Diesel, Hybrid, V8 or V6 for towing? Full-Size Truck Towing Comparison

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hey it's tim pickup truck plus suv talk and i'm really excited to bring you this video so this video is a combination of four different weeks putting different videos together and you're going to see each of the options in the halftime market of the power trains yeah fantastic so if you're out there shopping for powertrains half ton towing this is a video for you man i got the hybrid version of a bar train i have the smallest place in v6 i have a three diesel and i have the 5.78 v8 and in this video i'm going to tow with them and i'll give you fuel economy numbers i'm gonna give you the experiences from towing a consistent trailer and yeah it's in wintertime nebraska so the conditions are as close as i can get them to be apples to apples the driving is as consistent as i could possibly get it i'm gonna go basically 25 miles south 25 miles back north and i'm gonna go over a grade which is a about i think a mile long grade three to four percent at the top and going down both sides i'm gonna go up go turn on come back and i'm gonna give you the best field coming numbers i can real world life now i'm shooting this after all the videos i can tell you i've made a few little small mistakes in these videos but i it's really real life this is my most uh aggressive or my biggest video i've ever put together so a little flat give me a little bit of slack on that one or maybe some flack but i hope you really enjoy it and i'm gonna stop talking let's go and get those videos [Music] all right first up is a 2021 ford f50 this is the hybrid so the hybrids up first just how things worked out 87 in like it recommends just top it [Music] okay that's all topped off okay go to trip one i'm gonna hold and reset trip one okay so then we're gonna head back to the house hook up the trailer and get on towing all right let's measure squat so i have top looks like 55 55 right there along the top let's go ahead and put the trailer down see what how much it squats gross vehicle weight rating 63.95 so that's wet okay let's see we got here with the truck on the trailer it's about 53 and a half and that's fully down about an inch and a half a squat when you have the trailer on it all right let's set this up so it's 90 cross traffic alert we have driller connection detected so i'm going to go add a new trailer okay try to get all the sun a little bit share the name let's call this test rv potato type is a conventional hookup up save can you set up yep we have electric brakes i want a medium breakout i always like medium okay let's enter some stuff we have 24 foot long we have uh eight foot wide i have 10 feet tall right there and i have about 60 we're going to 6 500 pounds 63.80 is what it says or 63.95 that's what we have so confirm and it is set up test rv is active break effort medium try to break grain i can also adjust it right there trailer break again if i don't like what's going on we're all set up and then i just got gas came back and our odometer is all cleared up so let's go and get on the road i'm at the bottom of wildcat hills i'm heading towards the top i have towhall mode on i'm doing about 55 miles an hour uh this hill has a backside too when i come to the backside i'll show you the dash because this sun will be behind it but i just wanted to talk to you through about what i'm feeling i have the camp hooked up the weight distributing hitch all that kind of stuff i was going to check i have a sound level meter so i was curious to see what how loud it gets inside the cabin going up this climb so maybe i'll just well i'll shut up now okay i'm getting right around 68. i can't i can't talk and show you i'm getting right around 68. 68 seems like it's pretty average uh i just downshifted and so i'm in seventh gear i have a 10 speed transmission in this which most everything these days going 10 speeds still 55 miles an hour i'm going to give some throttle hitting the top i don't like using cruise control when i'm trailering very often um and so i'm just going to manually do it 27 rpms heading to the top yeah so almost there getting over the crest okay at the summit i mean just down all right just shifted to eighth gear so yeah and i'll get to the top and that's it so not very stressful not very um tiring fatigue going up this hill yes it's not some massive mountainside but you know this is plenty of power 587 foot pounds of torque is a lot and so i think this thing is does well i had this truck last year and it's one of my favorite power trains because of all the power um and it's just it's fun you can put electric mode and it's quiet and it's really an interesting powertrain so i'm gonna keep going we're gonna go like i said i'm gonna try to get at least 25 30 miles trying to get uh 50 total i think that's a good run on towing and we'll get down turn around head back to gas station all right i'm hitting the 25 mile mark i'm gonna go ahead and flip around here in a minute but i wanted to save up things before i get to the gas station because uh frankly doing towing and video i got a lot of things in my head so let me clarify a couple things first of all it's 46 degrees today there's not much wind number two i do tend to use cruise control on flat terrain i just don't like doing it when i'm going up and down a hill especially wildcat hills because i just i don't like it uh three let's talk about braking here so i'm gonna slow down i get to get those surge breaks put on medium i'm slowing down and wow is that there's no bucking there's no uh feeling out of control very smooth uh stop and so we're going to flip around here once we get some traffic through so the the computer says 7.9 mile per gallon in touhou mode i've always had this truck run between uh first to eighth gear i've rarely rarely does it go nine of tenth gear i think it does have the opportunity to do that but in tow haul mode i just never get that point i guess the roads i'm driving but it's always been about eight and um i wanna make sure that that gets out there too so you do have ten gears in the transmission but really towing is eight which i you know i think it makes a lot of sense too as far as keeping a torque curve so we're gonna turn and there's always a conversation about turning radius so i went from the little turn area to the inside lane without going to the white lane so no problem there turning radius getting i'm not going to floor it i don't believe in flooring it when i'm towing a trailer but i'm just adding some throttle so i'm at 30 miles an hour uh 30 getting 40 i'm in fourth gear and then we're getting up to 50 here we're getting into fifth gear sixth gear and now we're gonna get about 55 and so should shift in the seventh and then when i'm done it'll there we go so i'll lay off now i'm in seventh and it'll go to eighth here in a little bit so i'm heading back let me get up on top of the hill i'll show you the the dash as i'm going up because i think it's pretty interesting um i'm not getting moved around a whole lot again not much wind out here today which is a big benefit and the weight tripping hitch it really makes a difference but you know you definitely know there's a trailer behind you um i uh yeah there's always this thing in towing where you want to tow like you feel like there's nothing behind you it's actually really kind of a dangerous thing to do because you want to know there's something behind you and so i i feel it but i'm not like oh my gosh how much longer it's not that fatiguing as far as the interior again pretty quiet like you saw with the meter the seats are pretty comfortable no problem there i do want to talk about the mirrors specifically when towing i think it's great the way ford does their down um shift like on the on the doors where it kind of goes down so you can see the mirror better but i'm just wondering why they don't do it like a taller mirror because you go down you lower the mirror so i can see over top of it which is great but why don't you just go live with taller mirror so i would say this compared to some of the other trucks i've driven i would definitely feel more like i want to go tow mirrors with this truck because of the size of those mirrors versus other brands but if you're towing a lot anyways you're probably gonna go tow mirrors as it is because tow mirrors just make everything that much uh better you can see uh the tires better you can see around you better i mean you just got a bigger mirror look at but yeah so we're doing about 55 or i'm doing 58 at the moment but around that range i'm going to head back to wildcat hills and then we're going to go on top of the hill and then i'm going to