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138k miles

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/FlamingoImpressive92 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2022 🗫︎ replies
right so i have just spent a whole week with this tesla model s here all right and now there's two big factors with this video one my name is calvin and i am an absolutely massive petrol head right that's factor number one obviously this is an electric car yeah factor number two is this particular car is a high mileage tesla this is the cheapest tesla on the net um and it's the first tesla model s that they ever made all right so seven days with a high mileage cheap model s tesla with a petrol let's get on the video [Music] here it is then guys it's an 85 kilowatt tesla model s it's a 2014 car which was actually the first of the tesla model right the first mass produced tesla going and the things i was skeptical of when this car came in a week ago is well it is the entry-level car it's uh like i said it's old technology it is high mileage like i was thinking how good is this battery going to be is it going to last very long is the motor going to be okay what's the wear and tear going to be like on the car is it going to be well worn it's done 138 000 miles by the way which you know these things ain't been around for long enough to for us to know how good they are with this kind of mileage and a lot of things like how well was i going to get on with the technology inside the car is that going to be dated like i've heard they've updated a lot of this stuff over the years and all these things i was very very i wouldn't say as concerned about but i was very curious to know how good or bad this was going to be and obviously like i said earlier i am a massive petrol head there's no doubt about it i love petrol engine cars i'm happy to settle for like a diesel every now and then i've got a 330d there just come in happily sort of maybe venture to the diesel world but i've never ever ventured into the electric world so for me this was an exciting experience uh but also an experience that i don't know i'm not ready for this transition yet and it's not something that i'm i'm not too on side of it i'll be honest with you so yeah when i first got the car it came in with about 150 miles left on the range on the battery i do about 200 miles a week so there was going to be a time during that week that i would need to charge the car now the first thing i had to do the first hurdler to get over i was unlocking the car right so you've got this quite a fancy little key with like invisible buttons is that focusing that's focusing yeah you can't see the buttons guys because it they're invisible yeah so um i've walked up to the car and i'm looking at the key and i'm waiting for it to unlock it's got these like fancy flush door handles they're quite smart and they um but i'm waiting for the car to unlock it's not unlocking i'm thinking how am i going to unlock this car and i discovered that these in this thing here does actually have buttons right so if you look up close that little t button at the front there if you press that press that twice and then i revealed how to open the bonnet but obviously this is an electric car guys most bonnets have engines under the bonnets but this car just has like a storage space which is absolutely brilliant like that is a plus over your usual car lot of bmw in the background there obviously you have no storage space under the bonnet now i continued clicking around this key and press that one there and hey presto the boot opens yeah so i knew i was getting there slowly right we've got a big boot as well guys those are like practicality i do personally but then after some googling around like genuinely i was googling it youtubing how to unlock my tesla there wasn't any other idiots out there like me that had the same problem i then just sort of continued clicking around and then double clicked this button on the roof there we go and then and there you go guys the handles come out and you can open the car and the wear on this car isn't bad at all right because one of my my things my concerns were is it gonna be really worn you can see on the edge of the door card here that door card or the pillar because you're having to brush past that every time you go in and out there is a bit of wear on the side there but because that's taking all the grunt of the wear the bolster of seat doesn't at all so there is nowhere on the bolster at all the steering wheel there is no wear on that steering wheel but the door handles they're all quite smart and very posh in here very nicely laid out again it's all there is there is nowhere there is literally nowhere on the inside of this car it's had one owner from you um and it is out of warranty now guys that's something really worth talking about we will continue talking about that shortly all right so my son koi absolutely loves tesla's by the way and one of the things i was massively excited about was picking him up from school in it and his reaction when i picked him up was priceless how did you like the tesla yeah what's actually your favorite car is hezbollah your favorite car is it is it really you love tesla's this is the first time you've ever been in one in it yeah the tesla power yeah