Did Papa John's Release Their BEST Pizza Ever?

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hello everyone this is Running on Empty Food  review well hello ladies gentlemen and everyone   watching welcome one and all to this newest  edition of The Running on Empty Food review series   I'm your host the report of the week thank you for  checking in Papa John's has a new pizza out this   one some of you will get it some of you won't it's  it's a New York thing as they say Papa John's has   released their new crispy cupy Roni Pizza this is  probably the most authentic New York style pizza   I have ever seen in my life quite frankly they  even got the name right and everything because   for those of you that that don't know up in New  York they don't call it pepperoni they actually   call it cyon and uh all right I couldn't get that  one out with a straight face but that's what they   call it Cy Roni pizza and what it is though it is  supposed to be like a New York style pizza from   Papa John's it is extra large that's the only size  that you could even get it in it's an extra large   thin and crispy pizza it has toppings to the edge  it comes with a creamy tomato sauce cheese then it   has cued pepperoni or as they call it in New York  ceroni and again it's supposed to be just a New   York style pizza crispy thin crust quite large and  loaded with cheese sauce and toppings again all   the way to the very Edge and then it has pepperoni  but it's the the cued pepperoni instead of the   regular pepperoni you can get the extra large  pizza for the price of $14 so the crispy caponi   pizza from Papa John's pretty straightforward  you know there's not really a ton to say about   it there have been instances and perhaps Papa  John's has even done this before but I know for   sure uh other chains like Pizza Hut for instance  have done New York style pizza in the past and now   Papa John's is going ahead with it as well right  now it is available for the papa rewards members   or you could just order online I think off their  website but uh quite soon it will be available for   General release so anyway it is a large pizza  and I will say for the price you know for $14   you'll see in a moment that the volum volume of  the pizza despite it being thin crust is quite large here's the Box you see  right there it says team pizza   that's a New York thing better ingredients better pizza and there it is it is quite large as you  can see it's uh about half the size of my face I   would say and thin crust you can see though CED  pepperoni and lots of it and I I don't mind the   cued pepperoni quite frankly it could be quite  flavorful could have a nice little crisp to it   I always notice and maybe it's just me the CED  pepperoni always has a little bit more more spice   to it sometimes comes with the garlic dipping  sauce complimentary and of course the Blessed pepper it is a big pizza though let's get a slice let's see how it's cut so you  see they advertise it as having larger slices if you hear that noise in  the background that's a New York thing large triangular slices which you could then fold  if you wish though you are under   no formal obligation to and again  a thinner crust but you could see   the toppings pretty much go right  to the edge not much of a crust there there you have it so you know what it  looks like pretty straightforward again if   you ask me it's a Papa John's rendition  of New York style pizza let's see how it   tastes if it's any good or not the crispy  cyon pizza from Papa John's it's going in all right so when it comes down to it with these  sorts of pizzas a lot of the time I find it to be   similar because as I mentioned before Papa John's  isn't the first establishment that has decided to   try uh their hand at making a New York style  pizza and a lot of the time when I try these   sorts of pizzas out the outcome is similar in  that they wind up being pleasant but and you   know you would think this is one of those things  that doesn't necessarily need to to be said I'll   say it anyway though that yes this is fast food  pizza this is fast food take out pizza so you   shouldn't go into this whether it's Papa John  whether it's Pizza heart whether it's Domino's   or any other establishment you shouldn't go  into this expecting oh yeah this is going to   be exactly like how a local pizzia up in New  York would authentically make pizza obviously   you shouldn't go into it thinking that because if  you do yeah you'll be disappointed you think okay   it's going to be a thin crust pizza that is like  Papa John's you know it's it's fast food pizza   despite that though if you're not to necessarily  be picky about authenticity all in all it's not a   bad Pizza one thing that I will mention right off  the bat is the fact that I really do find this to   be a good deal financially I mention that because  as I was eating this and yeah I know my uh my   appetite might not always be the most ravenous in  the world but as I was eating this you know I had   the one SL slice I was picking away at it I was  thinking to myself you know this is actually quite   filling all things considered because even though  it may be a thin crust pizza the slices are quite   large and there are obviously eight slices here  it's an extra large pizza though so this is quite   filling for what it is because I'm taking bite  after bite after bite and even though my bites   can be a bit small as thinking wow I'm not even  you know halfway done with the slice and already   I'm starting to feel a bit not quite full but you  know satisfied and I I was thinking wow this is   there's just a good amount of pizza here and then  for $14 you really can't complain uh it is a good   amount of food for the value and I will say as far  as the taste is concerned it is pleasant as well   it definitely has that firmness to it that I think  that they were shooting for as