes with this tape now inside of the are are the the sensei series the ru the ru r it this is in the box in the styrofoam it's going to be in your little bubble wrap bubble wrap plastic over that and then just be careful when you remove this tape you see you got a there's a plastic disc that's holding the washer in okay now you just want to put a little bit of compound on the thread that's you don't want to take your brush and brush it on because you don't want compound to get up into there because once you if you take off the rur series unit front cover and look it's like almost like a 1 8 inch tube that's coming down to a brass specially designed fitting that has two bolt holes in it that hold that in and then you have this piece that goes through the chassis so you don't want anything to get up in there and clog it so just with your finger just put a little bit of compound on the threads then when you tighten this up be careful don't go nuts on it just once you get it tight by hand just give it a turn because and you'll feel it it'll be tight the washer and air is what's really keeping it in there and of course get it into your position wherever you want it um to you know make your pipes look as neat as possible and i just want to get this tape back on so we don't lose that washer um and then give it that little bit of a of a turn because that is um very important with um not over tightening it because you could crack the the little plastic piece in there that's holding the um here let me just take it apart again and show you because i've had um quite a few uh questions on this and if you crack this here you're not going to get a good it's not going to align right and get a good seal and it's going to leak all right i actually um what a service call i had where they were like oh the unit's leaking so when i got there and i i see what's leaking and i'm like you know it was over tightened now only thing is you know it's a standard relief valve so it's the standard relief valve but it's a special female elbow that they had designed and it comes in the valve kit so if you have to get a new one of these you're getting a whole you have to buy a whole new valve kit okay so that is your um valve again with this now you can now again you're going to have one forward one back like that like you know like like that so now you can make this all nice and neat forward and again and now you can turn it just by finger they and if you haven't noticed if you ever get um a ball valve and you try to close it until it gets onto the piping and then you have to put a lot of strength into it to close it and you hear a pop especially on like a shark bite valve and the bigger the shark bite valve the harder it is that is it's like a vacuum it creates like a vacuum in there and that's what causes that too i mean you just can't do it with your hands i tried it you just i got to take a mini pair of channel locks and uh um switch them out all right let me grab something here because there's something i want to mention and i have two little plastic bags i got my little rinnai parts boxes i just made over here okay um i have mentioned this i'm gonna actually leave this in the back oh let me grab one more thing sorry about that unprepared again here we go come on all right when you have the let me just make sure i got the right one here yep when you have the rur 160 or rur 199 come on you're going to have now this is not the right plug but for demonstration purposes you're going to have this because this is going to be into there and you have an o-ring on there just like your filter and an o-ring here on the back this is going to be factory installed into the hot water side of the ru-r 160 or 199. you're not going to find this in the ru so if you have a dedicated return line separate pipe coming back from the farthest fixture you're going to leave the factory installed plug-in so this thing will be left in here boom up into your hot water side if you're going to use the thermal bypass valve now remember one thermal bypass valve per house that's the law you can't put more than one in just one remember when you go to your customer's house don't ask them what's their father's fixture most likely that will be their ask them what their most a troublesome fixture is because it could be the kitchen and they use it a lot or then again it could be that father's fixture so when you use the thermal bypass valve only one per house you need to remove this plug take a pair of pliers you're going to push and turn and pop it out then in this bag this bag is in the bottom of the rur so when you cut the four straps and you pull the top of the box off the styrofoam is going to fall out and you're going to have the wi-fi on the ground you're going to have the hot water cold water relief valve you're going to have a bunch of stuff but down in the bottom of the box you're going to find a bag that has this and you're going to have a bag that looks exactly like this two o-rings and a filter make sure you take take apart everything because you're also going to have a bag with two little stainless steel screws that you're going to use to put into the vent if you use the two inch pvc so you're going to take the filter out you don't need the o-rings you just put you take the filter push it into now the plug on that one is brown this one is like blackish color you're going to now best thing for you to do is to take the plug put it back i made the bag all shungar put it back in the bag seal it take your filter push it in turn and click goes just almost in similar to what the the inlet water filter put it in and install it into your hot water side with that you're going to remove this