WHAT I EAT IN A DAY | A Day in the Life of a Mom, Dietitian and Entrepreneur PLUS BLW Toddler Meals

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hey everyone I'm Abby sharp welcome to Abby's kitchen so you guys have asked a lot and finally I'm delivering today we are going to do a what I eat in a day now honestly this more appropriately would be called what I randomly ate that day because there are really are no rules or consistencies in my diet other than the fact that like I try to eat a variety of vegetables in my day and usually I succeed at that but sometimes I don't and maybe I'm like traveling a lot or I'm like working outside the home all day and that is honestly okay ultimately my diet is not perfect it's not clean I just kind of try to eat a variety of whole foods but I also believe in convenience as long as I feel good that's really all that matters to me but the most important thing I want to say before we get into this footage is that this is not intended to be a diet how to this is not even a recipe how to this is for entertainment purposes only not even information purposes because there is nothing prescriptive about this diet honestly this is more kind of like just like a glimpse into my life as a busy mom and it's not meant to be a suggestion of how to eat or even really a representation of what my daily diet looks like so without adieu let's take a look good morning everyone I just woke up I'm talking really quietly because my baby's sleeping my dog sleeping my husband's sleeping and I went to wake them up but I'm gonna have a little bit of water and I'm gonna go and do my workout so if that they started its doing okay so we just got back for my workout and I feel great I've just refilled my water here I probably drink like least four of these a day and the big water drinker but I'm really obsessed with sparkling water so I use my SodaStream for that and this is known that but I just love my SodaStream I can hear babyyyyy squawking so I'm going to start to put together some a really quick little breakfast for him and I'd have together and of course they've also still have breast milk for him and I pumped for him for like the past year so I've still got quite a good stash so he has a little bit of breast milk in the morning as well so let's get to it because I can hear he wants me to come get him peanut butter I see oh that's no I'm just gonna do this properly okay so baby e is playing with himself right now and I just really quickly whipped this up I didn't have time to do anything like really extravagant but this is gonna do for his first kind of like little breakfast and my little quick breakfast snack after my workout so about some whole-wheat toast with some banana and ham parts because I'm obsessed with hemorrhoids and for baby eve got some ricotta little berries some peanut butter toast some hemp hearts on that so so yummy so I'm just having a little quick breakfast snack here with baby e I always try to have my meals with baby E because it's really good for modeling eating behavior and table manners and just starting that kind of family meal tradition it also helps when you know if they're unsure about a certain food that they see somebody else that they really trust like mom or dad or a caregiver eating it they're more likely to try so if you guys are struggling with picky eating at home of course make sure that you're consistently showing your kids that you enjoy those kinds of foods that you're wanting them to eat it really does make a big difference so that's why of course I'm kind of having the same foods that he is today so we're having some peanut butter toast lots of hemp art so you can see right here awesome great as a little post-workout snack no eating of my mouth open very rude are you having fun but of course at a privacy a lot of you guys probably know I don't show images of baby II so I just want to kind of keep his identity to his himself and one day maybe he'll be a little YouTube celebrity he's wanting to figure it was what's going on right now but of course I wanted to make that decision for himself so we're gonna enjoy our breakfast and I will catch you in B do your food you don't have to have breakfast right this is what we do up and it's probably not how papi wants to eat her double and thank you baby that's so nice so as you can hear oh my god this is the soundtrack of my life died honestly guys I love love love motherhood but there's just too much wheels on the bus in my life he loves it that's all that matters but I'm just gonna play here with baby II until my nanny gets here and my system gets here I've got a full day of recipe testing I'm gonna make a little more breakfast for baby II and I and yeah enjoy this beautiful calmer day okay I've been saved by the nannies and another quick shower because I've got a really crazy day and I guess I need to get started eh now my favorite time of day it's Coffee time I'm in milk latte action here also I'm gonna take my probiotic which I take pretty much every day whenever I remember of course and that of course is just really important for keeping my gut nice and happy that first sip is pretty much my