Diddy Didn't Tell The Truth In Biggie A&E Special

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what's up sean puffy combs goes by the name of diddy he sat there literally sat there and told the world a flower it's all it was it was a lot of people it was a lie it was an outrageous lie a lie that never should have seen the light of day don't forget to hit the uh like button hit the like button coming through the door so that they can know that you really like the video and if you're new here don't forget to subscribe hit that notification button so that you could be involved now we got to discuss this people we got to discuss this right saying he knows we don't watch any nobody watches a e until it's time to watch a e for the first little series they did with big you know i don't like when they do all these shows trying to make so we're just trying to capitalize i already told people this was gonna happen and i'd be damned if they didn't prove me right as they always do now listening to them tell the story and when they get around to why big was in cali everything else it's never the truth it's always some bubble gum nonsense when it comes down to is this the truth is this isn't the truth that's like you know like we used to hang out all the time you know we missed that so he suggested that we go to the party i knew that was a lie the moment it came out of his mouth there is no way no way shape or form [Music] oh yeah you know they finished stopping now there's no way shape or form biggie told diddy he wanted to go to the party and he wanted to and he wanted to go out to the club that night there's no way that happened there isn't a small possibility of that happening that was so ridiculous bs propaganda garbage and he got little c's to cosign on the same thing he was oh it was big idea he said we hung out in a while so you know let's go to this party it was total bs everybody from that night told you big didn't want to be there he was getting ready to go out of town he's supposed to be in london he wasn't supposed to be there [Music] now yeah he had a bad leg so that's why he walks with a cane because he had a bad leg because of the car accident but [Music] the biggest question of the day the biggest question of the day that everyone needed to be concerned about was why would you lie he admits that we he uses the proverbial we were so relaxed we were having too much fun we thought because we're in beverly hills and we had quincy jones party you know this big party with quincy jones throwing you know that you know nothing would happen out in beverly hills you know we was wrong we made mistakes who is we you mean you you made a mistake that night see that's the part that irritates me that's the part that irritates me and and it it bothers me because i don't like it i don't like it one bit and the reason i don't like it is because your dog faced lying and not taking responsibility yet again i don't like that don't do that don't sit there and say biggie wanted to go to the party and make little seeds say it too you know caesar do anything for a bag we know that because that's that's been his whole legacy is follow behind somebody with a bag so you can get little c's to do and say anything don't forget to hit the like button don't forget to hit the like button so people can know you here [Music] they're not they're not gonna push this video i can tell you that right now [Music] but he did not tell the truth there's no way i've i've heard from people who were there so there's no way big wanted to go to that party and for him to sit there and put the onus on big who ain't here no more knowing damn well it was his idea pushing to go to that party shows you how low down and disgusting i was very disgusted in diddy to see him sit there and tell that damn lie that disgusted me to hear him do that why do that to that man who ain't here to defend himself because he'll be like the hell i know he probably in heaven right now watching that like the hell the hell i did see i know c's gonna rap for me c's tell them and he said that's how you know sees was lying she said word for word what did he wanted him to say no big didn't want to go to that party because i i talked to people who were there the people who were there that wasn't on the a e special and you know you know why they went on the any special because they wouldn't agree with this bubble gum thing that took place now i'm gonna have to watch gene video and i know gene for to say probably the same thing i said he probably already didn't said it because he was right there it was a lot of lies told in that whole special that was like made a made for tv special [Music] it was baffling because i'm sitting there trying to figure out why they doing this that's what's going on you know because i'm just not understanding it i'm like why would they do that i'm trying to figure it out in my head like what could be the reason like being in here right now you know what i'm saying like he ain't here to defend himself so if big ain't here to defend himself why would you even i can tell you 100 percent gene gonna say it's a lot they knocked everybody off my life they they use the opportunity to knock everybody off my live stream why would they do that you might ask it's like why would they do that what would be the purpose to knock everybody off see those live stream right now because you know diddy's probably waking up it's like cut that stream off right now [Music] they want everybody to think i'm offline that's what i'm saying hit the like button right now i just watched the whole two hour a d and i couldn't believe because normally i try to stay away from these documentary things i just couldn't believe when it got to that part they would lie like that all because of ego diddy's ego cannot make him look like he got egg on his face and say he made the he made a wrong decision saw this weak stuff we we we what was we it was you you made the decision you made the call [Music] you made the call diddy it was your decision you met you dropped the ball that night [Music] you do what was right for all your artists [Music] i mean you put everyone's [Music] cause you know like i know from people that was there who told me they weren't done they didn't just want one it was more coming and he knew that diddy got out of town he didn't meet miss wallace at the airport diddy was gone at night then he pulled out he got out of town quick diddy got out of died quick then he went to las vegas and got out of town i don't know it was san diego i think it was vegas either they drove to las vegas or they drove to san diego and took off but i think from what i was told it was vegas so i don't know it could have been clive and andre herrera helped help get them out of town there's no way biggie said i want to go to this party