Did I waste my life?

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You know, a lot of times, God does  something in our lives on a physical level,   but we don't stop to reflect on it and  break it down on a spiritual level,   so we don't get the full benefit of what he did. Peter sees this man who gets healed, and he  sees, "This would make an excellent opportunity   to preach." There's a man whose name is not  known or mentioned who is healed by a name   that is above every name, and the vessel  for it is a man who really was an unlikely   candidate. I would call the book of Acts,  if I gave it a subtitle, "The Unfolding Plan   of an Unstoppable God Through Unlikely  People." Like Peter. Like me. Like you. The unfolding plan. They didn't know it when  they were in it. You don't know it when you're   in it. You can't see it when you're in it.  You'll be grabbing your keys and grabbing   your wallet and getting up to leave and  starting to give up and thinking about   quitting and thinking about walking away and  turning to the person next to you and saying,   "This is ridiculous. I wasted my money. I wasted  my time. I wasted my prayers. I wasted my faith. I'm wasting my life. What was it all for? It keeps  hurting, and it won't go away. I keep trying,   and I can't get up." But in this moment, Peter  is taking the opportunity to remind you of Jesus   who is, Hebrews 12:2 says, the author and  the finisher of our faith. So, here's the   challenge. Philip Yancey said faith is believing  in advance what will only make sense in reverse. Faith for what you can't figure  out; faith for what frustrates you;   faith for what has you tied up in knots; faith  for what wakes you up in the middle of the night;   faith for what makes you think you're losing  your mind; faith for what makes you wonder,   "Am I going crazy?"; faith for what  you've given up on the possibility   of change for. That kind of faith, he  says… We have to go all the way back. Watch this. This man has just been healed,  and Peter starts talking about history.   What does this man's healing have to  do with the Jewish people's history?   What does healing have to do  with history? Everything. Do   you understand? If you are in the history  only, then you won't experience your destiny,   but if you are only focused on your  destiny and have no frame of your history,   you will give up too soon and miss the  point of what God is doing in your life. The God of Abraham. We're going all the  way back to Abraham, Peter? Peter is like,   "Yeah. I'm going all the way back." This is  like when you ask somebody how they're doing,   and they're like, "When I was 3…" You're  like, "Whoa. How are you doing right now?" All they want to see is "Is this real? Did  that man…?" Let's give him a name. "That's Rob.   Rob is not supposed to be walking." Let's call him  Jimmy. "Jimmy is not supposed to be jumping. Is   Jimmy jumping? I heard Jimmy was out here jumping.  Jimmy can't be jumping. We walked right over him." Now, this is something awesome. God can shift  things so quickly. The one everybody stepped   over is now the center of the story. God can  shift it like that. So, don't worry when people   say something about you or don't worry when  people don't give you an opportunity or don't   worry when they don't text you back. You needed  that space on your phone for what's coming after.   I love the Word of God. The man is healed,  and Peter is like, "The God of Abraham…" Because it starts with God. Look. Your  story, whatever scene you're in right   now…divorce, heartbreak, victory,  success, promotion, termination…any of it…   Your story is a story in a story in a story in a  story in a story. I should do this 41 times…in a   story, in a story. Put it in the chat: "In  a story." Say it out loud: "In a story." That's how many generations back Peter goes to  explain what happened. "The God of Abraham…"   That's 41 generations before Jesus. "Peter,  can you kind of tell us what's just going on   right now? Give me the CliffsNotes, Peter. I'm  not sure I want a whole history lesson." No,   no, no. You have to understand history or you'll  look at this man and think it's his story. Peter has to show him it's not just his  story, and it's not just your story.   It's his story, the God of Abraham.  I'm living in the middle of his story.   That encourages me. I don't know why.  When it's all my story, it's all my drama.   When it's all my story, it's all on my budget.  If he's the director, he has to pay the bills. If he's the director, he has to figure  out the script. If it's his story,   he has to figure out how to make all this  chaos and all this crazy and all of these   world events and all of these hurts and  all of these mistakes work together to   serve the purpose of the Author who  created me from my mother's womb. So, stepping right into the middle  of his story, this man at the gate,   Peter recalls his story.  It's a story within a story   within a story. You hang around here long  enough, I'm going to teach you the Bible.   Abraham is 75. His story is  coming to a close at 75. Right?   You haven't talked to the Author yet, Abraham.  The Author showed up to Abraham. He didn't   even have an H in his name. Vanna  didn't even put an H in his name yet. I watch Wheel of Fortune every Wednesday night  with my mom. I'm wild and crazy every Wednesday   night. It's called "Wednesdays for the Wheel,"  and I pray for Pat Sajak every Wednesday. Pat,   if you ever watch this, I would love to  have you at Elevation. I think you're   amazing. (I'm just putting it out there in  case God wants to answer a dumb prayer.) "Abram, start counting stars."  This is what the Author told him.   "Start counting the stars, Lord? Yeah, you did  good on those stars. That's cool, man." He's in   Ur of the Chaldeans, and God says, "Go to the  land I will show you and count the stars, and   if you can count them, that's how numerous your  descendants are going to be." That's what comes   after. "Count the sand of the seashore." This is a collision of history and destiny,  because there's what God did (the stars) long   before Abram got here, and there's what God  is doing through Abram. History…destiny. If   you stay stuck in one and don't focus on the  other, you're done. If you stay just focused   on the history… You're walking around talking  about how much you bench pressed in 1947.   "I was the man back then, y'all. I  see these kids these days. They don't   know how we used to do it back in the  day." Now you're stuck in your history. You start talking about what you're going to  do one day when nobody is bothering you and   there's no traffic and they make flying Teslas  and you don't have to wait to get to work.   Well, that's just you hypothetically  avoiding this present moment. Wow! Thank you, God, that I'm  not stuck where I started.   Lord, I thank you for that Scripture that  says, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard,   neither has it entered into the heart of a man  what God has prepared for those who love him.   But God has revealed them to us by his Spirit." Nobody ever says the next verse. I always  heard the first verse. "No eye has seen,   and no ear has heard what has  entered into the hearts of men." The next verse says, "But God…"   Abraham was 75 years old, and his  wife's womb was as good as dead, but God   wanted a baby named Isaac. Abraham even got in the  way and messed it up by having Ishmael with Hagar,   but God had a plan for Isaac and Ishmael. But  God. "But God has revealed them by his Spirit." That's what his Spirit does. That's what time  with God does. That's why coming to church is   a better investment than the stock market. That's  why coming to church is a better investment than   washing your raggedy car, which is going to be  dirty again in three days. That's why coming to   church and listening to the Word of God… Because  that Word gets in you, and when it mixes with the   Spirit that was in you, and the soil of the  Spirit and the seed of the Word get together…   God said, "So shall your seed be." At the same time he's speaking to old   Abe… "Are you sure about that?" The Lord is like,  "I'm sure about that, because I'm the Author."   Holly got one author on the phone one time on the  Instagram, on her book club… Hollyfurtick.com. You   can look it up. She told me to plug the website.  I forgot to do that, so I'm going to do that. Maybe she'll pay me back in a sponsorship. You can  sponsor me when we get home. All right? This will   be a sponsored ad. Y'all quit looking at me.  I'm uncomfortable. I shouldn't have said it.   What comes after. That's a whole other  sermon. That's a marriage seminar.   Yeah, do the dishes. You might get  a kiss. All right. What comes after. She was interviewing this author who wrote a  true story about her life. She gave up a baby   for adoption, teenage pregnancy. When she  got the author on the interview, she said,   "You left the story off right there at the  end, and you never told us if you met the kid." She goes, "Oh yeah. That's  what my next book is about."   Holly said, "Good. I can't  wait to read it." Y'all,   when we read the book of Acts, we're  reading the sequel. It was written by Luke,   who was a doctor who traveled with Paul. He  wrote it while Paul was in prison in Rome.   He wrote it to a man named Theophilus. He calls  him "Most excellent Theophilus." I want y'all   to start calling me that, by the way: "Most  excellent Pastor Steven." All right? Get on it. Twenty-six percent of the New Testament was  written by Luke to Theophilus. Who was Theophilus?   I mean, Luke is writing to him. Luke isn't  even one of the original twelve disciples.   He's a Gentile who came later. He writes  his first book, self-titled debut EP, Luke.   Then he puts out the book of  Acts as a follow-up, the sequel. The disciples (I never saw it this way before)  are living in the sequel. Jesus is gone in bodily   form. What they knew is no longer available.  What was normal for them for three years   has been upended. The cross has happened. The  resurrection has happened. The Spirit has come.   There's persecution ahead, but there's progress  ahead. There is always persecution with progress. If it's not from the outside, it's going to be  from your lower nature and your flesh on the   inside. There's always persecution with progress.  I told y'all last week the Devil will step right   out of your way if you're headed in the wrong  direction. Try it. Any football players in here? I   heard there were basketball players in here today.  Is that right? All right. Do it when you get back   when the season starts. Turn around and run toward  the other goal and see if anybody stops you. They'll let you do it all day long. They'll hand  you a Gatorade. "Yeah, do that again." If you're   putting points on the board for the Devil,  he'll assist you. He'll alley-oop you,   but if you ever make up your mind… "I'm following  Jesus. No turning back. I'm going forward into the   future. I have a father named Abraham who had  a son named Isaac who had a son named Jacob,   and now his servant Jesus is being glorified." The unfolding plan. Corrie ten Boom said  something like, "Heaven has no panic, only plans."   Think about what she went through, and she still  said that, not before it happened, but after.   She's still standing there saying  stuff like, "Heaven has no panic,   only plans." But it's an unfolding plan. You  get the picture. You don't see the scene. So, by faith, I have to find out what God can do,   and I have to apply that to the area  where I'm the most anxious right now   and believe by faith going forward based on the  foundation of who God is, the God of Abraham,   the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob.
Channel: Steven Furtick
Views: 193,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steven Furtick, Elevation Church, Faith, Identity, hope, peace
Id: vCbak3csYvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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