Did I CONTRADICT Myself? | Crazy Lamp Lady | Reselling

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maybe you could stick flowers in his butt okay well today we are at Black Rose antiques I only have about an hour but it didn't make sense not to stop so we're going to head in here and see what we can find to buy and flip for a profit often times I will find better deals here at the Antique Mall than I can find at the local thrift store so uh fingers crossed let's head in and see what we can find buy and flip for a profit here we go we're going to see what we can find today um I have a few sales that I'm getting ready for over on knicknacks Donnet we have the zoo train coming up and then also paper weights we have a paper weight train coming up in June so few things I'm on the lookout for bit of a scavenger hunt but I'm always looking for just about anything I can buy and flip for a profit I see a bird I see a couple birds actually looks like this bird is 49 this is a cute bird and it's 35% off I don't know though it's not speaking to me the way a bird should speak to me you guys are probably like what are you talking about JN that's okay you don't have have to understand and this bird is very sweet this is only $18 at $18 it doesn't really have to speak to me that loudly um 18 and 35% off it's a sweet little duck we'll grab that here is the kiosk I love looking at this kiosk I usually can't touch it for resale but they have some of the cutest stuff lots of crystals recently I don't know much about crystals I've been using them making my bracelets throwing a few crystals on there but my bracelets have bird on it they've got a bird on Andrew's like you know that's not how you spell bird right there's a paper weight $20 on the art glass paper weight Wonder that would also be that would be like 35% off um I think except marked firm H pretty sure that's 20 so 35 off of 20 would 2 46 huh yeah that might be worth picking up I think I'll grab that paper weight might as well looks like they've got some new stuff in this booth that thing is new she cups little bit of Carnival back here this say Mar gold 25 on that that's like a Holly and Berry Maybe 25 is really pretty I like the Deep iridescence on that wondering if it' be worth picking up at [Music] 25 what pattern is that let's take a peek H that's the orange tree pattern at 24 you know as long as there's no chips or cracks I might pick those up right I'm going to stick these in my cart that wasn't one of the items on our scavenger hunt but for the right price I'll usually pick up Carnival and I'm not really a huge fan of the mirold but that mirac gold is so deep it's like a really rich mirror gold so I'll take it I see Kitty oh I see a couple kitties I like this one this one's Derpy handmade Whimsical catf face wall hanging Red Crow pottery $1050 look at him Red Crow you could hang him in the window he's just lots of fun I do also like this tonala how much on the tonala that is 3650 I don't know I do like it also I'm like you don't need it we're moving soon I don't need all the things this is small and compact doesn't take up a lot of space this is neat wow look at that that's a wall hanging looks like it's made in Italy I love the colors meanwhile this big thing watch me contradict myself um two seconds later we have $18 on this blue Pottery wall poet I am obsessed with it has a little little drainage hole in the bottom I kind of really like this guys I'm going to do that I'm going to grab that we're going to do it um let's see here little fused glass toothpick holders that's a loose sight Pap weight for [Music] 18 I love the flowers and that they're so pretty aren't they I don't know maybe I'll think about that one I've picked up a lot of glass paper weights that one's kind of out of theme look at this robot Chopper Tea Bar orange Robo mug Nashville Tennessee made in Mexico he's kind of fun come here you what are you $6 what has it he's got a little boo boo on his foot but how good is that I'm almost willing to forgive it because he's so cute I think that's forgivable I don't think I've seen this one before I see a lot of the tonala over and over again I don't think I've seen a little bluebird what is he he's a vessel is he a vape P I'm not really sure maybe you could stick flowers in his butt I'm kind of digging this F glass 18 um oh there is a signature on now what is that signature on SE with an m mlay mcy okay use this signature that actually matches the picture set that I just recently bought from Daryl maybe I'll have to keep that here's a paper weight this is uh 16.99 it's made a present this booth is so tick tocky [Laughter] I don't know I have mixed feelings about it I kind of like it but also I want it all to like tick to a beat and it's not total mixed feelings let's go this way Che out all of these records this is the land of vinyl over here serious vinyl game happening my goodness look at these little anthropomorphic what what are those vegetable salt and pepper as is oh he's got a boo boo on the back of his [Music] head all right probably mean in China 750 I like this one because it looks like a fire fireworks even these made in China ones um I do like the ones that look like fireworks that one does have a bruise though so for that reason I'll leave it this is 7 that is a big chunk of glass no markings on that 1750 pretty colors I'll take that guy there's another firework looking one $15 scuffing here's the little hidden Nook here at Black Rose it's just this small little booth kind of nestled between these two other booths I found some really cool uh postcards in here before and usually the prices are so reasonable and we've got like $1 here $1 $5 $2 on this made in USA slide glass shell I'm to pick that up I'm got a birn something pepper shakers well that's cute who makes that 13 huh that's interesting oh it's cracked that's a shame that kind of looks like eldr okay here we are one of my favorite vendors and it looks like they've restocked since my last visit which is always very exciting cuz the prices here are what I'm talking about when I say better than thrift store prices check out this planter usually don't do much with planters that lamb is so stinking adorable it's $15 I'm going to grab that then we have these clis a there's a little bit of damage but they appear to have some age to them 475 there's a pair so I think for the pair I'll take both of those a whole bunch of puppies and kitties it's got an interesting finish to it lots of milk glass this one's [Music] fenon crackle glass those are fun perfume bottles I like these $8 for the pair of candle holders and this is really neat too look at the optic $7 on that picture looks like we have a few silk Crest heart-shaped dishes 14 bucks a piece take both of those as long as there's no damage take those I think that up there is koi if I'm not mistaken think I've had that one before okay so it's only eight bucks but unfortunately you can see that crack so we're going to leave that gorgeous vase behind I just love the blue on that that's why I picked that up the last time I had it 54.99 and then $23.99 on the green I've had it in yellow [Music] before 28.99 on the bunny pedler wonder who makes those kind of interesting oh presto presto Wick Prestwick huh they look Artisan made there's two of them there coin Dot 3 six oh my gosh I'm so excited there's a new one in here look at it and it's a full body figurine frog prints oh my gosh the past few that she's had in here have been um just bust this is so good I think I'm going to add this I love it all right so I got about one more row left to do look at that bird see LM glass Flamingo open tesame me does this one open I can oh this one opens from the side it's so fun to go in the antique Ms and like try to figure out all the way all the different cases open he's probably made in China or like perer one or something but I love his little wire legs so we're going to grab him for $4.99 all right I'm going to put this back because I realize there's a chip on the spout so we're putting that one back this little dream pet is so adorable I don't usually pick up dream pets but this one's cute this is right up there with little kangaroo Worm baby so we're going to grab that oh that's a pretty tile the flowers ping oh it's for just display how much $5 what am I saying better than thrift store prices that would have been like $6.99 at Goodwill check out that salt claz it's 35 see it looks like BPP it is pretty I wonder if it's a wine thing or if it's a face not sure door all right so that wraps up our trip to Black Rose I hope you guys enjoyed shopping with me today I will put our total spend up here in the corner um because I don't remember where it was but we got some pretty cool stuff today and it was fun um shopping around it had been a few weeks there for a while I was going like every week but um it had been a few weeks since I visited and um yeah so here comes Hank he's like oh Mom's home he's going to come jump on me um but anyway I guess I will see all of you tomorrow so [Music]
Channel: Crazy Lamp Lady
Views: 50,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: antiques, antique reselling, buying and selling antiques, thrifting, making money, never pay retail, relic recoverist, crazy lamp lady, vintage, thrift stores
Id: oFCe0gKabmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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