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hello today's video is special it's not a skit it might not be funny but I feel like we need to make this let's have a little recap on March 17th 2020 we released a video called the problem with online classes a video that many of you enjoyed this of course makes us really happy then on April 10th 2020 a YouTube channel called the Stokes twins who has 4 million subscribers well then upload the video called the problem with online classes similar title you may say but it's a fun topic so it's understandable that all the creators wants to do a video about it right and that's totally fine and these guys have 4 million subscribers so for sure they can create unique and creative contents because they are actually talented and they don't just flip getting right good morning everyone and welcome to this online class click present when I call your name Jack okay Peter okay present okay alright everyone welcome to your first day of online class now when I call your name click the spacebar so I know your presence Andrew Lexi oh very good I want us together to try to grab the knowledge from this class I want us together to try to grab knowledge from this class I want grabbed it radon is that accumulates in the places where ventilations and that okay ah some of these jokes are a little bit similar it mostly occurrences now they're not the only ones who used our jokes in their videos but the others we did that clearly mentioned the name Charles the French in their description or at the end of their video here let's read their description ah I don't see the name Charles a friend here well thanks for the inspiration with the link to our video some sort of credit thank you now two things with that number one you know perfectly well that most people do not read the description most people watch the video and then go to the comment section number two being inspired by something means that you saw something and thought oh this is good I'm gonna have my own take on this I'm gonna repeat that your own take your Oh w hen tacking now let's read some comments on our video first okay okay these made me aware of the situation now let's read comments on the stokes twins video hmm alright some people say copied they say inspired let's say it's highly inspired highly inspired but you make your own opinion of this so now the comments on the video [Applause] also the joke that people find the funniest in your video is I hope that you get to I am you mind why because in flee you know that feeling when you tell a joke to a friend but he loves it but he's gonna go repeat it to everybody as if it's his own and everybody will give him credit like that anyways at first I didn't want to make this video because if I'm being honest after seeing this today and I felt flattered because that means that our creativity appeals to many people you let me do this okay you and you let me do this yeah that means that our creativity appeals to many people and if anything it's a good thing that these jokes are being spread and that everybody gets to laugh because we all need to laugh especially nowadays but then I saw these comments on our video now obviously these guys could have just checked the upload dates and immediately realized that it was the other way around but that's where the problem is we don't bother checking facts much online I myself do that and because they have a lot more followers than us that means that they will have more people protecting then so that means that would end up being right and Tara and I seem like two losers who wants to get attention by pointing it out but no that's not the case I'm not making this video to get attention I just want to set things straight with the people who dared comment saying that we copied them because that's what hurts and here is a message for you the Stokes twins we feel flattered that we could inspire you but but but if you do it again with all the creator's please predict them better because they deserve it but for our case now it's too late to create us the views already there so don't worry about it the last thing else says that you guys do what you want but when you have four million subscribers that's ten times what we got I personally think that it's quite disrespectful to your fans that you don't come up with your own jokes and that you take the work of smaller creators like us as creators we would find it extremely unethical to just take someone's work and reuse it but in the end this is how the internet works you guys and some people are drawn to that and it's only fair and in the internet funny video world there will always be coincidences and jokes right because there are so many of us who make funny videos and our brain is subconsciously inspired by things we've seen or heard these things happen but it's always easy to tell the difference between a coincidence inspiration and plagiarism now it's possible and not considered copying is to have an obvious reference to a movie a series something way bigger that everyone knows for example go what is the sixth noble gas radon was an obvious reference to what is the sixth noble gas radon there was a little Easter Egg for all the fans of The Big Bang Theory some of you caught it good job so that's an obvious reference to something even bigger because that show The Big Bang Theory was watched by millions and millions of people and we've done that a few times by the way we put some little Easter eggs in the videos sometimes you notice them and that makes me happy that we watch the same movies in series however that obvious reference is not what makes the video funny so it's not what will make you laugh or say that this video is good but this joke that is in here since we are smaller than you Stokes twins stole twins she's changing into that it can't be called a reference in a nut shell and to answer the question in the title of the video did the Stokes twins copy us I would say no but there were highly inspired and the crediting was a bit weak so honestly I'm not sure what to make of this I want to tell you both thank you for helping us spread our jobs and also credit better next time and now a message to our subscribers thank you for your support we'll keep creating and have fun see you next time [Music]
Channel: Charles The French
Views: 3,461,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: charles the french, stokes twins, copy, plagiarism, the, problem, with, online, classes, new video, funny, did, stokes, twins, us, creator, facebook, 9gag, viral, trending, controversial
Id: -2L1KG42Z7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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