Did you know there is a NOCTUA Video card.. and its AWESOME!

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[Music] okay so by now you've probably all heard of noctua if you haven't heard of knock two i don't know what rock you've been living under but noctua is one of the if not the gold standard when it comes to air coolers the nhd15 cooler itself has been known to give plenty of aio water coolers a run for its money and break quite a few of the aio water cooling companies hearts by actually outperforming it when it comes to efficiency and the actual cooling capabilities of their designs but that's not what we're talking about today we're talking about is what happens when you take a company like noctua and you pair it up with a company like asus and you get this the noctua edition rtx 3070. so today we're going to test its cooler and see what the acoustics are like and what the temperatures are like because i haven't opened this up but if my suspicions are correct i expect it to be cool and quiet [Music] hey jay [Music] good day [Music] watch we got work to do yeah i'm playing world of warships world of warships is the free-to-play naval strategy game where you command the most iconic and famous warships from world war one and world war ii recreate it with stunning detail and accuracy build your fleet while participating in various game types while upgrading your ship's arsenal along the way new players who sign up using my link below will receive an exclusive starter pack to get you up and running quickly by receiving 7 days premium time 1 million credits 300 dubloons and the tier v premium ship the exeter so what are you guys waiting for start sinking ships with world of warships by hitting the description below and getting your freebies i'm actually not sure if they make a 3080 edition i thought they made 3080 but a 30 70 showed up no beggars can't be choosers that's fine let's go ahead and break the tape i want to do a little unboxing here i'm a little sad about one thing and that is the fact that they stuck with the nook to a brown noctua is the the brown and kind of a little burgundy color of like the box that's their thing that's their shtick the problem is i'm very shallow in many ways but i'm very shallow in the fact that like color matching and themes are very important and this is a very difficult theme to stick with so they did come out with black fans with black rubber standoffs and stuff for their their coolers in their systems which then looked amazing so i'm kind of a little bit disappointed in the fact that they stuck with the brown for the cooler but regardless should be a pretty standard type of wow holy cow i was not expecting a is that a four slot that's a four slot card phil mother of god where'd you want a little card with your cooler so it looks like a black back plate but if you look at it in the light just right you can actually see it's kind of a brown it's a slightly anodized like brown color so if you want to get an idea of the size of this guy this is the 30 70 noktua edition and this is the strix it turns up thickness it looks like they really did just shove two 120 millimeter noctua fans in there i mean i feel like somebody somewhere like zip tied two noctua fans to their cooler that had fans that died and knocked two and asus were like light bulb all i can see is like no eyes look into my eye they're not they're not spinning are they it's a four slot card okay well then our predictions on this is that it's gonna cool well because the 30 70 is not an incredibly hot card we kind of feel like this is a bit wasted on a 30 70 like this is this is 30 80 ti 30 90 territory right here for sure is there any rgb on this anywhere i'd be shocked if there was [Music] okay just as i suspected there's not all i see are eyeballs going like this okay let's talk about uh acoustics here real quick my lav mic is is it's a condenser mic so it's gonna do a pretty good job of off axis rejection and stuff so i'm gonna try and get close to the card listen how quiet it is right now yeah i know it's zero rpm let's just start at 100 because i'm having a hard time figuring out where the starting voltage is there we go it's such a slow ramp but if you guys notice that the logic in this fan controller is they just like somebody just hit apply it's like just go like like a leaf blower suddenly but these really ramp up that's a hundred percent right there it's quieter than the radiator fans back here so that's the tone of it if i'm sitting here gaming this is obviously an open air which is going to be the absolute like loudest it's going to be i'd like to point out it's also idling at 21 degrees celsius at 100 fan speed granite is a little chilly in here right now it's 68 degrees fahrenheit that's this many in the other units and the parts of the world stuff so i'm going to go ahead and just put this back to auto fan because obviously we do not want to mess with the fan curve so if we take a look at afterburner you can see we do not have a user user-defined fan curve we do not have any sort of manual slider it's set to auto let's see with out of the box settings what our fan curve and such does so we're gonna give it a moment here to warm up it's gonna take time for it to warm up this is the most ridiculous yet awesome thing so it started at 1995 megahertz it just dropped in 1980 we're at 39c the fans just kicked on at 39c at their lowest speeding at speed so that's already a little bit lower rpm than some other fan companies which don't kick on to like 62 degrees here's the thing if this stay if this stays anywhere near anywhere between 48 to 50 to 53 degrees celsius that is water cooling territory for most of these cards i wonder if they base this off like it doesn't say that it's a strix card obviously but it looks like an owl like there's the little beak the owl eyes do you see the owl now would have thought [Music] temp wise though we've completely plateaued at 58. every now and then it will drop to 57 we spiked 59 once but 58 and with 20 the fan curve's at 59. so we noticed the fan curve seems to stay about one percent ahead of the temp so if the temp was 50 it was at 51 and like that's where it stayed and we think it's almost like a one to one whatever degree it is as the fan percentage it is 57c 58c is only like five or six degrees hotter than water cooled cards that i've built and this is extremely conservative on the fan speed because look you cannot you can't hear it i hear a slight coil whine coming from the inductors i don't hear the fans at all so i just cranked it up to 80. look it's already down to 55. dude look you can tell where i did it 54. okay it's going to go into the 40s i'm calling it now it's going to go into the 40s which is insane 53 the insanity is how fast the temperature started to drop because remember it has to overcome any heat soak that's in the in the heat pipes and it's going to take time for that wicking material to cool back down this did it