Different Types of Knitting Styles (how you hold the needles, yarn and make each stitch)

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Hi. Welcome to Knit with Hannah, and happy New Year. I'm going to talk today about different knitting styles. (intro) Hi. Welcome to Knit With Hannah. I'm Hannah. I'm here with knitting natter to help you learn to knit the easy way. Yes I'm talking about knitting styles today. What does that mean exactly? Well, what I'm going to show you is different ways that people pick up the needles and start making stitches. So there are lots of different ways that people hold the needles, and that's because knitting has grown up in so many different places around the world. It's generally the same thing: we're knotting and we're making stitches to create larger pieces of fabric, but, because it's grown up in so many different places, different styles have grown up too and some have their advantages, some have their disadvantages, some are more comfortable depending on what shape of body and hands and fingers you have. So I'm going to show you all of that today in the video. If you like what you see do give me a thumbs up while you're watching and you can subscribe as well. The button's below, and hit the little bell for notifications too. Right let's talk about some knitting styles. When I was growing up I had a few people around me knitting and they all knitted with the English traditional style, and I was taught this and copying everyone else around me it was just natural. So English traditional is sometimes called throwing and I was taught to hold my right hand needle as if I was holding my pencil as if I was about to write with it. That means that it's sitting in the little area here between the knuckles of the thumb and the forefinger and I'm holding it with my fingers like this, so when I pick my knitting up I wind the yarn just around my little finger to give it a bit of tension, and I am looking at the knitting needle from above. I can see what's happening on the needle, and as I make each stitch I don't have to let go of the needle. There are people who describe English knitting as knitting like this, but having to let go of the needle every time you create a stitch. Well, I was taught what is called the English traditional method and it means that you're knitting every stitch without letting go of the needle, so I'm not having to let go, I'm not having to create the stitch like this. It's still called throwing because the yarn is being held in my right hand and I'm using the left hand a lot. You can see (why are these stitches twisted that's so funny) you can see as I create the stitch that my left hand is actually moving the needle, moving the stitches as well and sometimes (there's another twisted stitch!) sometimes as I knit I notice that it's my left hand sometimes doing more work than my right, and as the stitches get longer, the knitting on the right hand needle gets longer, I start to hold it from underneath the knitting, not just squashing up the knitting like this. I start to hold it like this and again that can means I see what I'm doing. I can see these stitches very easily and just by moving the yarn around like that, not having to let go, it becomes faster. So that is my English traditional and I use the same method where I'm purling as well. If I hold the needles in the same way it seems quite simple, but the needle goes underneath the yarn instead of over it and this is how I purl. It is exactly the same thing. I kind of hold on to that needle and let it leave around. I don't let go. It's still supported in this hand, but the left hand does a little bit more to help it do with the purl stitch. I don't have to let go which might feel clumsy like this and it means that it would be slower. I hold on to it like this. Now, this is English traditional, and it's what I've grown up with, it's what my grandparents used, it's the method they used when they were knitting, it's how my mum taught me to knit and it's how I've always knitted, so any other method has just felt odd to me. So, forgive me if I look a bit clumsy while I'm knitting in the other methods. I've practiced them because some ways I've needed them to use other knitting techniques. For example, holding the yarn in my left hand is easier for me because I know how to crochet; I've practiced crochet. I learned to crochet by holding the left hand around the hook with my thumb on the second finger, and holding the third finger out so I have the yarn just with a bit of tension here. A lot of people will knit, and this holding the yarn in the left hand is called continental method knitting, generally speaking that's what you would call it, Some people called the European, but some people will have it. the yarn standing out here. I have the tension caught in my left, little left pinkie finger again just like I do when I'm holding the arm with my right hand so it doesn't change that much for me, but some people will hold the tension around the second finger and that's where you get the tautness with each stitch so the stitches aren't loose and they're even. however when I'm knitting with my left hand whether they are in my left hand I would generally be doing this because I'm doing color work so I'll have yarn in my right and in my left and I'm switching between the two colors so this might look awkward for me and as you see I missed that first stitch, and I tend, I find that I'm using my left hand too much. My left wrist gets involved rather than using the fingers so much, but this is, it's not slow, but it's not fast and I find, yes, that I feel it in my left wrist so it's not as comfortable for me to knit this, and if I was holding the needle with my 3rd and thumb finger, it's more aligned to what more knitters would do and I just find that too awkward. And this is also interesting when it comes to the next method I'm going to show you too - my fingers just aren't shaped to hold the needles like that so I just say "Well if it's not working it's not working so I won't do it." (laughs) Right, let