yeah ready three two one oh my god let's go for a drive we're also going to do draggy times on this car it weighs 2 100 kilos it's got 380 horsepower and we're going to do 20 to 70 miles now 20 to 70 mile draggy time to see how it compares against all of the petrol cars on my draggy leaderboard all right let's hit the roads i'll talk to you about how i feel about driving it so one other thing i was really concerned about was i suffered with travel sickness i didn't tell you that guys i suffered with travel sickness tesla's give me horrible travel sickness because they have regenerative braking so when you let off the throttle pedal it just automatically breaks um yeah as a passenger it is not a nice place to be at all so one of my biggest concerns was as a driver was i going to send travel sickness or not all right so we'll get on the roads still loads more to talk about i still need to show some clips from the week that i've had and um yeah we'll conclude how i feel about this car all right let's hit the road [Music] jump in here right so a van pulls up just as i jump in and film on the interior he's now gonna want directions of where to go or where should he drop his parcel so what i'm gonna do is quickly deal with him first oh it's controlled custom steering wheel that's perfect that must be the steering wheel for the golf gti that got one boy uh who's gonna get one bike of course it was it was nikki from scent leonard's on c is that right yes and leonard's on c so the tesla that's what you're here for the interior of this car it's actually quite a nice place to be uh you've got a digi dash in front of a digital dash it's like an lcd led whatever display it does everything as it should uh this uh infotainment system like this big ipad in front of you here it um is bloody brilliant and a lot of people said like i said earlier that this is supposedly quite slow it's not very um doesn't respond as you'd want it to i completely disagree with all of that because it's actually really really good let me just turn the heater fan down uh which i don't actually know how to do it is a very peaceful car as well by the way guys uh because it's electric remember it's electric yeah uh yeah so this uh this is all very very good right i've not fully got the gist of it yet i've not got my head around it fully but i i'm getting there with it and personally i absolutely rate it guys it's brilliant all right so i need to tell you about the headache i had charge in this car midway through the week what we'll do now is we'll get on the roads talk about how it drives talk about travel sickness and then we'll talk about the charging thing yeah seat belt on put it in drive guys no noise at all nice light power steering with this big chunky ugly steering wheel i'm gonna put that out there uh looks like it's been stolen off of a maserati ghibli maybe which surprisingly isn't a very high quality car in my opinion and that's something that i was very skeptical about is the quality of this car generally american car brands just putting out there they don't they don't have the finish that say german brands do yeah and this car definitely definitely doesn't we'll talk about if that bothers me or not when we get on the road all right let's go here we go indicators on and pull out slowly in super silent tesla indicate a stalk by the way out of the mercedes-benz and the gear selector stalk there is also from a mercedes-benz along with the electric window buttons again from a mercedes all right so like i said earlier the regenerative braking takes a bit of getting used to it's a bit of a strange experience but it's surprisingly natural like it doesn't feel too weird at all so when you let off your foot off your brake the car just supplies a bit of braking power probably putting power into the battery i don't fully know how it will work uh but there is a little uh a dial on the dash there just indicating whether you're using power or regenerating power right when you let your foot off it begins to regen okay that there is the prime suspect that makes me feel sick when i'm sat in a passenger seat for tesla now if i sit in the rear of any car in the back seat of any car i get bad travel sick just travel sickness if i sit in the passenger seat i don't get it quite as bad this is like on a normal car but i do get it over a period of time if i sit in a driver's seat for normal car i'm fine i can drive forever and not experience travel sickness okay in a tesla i can't sit in the passenger seat or the rear seat whatsoever because it just makes me feel so ill it's like the cars constantly see-sawing it's like i don't know it's supposed to like being in a car with a bad driver it's really really it's just not a nice experience but then the big question is as a driver of a tesla am i getting travel sickness and the answer to that is no i am not and this is something that i was really concerned about i always thought i could never have a tesla because it just makes me feel it's going to make me feel rough right but i can honestly say that i have not experienced one bit of travel sickness and i'm making a big point of this guys because to me this was massive like if anyone out there subs suffers with travel sickness or has been in a tesla and experienced travel sickness don't worry if you're