with your fingers you're going to put it back with your fingers okay don't go crazy with a pair of pliers just finger tight bob's your uncle then take this bag and either put it on a parts box in your truck or when you open up the cover to set your parameters and to plug in your controller put this inside of the unit because if somewhere down the line you decide or the homeowner decides that they want to re-pipe their house and you're going to go through the trouble of going through the whole house and re-piping it well you might as well run a dedicated return line and now you'll be like hey i need a plug but i put it inside the unit now you got it now you don't have to try to find one yeah i mean it's like three bucks if you have to buy it but still if you got to order it you got to wait you put it inside or like i have a dozen of them on my truck if i need them or i got a dozen filters if for some reason they ain't one in the box which i've never had but just say a mouse grabbed it and ran away with it we have them and if we ever have to do a job like that i mean i run into jobs where you know hey this system's not working first thing i do i start checking parameters i go in shut the water off drain it down take the thing off they got the plug no filter all right mic grab a plug grab a filter off the truck pop it off put it back in boom bob's your uncle so that's what you have to remember to do and again take and if for some reason you're going to leave the plug-in there's no reason really to leave the filter take the filter with you because you're not gonna take the return line out to put a thermal bypass in so you'll have it um also which i ran into like three times we ended up having to kill the dedicated return line because it was it was copper it rotted and leaked so we found it in the wall we took out the tea we spliced in the hot we took out the pipe in the um in the mechanical room and then we installed the thermal bypass valve pulled out the plug put the filter in and they were back with a restock system okay um we're going to do our first giveaway we're going to do the renai guy channel first giveaway when i did that video last week about what to do when you call brunei tech support and i showed this phone holder that i have i yeah i got my wife has one when she's doing her like if she's making something with a recipe and it's on her phone she has it in the kitchen i have one in my studio where i do my podcast and whatever editing and i have one on my truck well we're giving we're gonna give one of these away to a subscriber what you're gonna do i'm gonna we're gonna go for four videos so this video and three more so one month in whoever puts a comment in and i've done this with mike's woodshop and and um when we hit 10 000 views i will be giving something away for the renai guy but with mike's wood shop when i when i did um uh well i did 5 000 views which i forgot for this one sorry but when we hit when we hit the 10 000 15 000 and like every 5 000 i give something away and the more and more i give something bigger and bigger and the way we do it is for 30 days in in the four videos you put a comment in it could be anything you or you just put a question whoever puts something into a comment or an email we write down your either youtube name or your name my daughter will do that and we put it on a strip of paper and we put it in a box we have the box we're gonna use the box that we use for mike's wood shop and in 30 days um on the video on so on the fifth video we're going i'm gonna put my hand in and draw a name out and whoever name it is if i happen to have your email i'll email you but if um you know of course if it's a comment i i'm gonna have to you know contact you you're gonna email me with your mailing address and i'm gonna mail this out to you so it's a little thing because i got so many questions and that's so cool and who sells it and home depot discontinued it but the i know the manager there very well and the last time i was in home depot i asked him if he could check to see if they had anymore and he had one so when i was there this morning he he i i got it from him so and it i meant it was dusty i had to clean this thing off big time so this will be the renai guy's first giveaway and i don't know for those years that noticed my new little toy back there in the background for those of you that follow me on the um uh mike's wood shop that is the shaper origin that is the handheld uh cnc machine which i will be um unveiling um actually as soon as we're done here on mike's workshop and then i will be doing um uh a video on actually a sign i'm gonna make so um for those of you that follow me on mike's wood shop stay tuned for that all right um youtube i hope you enjoyed the video um again man i am blown away with though i mean my wife is like she can't believe the comments that you guys have been putting in thank you again thank you from the bottom my heart thank you very much i greatly appreciate it so and thank you for the subscribers i did my analytics and since um august to uh well friday yesterday we're up third 3167 subscribers and that's a look up channel man i think that i think that's great thank you i greatly appreciate it all right you all have a happy thanksgiving and i think this is your last day of passover yes i think it is um happy passover and please be safe out there and i will see you on the next video bye-bye now
Channel: That Tankless Guy
Views: 14,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KDmAhEb7Hok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 33sec (2013 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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