An Update On Dianna's Health

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hi um it's not Diana obviously my name is Simone Diana is one of my best friends and um people often get the two of us mixed up so maybe that's something as you might know last year Diana got coveted and over the last couple of months she's slowly gotten worse to the point where her condition has become potentially life-threatening [Music] hey I'm Diana and you're watching physics busy with my hands [Music] emergency my wife needs to go to the emergency room foreign Diana's Health has spiraled down to the point where she can barely move like she can't feed herself and in the past week she has been to the ER twice Diana has long coveted and that has triggered something called mecfs it's a chronic fatigue syndrome that is extremely debilitating and Kyle her husband has become her full-time caretaker her mom visits and helps as much as she can but her condition keeps her limited from seeing any other friends or family right now because it's too exhausting for her so lately the way her other friends and I have been staying in touch with her is that we send little updates about our day to her husband Kyle and then he reads them for her at night because she hasn't been well enough to read text messages by herself so yeah it's it's bad and it looks like the road to recovery is gonna be way longer than any of us ever expected and we have all just been scrambling to find ways to help in this kind of impossible situation and I know that there are a lot of you who have followed her for a long time and who have been looking for ways to help too and Diana has a patreon page and I also know that when I went through health problems of my own patreon was the only thing that kept me afloat during that time Levi who is her editor and videographer is still posting some stuff on there including some health updates and I just want to clarify that this is not something that Diana has asked me to do like I've talked to her friends and family about it and honestly I'm excited for a time where she's well enough to maybe be upset with me for posting this I'm just trying to help a friend and patreon is something that I know helped me a tremendous amount when I was Ill so if you've been looking for a way to help I think patreon is your best option I know that she really wishes that she could be here and I know that a lot of you are rooting for her and we are too but right now she just has to focus on getting better she hopefully is going to be treated at a long coveted Specialist Clinic soon and they're constantly developing new treatment methods so we're all staying very hopeful so yeah um that's the update happy physics thing I think that's it okay bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Physics Girl
Views: 5,593,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: physics girl, dianna cowern, #longcovid, #covid, #ME/CFS
Id: vydgkCCXbTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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