unhook and go the gas station because i have more filming to do so let's go and get down the road and i'll turn the camera around when i get to wildcat hills i'll turn on one more time when we get to the gas station all right here we go here's the start of wildcat hills it's way off there in the distance we're gonna go over a little uh like climb here really small climb and then we'll gradually go and then we'll go to the top of the hill here so i just want to show you kind of what i'm seeing as far as the dash goes and yeah those are that's that's some bumps it's a soft suspension and i definitely uh feel the bumps a little bit more with that push down with the trailer something that you know a three-quarter ton truck wouldn't do the same type of thing it's you know a little bit stronger frame a little more payload that kind of stuff but going up and i'm oh i'm doing 60 now sorry trying to film and see the speedometers a little bit of a challenge but here we go get the top and there's your yeah there's the top so then we're gonna go a little farther past this semi-swine rocks at us and we're gonna go up on top of that hill up there and i'm just holding the camera so what you're seeing on screen is literally what i'm feeling with the road bumps you know this is not new pavement by any stretch imagination and semi's driving a lot so you know there's a guy towing too interesting um anyways so yeah it's like squirrel um so you know it's not the smoothest road and this isn't the smoothest drive um i've driven i've told this truck quite a bit and uh i mean i don't mind it but it's definitely a pro and con with three quarter tumblers half done or i should say heavy duty i gotta slow down i this this truck wants to go i mean it's got plenty of torque there's no doubt about that and it's it's easy power like it's simple and i'm just barely feathering the throt the throttle and it really wants to go see a downshift rpms go up you can see we're starting to climb here it's a it's a gradual climb to the top and then you get the top and they'll come back down the back side because that's how that's how hills work folks they have a top and a bottom imagine that that's a hill okay here we go this is the big climb so i'm gonna i'm gonna have to add more throttle for sure or put my foot on the gas i should say because it is needing it to maintain 55. what's up all right we're at the top you can see the sign that goes down so be prepared let's talk about brake applications going down so i'm going to get the 55 i tend to when i tow i tend to manually shift the gears let the transmission handle work rather than blowing up my brakes but let's say i just want to i want to run my brakes for whatever reason so i'm at 55 and i'm still giving you some gas i mean it still hasn't i haven't i guess over the crest okay so now we're going down and i'm basically just coasting because uh i don't need to do much so i'm at 55 miles an hour seventh gear 2100 rpms my foot's off the accelerator and it's just it's holding steady i don't have any accelerator on don't have any brake on uh look mom no feet it's kind of it's kind of what that looks like and i'm just kind of coasting down the hill so um really no brake applications needed again you know i tend to use just the downshifting when i do these hills but no oh i'm at 55. so i could shoot 54 55 so nothing there and i'm just coasting down the hill so yeah really smooth uh driving experience if i had a much higher hill yeah much bigger in the mountains and stuff i'd probably put more brakes on but it also downshift transmission too so yeah really no concerns there at all that was really smooth going down and i wasn't stressed at all about going down and i just literally just coasted okay let's go and get down the gas station all right let me go unhook get to the gas station i don't like pulling the gas stations with a camper you can do it but i don't like doing it especially about the choice i'll just go and hook and go get gas all right back at the gas station we're putting 87 octane in eight seven a lot of traction around here a lot of exhausts okay it's right to the click so i don't overfill because of all the signs everything tells me not overfilling so we had five point six seven two gallons let's go figure out what the fuel economy was okay so the screen tells me we went nine or fifty one point four miles and we have nine miles per gallon see how accurate that is all right we'll get my calculator we'll take 51.4 divided by 5.672 we have 9.06 miles per gallon so 9.06 on my phone and we have nine mile per gallon a tripod there so we're pretty much spot on um so that's what you get when you're doing the hybrid you do get the benefit of better fuel economy for 24 it was 24 miles per gallon combined highway city for 20 21 mile a year but 2022 is gonna be 23. it's really kind of strange we don't have an answer for you there but anyways you get better city fuel economy you get better uh highway fuel economy than certain gasoline engines and you tow pretty decent plenty of power so that's where you get if you do the hybrid powertrain in the ford and i'm going to go ahead and go on a limb and say that the toyota is going to be about the same mile per gallon so let's go ahead and get to the other trucks and do that comparison [Music] all right now we're in a 2022 gmc sierra and why do i keep filming this stuff in the cold why can't i do this in july all right uh outside temperature is about 33 degrees it's the first clear day we've had and they pick it up tomorrow so this is the best i got i have no more time with this truck i did tell it last year i'll put some numbers on the screen from that experience as well this is a 2022 model year but it's a limited truck that's what they call it they call it limited which is like a trim level but in this case it's basically last year's truck with this year's model number and so they are not building the new 2022 models the new interior until march and it's february so this is what i got all right let's get the squat so we currently have 57 i'd say 57 right in the nose if i were to stand back look at it yeah and let's see what it does with a squat hooking the trailer up all right all hitched up with our weight tripping hitch and we have the cool thing right here this is the device i added so you can't drop the tailgate the section down and smack your ball i'll have more on that in another video i'm gonna do some research on that make sure i know when it came out and it got really cold out here like holy cow why can't i never do this in summer time all right so thinking about 55 and a half or so okay so inch and half a drop which is fairly typical most trucks seem like an inch and a half it's about where they're at all right let's go ahead and put on tow haul mode which is there and touhou mode is done uh let's say there's a trailer set up now settings trailering i'm going to no trailer profile connected that's i don't have the lights hooked up let me go pick the lights up aha lights hooked up now we get it turned on so we're going to use a guest trailer no faults detected let's do i don't have any interior cameras or rear trailer i could there's our vehicle transmission temperature i'll leave that on the screen that's kind of nice it shows right there and then accessory i so if i can get let me do a trade so create let's create profile let's do test rv next we have a conventional hookup it is a travel trailer okay so i have that set up okay tony chandler maintenance recalled test rv gain there's a gain it's zero to whatever i can see the light turned down here so i can probably add to the gain let's see what happens here yep there he goes gain is all the way to ten i like it about five right in the middle is where i kind of like the toe okay cooking assistance we have tap brush monitoring painter maintenance done so we're set up so then status i don't have the tire set up on the screen yet but i can do that too connections tires cameras checklist which is important for me do the lights trailers and settings okay got that all done i want to look though i'll put it reverse and check the camera so there's a camera there camera there i can have a camera on the hitch you can see my hitch setup right and then you can see that that's always a funny camera but i got that camera there and i can do the lines and online so okay all right so there we go so all hooked up right hit the road let's uh let's boogie so this is the three liter inline six diesel made it to a 10-speed transmission it's one of my favorite powertrains out there uh a word of note i've talked to to a few people on instagram and places there are a few issues with this engine there is an issue where it's got a long