Did Apple just Kill Meta With the Vision Pro?

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foreign we got one more thing to talk about just like apple had one more thing to talk about and it was the first generation of a new product category a watch no just kidding it's a headset it's a it's an AR VR headset and this again completes the theme of Apple not wanting to use words that other companies use at no point did they want to say this is an AR VR headset they didn't say virtual reality very often they actually called it spatial Computing yes before they said AR VR but the point is it's a headset that you put on your face that costs three thousand five hundred dollars will come out early next year and uh well they give a bunch of demos of it I got to try it it has a bunch of really interesting Tech let's talk about it yeah yeah um so on the like XR extended reality uh spatial Computing idea front I actually I was thinking about this all night last night I was like writing about my feelings about this headset last night just to get my feelings out about it I actually think that the journal app no yeah Journal I actually think that the extended reality like spatial Computing phrasing is really good for this headset because it is not really supposed to be a VR headset like it is so for those listening and also watching there's like this digital there's a digital crown on it that you can turn and as you turn it it takes you from The Real World into a more digital world and you can just on the fly whenever you feel like it put yourself more in a digital world or more in a real world and I think that that is a really good idea because virtual reality headsets you only are able to be in VR and for so many people that means that the only use case for using a VR headset is basically like playing games or that kind of stuff right whatever's in a virtual world yeah yeah but that means that you're gonna only be in that virtual world and you have no other options and most people don't want to be immersed in this virtual world for a long period of time because one just evolutionarily people don't like not being able to see or feel what's around them like there are predators that could attack you right um and so I think that Apple wants this to feel just like an extension of what you're already doing which is what AR was originally sort of intended for and the reason I think that Google Glass was like one of the best inventions ever but it just got completely destroyed because of privacy concerns um but I think their point with this is that they want you to mostly just like be in real life but then be able to like use those experiences when you want to interesting um so yeah do you want to talk more about like what the headset is yeah I'll give you so I'll give you the breakdown basically of controls versus other headsets so if you've ever seen an AR VR headset typically a VR headset is this plastic shell you strap to your face and then you get a set of controllers or you can do stuff with your hands this is a metal and glass headset that you strap to your face there are no controllers being made for it it isn't controlled entirely by your hands your eyes your eyes and your voice the eyes is the craziest this to me is like the big difference really with like an Apple product obviously there's a lot more to talk about but really it feels like The Innovation here was UI again like it reminds me a lot of the first iPhone where you have this like pinch to zoom moment on stage and everyone goes you can just pinch the screen and make it bigger and it seems so obvious now but the same thing happens in that headset where instead of like the normal experience which is I have the controller I point out in space and I hold a trigger and I like drag something and this one I just look at what I want to touch and then I just touch my fingertips together and it clicks it and your fingertips can be anywhere they can be in your lap they can be off to the side almost anywhere almost anywhere as long as you're on the phone somewhere but honestly I try so I did my demo like I did it by accident like yeah on the couch next to me my fingers connected and I clicked something by accident I should say you have to try to be out of range sure of course yeah yeah you can't do it like this yeah I heard people talking about how they were like testing it and like it does get I mean so or if like I guess something is like in the way of your hands right yeah so there are cameras two on the front two on the side two facing down so generally think about that that's where it's sensing things it's a 180 degree field of view basically yeah it's got a super high resolution display for each eye well over 4K it's the sharpest VR headset I've ever seen it has a lot of cameras and the two on the front are for stereoscopic 3D and it does full color pass-through it's the best pass through in any headset I've ever seen definitely and then the eye tracking is borderline telepathic so what happens is with the headset you start with a calibration thing so it shows some dots on the screen like a DOT appears and it shrinks down and you look at it and another dot appears and you look at it and so it's looking at your irises there's a bunch of sensors on the inside to see what your eyes are looking at and then once it's done with that it opens up you get to the home screen and the UI is there you hit the digital Crown the apps show up and you just look at the icon and it highlights like me and then others are still and you look at another icon it's like oh me and it's this really interesting like telepathic dance where like I look all over the screen and as soon as my eye stops it highlights exactly what I'm looking at there's a home screen bar at the bottom there's a little icon to like drag to make Windows bigger God there's so much to talk about I know I look out a window I select it and I push it back in space and with Incredible precision and responsiveness it moves it around the room exactly where I want in any UI Direction there are shadows cast under the windows in the room so I'm moving a window back and I see it cast a shadow I have Safari going I'm scrolling up and down you know with like the physics of like an iPhone scrolling you can like scroll it up and catch it and like toss it around you can do all of that in the air in