instantly there's 51. we're going to cross into the 40s at this rpm i feel there's 51. before i go to 100 i want to see this thing hit 49. it's gonna i promise it's gonna do it oh let's apply 2051. it's like no you can't tell me what to do who do you think you are oh there's 50. come on 49. well 44 doesn't count that was in between 49 degrees dude what the actual hell now yes it's in an open air test bench so the only thing affecting the cooling capability is the cooler itself which is how you isolate the coolers cooling capability for all you they're like tested in a case that's not real world why would i want to affect the cooler's capability with a case because then all we're reviewing is how bad the case is at cooling not the card stop it dude yeah some cards idle higher than that because zero rpm fans are in the 60s like 62 so they'll idle like 50. if you've got a zero rpm card you i bet you someone watching this video right now is gonna look over at their card and see that it's hotter doing nothing that this card is under full load because of zero rpm but still all right so it looks like 45 46 is where we've uh pretty much look it's bouncing back and forth between those 46 45 46 45 i'm curious now where is it going to go so if we look at our look right 1980 to 1965 if we max out power limit how what's gonna happen to our temp and our frequency i believe 1995 is where the absolute highest uh core clock state is for this car dude it hit 44 for a second there and i maxed out the power limit but look our power limit is only going to 102 98 even though it's set to 112 and i think honestly the reason for that is we've hit a frequency maybe even a voltage cap because at 1.075 i believe to be voltage i don't have the reasons for turned on but i have a feeling voltage is a limited limiting factor right now which is why we're not hitting higher on the percentage but we can still offset this thing so let's see what we've got here white 100 to the core clock there's 20 70. we should max out our voltage slider i would like to point out it's still at 45. if this thing was to hit 2200 which it could because of how cold the core is i mean look at the temperature so 47c overclocked to 2130 megahertz and mega hurts my brain i want to hit 2200 on this card 2190 holy poop and the temperature is still not going up who would have thought strapping knock to a high static pressure fans on an asus card would be so capable of this 2205 this is the first time you hit 3200 on a 37 on air i've never hit 2200 on any 30 series card on air 2220 oh there it goes so we had 2205 i don't think that would have been stable in all titles but the fact that i even hit it in heaven so if i reset that no hard lock i feel like 2200 would be like hit or miss on stability in certain titles and that's just because we're voltage limited if that voltage was actually going to 1.084 instead of the 1.075 i feel like that extra um 11 millivolts would give you more stability than you actually realize i'm kind of surprised to be honest with this cooling capability that they haven't allowed the voltage to go higher to the 1.09 or the 1.8 1.084 which is fine honestly how fast did it cool down after that restart it's already at 27. see if you see how fast that shot back down phil this thing's been under load right come touch this back plate wait really wait it's like room temp right it's cold all right so this is our flear camera it's also recording right now and if we look at our temps we're at 48c 2145 on the core small overclock not even hitting our max power limit right there but here's the back of the card which has been running for a while now so if we take a look at the back of the core which has a cutout you'll see it's basically matching the temp on screen so that's 47.7 and that's at 48 so there you go but the back plate which does have thermal pads and stuff touching it and cutouts where they want the best airflow the back plates we've showed before in certain cards are like really hot like we actually had one melt a wire remember that it melted the insulation on the wire if you hear grinding i apologize they're working in the alley the back plate itself is currently at 32.1 32.2 degrees celsius for you americans out there that don't speak the sea let's put this in perspective the palm of my hand don't get any funny ideas about why my palm is so warm is that 32.5 c 32.1 32.2 depending on the part i touch the back plate right next to the core and i'm not cheating by going to the edge i'm right next to the core 33 it is what point two point three celsius warmer than my skin temp [Music] let that sink in for a minute i think all you right now should pause this video and go touch your back plates put on some burn cream and then come back while i'll tell you that although this is the collaboration i never knew i needed something about wanting it i never knew i wanted it i just wish it were the black fans i really do um who wants this card well right now anyone cause any card you can get your hands on people who would want this card are those that demand the coolest yet most silent card that you can get your hands on it still feels a little wasted on a 30-70 and not a 30-80 or 30-90 interesting interesting the fact that they went with a 30-70 but i digress i don't they they have their reasons it's also the first card i've ever reviewed where with an overclock we cannot cap out the power limit because we've capped out voltage first that is that's nvidia spec so this is the first card even the big overclocking cards that have been built usually hit power limit in fact always hit power limit before we hit voltage limit which allows us to which then ends up having us hit a core frequency limit because the power limit is allowing the voltage to go any higher even though there might be voltage headroom because then we see crashes so this is the first card i've personally reviewed that has voltage limit be our main reason not power limit so there you go guys huge thanks to asus for sending this card to have a look at i feel like i need to come up with a brown pc theme now for this um it's absolutely bonkers on how silent it is the i don't know how it's going to be on the sag because although it is tied in right here it is screwed to the cooler so it shouldn't sag too bad if it does at all because it is triangulated on its mounts anyway sound off down below how you guys feel about this collaboration is it the one you never knew you needed but you wanted and now and now it's here you're gonna try and get one when they launch anyway guys they're grinding outside i'm grounding in my head it's time to go we'll see in the next one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 654,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: noctua, asus, noctua asus, noctua video card, noctua 3070, rtx 3070, rtx 3070 noctua, noctua gpu
Id: M3osDt1dD1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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