crank no start or eventually starts basically a slow start uh it'll crank for a while then it'll eventually turn over um there's an exciter wheel that seems like that had gotten bent somewhere in production gm is still searching through some fixes on that also there's a really cool hookup in the back in the receiver hitch that kind of solves one of the major flaws with the multi-position tailgate so i'll do a separate video about that because i'm doing more research on it but i thought it was pretty cool this morning hooking up the trailer again we have the same dealer like i talked about in the intro doing the same course um just trying to get similar numbers i'm heading towards wildcat hills as it is and we'll get over the top and then we'll head out 25 miles turn on head back like i said this one one of my favorite powertrains it's really smooth power uh really good performance for fuel economy and just overall big fan of it now in this situation what's interesting is the fuel economy isn't as good as used to be so it shows in my little monroe sticker 20 city 23 highway 21 combined and that is because it's 84 package and apparently my understanding of it is whenever a manufacturer decides to sell so many uh versions of the truck like trim levels like 84 denali whatever if they sell a certain percentage of that a lot of times they will report those field economy numbers different than they will other trucks that way you don't go get like say an sle that has a two wheel drive sle that gets 29 miles a gallon in say a diesel and then you end up getting the at40 gets 23 or 21 combined really and so that large gap would create a lot of customers concerns and so yeah that's why they do it that way and so that makes sense i want to make sure i put on my screen the transmission temperature that's always a big question especially half tons because you are putting a lot of strain on the power train so transmission fluids 140 degrees and i'll update that you as we go uh i'm going to say uh let's see a little windy it's a little windy this morning i'm gonna go ahead and set cruise and make sure the trailer brake controller works um i have adaptive cruise on they also have regular crews too and so i have the trailer hooked up i'm not experiencing much sway i have the ant the weight just beating hitch so just mitigate a lot of that and uh the wind's not going too much but let me go ahead and get down the road okay here we go we're making our way up the top i'm going to turn the corner what's interesting is that the heads-up display which is showing me the degree of angle the truck is at so right now i'm at zero and i'll be curious to see as we climb up how much the degree goes up that's usually off-roading it shows you kind of this way and i'll show you this way i actually that's this weight zero i'm at two two percent or two degrees of of yeah it's interesting anyways so uh heading up to the top wildcat hills i got the setting screen back up i'm 178 degrees transmission fluid uh now it says 42 degrees so i'm getting closer to that 50 degree mark where i wanted to be it has downshifted i've been pressing the up and down on the shifter and it's not changing the gear for me and frankly i don't want to mess with it going up a hill towing last thing i'm gonna do is mess around with stuff so i'm gonna let it do his thing but i'm gonna theorize them and you know i'm down a gear again speed limit set at 55 i don't believe in doing 90 miles an hour down the road in rb especially with a half ton i just don't think it's safe and so four degrees we're at four degrees of tilt and so going up the top i've always wondered what this is so that's interesting it shows me on the screen um four three four so heading to the top we're gonna get to the top here and make a turn 183 degrees um again on the back side when i come up the other way i'll have the camera here i'll show you the gauges as i'm going up the back but with the side of my face it just doesn't work so well now still 40 degrees elevation oh here comes that sun hold on hold on let me get to the top three degrees starting to level out a little bit two degrees and we get to the top one degree and it just shifted back so i'm at less than 2000 rpms i did that about 2500 rpms i'm at zero degrees so yeah it's leveling out so let's go let's go down i'll go down turn around i'll tell you what the economy is halfway point and then we'll come back and i'll show you on screen what it's doing when i go up the hill all right here we go we're turning at my turn away spot 25 miles on this test we'll drive back unhook it's about two miles unladen to the gas station to get gas diesel fuel and then we'll hand quickly number is um i gotta tell you what that showing the side camera for your turning is mucho cool that's a cool view right there i'm turning right you can see it shows all the way down which is nice on that screen so very handy uh big fan of that and yeah corners pretty well uh not a sports car but turned just great no problem turning radius um if you follow this channel all you know that one of my concerns of gm is always the seat comfort and i can feel a little bit short trips it's fine long trips you can take these seats and shove it 10.8 miles per gallon is my average sorry didn't mean to come out that way but i just it seats i need comfortable seats um i mean uh auto all-wheel drive by the way um i typically drive most time with that with gm products i've checked the owner's manual on different times different model years and they basically tell you you can drive with it all it's going to do is it's got a clutch in there that engages the front axles when it needs it and it's computer operated so i like it or auto four wheel drive should say not auto all wheel drive but auto four wheel drive and so you never know when you need it and maybe a wind gust hits in my tire slip and i think it's just handy so i'm leaving that baby on uh again 10.8 mile per gallon uh the computer over here says average fuel economy with test rv which is the name of the test in the back was 10.3 so it's calculating its own mile per gallon with just towing separate than the tripadometer i don't know kind of interesting so again sitting at 55 miles an hour the wind is moving a little bit but uh i'm not that concerned about it i don't know what the wind is today probably 10 10 15. you know if it doesn't blow in western nebraska then we all fall over right it's rolling in the wind [Music] nebraska anyways uh transmission temperature is fine again cold morning so i'm not gonna don't think i have any issues there i'll head back to rocket hills i'll flip the camera around i'll show you what it's doing when it goes up the hill and then we'll get back to the gas station i'm gonna go back and unhook then go to the gas station because i don't like pulling the gas stations of the camper i just yeah not what i can unhook it and it's pretty easy so let's go before we get back to gmc two quick things first of all this is really cool it's been specific trailing information so this truck max payload 1484 curb weight i can know that i have max towing i have 8 800 pounds max towing in this so it's really cool so they do that label bin specific so whatever truck you have all the features actually show that all right here we go we're going up the steep portion i just uh this is a two percent grade here two percent yeah i'm gonna call it two two percent great so i have the number up there for me uh we go down a little bit and so it'll downshift there's our transmission temperature which i really really like that feature um so i can kind of keep an eye over here i can pull it up on this screen too it shows up this dork is gonna cut me off so i'm gonna slow down a little bit because i've adapted cruise on now i'm doing 50. i don't know why people don't can't go a little farther than past me you don't have to pass me right away and switch lanes two lanes nobody else is out here it's nebraska it's early morning i was driving around here uh let's see 2000 oh we it again that's about twenty twenty seven hundred and the grade is four percent i don't know if you can see the heads up display but four percent or four degrees whatever i'm gonna try to say it wrong but four degrees of elevation there on the screen almost a 3000 holding well transmission temperature is not budging getting not even close to 200 and that's substantially lower than other brands for whatever reason gm likes their temperatures lower ford does as well synthetic oil is changing that as far as transmission fluid and we're getting towards the top about two per two percent grade now according to the heads of display or two degrees or two degrees of grade [Music] make the corner