Did you know San Francisco’s #GoldenGatePark was built more than 150 years ago? • #SanFrancisco 💡

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did you know San Francisco's Golden Gate Park was built more than 150 years ago on top of what used to be uninhabitable sand dunes called The Outside Lands engineer William Hammond Hall designed the park when he was just 25 years old it was inspired by Central Park and it's even bigger at just over a th000 Acres that includes 680 Acres of forest 130 of Meadows and 33 Lakes it has what might be the nation's first public playground and the nation's oldest Japanese garden along with a Rose Garden Tulip Garden and Shakespeare Garden there's Golf and Tennis soccer baseball and football fields and one field just for the herd of bison that have grazed there since the 1890s about 25 million people visit the park every year including its museums and monuments like the national AIDS Memorial Grove and the heroes Grove dating back to World War I and about a million a year visit for two music festivals hardly strictly Bluegrass and outsidelands named for how it all began
Channel: NBC Bay Area
Views: 13,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qM9fLChTf8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 57sec (57 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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