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right people so i am just at vrs in northampton and behind me here you've got the uh lovely v vw golf anniversary 25th anniversary it's a petrol engine car 1.8 t it's a stage one tuned car 200 brake horsepower i'm currently at vrs in northampton and this car is getting given away this coming friday at midday live on the planet of dreams instagram so if you've not ended for your chance to win this car for nothing it's free for you all to win or you get one entry per person or five if you're a dream catcher hit the link in the description it's planetdreams.com at uk but it before i can give it away i need to get it cleaned i want to do a little last drive in it and i need to get them wheels refurb because anniversary goals from factory have got like a bit more of a shiny effects finish on the wheels so i want to get that done first so the plan for today's video is jumping it now i've got to go get ky from school it's ten past two i've got uh about an hour before i can get him so i should be there just in time plan for today's video is going to jump in the car drive it to luton pick high up on route get the wheels refurbs get it back to bingo get it cleaned and do all of that before friday all right if this video's gone live before then i managed to do it let's get on with the video [Music] oh my god my life is just such a rush massive rush all the time like i wanted to get this car right i wanted to get it done and i didn't want to change the giveaway day i wanted to give it away this coming friday at midday i thought about postponing it because i thought we're gonna get it done i was like nah we need to get done and yeah we're getting there just gotta get these wheels done need to get the wheels done in time sounds good it's got fuel in it which is a result and i see a car with plenty of fuel in it as well uh so yeah steering wheel's been done vrs has done all their usual stuff to it as well which is nice they've done put a new battery on it they've serviced it they've done absolutely loads and if you didn't see the video where i collected it from vrs go and check that out although i'm here now it's two videos one day because i've got to squeeze as much in as i possibly can in my life this car has actually been tuned it's 204 brake horsepower there's a dyno there 204.94 i think we should call it 205. shouldn't we 205 horsepower i've got wheels in the back of the car because we're going to rrt uk now to get these wheels refurb which i just mentioned uh but then wheels in the back on nothing to do with this video i'm just taking them to rrt for vrs all right so let's now hit the road see what it drives like carefully there's not no wheels hitting me in the back of the head before we do anything i'm gonna get my hoodie off because it's boiling hot i cannot be late to get guy from school because he flaps if i come out if he comes out of school and his mum or dad ain't ain't there he's like he panics a bit so let's just let's just get on my journey get on it go pick kai up yeah [Music] this weather is just so much better that life is just so much nicer when the weather's nice in there just look at him with his roof down he's loving life this car sounds so good as well man so yeah 205 brake horsepower stage one map this standard they're 180 brake horsepower and yeah this was the car that i had upsell at bingham it sat around for nearly a year we had a stupid offer and i was like i'd rather give it away than take a silly offer on it so the plan was to get it all sorted fix it up a little bit get the wheel done get get steering wheel done get the wheels done get it serviced and uh give it away and play it dreams it has been a massive rush getting it done i'm not gonna lie like quickly put out in front of that car got enough power to do it it is a rush like i am mega mega busy as it is right i'm i'm crazy busy all the time obviously i've got businesses i've got stuff going on i'm trying to trade for cars trying to do youtube videos it is ridiculously busy my life is crazy all the time and to throw in trying to prep more cars to give away on planet dreams it is a lot of effort i'm not gonna lie man it's a hell of a lot of effort but it's so positive we've given away so many cars so far and lots of people won some crazy prizes for free it's brilliant it's working so well and i'm getting lots of you guys supporting me with the dream catcher thing as well it's 9 9 a month you get five entries per competition per person across the whole website so that's great value and there's a sort of a good balance there lots of people winning stuff for free and those are paying they're also winning lots of prizes as well so it gives me content which i don't really need because i've got loads of bloody content anyway and it keeps me more busy so currently it is 25 past two i've got to get to the school for about 10 past three and it's a 45 minute journey so i do need to get keep the pace up but i did want to film a video as well it is running extremely well this car it's a proper knife thing i've always been a big fan of the anniversary golf i just looked in the side mirror there and we've got a new mirror glass on that side it was smashed this seat however not mentioned the seat i didn't mention or i did mention in the previous video that we've had the seat phone replaced on the our side of the driver's seat and this fill seat feels absolutely solid it feels comfortable and it's a absolute game changer i'd throw that in there because it used to have like this metal bar uh because where the phone was worn out so much before this metal bar was like digging into your leg it was bloody horrible so fair play to vrs they actually sorted that out for me it cost about 120 quid for the phone but that was money well spent uh like safe didn't see the video of all the stuff that we've done to it go and check that video out i think what we need to make this video about is the wheels because these wheels come with a nice sort of glossy shiny factory finish we want to try and achieve that for this car that is all this that is all that this car needs before we give it away so uh we're gonna go to rrt in luton now leave the car there and then come back here in a couple of days time in this video with freshly refurbed wheels all right let's do that now i've had the biggest rush of the day today do you know that but i was at vrs yeah yeah did i get you on time today yeah yeah if you're happy yeah yeah did you have a nice day at school we were you expecting the gulf wars did you like the golf you're on camera by the way yeah you like being on youtube yeah this is the way i'm actually yeah yeah so i've got you on time and you're happy you've had a good day yeah yeah right the next step of my day or our day now is we need to drop this car to rrt in luton so we need to get the wheels refurbed all right it almost makes sense [Music] thumbs up for daddy yeah so we're at rrt now that's uh my passat all track i think that's going to be my journey home uh that civic type of mind that messages ml is mine we'll talk about that another time uh this is obviously mine what else we've got here that that's one of my cars what's that it's nice and it's cool little car mate the wheels they're not the right rules for that car they're actually uh just on the car because they're refurbishing them