Dietitian Reviews Krissy Cela's Diet (WOW... thats a LOT of supplements)

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oh boy there's a lot to talk about here hey everyone i'm abby sharp welcome to abby's kitchen [Music] [Music] today's video is sponsored by bright sellers and we'll be reviewing fitness youtuber and influencer chrissy sila but first let me tell you about my sponsor brightsellers so brightsellers is a wine box experience that pairs you with wine that you will love and then delivers it right to your door i find that i always have a really hard time choosing a wine at the liquor store because honestly what can you go by other than the look of the bottle so bright sealers is a bit like having a virtual sommelier in your back pocket and a delivery service ready to get that wine to you stat you simply fill out a quiz to determine your taste preferences and they share six unique wines that you're most likely to enjoy from around the world so they ask you questions like what are your favorite flavors of juice and what kinds of chocolate do you like and then they make recommendations based on those flavor profiles i'm honestly not necessarily a wine expert i just know that i like it well a lot so i feel like the service has helped teach me what i like about my wine but also about wine in general so if you want to find your own dream wine pack you can check out my link below to get 50 off of your first six bottle box now you can pause the screen or look at the description to check out my disclaimer including a trigger warning to those with current or previous experiences with disordered eating i will be talking macros and calories so you can feel free to skip that portion if that's not supportive to your journey also don't forget to subscribe to the channel and ring that little bell so that you never miss out on a episode all right so a little bit about chrissy before we get too far into the review chrissy is a uk-based influencer who posts all sorts of fitness content to your youtube channel and instagram page including what i eat in a days daily vlogs and workout with me videos and from the looks of it chrissy's hard work that she's put into her platforms has certainly paid off she currently has over 700 000 subscribers on youtube over 2 million followers on instagram a fitness app that she created called tone and sculpt and a line of supplements in partnership with women's best as well as her own line of activewear so yeah i guess you could say that she's doing okay so today we're going to take a look at the what i in a day that's the most recent at the time of filming this titled what i eat in a day to stay lean and the supplements that i use let's take a look okay so this protein oatmeal looks awesome we've got carbs and fiber in the oats and blueberries protein and the chocolate whey protein powder from her line some healthy fats from the peanut butter and a little agave to sweeten now a lot of people do ask me if agave is healthier than regular sugar so i thought we would break this one down it's caught what a kick by ricochet well let's go oh and a sit out choke slam you can say both agave and regular white table sugar are considered simple carbohydrates and if we look at the nutritionals a tablespoon of white sugar provides 12 and a half grams of carbs and 48 calories while one tablespoon of agave supplies 16 grams of carbs and 60 calories largely because it's a liquid sweetener and therefore more molecules can fit into a spoon now a common argument in favor of agave is that it contains micronutrients that something like white sugar and other sweeteners do not and while this is technically true that agave does have some trace vitamins and minerals like vitamin c vitamin a and selenium you would need so much of the sweetener in order to obtain any significant amounts so please don't try to get your vitamin c intake from sugar now agave has also been popularized due to its lower glycemic index in reference to other sweeteners thanks to the fact that it's 90 fructose but the american diabetes association suggests that we should be treating agave the same as we would any other fructose or glucose based sweetener so my advice is to just choose whichever sweetener that you enjoy the most and ultimately use it mindfully all right let's see what's next whenever i struggle to drink water what i do is i get a scoop of bcaas this is my rainbow candy bcaa's rainbow candy and then i mix it in and i drink that and it's just so much easier to drink because it tastes so good okay so i get that a lot of us don't love the taste of boring old h2o so adding in some kind of flavor might help you get your fill and let's be real rainbow candy water does sound good now this is actually a flavored bcaa supplement from chrissy's line with women's best which is a supplement category not without some controversy for those who don't know bcaas or branch chain amino acids are a group of three essential amino acids leucine isoleucine and valine that are intended to increase muscle protein synthesis and muscle growth and prevent muscle breakdown and while this is true for those who have low intake of dietary protein for those getting around one to one and a half grams per kilogram of body weight per day the evidence suggests that it's likely very much unnecessary in fact we do have research to suggest that food or complete sources of protein may be much more helpful and honestly she already got her protein in the form of her prose now don't get me wrong if adding flavored bcaas helps chrissy stay hydrated and meet her fluid requirements i would say that that is a priority at least it would be for me but i'm more so just pointing this out to suggest that as long as you're getting enough good quality protein in your diet throughout the day there's generally no need to be supplementing with additional bcaa supplements all right folks let's take a look at lunch [Music] [Music] [Music] this looks simple but of course very nutritious we've got lots of protein in the air fried salmon some fiber-rich veggies in the mixed green salad with some healthy fats from the olive oil and fish now while this lunch is packed with protein and healthy fats it's definitely lower in the carb department i mean if this was to be a post-workout meal i would