Dieter Rams: Less but Better

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ROMs has a very distinct style and you can really trace these developments starting from 1955 where he begins at Braun it's in 1995 where he essentially leaves the company and everything in between represents a step towards this aesthetic but beyond aesthetic it's really about philosophy and it's about what design needs to be and how design can be responsible for itself [Music] I always was trying to make the product in a way that it is easy to understand that with the help of design you gear up the product less but better that is should be the objective the main objective for the future and my feeling is especially through this exhibition that the young people they can feel that that they have to change something basically as designer for architects all of these things can can essentially be distilled into a Braun style or ROM style which has a very minimal aesthetic very functional very user friendly and and and based essentially on how you might involve yourself with the object or you know in in the example of his 6:06 shelving system by bitsu how the consumer the user can be part of of the design also this I staff is my doctor's blown into the beginning of 60s and I was saying at this time you can count these companies in the world which takes design really seriously on your 10 fingers today I have to say the same thing you can counter them your ten fingers and you have one company and that's with Steve Jobs who is the man behind it we need more we need more and we need more clearness not only with products also with our cities everything is too chaotic beyond the aesthetics the roms principles the ten principles of good design are something that we can really bring into today's era industrial design with consciousness in a way romped his philosophy goes beyond just just the object miss and into the idea of the object and what makes an object worthwhile so I think that the 10 principles are really important for the current guard the current trends and industrial designers to follow and to understand what makes something beyond itself what what can create an object and make it have such an impact and that is the future task for design and education
Channel: Dwell
Views: 76,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: product design, industrial design, Braun, Vitsoe, Dieter Rams, Dwell, Dwell Magazine, SFMOMA, Aaron Britt
Id: -g6-TozOg7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 47sec (227 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2011
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