Did She Just Play an IMPOSSIBLE Bassline??

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/U1fhednar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
what's up slappers Japan is a beautiful country I've been there many times and Japan is famous for many things such as crazy TV shows video games anime but most importantly Japan is also known for something I and we all really really like hentai I mean crazy slap bass lines epic oh yes many Japanese songs have insane left bass lines and today we are gonna check mate Japanese bassists OMG welcome to a new hentai episode of this day yeah so some days ago I asked you to send me some epic Japanese bass videos and let's see if somebody is gonna checkmate me with some epic bass skills slept like now if you are excited if you are Japanese leave a comment now and if you're not Japanese leave a comment anyway and say something in Japanese do it now hey David this is a Japanese bass epic joke here only big brains will understand first video oMG did you see that [Music] mind blowing next Japanese girl guitar cover that's a bass I'm gonna report this video next orangie I can already see she's all in a pic no slap then not a SEP next [Applause] [Music] [Applause] because [Music] pretty cool but he is using a six strings bass it's a very big bass you know what they say big bass small peepee small bass big peepee checkmate wait there is a comment in Japanese what does he say what this video is nothing special but I just clicked on it because it has 420 thousand views very cool I just noticed that all these bases we watched didn't wear any headphones I wish I could do that but unfortunately I cannot take off my headphones unless we reach six million subs help headphones take off reveal and pineapple pizza eating reveal at six millions of subscribers Thrones [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oMG did you notice something weird let's watch again and look very careful at her hands in this part you can hear she's tapping but her right hand is slapping mind-blowing [Music] not me she didn't even play anything with her hands here at the base seal sounds perfect OMG checkmate day before before this is impossible for you well yes she is really doing something impossible even for me we are hearing notes even though she is not actually touching those notes on the fretboard in many parts her hands in the notes we are hearing do not match and that means mind-blowing but also means playback or G exposed oh I would never use playback in my videos anyway obviously she is not really playing in this video there is nothing wrong with playing playback and she is probably doing that because it would be impossible to play perfectly while dancing and moving like that but I am very shocked but nobody in the comments noticed that very bad it's almost like everybody watching this video is looking somewhere else rather than the bass not epic what 3.4 million views mind-blowing Japanese girls laying anything on bass on YouTube stones actually just being a girl playing an instrument on YouTube stones looks like it's easier for girls get views maybe I should switch gender so I would get more views to slap like now if I should become a girl in my next video gender switch reveal at 269 thousand likes but be careful if I do that then your peepee heart next [Music] Lucas temple she immediately there's aa [Music] [Applause] it's her again baby favor for can't beat these girls slept like for her what that's too much it looks like this song is very very important for Japanese bass players do you want to see me play this epic Japanese slap bass song then slap like now happy cool let's do it [Music] [Music] locust hambo let's go to a nice anything [Applause] [Music] [Applause] checkmate Japanese basis haha you thought I couldn't play it huh nope next oMG it's this song again yes slept saw a except I also notice there are three kind of Japanese bassists we have girls wearing short skirts we have guys wearing masks and then we have him HJ freaks he is a mix of the previous two kind of bases and for some reasons he always takes off his pants at some point in the video [Music] [Applause] [Music] why [Applause] Caputo think I can [Music] stop I'm surprised and disappointed by these Japanese bases cause I still haven't found any base cover of Jordan or Giovanna theme what [Music] [Music] stop taking off your pants please [Music] I have no idea of what's going on here but this video is a perfect representation of Japanese bassists on YouTube mind-blowing anyway if you are Japanese and you're watching this I want you to know that I'm just joking I actually love Japan and I consider you guys very very good friends what pizza with sushi that's too much Japan and Italy are now enemies anyway that was it for today I hope you enjoyed this hentai episode of stea remember to slap like leave a comment and subscribe and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Davie504
Views: 6,809,396
Rating: 4.9361224 out of 5
Keywords: davie504, bass, bass solo, She Played Something Truly IMPOSSIBLE on BASS, impossible bass, impossible bass line, girl bassist, girl, japanese bass, japanese bassist, japanese girl bass, girl bass, girl bass cover, sdaiay, satire, bass guitar, slap bass solo, She Played Something IMPOSSIBLE on BASS, she did something impossible, 打打打打打打打打打打
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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