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- [Connie] Not letting him sleep. - No, he's just playing. Ahhhhh! What did you do? (upbeat music) - [Connie] Cover his face. (laughter) Ole. Ole. - [Kayla] Oh he's so cute You got it, you got it, you got it. - [Connie] I'll never let go, he's saying. (laughter) - [Connie] It's mine forever. Give me that towel, give me that towel. - [Kayla] He's strong. Give me that. Oh no, he got it. - [Connie] You got it. Now he's gonna kill it. Cute puppy! - [Kayla] He's snarling. - [Connie] you're cute puppy! Hello. - [Kayla] You're so cute. - Are you ready? - Yup. - Kayla's got her final day of choreography and it's an all day event. It's gonna be a long-ey. - Blahhh. - You'll be alright. So we gotta get out of here and take her to choreography. - I gotta be there all day, I gotta be there for like nine hours. - Oh my gosh. - Yup. - Something like that. So say bye. - Ba-bye. - What's up everybody? We have a little covert mission that we're running right now. We've been contemplating for the last couple of days whether or not we should get Harley a buddy. - Sooo, we're gonna go check out another puppy. - That's it, I'm drawing the line here. No more puppies! - He's pushing the issue and so the guy drawing the line is also the guy that's ahhh, crossing it. (laughter) - No two puppies max, that's it. So we're checking out a puppy. And he's gonna be cute! I bet you. - And, the kids don't know once again, this is gonna be another surprise. (laughter) Okay. Did we do it? - Look at this guy here, he's so cute. - [Connie] Oh my gosh, look at him. - So we need to try and come up with a name for him. - [Connie] Yep, here we go again. - Uh oh, we need your help. - We need a name. - All you (mumbles) out there. - Come on, name him. - Give us some suggestions. - Help us. - We need a name. What does he look like. Its a boy and he's cute. And he's only gonna get about 10 pounds so its gotta be appropriate for a small dog, he's adorable. - No, he can have a big dog name, that's what we did to Harley. He gets a big dog name and he's just a bitty baby. But anyways, anything you guys think of that makes sense to go with Harley. So cute. - [Dad] So cute. - He's so cute. Okay, I'm gonna hang up, I'm gonna hang up now. (laughter) Because I want to play, I wanna play with this dog. Okay here we go again. Look at him, ohhhh. - We got another one? - Yes we got another one. - Awww, Gosh, isn't he cute? - He looks like a rabbit. - Ahhh, he does, he looks like a little rabbit, huh? Where's Harley? - [Tyler] He's in the shade. - I want you to meet Harley. - Harley. - Harley, a friend. Look, who's that? Who is that? Who is that Harley? That's gonna be your new brother. - Awwww, what's his name? Harley two point oh. - Yup we gotta get him a name. That's what we gonna ask the DFF's, they need to help us. - Alright, now for the big surprise. Kayla's at cheer, so she has no idea, I'm gonna go pick her up right now, so I'll be back in about five minutes and we'll see... - [Connie] We'll see what Kayla thinks. - Hopefully she's excited. Be back in a minute. Just picked up little Kayla-boo here, and she is pooped out long day of choreographing and cheer practice. - My feet hurt. - [Shawn] Tell everybody about your day baby, they want to know. - I don't know what to say, we did choreography, and my feet hurt. - [Shawn] Yeah, did you have fun? - Ahh, some parts were fun, funner than others. - Yeah. - It is practice, its how you guys, does the team look good? - We gotta work on a lot of stuff, but we got the whole thing done, we got the whole shebang. - [Shawn] The whole shebang? - The whole shebang, except for a lot of stuff. (laughter) - [Shawn] The whole shebang except for a whole lotta stuff. Are you hungry? - Yes. - [Shawn] Want to eat some food? - Yes. - [Shawn] I gotta figure out what I'm gonna feed you. - Okay. - [Connie] hello, hello. Hi Harley. - You're not letting him sleep are you? - [Connie] No, not letting him sleep. - [Tyler] No, he's just playing. - Ahhh, what did you do? (slow motion replay) (laughter) What did you do? What the freak? - [Tyler] We got another dog. - Since when? - [Tyler] since now. - How long has this thing been here? - [Tyler] Like 30 seconds. - What the freak? What is it? - [Connie] He's a Shih Tzu. - Hi dog. - [Tyler] Harley's biting his butt. - [Kayla] Harley don't bite him. - [Connie] it's his new chew, chew toy. - Harley don't do that. - [Tyler] Harley two point oh. - So what do you think baby-boo. - You silly dork. - [Connie] Harley two point oh. - Come here