and then we're almost there it's just going to hold it steady it's going to beauty as a diesel just holds a steady plenty of power really that torque is such a great number and to the top all right one of the things i wanted to test and i forgot about was my sound meter let's see how loud it is in the cabin now i've begun to climb and i'm going to see at the peak of the climb i'm going to tell you what the number is right now i got about 67 decibels inside the cabin okay peak of the climb i had about 69 so 69 decibels so pretty quiet i mean overall it's not a very loud cabin i don't like to talk very loud but yeah that's what i had 69 so we'll see how that matches up with other trucks okay let's go and go down wildcat hills again it's only i don't know a mile or so going down and pretty good degree of this so four four degrees up four degrees down a very typical southwestern united states kind of thing without the mountains once you get in the mountains a whole different deal one of the benefits to this diesel is that it's got a built-in exhaust brake that's activated by the tow haul mode you know the pressing buttons whatever and it uses the exhaust fumes from the turbos to slow down the engine so it slows it down nice and easily and there's no concerns there i think i get that right um still a little bit more coffee this morning but yeah going down the hill pretty confident uh it's picking up a couple degree miles per hour so i'm at 57 and uh holding pretty steady again i just such a big fan of this powertrain you know you can drive it unladen and it's got plenty of torque offline goes plenty fast and you can drive it loaded and it it's performs i'm i can't say his performance as well as a heavy duty diesel does but it's pretty darn good and so like i said a huge fan of this uh powertrain this truck i actually like this truck a lot overall i just need a cushion like you said these seats really do bug me all right so we're coming around the corner as she comes coming around the corner as she comes all we're at the bottom of wildcat hills and uh thanks for following with me there at 11.5 mile per gallon that's what it says 40 miles and the temperature is still below 200 let me get the exact number i can pull it up over here it is survey says 190 degrees is transmission fluid temperature so yeah under 200 so that's where you want to be again a lot of people have concerns when they get above 200 225 they have concerns about the seals how long they're gonna last how much damaging transmission um i can tell you that different brands are doing different types of transmission fluid they're letting the transmissions run a little bit hotter ongoing debate on that find out in the comments i'll tell you it's just that's what's going on so i'm gonna stop talking get back to the house unload this go to the gas station let's see what the fuel economy is on uh handcuff littered and on the computer yeah let's see how much gas we used or diesel we used how much fuel i always go to the click same as you guys would what we got uh 339 49 today uh 2.44 gallons hold on nothing it's so efficient so 2.44 gallons let's go see what the fuel economy looks like inside okay so back in the truck the distance driven was 50.2 miles and it says 12.1 mile per gallon and the tank's full so i don't know what's happened earlier because it's saying i got 20 miles per gallon because i only used two gallons to drive 50 miles well that makes sense i'm telling you it's more like 12. the hand calculation is wildly off and i've driven this truck a few times and towed with it and it's always around 10 12 with this type of trailer that's what i've always kind of gotten in other videos and so again really a big fan of this powertrain unladen and laden with the trailer performs really well it is worth noting on this engine that it is part of the maintenance schedule that they put a belt driven timing belt and oil pump in the rear of the engine that requires you to drop the transmission to inspect the belt every 150 000 miles gm tells me they've seen those belts go longer but they want to do that main center build make sure there's no problems and that belt doesn't shred or anything like that that's caused a lot of concern because drop transmission inspected belt doesn't really feel well for a lot of people doesn't really sit well with them but i will tell you that once every what are we talking about every 10 years 12 years i got to spend a thousand bucks basically to check that belt i'm going to replace it anyways i'm not going to inspect i'm just going to replace them i'm going to be there anyway so yeah pro and con there for me would it stop me from buying this truck no i mean i it's just it's so much more efficient in all aspects and such a better tower that i would be willing to put up with that but other people then them's fighting words so that's what i got in this truck and towing and we're going to keep on going with the other trucks in this video [Music] all right so let's get off the line here see how well it does so i'm driving a 22 ram 1500 gt this is the 5.7 with 8-speed transmission and you can hear that [Music] i filled up an 87 okay we're really full there just filled up gonna reset there okay so i just filled up here in the glaring sun reset the tripadometer and go home hook up the trailer and go for tow all right let's check out the squat on this ram so this ram has got air suspension by the way too so you can actually lower it down for entry to exit and actually raise it up for arrow mode this is set on level two like normal-ish i guess is what they call it and uh when we go we have about oh i'm gonna call it let me call it 57 on the crown of that tonneau cover so 57 and we'll go ahead and put the uh ball or the hitch in the ball and see how much it squats i had an issue with the battery this morning so uh making do with what we got charging that baby up so let's go ahead and get that done and see how far it squats all right that had quite a bit of squat it definitely went down some let's go ahead and check this out and i'm going to say i'm going to be 55 so i probably dropped two inches there but i'm going to go check the settings inside and hook up the tow haul mode and see the air suspension doesn't raise the back end a little bit because it definitely squatted when i put that hitch on the ball yeah went all right maybe didn't make that noise okay let's check this out look at this they made a box here you have a hole there hole there for that box oh and there goes air suspension what good timing so we're supposed to raise it up but i was going to show you this so it is uh the truck smarter than miami it's automatically raising itself because we need to but uh my point there was that out of all the trucks i like the tundras hook up the best but that is a um interesting box they have as far as looking up these safety chains go here or go here it works it's just different so like we heard there it raised itself so let's see what's going on here um yeah it's not 56 so it raced itself a full inch while just standing there putting the safety chains on so the truck was like no i'm not squatting i'm not gonna do that i'm gonna raise myself up that's what it did it's crazy these days yeah these are modern trucks okay we're all hooked up i got my safety chains wait distributing hitch hooked on so let's uh oh i gotta plug it in the final step we got here we yep big one there let's start her up [Music] so i have some quick shortcuts to coolant temperature oil pressure this will be really handy we go towing it may be a little bit on your screen you may see it refreshed few times on screen that's just the way the camera is taking the image of the screen so um i don't have anything popped up i do have a second which is either see over here the second suspension is hooked up right so let's uh turn that down so let's go into tow haul mode to do here it is to hold mode okay so touhou mode on and i have interesting so other brands have stuff you do the trailer and you set up all your trailer stuff and uh yeah i don't have any trailering stuff here just press that button and we're good to go don't put in the length of the trailer the weight of the trailer there's a variety of things you have to do with some of these trucks set it up so i got nothing there so that's interesting okay well i'm gonna be in two wheel drive and uh let's stop idling let's go for a drive so you can see my it's 11.2 mile per gallon i just drove back from the gas station let's do more miles 50 miles and see what's going on so a couple things i want to show you real fast is this backup camera i'm going to zoom a little closer you can see how that's lining up what's nice is i can see the ball