say yeah we would definitely want to up the carbs but she did have a solid amount of carbs at breakfast and i know that there is more coming at snack so in the context of her day it all balances out not every meal or snack needs to be perfectly balanced so speaking of snack let's take a peek so now it's my favorite part of the day it is pre-workout time so i've got some peanut butter and jam here on two slices of toast i'm gonna have that and then straight after i'm gonna have my favorite ever you have no idea i look forward to having this every day the pre-workout of dreams so i'm gonna have it in my woman's best shaker i feel very seen on the sweet versus savory toast dilemma this is just like always a daily struggle for me and i too have just succumbed to the reality that i will forever need one of each but yeah this is a really great pre-workout meal so we've got a healthy dose of energizing carbs from the bread and the jam plus a little fat and protein to help satiety to get her through the gym sesh but not so much that it would risk causing digestive distress so this is actually a pretty good option as a pre-workout snack chrissy also takes a pre-workout supplement with her snack which once again is from her own line now i did a little bit of research into her supplement line with women's best and i think it's important to mention that the products are not third party tested i spoke about why this is so important in my video on supplements here but in short third-party testing involves an independent unbiased organization reviewing a product to see if it meets certain criteria standards for quality and safety now although individual ingredients in these products are regulated like the creatine in this particular pre-workout supplement the actual products as a whole are not now i'm not saying that chrissy supplements are unsafe but i do always flag that the supplement world is really like the wild west and unless you have an unbiased party taking a look to make sure that everything's kosher you really just don't know anyways back to this pre-workout supplement here the first ingredient in this product is l-arginine alpha-ketoglutarate which acts to increase nitric oxide production and vasodilation aka the widening of blood vessels which would allow more oxygen to come to the body for easier energy output during exercise this sounds super important in theory but the research on aakg supplements like this are admittedly kind of mixed it's ultimately hard to tell whether vasodilation during exercise is due to the supplement or simply the active exercise itself now the next common ingredient in these pre-workouts is creatine so creatine is an organic amino acid that helps supply energy to the cells and makes the muscle cells look bigger by pulling water into them so we do have evidence to suggest that it has a lot of benefits so the sighted benefits of creatine as a supplement includes better workout intensity greater training adaptations enhanced post exercise recovery reduced injury risk and more and in the world of sports supplements i would say that creatine is one of the best supported ones in the literature there's also beta alanine which is another amino acid which is meant to produce carnosine to reduce lactic acid accumulation in the muscles now research from one meta-analysis showed increased performance stamina and recovery in athletes who are supplementing with beta-alanine however it's worth noting that beta-alanine has been known to cause some like tingling as a really unpleasant side effect so a lot of folks including myself just can't tolerate it at all finally there's about 100 milligrams of caffeine per serving in the supplement which is about the same amount as a cup of coffee which is not outrageous considering a lot of other pre-workouts have a lot more but of course if you're taking this at the end of the day it's just going to be aware of so if you're looking for a pre-workout supplement you might want to keep tabs on the caffeine levels as well as pay attention to any unwanted side effects jitteriness anxiety nausea flushing and tingling are not uncommon side effects there have also been people who have died from contaminated unregulated pre-workout supplements so you'll definitely want to pay really close attention to how you react to a pre-workout and of course adjust as needed if you're sensitive to caffeine look for one without it if you're experiencing flushing look for an option without niacin if you're dealing with tingling face and lips then an option without beta alanine may be best but whatever you choose i do strongly urge you to look for one that is third party tested through something like nsf sport or informed choice and always speak to a doctor or dietitian before starting a supplement routine all right folks i am ready for a post-workout snack [Music] best protein shake ever my gosh i get so excited what happens okay so refueling after her heavy workout with some protein here we've got a simple protein shake with some kind of milk and her brand of protein powder now i know that we often think about needing protein after a workout but carbs are actually arguably even more important we actually want to aim for a three to one carb to protein ratio after working out to help to refuel our muscles replenish our glycogen stores and help to drive that protein into the muscle faster so it would be super simple to just throw in some frozen berries or like a banana or some oats into the shake just to get a little bit more of that optimal post-workout ratio in this snack but let's take a look at dinner yum love me a good rotisserie chicken and nando's where she ordered this from i feel like it's like a solid step up from swiss lay but you don't get the shallow dipping sauce which to me is kind of the whole point of ordering rotisserie chicken i could legit drink that stuff but comment below if you are team nando's or swiss chalet i don't even know if social a is just a canadian thing but if it is and you're canadian leave me a comment below and you educate everyone else on the beauty of the chalet dipping sauce i mean i know i'm getting off track here but i'm just excited about switzerland dipping sauce anyway christy has quite an awesome little spread here we've got protein in the chicken