favorite part of the day let's get to it okay so I'm kind of struggling with this setup here but I'm gonna do my best so that you can see what I'm doing but I'm gonna make a really quick little frittata it's a great way to use up any leftovers that you have in the fridge and it's baby II lotsa it's a great way to get the iron and of course from the eggs so I've just kind of cleared out my fridge with any little vegetables and cheese and things like that that I've got and I'm gonna have it as a little mid-morning second breakfast snack kind of thing and also the same for baby we didn't you got ton this morning so I'm gonna assume he's gonna be a little hungry before he's nap so let's get to it so I'm using my hubby's eggs from the farm which are these grass-fed and free-range eggs and as far as I'm concerned they're pretty happy hens though I appreciate that a lot of my vegans probably wouldn't agree with that this is the kind of breakfast that I would like make and then any leftovers had put in the fridge and I would reply throughout the week for baby II okay so before I have anything else in there I just want to show you how amazing these look like they are bright orange they are packed with nutrition so very excited on the list and then just based on what I've got in the fridge I had some cherry tomatoes that I've just packed I also thought so like I steam like a ton of broccoli for baby II so I figure I was like throw some of this in like the smaller pieces I've got so much of it I have a feeling he's gonna get sick of broccoli this week so it's a great way to switch it up so it's not just plain old mmm steamed broccoli that sounds good though they have salt not too much salt because baby's happiness so I don't want to eat subscribe just went to do that here it's gonna be a thinner almost like a little omelette style frittata but I just don't want this to be so puffy and thick that baby has a hard time getting through it so this is gonna be a perfect size for us we're just kind of freestyling and there is no rhyme or reason alright and then of course we're gonna add some cheese so I always have Jesus it's like a really good kind of natural buffalo mozzarella which is super melty and delicious so I keep a little bit shredded just for him for snacking as well so this is going into a 350 degree oven or 15 minutes or so until it's nice and cooked [Music] so we've got some little frittata for babies some Kiwi some avocado I'm gonna have the same thing just a slightly larger portion look at how yellow good and I've got lots of leftover frittata that I'm gonna pop in the fridge and have for breakfast or a snack later or for baby II or snack or lunch as well so we just made these like awesome kind of snow bass granola bars that are baby and toddler friendly and of course like all the little bits that have fallen if I cut them this is going to be one snack today basically mom food mom food are the scraps the little bits of pieces that babies don't eat that dogs don't eat but of course you don't want through so we don't want to waste food and this is actually really delicious so it's just got oats and oat iron-fortified baby cereal tempered some prunes of constipation because nobody wants to constipated baby lots of natural peanut butter and I think that's pretty much it it's really tasty though and I put some freeze-dried fruit on topically to add some natural sweetness and for my moms and dads the recipe for those amazing baby and toddler friendly granola bars are in the comments below and you're probably gonna enjoy them as well hi okay so we're gonna make a really quick little lunch I've been cooking doing some recipe testing today so I've got some veggies but of course I want to give me and baby me a little bit of protein to go with not close to this fish here I'm going to [Music] [Music] alright so I'm gonna clean up a little lunch for baby and me so basically as you're about to see most of the things that I eat are things that we are like recipe testing that day for the blog or channel so that day we had made this like awesome peach romesco sauce with like cauliflower steak I'm gonna leave the recipe down below so you're gonna want to check that out but yeah if we're not recipe testing that day for some reason then maybe I'll eat like leftovers from the last time we tested which is probably like just a day or so before there's always in excess it's like recipe testing recipes and food in the fridge and if there's not then like I'll pick up a salad at the grocery store or I'll just like compile random leftovers into a meal but basically I do not have time to make myself like a gourmet lunch every single day with a million other things that we have going on just not realistic for a working mom okay so this is this awesome peach and roasted red pepper Romanesco sauce that I made for this recipe that I was testing today this is the recipe our she I was testing this has beautiful cauliflower steaks with this Romanesco obviously a delicious side but maybe not enough for me for a main course so I've just made this little black cod I'm gonna add some more of the Romanesco on top just add some extra a little