right there and i can line up perfectly for it so i'm gonna then that goes in the park and that goes away but i want to show one more thing payload stickers so this truck has 1324 pounds of payload i'll move the screen like this you can see a little better and there's our gross axle weight rating for other numbers you need but yeah 1324 pounds of payload what you need to know so i wanted to uh say 5.7 liter v8 but this has got the mild hybrid in it it's got the e-torque system so if you're looking for a straight v8 comparison i did that last year with nissan titan and their 5.6 liter v8 now i'll either include that in this video or i'll link to it above and that way you can watch that video as well so i have a variety of engines and how well they do so this does pretty well offline it is quite a bit louder than the three five and definitely the power boost uh louder than three five from toyota and a lot quite a bit louder than the uh three-liter diesel from the gmc sierra so i don't know i like it but i could see if we're going to get tired of the sound i will say i drove a trd pro tundra one time to michigan towing a trailer and 5 a.m out of iowa city getting on interstate was a little annoying it was a little bit much for 5am i think it was or 6am whatever i was doing a little bit much in the morning but so yeah so we're gonna go to wildcat hills and i'll tune in with you in a minute when i get towards the climb and go up i have my sound meter and we'll see how loud it gets in the cabin and then on the way back it's just over the hill about 25 miles back i'm gonna show you the screen with a transmission temperature on the way back so let's go and get on the road okay we're going around the corner on our way up top of wildcat hills and uh it's getting a little squirrely back there i'm only doing 55 miles an hour but i can definitely feel like there's more sway in this truck than other trucks are that i've tested so really interesting experience um and it is i'm gonna guess it's louder i'm gonna make sure i get my sound meter going as we get towards the crest but it's got plenty of torque i mean the engine not only problems the engine i mean i just got plenty of torque pulling just fine um i'm doing about 55 miles an hour i'm trying to sometimes you got a little bit but i i like 55 i just it's a safe speed for me when i'm towing i never heard when i tow i always just add on 20 30 minutes my trip and that's okay because i'd rather get there safely than try to you know do 75 80 miles an hour down the road and have a trailer behind me so it's just not something i i do sorry um so we're doing 55 come around the corner we're going to start hitting the steep stretch here and i'm curious what my sound is i'm at about almost 3 000 rpms 55 miles an hour i'm right at 70 decibels it's kind of what's averaging on so let's get to this this is the the last little section short section but it's the steepest [Music] so about 72 so went up a little bit i could hear it more in the back i would say it's 73 in the back so it's this is definitely louder than other trucks i've done this test with i'm going to turn it off but we come to hill red 55 we get to the crest here in a minute get the sun i'm going to sit back a little bit try to get to keep this on my face and there we are we're at the top at 3 800 rpms almost 4 000 rpms trying to maintain 55 miles an hour it just downshifted to 2800 rpms now we're down 2000 rpms right at the top requesting down and so um sorry about sunglare so i'm gonna go down and go to my foot brown spot and turn on come back and we'll come back some won't be my face cause it'll be behind me yeah win-win right so you can see my face all right so let's go get on get on down the road all right coming up the halfway point here i'm gonna go ahead and flip around so coming to a stop oh yeah that's pretty nice stop no concerns about bouncing bounce and button against me so nice stop there we'll do a turn i want to point out the transmission temperature as i was driving got to 20 217 degrees which is about a little less than half on the gauge so a little bit higher than i think some other brands are but uh not a big deal just want to point that out so we're gonna make a turn and uh yeah good easy turn i would say that probably that was pretty smooth turn so great with that we'll kind of just slowly get up to speed and then like i said i'm going to throw the camera around and show you what the dash looks like when we go up the opposite side of the hill so you can see the gauges and such and see how much rpms are doing up that side that that back side to go up is i think a little bit just a touch steeper i think it's a three or four percent grade according to the gmc sierra which on the heads of display had the grade so let's go ahead and get down the road and i'll give you an update in a second okay here we go this is the bottom of the hill on the way back up you can see i'm at 55 54 55 miles an hour and i want to show you the transmission temperature here i can get in really close 199 degrees is what it says and so we'll kind of just go to the top i downshift a little bit and i'm able to tell you because the selector gear here i'll be able to tell you we get the top like what speed we're in or what gear we're in excuse me and so we're getting the top you can see we've done 35.9 miles we have 8.8 miles per gallon and this is the little hill for that big hill and i mean it's it's it's moving around quite a bit there is quite a bit of sway back there um it just it's fine right so it's not that big of a deal you just gotta worry you've got to pay attention more so let me slow down again but it wants to go i actually keep speeding with it and i don't mean to but what i'm saying is uh the sway in the back it's pretty interesting it i think i'm more tired driving this one more fatigued than the other trucks because this way all right here we go here is the big section here and so we kind of go around this hill and then we go around you can see we kind of get them up and around and uh yeah we're uh downshifting already transmission temperature is still 197. [Music] okay so this is this means real test so i'm going to let it shift and when it holds i'll check the yeah so we downshifted again 55 [Music] there we go downshifted again we're in fourth gear so we're in fourth gear now coming up this hill and this is probably the one that's uh out of all the trucks i've driven this is definitely downshifting giving it's what it has to get up this hill which is interesting [Music] see but i don't think it's going to downshift again still a pretty steep section here uh transmission temperature has gone to 201 i think it's going to hold it fourth gear [Music] okay so we just shifted down so we're probably in fifth gear so it's let off a little bit and you can see i can slow it down a little bit we're at the top wildcat hills here nice little shooting range off the side and then we'll we're gonna come down the back side let me go and let it play down the back side but only at 200 203 coolant temperature transmission temperatures so we've uh got it run hotter and cooled down as we climb which is interesting so just monitors that and keeps that temperature within range so what within range we're supposed to be all pressure everything else looks good and here we go we're coming down and it's a fairly fairly aggressive down it's not like it's a 14 or mountain side thing but it's a couple of the mountain thing but this is pretty average for my area and i think for most of the country coming down this hill 55 and i'll take my foot off the the break here i'm going to see if they'll slow me down and how it works so i don't have cruise set so this is just kind of freewheeling so yeah we're gonna get the 60 here so i'm gonna hit the brakes so i hit the brake slow down downshifted me which is nice you know i'd rather have the transmission work for all work for me to slow me down then i would have the brakes to slow me down and we come down the hill so i'm going to go ahead and hit my brakes again for this corner and i downshift it again it's definitely holding me in a gear and it's pretty nice on the way down so almost to the bottom here and well we really slowed down down to 49. so i just tapped the gas and it shifted um up a gear so we're just kind of rolling so let's get back to the house unload the trailer and go to gas station see what the the gas is for mile per gallon on manual calculation as well as the computer which shows about 9 miles per gallon again coolant temperature is 203 so it definitely didn't heat up too badly on the way up or down and that's that's pretty nice that's what you want to see all right filling up with 87 octane 87 like