carbs in the rice french fries corn biscuit i've got some fat in the cheese and some broccoli for veg the girl is representing our food group rainbow here and i'm totally here for it and since she does have a good amount of carbs in this meal i think it balances out some of the higher protein snacks and lunch earlier on i normally would probably like to see a little bit more colorful vegetables in here but i will say since she had a big salad for lunch again all balance is out this is also a restaurant meal so the fact that there is any vegetable on our plate feels like a major win to me all right folks now let's talk about the stats and again trigger warning i am going to talk numbers so please feel free to skip ahead to the timestamp on the screen if that is triggering for you according to my calculations chrissy's day came out to a total of 2373 calories with around 41 of her calories coming from carbs 19 from fat and about 40 from protein her macros are a little bit lower in fat and higher in protein but again if this works for chrissy then it works for me it's also very hard for me to assess someone's overall dietary patterns from just one day so this may have just been a lower fat and higher protein day for her and it's totally normal for our macronutrient distributions to fluctuate from day to day i will also say that our fiber intake is slightly below both the canadian and uk recommendations for most adults but this is just kind of another aspect of one's diet that is not only normal to see variations in each day but also highly individual depending on what intake makes each person feel their best so let's talk about what i'm liking here so first of all it's definitely refreshing to see a young fitness influencer consuming enough to likely meet her energy needs while also not completely demonizing or cutting out specific foods or food groups i also appreciate her relaxed and cheerful approach to food where she seems genuinely excited by different flavors and foods and doesn't seem overly concerned with counting calories or tracking everything that enters her body i also love seeing her flexibility in ordering in and not fussing over the inability to control her macros or calories in her takeaway meal now with the exception of all the supplements which i'll speak more to in a minute her meals feel pretty accessible simple and uncomplicated you know basically things that busy folks like you or i could make on the fly for just one person if needed and i think a lot of people are looking for more solo meal ideas these days so i do think that that's really great now i don't know this for sure but it would seem like she may also be in kind of like a cutting phase right now just based on the juxtaposition of this video title with her last one which was all about what to eat to gain muscle so if that's true this may explain why her meals are a little bit lower carb as i noticed in the video on gaining muscle that she actually ate a lot more food so for example her breakfast in that video included eggs with her protein oats her lunch had pita bread and sweet potato her shake added in banana and peanut butter and she also had some kind of chocolate dessert in the day in fact i specifically really love what she says about having chocolate every single day so let's just quickly take a little look-see but um yeah i have a bit of this every day and if anyone's watching this and as a dietitian or a nutritionist and it's like oh my god this is terrible for you it's good for my soul um this is what i eat in a day so please don't judge me i am a dietitian and i am watching this and i am not going to judge in fact i think it's really nice to see a fitness influencer eating foods that also nourish their soul so i got you girl so i think it's clear to me that chrissy has some physical or aesthetic goals which are totally valid and she's absolutely entitled to that but from what i can see i feel like she's able to tweak her diet in a way to help her meet those goals without making herself feel overwhelmingly restricted and letting it interfere with her ability to live her life and enjoy food finally let's quickly talk about some gentle nutrition tips i think i want to start by saying that there are a lot of supplements in her day i mean i know that this is her line so rightfully so she's trying to promote it but it does feel a little bit like a 20 minute ad we've got protein powder twice a day plus bcaas plus the pre-workout i think that the powders all got way more air time than any actual food honestly i really think that protein powder can be a really great convenient option for busy folks and i use it myself for that reason but i do want people to know that it's possible to achieve these same results without having to rely on so many supplements multiple times a day she could easily swap in some greek yogurt tofu or cottage cheese in her smoothie if she already had protein powder in her oats and if she's consistently getting in protein from you know the chicken fish and protein powder she can probably forgo the bcaas i would also focus on sneaking a few more high fiber veggies fruit or whole grains in there as her fiber numbers are a little bit low so perhaps adding some extra veggies to her dinner adding a little fruit to her smoothie throwing in some plant-based protein like beans or lentils to her lunch salad or topping off her protein oats with some sprinkles like hemp hearts or flax but honestly the girl clearly knows her stuff so if it works for her it works for me all in all chrissy was honestly a pleasure to both watch and review seeing her relaxed flexible and excited approach to food was extremely refreshing especially for an influencer in the fitness space and on that note that is all that i have for you guys today thank you again to bright sellers for sponsoring this video if you liked it be sure to give it the thumbs up leave me a comment below on who you'd like to see me review next subscribe to the channel and i'll see you next time on abby's kitchen bye
Channel: Abbey Sharp
Views: 141,654
Rating: 4.923542 out of 5
Keywords: abbey sharp, abbeys kitchen, dietitian reviews, dietitian reacts, Krissy Cela
Id: cLiJf0-QuwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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