Harley two point oh, ohhh, hello, hi. - [Connie] Tyler says he looks like a bunny. - You don't look like a bunny - [Tyler] No, his tail. (laughter) - Don't get jealous Harley. Is that your new buddy, is that your new buddy? - [Connie] It's all love, everything's love and love. - Look at his little tail. - [Connie] Awww, he looks most happy with Kayla. - I like this person, she seems really nice. - Hey little bug. - [Connie] Maybe she, he reminds her of, she remind him of the little girls that were from the owner. - Yes cause she remind me of the little girl on the show, like the gymnast. Standing on the gate there, can't you see her. - [Connie] Nope. - She was on the gate going like this. And you're probably gonna fall. And she was like, I'm not gonna fall, but that's what everybody says until they fall. (laughter) - Oh no he's getting stuck to the shirt, it's a boy? - [Connie] Yup, its another boy, a little boy. - Hi baby boy, ohhh, he's stuck to me, he's clinging to me I can't put you down. - [Tyler] Harley's getting so jelly. - You're clinging to me. - What do you think Kayla, is he a keeper? - Yes. - [Connie] Awww, look at him, he's looking right at Kayla's face. - Hopefully he'll wear Harley out and let you sleep at night, that's the whole plan there. - He doesn't look very playful, he's just, he's just kinda-- - [Connie] Harley didn't either, do you remember? You gotta feed him a little touch of jelly. (laughter) - Can I put him down out here? - [Connie] Yeah. Let's see how they play. - [Shawn] Here you go buddy. - [Kayla] Ahh, he's so fat, he looks so fat. Does, is he a shedder? - [Connie] Nope. Well, Harley isn't either supposedly, but.. (laughter) - [Kayla] Harley, what are you doing? Come here, come here Harley two point oh. Look at him, he does the same thing, ahhh. He does the same thing that ahh, Harley does, he goes. - [Connie] Yeah. (laughter) - [Kayla] Ohhhh, Harley, Harley, careful. - [Tyler] He's trying to play with Harley two point oh. - [Connie] He's a little bunny. - [Tyler] Like his face looks like a bunny. - Awww, he's shaking. You scared? Ohhhh. You scared? (soft piano music) - [Connie] Awwwww, it's love. Harley it's love huh? - Yeah, does that feel good? - [Connie] He's sniffing. - Oh my gosh. He's so cute. Hi little cuddle-bug. - [Connie] what are we gonna do with all of these cute babies? - Well, I feel like really we're a breeder or something now we have this little cute, Shih Tzu puppy, and then we have this little 12 week old malte-pooh. - [Connie] Yay. (playful music) - Hey Harley's getting antsy. He's got a new buddy, so he's all wound up. And you guys saw... - [Tyler] They had a little play fight. - Ahhh, she's getting antsy. Hurry up she's getting antsy, we've gotta end this. - He's like clawing my arm - [Connie] Oh he's so cute look at him. Isn't he cute? - He's clawing my arm. - We need your help with the name so comment down below what you think a good name for our new family member would be. And we'll pick two, then you guys get to vote from. - Let's hurry up. - We're trying. Maybe you should let Harley down. - Alright. - Okay. - Run Harley, go be free. - Harley's having so much fun. Anyway, so we're trying to close this out and we want, let's do a, would you rather. So would you rather have a dog that looks like a bunny? Or a bunny that looks like a dog? - That's a good one. - If it could like hop and bark at the same time, I think I'd want that, that would be awesome. - That's a good one guys. - He hops. - No way. - Yeah, he hops. - We got the bunny-dog. - He looks like a little lop or something huh? He's so cute, look at that. - He looks like Harley when we first got him. Remember his eye brows were always raised. - Yeah. - He doesn't know it yet, but he's a YouTube star. - So guys, don't forget to comment below what is a good name for this one. What does he look like? What does he look like? - So make sure you follow us on Twitter and Instagram and Musically and all kinds of fun stuff there as well too. And until... - Until next time! Bye! (upbeat music)
Channel: We Are The Davises
Views: 4,736,886
Rating: 4.8958344 out of 5
Keywords: We Are The Davises, we are the davises puppy, we get a new dog, kids get a new puppy, family gets a new dog, new puppy, new dog, new pet, top family vloggers, daily family vlogs, Kayla, Tyler, Connie, Shawn, getting a puppy, getting a dog, popular YouTube Families, Family Youtubers, Popular Family Vloggers
Id: uPTy57L4NGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2016
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