i normally do you see it says no 85 87. okay there's the click 6.936 okay so the screen says it went 51.4 miles and 9.9 mile per gallon so if i take 51.4 divided by 6.936 i get 7.4 miles per gallon so golly i can't get this gas pump to come close so between 7 and 10 in that range but i've driven this truck before uh excuse me the nissan before and i think it's right around that number so that's number we'll have and i'll put the some information on screen as far as last year and different things like that so a few more details is 48 degrees out right now it was 40 when i tested so 40 to 50 was how it's almost 50 degrees um during the test how that temperature was not much wind going on today so those are the results on towing with the ram rebel and if i was to give you final thoughts i mean yeah if you don't do the ram rebel off-road trim you'll probably get some better towing numbers because you don't have the big tires on the outside this one is only epa rated at 19 combined 18 city 22 highway so again i don't i don't expect these trucks up these are trucks i get from the manufacturer they send them out how they're going to send them so you will get a little bit better fuel economy like i said if you don't go the off-road trim but as we got in this truck on this towing test and so let's go ahead and keep going on the rest these towing tests [Music] all right now let's hop in the 2022 toyota tundra this guy it's got the new 3.5 liter v6 made it a 10-speed transmission this is a new powertrain for toyota and i'm really curious how this works towing with the camper so let's hook it up let's get going i have a cap for that as well i'm doing 87 octane per the manual and it's mostly full i filled it up the other day so it should be pretty full but so i top it off reset the odometer to make sure we get the as accurate as we possibly can on this pump um for the towing test yeah that's what we're doing you see my breath it's cold this morning so i always go to the click right there boom okay let's reset the odometer and let's get on the road okay so i'm gonna go and hit the odometer button there's our odometer there's our trip see it down below i reset that and i reset this up top too so we have zero zeros and so let me zoom in for a second see it on the screen zero zero so ready to go let's go hook up the trailer and get on the road okay let's see what kind of squat we're gonna get this is before i hooked it up so gonna eyeball it at say 55 looks like about 55 right there so go ahead and hook it up and see how much it squats after i connect the trailer to it yes exciting times and why is it so freaking cold every morning i do this okay i got the hitch on the ball that's done i'll have to finish hooking it up but i want to show the squat because it did go down quite a bit so tape measure it dropped an inch and a half and that looks about right when i stand back look at it looks like it did drop okay back in the truck let's go ahead and start it up and see what it says on the screen all right so it's loading up all right so it says trailer detected so you don't want park sensors and you don't want rear cross traffic alert right so that's a good thing now i have this setup already for camper i've been playing around with it but what i did was if i go in here and go to edit i can you can select your edit trailer they have added new trailers all presets here okay or i can go back here and i can deselect i can edit a trailer i want to go in the edit trailer i have a set for camper and you can change the ball the hitch type the length the axles and the brake towing how much uh you know electric how many pounds the trailer is so i'm gonna save all that okay trailer saved and then there's a button here this is for the backup this truck will back itself up you go through the settings it's really good when you're backing up to like campground or into a boat dock if you're going straight backwards and so i'll show you that in a different video i don't i won't do mopping on i want to play with too much today i'm going to press the drive mode button let me get out of this screen and i'm going to go you can see tow haul is selected right there but there's two other there's two settings here there's a tow plus and a tow haul all i did was i just turned this dial back and forth and back and forth and i believe if i remember right from the talk we had at the driving event uh tow hall plus is for over 5000 pounds and tow haul is for like under 5 000 pounds the trailer gross vehicle weight is 6 000 pounds um if it was fully loaded dry weights like 4 700 pounds so i'm kind of right in the middle i'm gonna go with the higher toe haul and just give it a shot and then for trailer gain i have the brake controller over here and you can press up or down and go back and forth and gains on or you can add more when you need to right here so i like it right in the middle it goes from zero to ten i like it right at five kind of halfway point just seems like it works well for me but that's kind of a personal preference so i'm loaded up and it's 33 degrees i'm just gonna have to go with it still waiting for the sun to come out a little bit so we'll be around the around the temperature range of the other trailers i'm towing shouldn't matter too much let's go and get on the road okay let's go ahead and see what it does off the line i'm not gonna gun it gun it but let's get some let's get some motivation and there we go yeah it pulls that just fine so no concerns there with the uh offline speed um 45 miles an hour is my max right in here anyways so i'm gonna get down the road we'll do about 55 get over the wildcat hills again like we've done other videos and uh we'll get out and i'll show you up the hill and i'll talk to you about going back towards the back side showing the gauges and then we'll get back to gas station get to and fill up so let's go and get down the road all right here we go we're going around the bend it's coming around the mountain when she comes oh hey uh we're going around the bend here and we're going to turn and then we go up the wildcat hills to the top so uh like i said the intro three to four percent or degree 34 degree upslope on i don't know mile or so so uh pretty typical for my area lots of flat areas plus the bluffs that we go around and we live in the valley at the bluffs valley that's how that works folks um that's what we're doing what if i slow down dude about 55 miles an hour uh this engine wants to go like i keep having to slow down i'm doing uh 2000 rpms i'm in sixth gear or i was in sixth gear uh so because i just flipped it over to see what gear i was in i'll come around the corner a little more and i'll do a i'll have a sound test too i'll have in this vehicle too as we're going to the top so you can see how noisy it gets in the cabin but overall the cabin's pretty quiet it's not that big of a deal so we downshift we're in fifth gear 2500 rpms still doing 55 miles an hour and uh you know it almost feels like there's not much behind me i don't feel much weight behind me this thing's pulling really good i'm really impressed with the pulling and toyota says that their hybrid version of this airforce max even tows better than this truck this engine does but i don't i don't know it a lot of a lot of extra money for a vehicle that or truck tows better this toes just fine so i can't really make the case to why i would get the hybrid over this one and i will do a comparison towing with the hybrid gas when i get the hybrid in to review i haven't shifted yet i'm still at 2000 this is the tough part right here oh this downshifted not quite to 3 000 rpms yeah i got a whole lot of nothing nothing surprising the only thing i don't like about this truck um on with the towing is because it's got the digital or analog gauges and not the digital ones i can't get the transmission temperature on these analog gauges i wish they changed that i'd like to see it while i'm towing and the digital one you can it's a it's a little uh display but according to the owner's manual i read as of today i cannot get it here we went over the top i'm coasting on the back side and it's already downshifting already so wow a whole lot of nut in there that was that's pretty impressive let's go ahead and get down the road turn around my 25 mile spot and then we'll uh head back okay let's interrupt this video a little bit to do our sound check i'm going to stop talking i'm in the flat section before the wildcat hill i got it right around like 65 to 66 decibels uh and that's again on the flat portion doing 65 miles an hour at 2 000 rpms i'll get to that very tough the toughest section and uh we will see what it looks like up there all right here we have the toughest