me switch around the other side and I'll show you how I purl. I'm going to knit through these first three stitches so I've got that border still. I missed that on the last purl row, so it's starting to curl. Right, now the stitch, the needle, sorry, the yarn has to go to the front of the left needle because we're starting to purl, so it can sit there. What I tend to do and I've seen other knitters doing this, this is also the method you're likely to use if you do use Portuguese knitting. I have the yarn around my thumb if I am doing purl row, and it is that simple. It's flick, done, flick, done, flick, done, flick, done flick done and actually I find that a lot easier sometimes than the knit row, heh, because I'm not using any other part of my hand really other than my thumb to move the knitting, move the stitches. They can be a bit tight so I have to be really careful especially if I'm doing colour work so that these stitches from the right and the left hand yarn are more even, but generally speaking this works quite well for me, but, if you are continental knitter you're likely to be purling and still holding the yarn with your forefinger here. When it comes to knitting it is what is comfortable for you. Your hands are going to be different to my hands. Your hands are going to be different to every other knitter that you see on YouTube, and that's what I'm going to show you now. Because this third method, which you might call flicking, is another method of knitting that personally I find really awkward, and that is holding the right hand needle from above, but, just like I hold it from below and I don't let go, holding it from above and moving the yarn with the forefinger. I'm not letting go of the needle. You can see I'm finding that really awkward. I cannot not let go. I cannot really hold on to it and keep knitting. I'm finding that awkward, and that's reason is because, firstly my fingers are relatively short, and I don't have the prominent joint in my thumb as well. If you have longer fingers and you have that joint so your thumb is able to bend more you will find it very comfortable, possibly more comfortable than other methods, to use this method to knit. This style of knitting can mean that you can be much faster, you can improve the speed of your knitting. You'll get through projects and you'll feel more motivated to keep knitting. I'm finding this awkward (laughs), and actually that's actually starting to hurt. So I will carry on knitting along this row in the way that I find it most comfortable and then we'll just go along the back see if I can purl while flicking and we'll just see what happens. So that's three methods of knitting. The first method, the English traditional, is this way and I find that most comfortable. The second method was Continental and that's holding the yarn in your left hand and using your fingers to create tension. And this method of flicking - it's about holding the right hand needle from above and yes I'm actually starting to feel that painful now I've done it a few times, and I'm having to let go just because my thumb says "Uh uh you're not doing that. You reckon you got a longer thumb? you reckon you got a joint but you haven't, so stop it" (laughs). So I'm going back to my normal method and this is the fast method. Actually this is also called the American fast knitting method. I've seen it advertised as a DVD: 'Learn The American Fast Method Of Knitting', and basically it's teaching you to hold the needle in the crook of your thumb and your forefinger so that (a) you can see what you're doing and so that (b) you don't have to let go of the needle so much when you're throwing the yarn around the end of the needle. There you go, three methods of knitting. All of them work, and all of them work with different shapes and sizes of hands, so do what feels right for you. Go away and practice a few. You can even go and look up some more if you like. There is Portuguese knitting, there is Russian knitting as well, and it really totally depends on what you choose, what you prefer. All of my courses show me knitting in the English traditional way. That's just the way it is because that's how I knit and all of my YouTube videos show me knitting that way too. I find it really fast and I find it it works totally for me. I do hope that was helpful for you. You now understand different styles of knitting: the English tradition, the Continental and lots of different other styles in between as well. So let me know in the comments which way do you knit? Do you knit one way or the other way? Or do you have a mix up? Which is more most comfortable for you? And if you're just starting to knit have a little experiment and see which way you like to hold the needles and the yarn. If you would like to know more about my knitting style and how I teach knitting then come over and have a look at my website knitwithhannah.co.uk You'll find that I have a Beginner's Knit and Natter all set up, ready to go. We're in the Facebook group having fun already. We are going to do live Q&A calls as well for six weeks during January and February, so you can ask me anything and then I can help you discover which is the most comfortable way you want to knit and how you can move your techniques on as you get better at knitting too. Great. Thank you so much for joining me today. I will see you again soon I hope. Bye for now. Happy Knitting! (outro)
Channel: Knit With Hannah
Views: 104,937
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Keywords: knitting, knit with hannah, knitwithhannah, knitting styles, knitting styles continental, knitting styles for beginners, different knitting styles, different knitting methods, english traditional knitting, how to hold knitting needles and yarn, how to hold knitting needles, how to hold knitting needles for beginners, hold knitting needles, holding knitting needles, different types of knitting styles, how to hold yarn when knitting
Id: bOyzsHp3Quc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2019
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