Dianna's restrictive diet

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what what is Diana's basic diet I see you blending up pistachios apples coconut milk chia seeds hemp seeds and butternut squash and that's it oh man it's getting more food and it's gonna be critical like the butternut squash is pretty tasty because I just roast that in some coconut oil and she she likes that but that's like the only thing that's like a normal food yeah I blend the apples and pistachios sometimes I'll slice them up when she has like the energy to chew and eat and you know normally or generously named uh chia pudding it's like coconut milk chia seeds and hemp seeds if you were served to this chia pudding at a an establishment you would definitely send it back
Channel: Physics Girl
Views: 1,926,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: physics girl, dianna cowern, ME/CFS, MCAS, long COVID, COVID, notaflu, chronic fatigue
Id: JfvrSI9FSig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 53sec (53 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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