Dieter Rams - Gestalten (HD).mp4

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I never use this term form follows function functionality that is okay the story of brown Rams wit su is a very complex one and what's very interesting to go back to the roots to see what was the background of this developing in the 50s and in the 60s and what has it to do with us today for me great respect for the designer happy remembers me a little bit my connection to having and as bone no ideas but what is a company doing was known at this time as radial bone locally known it was very interested to hear from our upon his ideas of a new company which is interested in the healthy of the employments which is interested in new design ways and it was fascinating for me to change from a free architect or whatever I had in mind to go to the industry so that was the starting point and I had to do really normal things to help the engineers not only to be the genius designer but to be also the genius manager of this process bringing in the atmosphere not outstanding design better design was a kind of an laboratory it was not a dieter Rams invented ground design this he said by himself it was influenced by Varg inferred it was influenced by worm it was influenced by the entrepreneurs Alvin Brown and his brother Arthur Broad was a plateful a not business-wise a break so in to become an image then Paul becomes with the help of design worldwide now when we see a little bit wider the history of design in the 20th century there have been two bridges one bridge was Peter Behrens because Peter Beard was the first one who worked for company I gave and brought this historical design history ISM to industrial aesthetics dieter Rams and his team is the other bridge from this industrial aesthetics to a kind of civil aesthetics or home aesthetics in case of colors I was very careful sometimes it's more important I have a game of push button which tells you something so the yellow color makes a hole more colorful as to Maxim holes in more color a but I had some products where I was willing to accept colors I like in some cases that has to fit to the product a kitchen machine which you use every day in your kitchen cannot stay in in an image dark color the push buttons are yes but not the whole thing it's to dominate in the kitchen and design should not dominate things not dominate people should help people that's swimming exist ten principles of good design is writing it is a result of this process it was not in the beginning to make a theory and then let us work in this in this way it was a result of the first 20 years in this laboratory and it was a result of course of different ideas from different people they are actually today more as I am formally today we need less but better products okay but maybe 10 years later that's more important things what we need new lands we new new landscapes together with new cities we need new structures for our behaviors and it is designed we have enough things we can improve some things but it's not spectacular layer you know to improve a television or a computer to make it more self-explanatory to make it more useable it's always a very important thing but it's not a spectacular things and the media I have to learn a little bit that not the spectacular things are the important thing the unspectacular things are the important things especially in the future you you
Channel: Alan van Roemburg
Views: 197,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gestalten HD Dieter Rams, Apple
Id: A6-wA-7QIeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2010
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