real time unbelievably responsive yeah more so than any I've ever seen I mean I tried the quest Pro and the quest Pro is as close as I've seen to that there's a psvr2 um just this one is it's the highest quality UI of any headset I've ever seen with the pass-through and the eye control and the hands and everything a lot of other interesting features there's the iris scanning unlocking it's called what uh Iris no what is it called thank you optic ID optic ID just because your eye is as unique as your fingerprint so that's cool um creepy borderline creepy but at least it's just like IR camera which isn't it's fine for sure on like how to unlock something like that and then I think the most iconic piece of this whole thing is this headset appears to be transparent but it is not what you're seeing when you're looking at the headset and there are eyes looking back at you it's actually just a sort of a it's an OLED screen flipped around showing what your eyes are computed to look like on the inside uh but really it only shows up when you're in some sort of a pass-through mode and you can see other things in the room yeah as soon as you're not in a pass-through mode if you're watching a movie or you can't see anything it shuts it down you don't see the eyes and it's just like an animation and this is one of those things that is it's fascinating it's one I don't think we're gonna see any other headset do this I think it adds a lot of cost it adds a lot of weight and it adds no benefit to the person actually wearing the headset it's mainly just so that you can wear it without looking like a meme of the eye thing yeah I think that I think makes you look like a man well it does but it it I think they were specifically thinking about how do we make this acceptable to wear out in public and so don't do it also I I do think they would argue that the part that is benefiting the person wearing it is in that situation someone comes into your field of view and you're trying to communicate with them is you don't have to take it off now yeah or that's what they want you they don't want you to take it off and like that taking it on and off is is benef but I'm just you this is their argument not mine it's beneficial to the person wearing it because you're not taking it off I think the weird thing about the eyes is like I think it shows one of the coolest things that I think they did really well and then everyone's only focusing on the eyes which is kind of the weird part it's really cool that you can have windows open and someone comes close enough to you where it assumes you want to like but they want to talk to you like you're not stuck in this this so your world like feature for this that part is really cool where it comes forward and it pushes them through the screen and that's when it activates the eyes because then you're communicating with them that is really cool and it's only when you make eye contact with each other so they can be like in here but only when you like look at them they sort of like Fade Into Your virtual reality yeah well they need to be able to they fade in if they just get close enough I don't think so you can't make eye contact for someone if there's a window okay so you can because you can you can look over it in that direction behind you if they come from behind a screen you can't make eye contact with them they're not always going to make it into those spaces if they come from behind a screen it it goes like 10 more transparent than usual and you can see that there is a face there and then if you choose to look at the face then they sort of like fog away it still like finds a way to fade someone in when it thinks there's someone in close enough to you rather than just being completely oblivious yeah which is a feature I have not seen on like that the way that it does it is so amazing like yeah just the the fluency of them like slowly fading in and then you kind of look at them and they fade in a lot more and then if even if you're in full virtual mode if you're looking at them suddenly you've just got this person that's there as well it's freaking amazing that sounds kind of creepy but also is way less creepy than somebody just standing outside you don't know they're there so like I think that is an awesome feature but then that feature everyone's just thinking about the stupid eyes that come in front of it which is like it's so cool and so memeable at the same time like the whole crowd was laughing when they kept showing eyes coming through it was really interesting that's it so just disclosure David and I have tried the headset and we've gotten our demos of it and there was like a 30 minute full demo of a bunch of different features I want to hit on a couple other features and things we got to try one is you can do face times in the headset it's its own computer with an M2 Chip and an R1 chip which is doing all the real-time processing of the sensors and you can jump on a FaceTime and you don't have to have a pair to an iPhone or anything it's connected to Wi-Fi and you pick up the FaceTime and there's like a window or two windows or however many people are on and you can see everyone's face times and their video feeds but what do they see oh funny you ask uh they will see a 3D reconstructed version of you that is sort of animated in real time to match the way you look and you actually have to scan yourself in by turning a headset around and scanning yourself as a registration process yeah and so then there's this like high-res cartoon version of you and I actually got to chat with one of them which I assume you did too yeah yeah it's kind of like Google starline-ish a little bit worse quality I would say yeah um so that was that was interesting to see the demos made it look like and you guys can confirm this like the quality of your face in Starline was better but the like cut out of Starline was really rough and that looked like the actual image of it was better just like lower quality well so there's no background or anything yeah it's just kind of like a floating but Starline had like that weird like squiggly cut out yeah because they tried to put you on like a fake background yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean Starline was a million times more Mercer because it's a 60 inch real screen but this was more just like a little floating window in front