let's go out to this no puff demanded it was puffs idea there's no n no no doubts about it good they fixing the power lines i mean my thing is take oneness of it dog don't sit there and say you know we underestimated who is we the only person there was you you was making the decisions you was calling the shots you had an opportunity to bring some second level security there you had other artists there who didn't show up to the museum they didn't go no matter how much you pushed for them to go they didn't go they stayed in a hotel room because they didn't feel it was safe [Music] they didn't feel it was safe diddy didn't set nothing up there was no setup by diddy so this is no conspiracy video there's no diddy didn't set nothing up it was just him dropping the ball that's what he did so if you want to know what diddy did wrong he just thought everything is all over you know suge was locked up nobody was gonna touch him you know they had a bunch of screw faces up there but they weren't gonna make a move they stayed in the right areas everything was just going smooth they going to celebrity basketball events they doing all kind of things out there like it wasn't the way it was and people forget nas was there too knobs was in cali during the same time everything he didn't go to the museum party nas was invited but he didn't go now paul was under a false sense of security everything was all good sure is locked up he can't do nothing now and nobody can make a move if suge was out there was no way puff would have been in cali and if he was in cali he wouldn't have been in cali light he'd have been in that heavy but since suge was locked up he felt real comfortable doing the things he don't [Music] but another thing you gotta ask yourself is if somebody do something like that and then what two three years later you moved to cali you moved to cali after your best man's your best friend your artist after he went through the ordeal he did you you moved to cali three years after that felt comfortable enough to move down there [Music] no it just showed it showed the level of concern the level of concern was not not where it should have been i mean after two years after that you moved you moved down to cali that don't look suspicious to you you go on a tour like right after that you know you keep you keep the energy moving they just work they had no time to really mourn big they made a song immediately after he died a tribute song immediately that was the fastest tribute song i've ever heard made they did that we always love big papa song [Music] that song was out so fast i mean i think that was probably like right after the funeral if that the tribute song is already out the lox had one and they had one sauce money wrote the lyrics [Music] and even saul said man that's i did feel kind of strange you know he want me to write the lyrics for the song you know i'm like look you got to tell me some things that you and him would know you know he really didn't know too much because he never really hung out with big like that pub never did that they are really trying me right now they are really trying me right now [Music] you know right after that they go on a tour with mace they do the mace the mace album drop very next year they did all biggie videos more money more problems they use that as the promotion for base album they dropped mace album they go on tour do the bad boy tour whatever they go to all the states they won't go they won't go near cali they did anaheim i think is the only the closest they got to like cali they went like on the outskirts of california that was the only way and he was like oh i can't do that you know knowing my man just passed what are you talking about apex [Music] i think gene did this video already somebody said gene said the same thing i said and i saw that i couldn't believe i could not believe that he told that lie that's the first time i've ever heard him sit there and really lie like that on the situation he sat there alive and said and threw it on big and i that's just that's no um you don't do that don't forget to hit the like button man with everything that's going on if you're new here don't forget to subscribe hit that subscribe button and don't forget to donate to the page which is carcino on my cash app you got cash out carcino's the name k-a-r-c-e-n-o now i'm gonna tell you where he gotta you gotta leave me more funky after the tour after saying that he didn't want to go you know back to cali he just lost the life his friend is too soon did he move to california the very next year they had the source awards in california all the new york artists are out in cali now you feel me all the new york artists are in cali diddy moves out there now your man just passed out there in a very violent manner and you feel comfortable now to be in cali why was that i mean i know why but that needed to be addressed and those are the type of questions that wasn't being asked no no one that the situation was this all the people who who would have been against what was happening in the a e special who would have said something different they weren't invited because other people who were there that that are not gene that's not gene dill some other people who were there they ain't got them on the a e special either so that's that's telling you something this was a puffy production a bad boy puffy production you got his main homeboy little c's sat there live and went right along with his video i can't wait to go and watch jane's video after this i'm gonna watch gene dill's video right after this because i want to hear what he said i'm just not watching it so i'm late to the party me i try to i try to avoid all those and i don't know why i was on yesterday and it was just like they got the whole thing here it's two hours i was like i think i was cleaning up or something i was like let me play it and i played it and i liked the beginning i liked everything that was going on in the beginning and everything i'm like oh okay this is cool you know it's pretty you know it's dope i like it like what they doing and then it happened they got right to that moment with big and then here come this incredible dumb lie that big wanted to go to the party first he lied and said we all we made a mistake and i was like we made a mistake you know we just it was we made a mistake and i'm like we is he is you you the one in charge what you mean we made a mistake you was responsible for everybody's security you know if if suge knight go to cali and he take park to new york it should bring parked in new york and he don't got enough security around pot and some happen to pop that's gonna be on shoot a hundred percent sug didn't do his job now in l.a once when pog got hit it became suge knight's fault because should put tupac shouldn't have been in that