part of this test i just downshifted trying to hold 55 miles an hour and this is probably the loudest yeah right around 68 decibels so just went up a couple decibels going up the hill which really isn't that much when you think about uh the gain of elevation we're getting and how much we're putting into that as far as the engine as far as power right so uh not very bad at all and frankly it's pretty quiet in here that's nice okay slowing down to make the turn at the halfway point my trip odometer says 9.2 mob gallon at the halfway point which would be pretty good actually um no problems towing i'm just cruising so let me uh do the uh u-turn here and let's see if it turns yeah people making a big deal about turning radius to tundra because by the spec it's worse than prior generation however the prior generation and hydraulic power steering this says electric power steering so it's a net wash i don't have any problems with steering on this so uh anyways turning around and we are heading back over top and i'll get the camera down and show you the gauges as we go over top of the walk-in hills all right here we go here starts to climb we're in fifth gear i just double checked it we're going up top the hill here on the back side so that's sixth gear so when it it's it gets about 3000 rpms about that scare one thing i want to talk about is how good these mirrors are i can get them down i can only see the bottom of the trailer in the mirror just a good size and i really like them i can see them being maybe too big for petite drivers but for me uh yeah really a fan of that uh it's at 50 degrees right now is where the outside temperature shows so it's warmed up quite a bit so we started doing this test uh 10.3 is my mile per gallon which is just insane really and so as we go up it should downshift a little bit as i'm trying to keep it on 55 miles an hour and it's still not wow i still got more in the tank i mean i that's right i was not even my foot's time all the way down the floor for the acceleration not even close it hasn't shifted yet oh that is impressive so we're getting close to the top here and uh still waiting for the shift holding right at 55 2000 rpms i gotta double check this yeah so that was fifth that ship so i do manual mode it shifts up so i was fifth so it shipped back down to sixth so it is doing this whole thing without shifting all the way to top of the hill i'm yeah i'm surprised it hasn't shifted yet again we have a 10-speed transmission but usually touhou mode locks out some of the gears so you can actually use the torque and the right gearing is what the plan is you go too high in speeds and then you lose torque when you're towing it downshift it so now now we're in seventh must be about seventh gear and it downshifts at the top so huh and now we're up so let me flip the camera around okay we're at the top and we're going to start going down the descent so i thought it'd be interesting to kind of walk you through how this looks as far as our talk details should be say more correctly we're at uh doing 50 miles an hour just kind of coasting here so i'm going to see if it gets up to 60 55. sorry i got a little uh it's my eyeball so we're at 54 53. now we're at 55 and i have my foot off the brake and the gas not touching anything i'm just coasting down the hill we're getting a little bit of speed so i'm going to tap my brake a little bit and slow it down to 55 i don't have cruise control on and i just downshifted to now uh the what's nice is the engine and the transmission working together to hold me at that speed and kind of keep me from running away right so now i'm getting close to 60 if i hit my hit my brakes again slow back down to 55. and now it downshifted again to hold me at like 50 52 in that range and so we're nearly the bottom and we're at the bottom so i'm going to hit the gas a little bit i'm now doing 45 so downshifted and it downshifted again so i'm back in that sweet spot that that sixth gear likely and i'm doing 55 miles an hour so that's going down the hill again i didn't feel like i was i'm stressed a lot fatigued at all it pulled really well so i'm gonna get back to the house i'm gonna unhook it go get gas and i'll give you the final mop gallon but right now the screen says 10.4 map gallon and if i missed to say it um it did warm up to 52 degrees so it has warmed up during this test so it's pretty consistent with the other temperatures i've done on this channel and around that actually on this video okay so put that in there 87 octane again and we'll start filling it up so the computer in size is 11.1 mile per gallon that's pretty crazy for a gasoline engine that doesn't have a hybrid hybrid yes hybrid powertrain to it so um let's see how many gallons we're gonna use i'm gonna go to click again this gas station i will tell you is a little suspect at times um this week's last couple weeks it's been spot on but i've done these towing tests and it keeps giving me weird numbers what should we get today okay just clicked so we'll go to the click we have 4.370 gallons used yeah there we go trip a 50.7 miles 11.1 miles per gallon see on the screen now i don't really like how toyota does that i want it all on one screen and i have not figured out how to do that one screen so anyways 50.7 divided by three point no excuse me 50.7 divided by 4.37 is 11.6 miles per gallon so 1.6 on my calculator and 11.1 on the screen so that's actually pretty damn accurate um half a half gallon off that's that's really good this like i said this pump and these trucks have been giving me all sorts of weird things lately but this one's spot on so you know i gotta say overall i think this truck did pretty darn good 11 miles per gallon uh toad no problem acceleration was fine braking was good felt really stable i never talked about sway control at all because it was a really stable ride uh not much wind today again it says 45 now it started like 40 degrees outside with the 52 on the screen 45 i think it's probably more accurate those outside temperature gauges tend to fluctuate a little bit but yeah i'm pretty happy with this overall towing let's go ahead and get back to the house and i'll wrap this all up we'll talk about which truck did the best and i'll kind of rank them in different ways can i give you some ideas to think about when you're out shopping [Music] okay there you go there are the videos put together of toying with the power trains now that's the way i saw it was toying powertrains uh other people see this comparison between different trucks they're going to see it as a gmc versus a ford versus a nissan titan which i alluded to in the video i told tacoma and ram but i can tell you i'm just looking at powertrains in this segment but let's talk about this okay people always want to talk to me in these videos they're going to have winners and losers so all right i got the numbers pulled up here so let's talk about fuel economy winners and losers that's a big deal when you're towing uh obviously the winner is going to be the 300 diesel 3d diesel is going to perform the best at about half tons for overall fuel economy in this case towing it did the best now number two and this is a big surprise to me was a 3.5 liter v6 and this toyota tundra i was really impressed with how it pulled how confident it was and the fuel economy was pretty darn good considering when you look at say the hybrid version of the f-150 the power boost you know i got nine miles per gallon last year i did this drive i had 7.8 miles per gallon because i looked back at that video so very consistent numbers out of the that hybrid and i was really surprised at how it didn't do as well and how the tundra with the 3.5 liter did even better than that and that tundra comes at a hybrid as well it's supposed to be even better of a towing machine than this engine is and so i was really impressed with that um i can tell you that i've had quite a few criticisms on this tundra and the things i like don't like but bar none the engineering and the power train in this is spot on i was so impressed with that i mean that's got to be that's number two and a big surprise to me was how good that was and i i just can't overstate that number uh like i said number three the hybrid number four is gonna be the v8 right so the ram i got seven point four or i got eight point eight or ten point whatever you wanna say uh looking at that number seven point four excuse me the 8.8 was a nissan titan last year you know the naturally aspirated v8 i like it i like the exhaust note like on stuff less complex but it just doesn't get the fuel economy that these smaller displacement engines get so if you're looking for a winner i mean i'm gonna say three liter diesel it's been my