Differences Between Living in the US vs the UK!

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in [Music] the uk we do not have ac don't know anyone in the states that has this if you have this in the states i would think you're super fancy the aircon i think even if we had it like in my house in the uk we would never use it [Music] hello hi i'm lauren from the uk hi i'm cali from the usa we have a lot of expenses not everyone has a defense you guys have attic right sometimes not everyone but some people do they have the like pull down thing with the ladder garage some houses just don't have them really yeah yeah what if when the weather is bad your call just gets wet yeah yeah people in the states you almost always have a garage some people have two or three car garages yeah crazy people will also turn that into a fun space sometimes my family they had have a nice garage like a two-car garage they do park their car in there in the winter but they also have room for like dartboard and a little bar they keep it heated so we can go out there and party a bit do you guys have conservatory conservatory what is that it sounds like is that like a house thing it's like a greenhouse but it's in your house okay so it's like usually attached to the living room and it's like a greenhouse but usually people will use it as a place to just kind of sit that's on people's houses yeah yeah that's gorgeous whoa is that common so this yeah this is super common actually don't know anyone in the states that has this i feel like if you had this in the states i would think you're super fancy really most people just use it as like a place to sit and gather it's so cold in the uk this actually is like warm okay so in the summer people will sit and it's also like connected to the garden so it would also maybe be the way to the garden in most houses [Music] so in the uk the average house size is 900 square feet i'm trying to envision like how big that would be not huge but it's not you know tiny tiny in the u.s the average is 1600 square feet wow a little larger wow one and a half times nice yeah but yeah that doesn't surprise me i think it like you said before we just have so much land typical to have larger houses in the state and like yeah i feel like if you envision texas and all of that land and those gigantic houses which are so cheap yeah in my opinion like wow yeah i think the texas houses are just like another level from before like the semi-detached and the terrace houses would have a living room a kitchen two or three bedrooms and a bathroom and maybe a downstairs toilet i'm thinking back to my university house yeah mm-hmm and then like the detached houses may have three or four bedrooms maybe like one or two bathrooms obviously like a larger living room and kitchen so i don't even know how many rooms that is yeah a lot i think it's a little bit similar in the states maybe three or four bedrooms even a large living room sometimes we have a kitchen in a separate dining room do you have that in the uk sometimes yeah it just depends on the size of the house honestly it varies probably a lot same in the states but i would say it's quite common to have a separate kitchen and a dining room some kind of utility room where you do your laundry and then maybe two bathrooms i would say is common nowadays most people have at least two yeah some places might still have one i think two is quite common yeah maybe one at least with a you know one and a half baths yeah we say like one uh okay yeah one with the bathtub one where it's just like the toilet we call it a downstairs toilet in the uk we do not have ac it doesn't not get hot enough like especially not where i live up in the north it is not hot i know when we had the heat wave i was dying yeah and i actually like was in an attic room back then in my student days i was boiling to death and i had a tiny window but usually we will just open the window to get a breeze yeah if there's no breeze we have fans just like the standing kind of fan and that's it we just melt i guess gosh how long would that last if you have like some the key wave can be like one to two weeks okay and growing up there was never a heat wave really it's just like over the past few years is it common at all in europe do you know i went to like sweden in norway and finland and i was shocked by that too because we went in the middle of summer and we were hot even though it's not known for having hot weather even in public places sometimes like public transportation on the subway we had all of our luggage and we were just like sweating they don't have it on the london underground usually we just open the kind of like window that connects the carts and then the breeze from the train kind of like is what cools people down it just doesn't really exist really yeah so i think like european people just kind of try not to deal with the heat if it is hot in the u.s i think a lot of people would have in ac a lot of times they'll just have the unit that you you know put in the window kind of thing we also use fans every household is different but i'm sure even in the like more southern states it's even more common we also have the ceiling fan yeah those things freak out i'm like they're gonna yeah those are kind of scary but they do help like keep the house ventilated so that's nice we'll have the ceiling fan sometimes some standing fans and then also the ac got the bases covered must be nice the washing machine in the uk yeah it usually looks like the one on the right yeah they're not usually together if we even do have a dryer i think it's not too common to have a dryer in the uk i may just be talking from personal experience but we don't have a dryer at home like a tumble we call it a tumble dryer okay mainly for like environmental reasons and we don't use it we just hang up our washing on the clothing like the washing line yeah or we have like one of those kind of kind of looks like a spider's web like this kind of shape and then we just hang it and it spins in the in the breeze like out in your garden yeah or something okay because yeah the tumble dryers they're expensive in the uk as well um my uni house had a two in one but the dryer was not good at all so i just didn't use it okay do you ever hang your stuff inside okay i would use like a clothing like rack like a clothes horse sometimes obviously if it rains it rains a lot yeah they're good it's like a high tech like it doesn't explain by itself so it's just like in the wind yeah that's good these dryers yeah i'm kind of jealous i do kind of love the dryers i know they're bad for the environment like you said but there's something about putting your blankets oh my god or your sweaters and your socks in the dryer and like oh it's so cozy in the winter time it's very common in the us most people have a washer and a dryer yeah it must be nice yeah i don't have the patience maybe yeah it is quite if it suddenly starts to rain which it loves to do in the uk you have to run outside and then collect everything yeah it's annoying so the plug sockets in the uk are the three pronged is it called a prong i don't know yeah yeah socket uh-huh usually like 230 volts okay i am pretty sure majority if not all of them have a switch like to actually turn on the plug what yeah so they're not just like open they have like an actual switch every outlet i'm like thinking and i'm pretty sure all of them yeah that's so convenient i love that yeah we have a three prong also but you can tell it's a different kind i've never seen anybody with the switch also is it always like two outlets in one yeah i i don't think i've ever seen just a single one like that it's always the double and it's always vertical yeah we have like either one or if we have two they're usually side by side like this rather than like this okay most people just use extension cables today was interesting yeah yeah we do have a lot of differences like in the house i know i a lot of things i didn't think about i guess the switch one was kind of i really like that yeah it's good actually being able to just like switch it on and off yeah so i feel like in the states we just keep a lot of people just keep their stuff plugged in constantly right so i kind of like that you can just like switch it off that's quite nice the aircon i think even if we had it like in my house in the uk we would never use it because we just have like so many windows and doors and usually it's fine and well right now in the uk live like in the midlands and it does not get hot yeah maybe during that heat wave it would have been fantastic yeah i mean i dealt with it and i survived yeah so today we talked about differences in uk and us houses if you like this video make sure to like subscribe and leave a comment below we'll see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: World Friends
Views: 204,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SlIJzqklyaU
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Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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