situation where the security was laxed the security's riding there they're unarmed they should have never been in that situation but they was relaxed they was in an environment sure dropped the ball that night so puff dropped the ball that night and that's what he needed to say during that video and take responsibility then saying big said we don't hang out enough like we used to so i think we should you know he was like i think we should go to this party i'm like everything that was that that sound like the biggest frog cocker bs i've ever heard in my life in my life i said big would never say nothing like that and then little c's came right behind him echoing the exact same statement that was given by puffy yeah big [ __ ] yeah we need to go to this party we ain't hanging out that much so big said we should go to this party lie lie lie lie lie and why would you tell the lie like that for one reason you're gonna throw it all on a man that ain't here to defend himself no more you're gonna throw it all on him sup nicholas kirk i see you don't forget hit the cash app up car see no that's the name on the cash app oh seeds do anything for a bag he followed his whole thing he's always been the follower the hangar wrong that's his whole life seasons are hanging wrong dude see you might not like me but i'm a fan i have no idea who you are dude 1177 don't know you exactly and now what makes it even more crazy and make it make because it sounds even more [ __ ] but what makes it sound even more like just like what is this is the fact that they chose to lie in this fashion and instead of taking onus and saying that i you know i was trying to get us to go to this party to do this and that and you know i kind of like said man you know i kind of wish we didn't go to this party even though the party was a good look for us you know would have been great you know we coming out with this single this is going to be great we've been working on it we made the video and everything this is going to be epic you know this is gonna help us get back this party gonna be good you know quincy jones and them was kind of putting it together so this ought to be great nope nope you dropped the ball and you didn't take onus for dropping the ball you threw it on big and blamed big said big wanted to go to the party and have c saying big want to go to the party when everybody who was there no big did not want to go to the party wasn't big's idea that gold was yours and you couldn't do that because your ego can't take people looking at you in the light saying man why did you take him to the party man could have just canceled he don't want that so now he got to throw it all on big because big ain't here to defend himself big wanted to go to that party man he shouldn't have wanted man big should have just avoided that party and so people who don't know know better they finna see this and then run wild with it so then i gotta make a video saying hey man that's bull don't you believe that and that's why this is here so that's how we ended up making this video no biggie was supposed to go to london he was not supposed to be here big he had a he's supposed to go do some interviews and some things to do in london he stayed extra he's supposed to bingo they stayed extra for this doggone event puffy wanted him to stay extra late for this dog own party biggie was supposed to go to london biggie was gonna have his own thing meaning that he wanted to have his own label and be signed to his own label and then but it was gonna be distributed through bad boy he wasn't gonna leave puffy everybody like he's leaving puff he was not leaving puff he just signed a new deal with puff one that was he was always bragging about the deal so he wasn't leaving puffy his why don't people even listen to that i'm like do y'all even listen to the interview he bragged about it all on his record again 30 jesus show you know he's bragging getting 30 000 a show for 30 cities he had a 30 city tour he got paid 30 g's a show back then that was a lot of money for rap rappers wasn't getting that rappers was not getting paid that kind of money biggie was trying to do he had just booked 30 cities doing 30 g's a show he was very excited about that deal he just signed a multi-million dollar deal and all of these things was all ready lined up for big he was bringing in all these new artists he was gonna write for more producer credits his thing was gonna go through the roof so he wasn't leaving he was gonna sign himself he was gonna bring jay-z over and start what they're gonna call the commission jay was ready to leave rockefeller alone that's what i'm saying dame would have been out of there period he was gonna have jay and jay was gonna be an artist in the commission and working with them and he was gonna leave the jay-z name behind and record as iceberg slim that way he can get away from rockefeller he was trying to get out the rockefeller deal back then because he saw an opportunity to make more money with big it's a lot of this stuff man that the whole public just don't know and a lot of things change like a lot of people's careers changed you know jay just that was just an accident what happened to him puffy tried to make jay-z the new biggie and he produced the next big i mean jay-z's next album and screwed it all up so i decided to come here and give y'all the truth and don't forget to subscribe to the patreon man because today y'all learned what's happening in hollywood you know uh they trying to get a lawsuit going together y'all need to check that out i told y'all the truth what happened with bernie mac uh bernie mac lost millions and they just took the idea and everything from bernie and make you really look at what really happened to bernie so y'all definitely need to check that out i dropped that on his anniversary did that for bernie uh no they weren't all biggs records man you can't the thing i've learned about this game is you can't trust everything that you hear in the industry you just can't everybody's lying for whatever moment they need to lie for yeah they don't like the truth it's a tr it's a terrible situation but diddy flat out lied and did not take onus to what he should have and i don't know why he did well we know why his ego his ego would not let him take responsibility for dropping the ball so i hope hopefully all y'all new people subscribe i'ma get out of here y'all be safe out there
Channel: Karceno4Life
Views: 17,448
Rating: 4.8927011 out of 5
Keywords: Djvlad, bossip, complex, vh1, dj akademiks, tmz, bet, mtv, hiphopdx, thisis50, charlamagne, rap, complex news, the breakfast club, lovelyti2002, hot 97, ebro
Id: jG2rWH6NG00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 21sec (2181 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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