going to drive one i think you'd be fine driving one all right possibly in my experience i am now let's talk about the midweek charging challenge that i had right so i was driving the car and it showed 150 miles left on the range but i noticed the range was going down quicker than my the mileage i was doing was meaning uh it wasn't too accurate now it is cold at the minute it's been about five degrees ish as an average temperature i would say throughout the week which does go against batteries right we all know batteries don't form as well in the cold granted i'll give it that it's fair enough right so i did notice it going down uh quite quickly and i was getting a bit concerned i was thinking i need to charge this car didn't matter because i've got a charging point at bingo right i've got a little power lead i thought i'd just pull up one day and charge it and that didn't go to plan over unable to charge charge station not powered see it didn't really matter because i had about 50 miles left in the range so i thought i don't know what i'll do i'll just drive it home and then i sort out tomorrow morning probably the worst thing i could have done because the next day was a friday right and friday is hashtag free friday i had the live draw for planet dreams i did not have time to mess around charging my tesla but i had to make time because i had about 20 miles left in the range right here i am look i'm currently in dunstable and i've got 41 miles left on the range in the tesla right tesla um and my nearest charging point according to the map up here is six miles away at luton airport right i am not going to luton airport i'm going down to bletchley which is just about here in the middle of keynes that's where bingo is so i'm heading i just got quickly go somewhere in dunstable and then go to bletchley right that's about 15 miles away okay um so by the time i get there and i'm in a massive rush today by the way because it is hashtag free friday i've got a lot to do needs to give away a car and i have not got time to stop and charge this car anywhere right so i ain't got clue what i'm gonna do i might have to end up parking this car up because yeah this range is um you know i ain't got enough range to do any more journeys today so no idea at this point what i'm gonna do so i thought the best thing to do is maybe go to the local tescos i've done that and yeah this is it we are at tesco's now guys are they all full ah sorted look there's loads of charging points here and there is literally just one available so i'm gonna spin it in there now apparently to charge the car you gotta press this little power icon up here um open charge port because i have done a bit of learning and then in the mirror there you can see that the little charge ports just flicked out of the rear there now i have got the supercharging adapter here but i'm pretty sure that is only available at super charging uh power points right where i'm guessing this one here is not for supercharging we'll go find out yeah and there's actually two sockets are they sockets or two guns or whatever they're called oh there's that style oh my god you actually have to pay i thought this was i thought this stuff was free i have this adapter let's see i've got no idea what i'm doing let's have a look at that yeah so that there that goes in there like so yeah and then that looks like that fits in is nothing in there yeah it's the same didn't it yeah let's get that in there that's in we are getting there now what do i do and then press the start button on the charger oh no i'm guessing that means this has got an error has this got an error no idea what i'm doing at this point this definitely ain't working is it right should we download the app let's download the app and the reviews don't look very good today yeah oh hold on a minute does that mean this is just i didn't even see this sign there does that mean it's just for volkswagens no way this is a joke man right i think we have to go find somewhere else stupid thing give me that back stick that back in there so after i've done it tesco's i then went over to asda in milton keynes which is just around the corner but it's a big ass stuff surely they've got electric charging points and um yeah this happened oh here we go asda yes there must be some charging points here for tesla's i don't know the lights just went red yeah that i don't think they even had any there next door to asda there is an ikea of all places there's got to be charging points in ikea they're well up to date and they then i supported a car sign with a logo of a plug inside all right here we go there's a sign up there with an electric car charging point symbol so there must be some this way let's go find one there is my glory moment i have found the charger by this point i've got hardly any range left in the in the petrol tank you know the you know range thing and um i pulled up there's a space there oh yes right right here right here cal is it this way oh yes look honestly i have not got time for this this is a bloody mission battery level low yes i know my bloody battery levels low guys it's at 1109 now oh my god i've got to do a live live stream at 12 o'clock yeah i can try for right let's go and do this yeah ccs yeah i've got the ccs there we go that's it i'll first select