far as like the New   York style is concerned uh in that it is a it is a  slice that you can see there's a nice bake on the   crust you could hold it quite easily you could  fold it and you do get that little bit of like   a crispy crunch in every bite texturally from  actually two things number number one the bake   of course it's on the bottom and the crust of the  pizza but also from the cued pepperoni as well or   as Papa John's says the cupy rooni the cupy ronies  are indeed crispy so when you're biting into this   you know it's like the the cheese of course is  going to have that softness to it but you are   also met with again that little crisp on the edge  of the cppy ronies and uh then that little bake   on the bottom as well so texturally speaking  I think a lot of people are going to find that   to be enjoyable that there is a crisp crunch to it  uh other thing that I noticed there is that little   bit of spice to it as was anticipated the cupy  Ronis do pack a punch as far as the this I just   can't take the name seriously as far as the spice  aspect is concerned not that this is a spicy Pizza   you know you're just going to notice that they are  flavorful though so the cupy ronies have a cupy   roon kick to them likewise and uh another thing  lastly the creamy tomato sauce I I believe that   this is a different sauce than what they usually  use at Papa John's I think this tomato sauce has   a little bit of a sweet note to it if you ask me  very pleas Pleasant overall quite Pleasant let   me actually just adjust this one thing sorry about  that I wanted to make a little tweak to one of the   one of the lights here and it could be a little  finicky so I didn't want to sit here for what   could be 5 minutes messing with it but I was able  to just get it adjusted real quick anyway what I   was just saying is that the sauce and I might  be mistaken but I'm pretty sure uh that I was   just getting at is that the creamy tomato sauce  that they use for this pizza I'm pretty sure is   different than what they use for most of their  pizzas because what I notice here is this tomato   sauce has a distinct sweet note to it it doesn't  strike me as like a very bold robust tomato sauce   but rather it again has this little sweetness to  it uh which is quite Pleasant though I think it   compliments the flavor profile of this pizza quite  nicely yeah it's a greasy oily pizza that's to be   expected there's a lot of cheese there's a lot of  Cy on it and uh all of that but the tomato sauce   does offer a nice balance and again I do like the  sweet aspect that it has to it uh quite Pleasant   if you ask me and again most of the time when  I think of Papa John's I do not associate that   sweeter note to their tomato sauce so again that  that leads me to believe that this is a particular   uh blend that they are using for this piz piz uh  solely so that's my uh my guess in that regard I   also tried it out with the garlic dipping sauce  which is also a nice accompaniment not necessary   not essential but it's going to be there and it's  a nice pairing All Things Considered but in the   end I would say this this pizza is pleasant good  amount of it good price flavorful yeah don't think   of authentic New York pizza with this this is fast  F take out pizzas take on New York pizza but still   decent All Things Considered so therefore out of  10 I'm fine with it I'm happy with it as long as   you don't go into this expecting it to be as good  as Pizza is uh in let's say New York City I think   it's a fine pizza for what it is so therefore out  of 10 I am going to be giving the crispy cupy Roni   pizza from Papa John's an 8 out of 10 yeah it's  not the most inventive thing in the world but is   it a good pizza most definitely I also wanted to  mention in addition to these reviews that I do I   also do a radio show twice a week every week I'll  talk about some current events whatever is on my   mind I'll balance it out with some listener music  requests I promote it on the YouTube and I'm sure   some of you have seen the promotions maybe some  of you have even listened in just know that in   order to do the radio show though I do need your  help it costs a good deal of money every single   month to be able to get on the air and do it and  uh it needs your help to keep on keep on keeping   on to survive and to stay on the air if you enjoy  the radio show you want to help it out you want   to support it please consider donating patreon.com/thereportoftheweek that's patreon.com   /thereportoftheweek if you go to the pat page you can find  out more information about the radio show there   as well and if you do support the show on the  patreon you can access episodes of It On Demand   anytime thousands of hours of content it just  needs your help and if you enjoy listening to   it consider that it's up to you in the end  you could find information about the patreon   page in the description or the pin comment if  you'd like to donate via Paypal you could also   help out vorwinfo@gmail.com there's a link to  that in the description too though so check   that out as well but just wanted to throw that  out there just so you know and that's all that   I have for you thank you for watching and until  next time I'm your host the report of the week
Channel: TheReportOfTheWeek
Views: 223,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: review, food review, running on empty, reviewbrah, fast food, food, eating, cooking, eating show, muckbang, asmr, dry humor, meme, funny, thereportoftheweek, fast food meal, pizza, papa johns, papa johns pizza, pepperoni pizza, thin crust pizza, pizza hut, crispy cuppy roni pizza, crispy cuppyroni pizza, cuppyroni, cuppy roni, ny style pizza, ny pizza, nyc pizza, new york pizza, papa johns crispy cuppy roni pizza
Id: _xbzOdWfsmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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