DIE TO SELF - Derek Thomas [Sermon Jam] - Matthew 16:24-28

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Are you ready to die? To die to the ongoing Temptations to sin You ready to die for that? Are you ready to die to fame and glamour and prestige? This is not the health and wealth gospel I don't know what health and wealth gospelers do with the passage like this What are you prepared to give up? For the sake of the gospel for the sake of Christ for the sake of maintaining a godly testimony to Jesus Christ If you come to me Jesus says you've got to be ready to die You've got to be ready to put Remaining sin to death. You've got to be ready to mortify sin To kill a sin or a part of a sin every day To lay that axe at the root of that tree until that tree comes down It's a a lifelong calling It may mean you see that you have to speak out To speak out for truth to speak out for orthodoxy To speak out for the gospel To speak out for the honor and integrity of Christ Not just against the world but sometimes against the church Sometimes against those who should know better Are you ready to take up a cross? Are you ready to die? Ready to take the road that is right If it costs you something of fame and glamour What did Jesus do? Who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God He didn't have to reach out and grab hold of deity because it was already his But he made himself Nothing King James says he made himself of no reputation. He literally in the Greek. He emptied himself that needs to be interpreted He humbled himself he made himself Nothing. Can you imagine? The conversation in heaven between the Father and the Son in the covenant of redemption Before the foundation of the world and the Father says Son. I want you to become the savior and the Son says yes Father. I will do that and Son says But here are my conditions And don't want to be born in a stable in Bethlehem for a start Want a suite of midwives and the best technology Don't want to grow up in that hovel of a place in Nazareth. There is nothing there I want to be in the big city, where there's power and influence I want our friends We could go on and on He made Himself nothing He was made the offscouring of the world To be ridiculed and mocked and spat upon and derided And rejected And crucified And dead And buried He made himself nothing He didn't stand upon his rights We know our rights We know our rights in the home We know our rights as a husband. We know our rights as wives. We know our rights as parents We know our rights in the workplace We've got our rights We've got our sense of entitlement Do you know what it means to be a Christian? Not to stand up on your rights You have your rights and you have a good conscience about your rights, but you don't stand on them You don't play one-upmanship You take the path of suffering you You take the path of being prepared to be nothing For Jesus sake There's opposition for sure another feature of this passage He will defeat every hostile force I build my church...and what did he say? And the gates of Hell will not prevail against it Thomas a Kempis once said If you bear the cross It will bear you If you bear the cross, it'll bear you He has spoiled principalities and powers Made a show of them openly triumphing over them in the cross The Christian life my dear friends Is a call to suffering You know we get so hung up about suffering we say why do I suffer but you know if you read the New Testament It's perfectly simple You are united to Jesus who suffered in this world So, why do you find it odd that you also suffer? The world and the gates of Hell are in opposition to Jesus and everything That is Jesus's including you and me Don't be surprised don't be surprised my friends if if following Jesus brings suffering and trial, and difficulty, and hostility But know this know this It's worth it What is there that you wouldn't give up for Jesus And you know he says and it takes your breath away That no one has given up lands and family and Goodness knows what but that in the world to come. They will receive A hundredfold I tell you it's worth it. When you keep your eyes Upon Jesus Look full into his wonderful face the things of a world Grow strangely dim In the light of his glory and grace My father we We know so little some of us of what it really means to To take up a cross To deny ourselves we so often want to fulfill ourselves And we know our rights. And we pray for that Jesus likeness To be ready to make ourselves nothing for the sake of the gospel
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Keywords: Derek Thomas, Sermon Jam
Id: dBVsBF89Q0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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