flavoring sauce same with baby ease I think he's gonna love the peach kind of flavor and it's not spicy so it's really really yummy a little mommy and me lunch baby we've got the watermelon some fresh buffalo mozzarella I just took them little bits from the cauliflower steaks that kind of fall off and I've seen them for him so it's really easy to eat and then we've got some black cod with the Romanesco and I'm gonna have a cauliflower steak with the Black Card as you guys know I am not vegan but I do try to choose sustainable fish as my kind of animal food of choice as often as I can and this black cod is one of our favorites in the house this stuff is so good I could like eat that alone and I haven't already put it onto my blog yet I definitely will be soon so it'll be a link in the description below for this recipe so that you guys can have it before the summer is over like yummy okay so I got to do it gates the house today for my clinic because I have a podiatry appointment today because apparently I've got like Grandma feet and I need you orthotics but of course that's a great excuse I needed a quick little fix it decaf on and Mel watt a just because I try to stick to that one coffee day I've really been trying to cut back to a fertility state but also because it's the afternoon now and I know that if I have too much coffee in the afternoon I am NOT going to sleep well and I'm a terrible sleeper to begin them so D captive just wait and see the doctor fascinating reading material that was so strange we just basically made a cast of my feet but yeah here's how to grab a seat okay any time for a little afternoon delight and they say so I'm gonna put together at my own little trail mix here with all the randomness that I have in the covers because if you saw my pantry you'd be like holy this girl has way too many snacks so I'm gonna start with these little chewy chickpeas they're super awesome yes you can make your own and I do but sometimes these brands like slimy stuff so I'm gonna eat them I've also got some pistachios that we have spent hours shelling it's honestly it's kind of therapeutic to shell pistachios so we we kind of enjoy it so it's just like a small handful of that and then I've bought a small handful of these like little coconut chips which are super super tasty a little bit of that I'm obsessed with these I can't eat them all day so yeah it looks awesome that's my little side for this afternoon so here is my little snack mix excited to dig in we've got lots of crunchy things and I like all the crunchy things but of course all of these things are choking hazards so not for baby eat instead these are all of his favorite foods literally Tomatoes favorite food grapes favorite food these are these no added sugar banana peanut butter muffins that I make for him that are super super nutrient dense lots of hemp parts as well which is why I am you know I have obsessed with and he is obsessed with these as well these peanut butter banana mini muffins are amazing they've got no sugar added so they are definitely one of my favorites to give baby eat so you can check out the recipe below so I'm just gonna quickly get a little bit of packing down I can hear baby screaming trying to sleep but not sleeping of course but we wouldn't cause tomorrow so I need to get everything ready so you can get out the door first thing in the morning so just gonna get all my bathing suits together I don't know how like I have no space in my bags because being needy takes up an entire bag for all of these stuff typical typical man but we're gonna try to try to cram it all in so it is five o'clock and I mean I'm officially off the hobbies kitchen work o'clock and on to my mom o'clock and really honestly mom clock never stops never starts never it's just never-ending and I love it but you've got to have a lot of energy because my kid is in that stage what he just does not walk and he escapes his nap this is good afternoon so it's gonna be a really great great witching hour here wish me luck [Music] okay so we be basically cooking all day the last thing I want to do is have to cook a whole other meal for dinner so I'm basically just gonna pull together odds and ends from the fridge and also we made a big casserole well be a recipe testing today so I definitely want to dig into that all right this is awkward this is her to do okay yeah still looks pretty good still looks awesome so this is another recipe that is now up on the blog so I'll leave a link below and it could be made vegan or vegetarian depending on what kind of cheese that you use but it's really great it's got like bean puree in there and tons of veggies and some whole grain noodles it is really super tasty and like I said like why cook from scratch when I have like a massive casserole in the fridge so we ate that for dinner and I probably ate that for like two other days afterwards just to just to get through obviously when I shot it for Instagram this morning it looked better but I think so looks pretty good and fresh so here's my portion not sure if I'm gonna eat all of it but I also served it with some steamed green beans that I was making for baby II and I