of you yeah and a like a weak Sports Avatar yeah it is it was sort of this weird like you know how meta announced the the really high resolution because there's that Meme of of Zuck like standing in front of the Eiffel Tower like looking like worse than a Wii graphic and then they're like no no this is what it's actually going to look like in the future and they have like this way higher resolution you're gonna be able to scan yourself in yeah it basically is like that and it's this weird like you know it's digital because it's got this weird texture yeah that's what I was trying to explain like it looks from the things and like you looking at it was probably almost looks like do you know when they like blend a bunch of faces together to show you like the like what the average person would look like or like if we were all together it's got sad it's like an uncanny valley thing and I I don't know if people are going to respond well to this they might get used to it um but it's just strange like previously Apple you know in FaceTime allowed you to be a memoji and yeah I think that's so far away from uncanny valley that people were just like used to that it's just a funny thing but this feels like what a Sci-Fi representation of like people are in Holograms this one I feel like is why you have to look forward into the future because this is the first gen version of it but let's say theoretically in the future this gets much better much smaller and much higher quality yeah then maybe it's acceptable to like jump on a FaceTime with a high-res animated version of you and there's hand tracking and face tracking and stuff yeah I guess it's got like it's got good um mapping of your face though because it's got those downwards facing cameras that are seeing your facial expressions so it's not just guessing what your facial expressions are the one thing that was pulling me out of it was like the movements around your eye right like it knows the direction you're looking because it has the iris scanners and stuff there's a lot more happening there's a lot more happening that you're not even really noticing actively like in your cheekbones and your eyebrows and stuff that those were pretty static and that's why it felt well you also have a thing pressing up against your face at that point so those things can't really exactly exactly so yeah that was strange this this feels like a kind of weird like when you're gonna FaceTime your friends or your family and you're the only person with this are they gonna be like I don't know how I feel about this probably there's a bunch of people in 2D and it's just like well and it just feels really impersonal right I said this in the video like when I'm FaceTiming friends and family I'm trying to see my friends and family like actually see them right and at this particular moment this 2023 version of it it does not feel like I'm actually seeing the person maybe in the future it's so high res and accurate and it's a recent scan because this is the thing I could scan myself a month ago and I'm using that old scan it's like that's not what I look like right now but maybe it eventually gets really good and it feels like I'm talking to a person but right now it feels worse than a FaceTime this is like a better version of an audio call but worse than a video call I was gonna say this looks like a better version of the like meta like AR VR business stuff this feels like a business thing not a person yeah like I wouldn't care if I'm just doing a meeting with it's like you guys like and we're doing like oh let's go over and edit or doing something in 3D like yeah I don't care quite as much as like what we feel like we're doing in the moment but FaceTime feels way more personal and this feels a little weird for that this to me feels like a perfect feature that will make sense in 10 years like the digital Crown right now when you rotate it it'll go from VR to AR right yeah the goal is to always have it rotated so that you're just in AR is that not the case well the 10 years they want you to always be in AR not in a transparency mode yeah they already want you to mostly be an AR but you can switch it but you can switch it to VR because sometimes being that's only because that's what we're capable of right now I don't think like if this was just an AR machine that would be weird like they have to add the VR things no one's going to wear this for the functionality of what's currently available it seems like there's a lot there's a lot of potential use case in each yeah like with ar with having like your computer monitors up but being able to see your co-workers around you just like that feels like a kind of useful error thing but if I'm watching a movie I don't want to see anything else yeah so like VR I want I want to watch a sports game or a movie or something I want full VR but I feel like they're only adding those features because they have to because the headset is so big adding the VR features like if they could have made the glasses yesterday or two days ago whenever they announced this they would have just done that and then we're so far away I think that removes the ability to do most of the best stuff in VR which is like we have cool games we have cool experiences if I want to like really immerse myself in this virtual world that was a lot of the interesting stuff too it's like they showed a bunch of content that was shot for it and it was really really immersive and good it was and I think if you don't have the ability to shut out the outside environment you don't fully appreciate that hey thanks for watching this clip um we appreciate y'all uh for sticking with us through the Gen 1 of this podcast but we're ready to move on to Gen 2 where you can see our eyes through our headsets so so not now Chief from the zone I'm watching a movie I'm watching you like this on a few thumbs up in XR if you thumbs up the next art is a thumbs up in real life just Waits four seconds and then puts a bunch of thumbs up around fun fact audience if you subscribe in xre subscribe in real life [Music] thank you
Channel: Waveform Clips
Views: 394,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Waveform, WVFRM, Podcast, MKBHD, Marques, Brownlee, Andrew, Manganelli
Id: 2Yikw6jZQ80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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