favorite powertrain for a while i've made no bones about it yes there's a little caveat a drop transmission check a belt there's some long crank issues going on but the owners i've talked to that had this truck with that engine flat out love it now that's just fuel economy let's talk about which towed the best i'm gonna go through their diesel again i'm gonna go tundra again i'm gonna do the hybrid nut in that order and the ram and the v8 as the worst so there you go that's as far as towing the best uh towing confidently i gotta tell you what uh the gmc with that new dash and the surround new dash they have the most cameras they have the best to use system for hooking up a trailer um i just liked everything about towing with that gmc and again if they can do that the all those cameras but with a bigger screen you can actually see the damn cameras i i think it's a winner uh the tundra i'm gonna say number two i really like those the hookups in the back um i don't know why it's so hard to get a safety chain hookup that's useful not rocket science here folks i just want to be able to hook my chains up and go i don't know why the ford was so terrible on that i'm gonna get the ram next and ford was just i thought they were the worst as far as hookup with that i i don't understand why it's so difficult um if i recall correctly that's i believe that's have that right uh let's talk about fun to drive uh give me the ram all day when it showed up my driveway i was like thank god i got a v8 like i'm i i gotta tell you what uh i like the diesel a lot too that's gonna be number two but the ram the ram is so much fun to drive it's such a good driving experience the sierra the diesel is number two um it seems like i like that diesel it's so quick so fast and you get good feet economy uh number three i'm going to say the tundra yes it has piped in the engine noise no you can't disable it but my goodness at least i hear something at least it's something entertaining to drive the 450 the hybrid i had i owned the power boost last year for nine months it's boring i know it's got more torque and it's got more horsepower and all this kind of stuff on the stat sheet everything you read online the brochures it's like well it's got more torque it's gonna have more um low end torque it'll be faster it's gonna be fun it's like driving a big sedan it's like a 1990 uh osmobile cutlass or something like this there's just there's nothing uh i love about it it's just it's soft ride yes it's smooth and powerful but it's uh ev sound only there's no exhaust note it's just a boring drive and and that's just me everybody's different i know people that want to get the tundra and make it be completely quiet and i get it you know my first couple months having the power boost it was fun everything was quiet it was fun to do but after a while i was like i started getting my own old 62 because the 62 has a v8 in it and i just wanted to have a fun driving experience i missed driving when i had the power boost so i would say fun to drive yeah i would i mean that ram was freaking awesome um overall trucks i mean which truck do i want which truck this winter um you know i trucks are so funny because it comes down to so many factors people some people want more technology some people want more style some people want a v8 some people want um different needs for me um and i've made no bones about this i'm going to buy a ram next for this channel because i want to experience it for six nine 12 months whatever because i really like the trucks i think the ram builds a really sharp looking truck i like the v8 sound i like the the big screen i like technology in it i like the the style inside it's really stylish inside uh it it hits a lot of the the marks for me what i'm looking for in a truck so um i would say out of all of them i enjoyed driving the ram had a great time with it i wish it's the one truck that i get lately i wish i had more time with and i think that's because i just don't get them that often and i want to spend more time with it and so i'm looking forward to that uh the second truck i would say i'd say the ford um i like that as well um you know using the features in the bed using the power on board that was pretty damn convenient it really was and i just think that other brands have missed the mark by not offering that i mean from a homeowner's standpoint i don't care about construction guys if you guys have the power on stuff homeowner standpoint having generator there just it was it was nice power went out um needed to run something in the backyard whatever just ran the cord it was it was nice easy to use and i really like those features in that uh number three i'm gonna say would be the tundra um i i've had a very comfortable driving experience with tundra i've had a lot of good experiences with the truck it's it's fun to drive it's comfortable yeah i've had my criticism the infotainment system which is needs a lot more work and i've had some criticism on the truck overall but i think it's a pretty solid truck and i think i think the thing with the tundra is it doesn't wow you when you first see it um for most consumers and it doesn't wow you like right off the bat but it's that game where the long-term reliability the long-termness of the truck and how solid it is i think that's the wow factor with this and especially in this towing test i was really wowed by that engine i thought that engine performed the worst because the ford uh ecoboost engines i've driven that are similar in numbers not the same engine similar numbers um i just didn't like as much towing but this one this one was a hoss this one took care of business uh the sierra i'm going with the worst because the dash is just did they just screwed it up they just when they launched that truck in 19 they just completely missed the market on where the market was going and uh the seats golly i just i i'm gonna buy a gm product next year is my plan is to go toyota ram then gm next year and i'm going to go like my neighbor does right across the street i'm going to go get something to sit on because that truck hurts me long term driving it uh best value diesel i mean they dropped that diesel through the diesel price down to 995 on top of the purchase price that is a steal that is an absolute steal um i would just go buy that all day long uh i thought the power boost increase in price is questionable when you get up different higher trim levels they really do a lot of funky things their packages so if you can find a good f-150 for a good price uh with the power boost i'd go that route um the tundra is fairly expensive this was 67 000 out of the door [Music] i feel like it's a little bit overpriced for what i got for features but you know again that's kind of towed as mo is uh very solid built very reliable maybe less features but you know this thing will probably outlast a few that are trucks on my list so i get take that to uh in account uh ram i thought was pretty expensive and uh but you get a lot of stuff to it it's the same deal with ford you get a lot of uh a lot of features and things that maybe you want or don't want but you get that baked in the price so uh overall winner you can tell split right diesel love to tow ram i love to drive ford i love the features tundra i love the solidness of the truck and uh nissan titan i think it does a some of the combination of the tundra with some good reliability and it does some of the ram with a fun drive with the bigger v8 engine so there you go that's my winners and losers list and you're going to disagree with me so go and put the comments down below i'll read them through i mean everybody's got opinions on this but that's kind of what i thought what i found i hope you found this video enjoyable i really did try my best to get this as accurate as i could to put everything down as best i could and i really hope you enjoyed it so put your comments down below you know look for your feedback other videos over here we have full comparisons truck versus truck those are all coming out really good stuff you want to pay attention to website down below as always thanks for watching i'll see you down the road
Channel: Pickup Truck Plus SUV Talk
Views: 457,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toyota tundra towing, 2022 toyota tundra towing, Ford F-150 hybrid towing, 2021 ford f-150 hybrid towing, ram 1500 towing, 2022 ram 1500 towing, nissan titan towing, 2022 nissan titan towing, gmc sierra towing, 2022 gmc sierra 1500 towing, diesel towing, v8 towing, v6 towing, hybrid towing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 52sec (4492 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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