your output yes now connect that's it get you in there son you're connected yeah that's locked present cards that worked processing preparing to charge setting up communication to the car guys i think i've done it [Music] so what is it it's like two hours later nearly now and the tesla is apparently fully charged i had to get a lift back to binker before i left here uh because i thought there's no way am i standing around for two hours but if you look on the app it does say that it's 90 charge which is like the recommended charging time and the thing that i'm most curious about is how much does it actually cost because i didn't sound stupid guys i thought this stuff was free but um i had to pay for it so let's see how much it is yeah so i still don't know how much i've paid to charge the car so showing 197 miles now left in the range but i've got no idea how much he's charged me it shows a pound on my statement but surely ain't just it ain't just charged me a pound that would be mega cheap right does show 39 pence per kilowatt on the machine there though so what if it tells me how many kilowatts i just just stole from that machine let's have a look no idea but i will try and tell you before the end of this video alright so yeah i did eventually find somewhere to park the car and i can conclude that it did only cost me one pound but i suppose the inconvenience factor did it outweigh yeah it was just so inconvenient i am such a busy person i haven't got time for farting around charging my car so that was kind of um it was just a it was a pallava it was a bloody pallava so but i did feel massively relieved when i eventually had a full fully charged tesla in my life all right i haven't talked about performance yet by the way it's proper quick let's do 20 70 mile an hour times now yeah i've got my draggy box here somewhere no i did wear here we go i think this car if it starts with a six that would be amazing if it done any quicker than that that would be incredible there's some serious competition in the fives and the sixes uh let's just head to the drill carriageway and get on here yeah ready three two one instant throttle response it just jumps off the line i would say it feels possibly less powerful there we go i would say it kind of feels like it yeah loses performance as you get up the rev range i'd say red range speed range um first run was 6.28 seconds so early 60s that's pretty good i'll do a couple more and see if we can beat that all right three two one strange experience no gears just one single speed and off you go done i do miss gears you know that i really really miss gears and something else believe me that speed that time was almost identical 6.23 seconds now i remember doing the draggy times with ibby in the tesla model 3 performance and uh yeah we just set ten we seem to do consistent draggy time so i can't imagine we're gonna beat that six point two three seconds that ain't bad at all let's have a quick look at the dragon leaderboard sienna compares to some of the other cars blimey porsche boxster s it's almost as quick as that which is quite impressive but the box press is a hundred horsepower left it's not ain't impressive at all really is it but this car isn't about performance it's a commuter and i'll conclude my uh feeling on that shortly now let's quickly talk about the warranty period in these cars so it's got a four year warranty as with most cars nowadays have sort of three to four years and that covers everything but the battery and uh motor have an eight year warranty with a limit of 150 000 miles whichever comes first right that's seriously impressive now this car is now out of warranty because of the age of it so you'd be thinking well that's a bit worrying so this is the battery and the motor at a time it's life now where it needs to replace it now replace it now luckily with this car both have been replaced under warranty prior to it exiting its warranty period so this particular car is a great example of an old tesla model but if i think if i was buying one uh of this age of this mileage i would be quite concerned or skeptical about buying one if it didn't have that work done because it's seemingly like or it's seeming like the the the lifespan of the battery is around that sort of time i don't know that for certain definitely do your research but uh this car because it has at it it would um it is what someone got behind me i'm guessing it'll be fine for a good few more years left yeah there we go we've just done a tesla today values that's something that we need to talk about so this car i think the book value the retail book value of this car is about 25 26 000 pounds okay according to water trader now um that's probably a little bit low based on what's currently on the market i think the cheapest tesla models currently is about 28 000 pounds but in fairness that's done quite a lot less mileage this is well this is that the warranty works or i would make i would personally think that makes it more valuable really difficult to say but it is going to be going up for sale in that sort of region okay sort of between 26 and 28 000 pounds now uh the experience that i've had driving this car honestly i've actually quite liked it but i personally got in this car the expected expectation that i wouldn't rate it i