taught mine off with just a little bit of olive oil and lemon and then baby II got some steamed carrots some of the pasta some green beans and those no-bake granola bars so one thing that I want to point out is that yes I served my son to search at the same time as the rest of the meal and I do this of course to remove the novelty factor around dessert and sweet foods so basically I practice what we call the division of responsibilities in feeding so what this means is that me as a parent I decide what when and where Neels happens and my son decides if and how much he's going to eat that is all on him am i serving dessert with the main course he learns how to properly regulate his appetites that he's not eating to satiety with his main course and then eating past satiety with his dessert and I also don't want him to learn that like the vegetables and the protein are the gross foods that he has to drag himself through in order to be rewarded with some kind of dessert so I know you guys are thinking this bitch is crazy but the reality is that my son will often eat his broccoli first sometimes he will eat his dessert first and sometimes he will alternate Viper bite he is just listening to his body and that is amazing ultimately I am just trying to teach him that dessert is just another food and not willing to be obsessed over or hoarded all right so favorite time of day babies bath time story and milk so last little sip of the day okay last little treat of the night is this strawberry rhubarb sorbet or sort that toe coupon me fancy and I've just topped it off with a little bit almonds for some crunch and of course the mixture you know really good fats and some protein and fiber so yeah this is my favorite time I day so good rhubarb anything is the best really cold though so I'm gonna a little brain freeze moment but I don't look worried okay folks I'm gonna start getting ready for bed I have a very strict no screen time rule about two hours ideally before bed that usually ends up being just like an hour before bed but still I'm cutting myself off here folks so I'm gonna wash my face brush my teeth and take my segments and then start to read a book so I usually like to read in bed of course should do it out of it but I usually read in bed just to let myself kind of get drowsy as opposed to watching something on my phone or an iPad or a television it's a lot better for your kind of sleep regulation so I'm gonna start the routine okay so this is what I'm taking right now I've got my omega threes I've got vitamin E for fertility purposes I'm taking a prenatal multivitamin I'm not pregnant but anybody that is a woman of childbearing age should of course take a prenatal just for safety and then also some NAC for fertility purposes so guys there you have it of course I want to reiterate that this is not meant to be a diet how-to it's not prescriptive it would be really weird for someone try to like kind of mimic what I'm doing here because ultimately I was just letting my body be my guide and of course like I'm conscious about what I eat I'm conscious enough to take supplements because I I know that they may help my fertility journey I'm conscious to make more sustainable fish choices when I go to the grocery store but there's a difference between being conscious and being obsessive and you know who I was like ten years ago that when I ate today it would be very very different than what I'm showing you today and if I took another what I eat in a day like tomorrow or a week from now it would also look very different because again there really are no strict rules so I think what I want you guys to take away from this is that I'm all about transparency I'm also about you know everybody kind of trying to find what works for them and their body and this is just kind of like what worked for me that day and that's not necessarily a consistent thing and some days I listen really intently to what my body tells me and sometimes like I don't and that's okay I don't punish myself for that but but that's really has been a long journey for me to get to this point and my hope for you is that you can also find your own way in terms of what works for you and your body so guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you did be sure to give it the thumbs up leave me a comment below if you have questions if you'd like to see more or what I ended days if you'd like to see me review other youtubers what I in the days of course I have a whole playlist right here so check that out don't forget to subscribe to the channel send this to your friends and I'll see you next time on Abbey's kitchen bye [Music]
Channel: Abbey Sharp
Views: 197,271
Rating: 4.8443875 out of 5
Keywords: abbey, mom, entrepreneur, diet, nutrition, dietitian, healthy, wellness, influencer, mompreneur, intuitive eating, mindful eating, eating well, abbey sharp, abbey's kitchen, mom life, mom entrepreneur, dietitian diet, dietitian eats, healthy recipes, balanced diet, nutrition tips, healthy eating tips, eating well tips, what i eat in a day
Id: iy2BGBKbbPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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