so yeah we've got loads of loads of cars here from bing car but here we're here to talk about the anniversary golf so we'll go find ollie yeah actually i didn't mention this there's a alfa romeo julia quadrophoto there as well i just have one of them absolutely loved it for about five minutes uh but yeah yeah cool car i've got a tape measure in my hand because i wanted to see what size them center caps are we want to try and source some badges for this car uh but yeah we'll talk to it millimeters 78 millimeters i think so we've got to try and find some 78 millimeter vw badges let's go find ollie quite yeah come on it's the man himself who's jordan jordan hoodie on geezer you're probably it is casual first ain't it all right all right so uh the anniversary golf ollie is this gonna be a bit of a challenge getting this done before we give this car away everything's a challenge but you love it you always say okay now now now possible but i need all of these done as well yeah before half the car [Laughter] so um obviously we know there's a standard finish on an anniversary golf yeah they're like i've never seen them but you're saying they're blingy they're blingy man so we're gonna go for a bit of a balling well do you know what they look quite fresh anyway like i know they're dirty in a minute yeah i said nothing wrong with them there's nothing really wrong with him but i just want that blingy look and obviously rit we've got them inside you got our hashtag on it um so we're just gonna leave it to you to work your magic yeah do our best i'll put back in three days time is that is that a plan cool all right yeah fingers dropped good luck yeah it's looking amazing in it so we did do it guys but well almost anyway let me just take you through what's been done and what hasn't been done then wheels are looking amazing man well i say amazing by the center caps but we'll talk about them in a sec these wheels have been done by rrt uk as you not know i will link them in the description below they've been done in like a light shadow chrome finish which is exactly how i wanted this car to look silver car completely standard by the little stage one remap under the bonnet and the air filter that vrs fitted for us and the original finished looking wheels and i've got a distraction noise we've got noise we always got noise why does that always happen when i film a video uh but center caps you have to talk about center caps in a second right there's a couple of things that i haven't yet done uh one thing we did do we put new plates on it uh we've got hashtag on it stickers on there uh something else we've had done is the steering wheel but when we put the steering wheel back on on my way back from vrs the other day the airbag light come on i just assume it has to do with the steering wheels i need to get that switched off before friday currently it is ten past one on a wednesday this video is going up tonight so if you're watching this video tonight um or wednesday then i actually made this happen in time wednesday the 30th this car is getting given away this coming friday at midday live on the planet of dreams instagram right so uh what else did i want to get done this little thing here yeah struggling to get one of these i might have to just nick one of another car at being car surely i've got another vw here somewhere hold on a minute so i am just on ebay and i found a rear windscreen wiper on cap cover for a mark 4 golf so let me quickly order that so the seat's been repaired as well don't forget that if you didn't see them first mods video go and check that out what else i'm going to say center caps yeah should we talk about these center caps right specifically let's wander around here and talk about this center cap this one here guys that one there right um it's actually in the boot of the car it's in the boot the car and here we are that there guys is the center cap for that wheel but it's been cross-bredded someone's just made a right mess of it meaning we could just watch it on i suppose i could have done that for the video but i don't think that's a good idea to do that uh what we really need to do is maybe try and source another center cap or if anyone out there is able to re-thread that by some miracle that would be amazing but it's just it's just not having none of it it's not going on so uh it has been refurbed that's in the cap um but it won't go in the car then the center caps uh there's actually set on ebay 500 quid there is no way am i paying 500 quid for a center cap so we're just gonna have to find a plan b for getting that one on the car before friday get some vw badges for the center cap now they're actually quite difficult to find i'm not having much luck finding some vw patches for these wheels they are actually bbs wheels proper bbs wheels so i have considered buying a set of bbs badges for the center caps on these wheels i've ordered a set of bbs badges and a set of ew badges they're both arriving hopefully before friday so we'll try and get them on before the live stream on friday all right it has been a massive rush getting this car done for friday i'm not gonna lie uh but you know these things do take time but it is all worth it one other thing i just remembered actually is the stereo isn't powered up we bought this new stereo for it freshly refurbed stereo looked mint the proper one for the car uh but yeah the wiring's just been uh changed to suit an aftermarket stereo minion this stereo won't just plug back in so if anyone out there is able to come and sort out my stereo before friday uh help would be appreciated because it'd be good to get that fired up as well right i think a solution for the stereo is buying an aftermarket stereo because we know full well that will work so i've just bought a little pie in his head unit for 59 pound 95 pence you want to be in for a chance of winning this car for absolutely nothing uh you're all welcome to enter there's a link for planet dreams in the description below i'm going to be announcing a win for this car this coming friday at midday live on the planet dreams instagram so if you do not follow the planet dreams instagram definitely give it a follow if you're not in on instagram the winners of all of the prizes on the website will be published on the website just click the latest winners section of the website and you'll see who won it there and then all winners of all prizes get emailed automatically to say congratulations you've just won a prize uh so do check your emails as well uh after midday on friday but yeah the car is now done shout out to all of the companies involved uh vrs control customs your car red whoever else i've mentioned in the series of the anniversary golf videos uh yeah thanks to everyone i'll put links for all of them in the description below hit like if you like this video hit subscribe if you're new to my channel and uh if you're on instagram give me a follow on instagram at calvin's car diary and i'll see you in my next video and on friday yeah don't forget friday [Music]
Channel: Calvin's Car Diary
Views: 27,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cars, car, automotive, sports cars, vw, volkswagen, golf, gti, anniversary, 25th, project, golf gti, anniversary golf, fail
Id: AbaXKaHjHok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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