wouldn't enjoy it and i i couldn't see myself driving one and i still don't see myself driving one i don't feel like i want to go out and treat myself to a tesla or any kind of electric car not yet anyway but one thing i am so impressed with is the fact that i fully charge this car on a pound now the weight the rate at which the mileage went down the the monitor that the car showed i would say in actual terms i probably got about 60 or 70 percent of the mileage in real life if that makes sense but then a petrol car does that as well so a petrol car a lot my m5 for example would say i've got 300 miles left in my range when i fill the tank but in fact it will only do 200 miles and that will cost me a hundred pound in petrol at this car here would probably do about 150 miles on a full charge and it would cost me a pound if i charge it at uh ikea so one thing i would say is if you are driving a car every day and you are just commuting that's your purpose for having a car you're just commuting you're driving from a to b and you're currently driving say a bmw 320i petrol sc with no spec and you're putting petrol in it all the time i just i just don't see why you would do that i don't know why you anyone would do that is there any benefit to driving an average car and putting fuel in it all the time if you have no enjoyment from that car or you don't care about enjoying your car if you're just driving it to commute surely you need to get an electric car i've been thinking about my mum she don't care about cars she just wants to get in her car and drive it from a to b but she's putting petrol in every week she don't really need to do that but me as a petroleum because i enjoy driving i look forward to getting in my m5 and making a bit of noise having a bit of fun flicking through the gears and um experience experiencing the sound and the drama of a proper petrol engine for me it's worth every single penny i absolutely love driving a noisy petrol engine love it if you looked at performance now this car hasn't performed quite like i kind of expected it would i suppose it does feel quite quick but some of these electric cars do outperform most big petrol cars right and that's a bit embarrassing but then you always come back to is it all about performance is it really all about performance or do you just get a different sense of enjoyment as a petrol head when you're driving a petrol engine car and i think you definitely do this car has not given me any fulfillment any sense of enjoyment some of the time i'm just driving down the road and i'm just in my own world which i generally have anyway um and it's it's taking me home you know i'm just i'm i'm driving but i'm not connecting with the car i'm not enjoying the journey to and from work anymore i'm just commuting but it does do a very very good job of that i have just been filming the cinematics i've discovered an adapter in the boot a tesla adapter that might have helped me on my drama when charging this car that might have been the thing i needed to charge the car i don't know yet to conclude that but my overall experience with the tesla for this week has been it's actually been quite good which i don't know if i'm annoyed about it i don't know if i'm happy about it but for an entry-level electric car this thing has been absolutely brilliant it's been so good it's done as it should it's been charging really well like it's it's been it's been holding its power surprisingly well uh my only ever experience with an electric car has been with the g whiz and you saw how bad that was i've got 30 miles on a full charge in that car so uh this is so impressive in comparison all right so um yeah i think i've covered everything i probably haven't i definitely haven't covered everything there's so many things i could talk about i'm gonna leave with that thank you very much for watching hope you liked this video if you did like this video if you want to know any more about a tesla do hit me in the comments below i know there's a lot of myths as i'm sort of letting off the throttle pedal that brakes are pressing there's so many things i could talk about with this car it could go on and on and on if you want to see any more content on any electric cars do let me know in the comments below like i say just keep fire questions at me and i will answer as many as i possibly can if you're in the market to buy something like this and you're feeling a bit concerned i do hope this video has helped you conclude what you're about to do i am doing a little project on my g whiz if you've not seen that video yet where i've had it wrapped so i'm about to do some more stuff to it we've put a tesla badge in there look out for videos on that i'm gonna wrap it up hit like if you like this video hit subscribe if you're new to my channel for a new video every wednesday and sunday at six o'clock and if you're on instagram give me a follow on instagram calvin's car diary and i'll see you in the next video right bye [Music]
Channel: Calvin's Car Diary
Views: 243,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cars, car, automotive, sports cars, Tesla, Model s, High, Mileage, Petrol, Diesel, Electric, Model 3, Days
Id: xTFpU24jvnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2022
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