Diana and Roma Top Videos with Oliver | 1 Hour Video

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Diana [Music] and huh hello H dear Oliver you've been accepted to the school of magic [Music] wowa y it's time to eat for Adam yum yum you don't want no no no no no no h how can I feed Adam come pleas let me say Y what is this this is invisible Rob aha I'm invisible now the plane coming open your mouth M thank you Oliver for your magical tricks yay what where is Sadam he disappeared [Music] uh-oh look at this cool owl I made W hm H wow my owl is alive oh no bye-bye let's play [Music] basketball yay com [Music] [Music] wow [Music] yay oler what have you done ah help help welcome to my orange [Music] joury come come wow amazing I [Music] like what happened to my flowers uh-oh oh [Music] no Oliver can you fix it please yay Oliver where is sadom Adam I was missing you so much [Music] yay thank you [Music] Oliver oh no oops Oliver needs a party great idea Oliver here's the poty you know what to do H oops I hello hello hello let's go [Music] H Oliver this is a party not a flower pot [Music] what oliv this all for you you know what to do yay you can choose any poy you want wow bye-bye bye-bye 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Music] I Yay uhoh Oliver PO is not a toy huh we need Plan B okay [Music] H ol look what I have for you I think you know what to do [Music] idea what help [Music] me help oh no what there buty is not a car let's go Oliver here is your py hm [Music] H idea look hello [Music] huh wo ah do you understand what to do Y come [Music] come great job Oliver let's give your diapers to Adam you are not a baby anymore [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] byebye great job balloon where does this balloon come from watch you popet my balloon I will punish you what no oh no what happened I punish you you arrested oh m Mama ol Let Her Go never zet my balloon idea Oliver let's distract him okay let's go help please help me first let's pop the Red Balloons hey hey [Music] huh wa hello can I play with you okay thank you [Music] byebye me me yay wow yeah oh no Watch Out oopsie now let's pop orange go have some fun look the sun good luck it's my little H hey you come here I like dancing let's play music come on bye-bye Mommy uhoh oh [Music] no stop hello can you let us out no next yellow time to [Music] clean [Music] yeah wo I like cleaning you want to try uh-huh uh-huh great [Music] job uhhuh mhm don't worry [Music] Mommy [Music] no oh no Bon man my lovely yellow balloons time to pop Green Let's Start what's this come on wow that's [Music] amazing come on that makes me so happy di quickly we need both the balloons don't worry yay h run Diana run again let's try to pop [Music] blue wow uh-oh hello do you want to play wow what AAL toy wa oh this is fun you want to try oh thank you oh boy oh boy be [Music] careful huh oh no uh-oh oopsie dark blue and purple lip how else can I distract the balloon [Music] man what's it sound H [Music] noep [Music] aha [Music] I'm here Mommy close your [Music] ears Dan watch out no last one purple come come come come no no no I won't leave my balloons [Music] again come [Music] come [Music] hey go go go oh yeah come [Music] on go go [Music] okay look at me hey let's go yes [Music] [Applause] y last one wow thank youuh H what he's crying idea it's for you thank you thank you thank you [Music] goodbye Oliver did you brush your teeth today [Music] huh H do you know what can happen if you don't take care of your teeth H let me tell you there can be Bas in your mouth wow m [Applause] m oh no so dirty teeth e let's brush teeth y wow [Laughter] bye-bye oh [Applause] no these two fell out because of the ger let's begin I'm a stetic spray perfect [Applause] yay [Music] [Laughter] bye-bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] y huh e if the food stuck in your teeth it can make problems to take this out you need Dental [Music] [Applause] [Music] sauce ready [Music] yay [Music] oh no a piece of tooth fell out because of my crops let's fix it let's glue them back look [Music] okay [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] yay ouch ouch [Music] ouch there's a hole in the teeth because of the bad bacteria let's fill the [Music] tooth good yay bye now you understand why need to brush your teeth yes let's go [Music] okay no [Music] [Applause] yeah good [Music] job oh no go go [Music] go today is Oliver's first day at this is school yeah yeah yeah [Music] [Applause] yeah hello teacher hello teacher good morning students this is Oliver our new student nice to meet you Oliver guys please take your seats [Music] okay what are you doing Oliver H Oliver you're not allowed to sit at the teacher's desk or use their things students sit on the desk [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay great job students put out your school stuff uhhuh okay [Music] [Music] ready Oliver what is it school is not kindergarten toys are not not allow that lesson okay you need pencil case and notbook thank you wo now you will learn about our planet Earth thank you huh turn on your tablets there are seven continents on the planet Earth Europe Asia Africa North America [Music] sou what do you [Music] [Applause] do Oliver school isn't a place for a disco here you have to study okay Earth is the third planet from the Sun super lunch time [Music] yay [Music] yummy ym [Music] yummy Oliver students don't drink from a baby bottle at school we eat fruits and vegetables strawberry Blackberry grapes and [Music] cookies super next exercise okay [Music] what is going on H H please do not sleep during the class okay hello now it's time for art meow meow my cat's going to be the most beautiful no mine will be mine hello Oliver you are not in kindergarten anymore you have to draw knives sure I am let's draw it together I can help you [Music] yes ready why wow nice picture guys [Music] yay students lessons are finished for today see you tomorrow yay bye-bye Oliver did you enjoy your first day at school yes super wow what's this C what is it wow it's a secret room meow meow meow [Music] yay this is my dog [Music] you're so beautiful and I have a cat meow [Music] wow fish I'm hungry [Music] okay cool M thank you guys y look what Coter I have a let's go it can make 3D toys do you want one yeah yeah I can't wait for my toys Diana are you ready yes I'm ready wow thank you Roma me me [Music] okay Oliver car for you is [Music] ready wo Oliver did you like it yay I'm hungry don't worry I'll make everything yummy yummy yummy B Appetit and for me m how do we eat it this will help us chocolate w [Music] gummy bears banana [Music] [Music] yay art time hello no oliv no you're too small for this no Oliver look what I have for you do you like drawing yeah okay let's start [Music] uhhuh yellow next [Music] fish great job wow cool drawing boys do you like mine super guys look what slime I have come [Music] wo wow so fun so late already let's go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sleep a wow where have you been we've been in a secret room mom uh-oh wow welcome everyone Oliver let's start come on yay woohoo yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] CH OU ouch [Music] OU [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] uh-oh wow [Music] hello Oliver h no let's go [Music] yeah yeah lunch time hello okay [Music] Mommy [Music] yummy on Wow bye-bye [Music] wo let's go come [Music] on WOW yay let's go W let's drive yeah Oliver high five [Music] wow W uh-oh [Music] CH yay [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oliver oh no come on let's go yay look purple hello hello hello hello Y come on come on [Applause] yay [Music] fire yay good [Music] job yay y m yummy [Music] yummy Oliver I have a present for you yay wow [Music] W thank you it's not Simple Car It's Magic Car [Music] uh-oh what Oliver let's fill pool these balls yes y green yellow 1 2 3 4 Oliver we need the help hello you need help yes let's [Music] go yay Mission completed [Applause] [Music] we can to right wow we need to collect all balloons yes this is [Applause] for it's a [Music] blue W it's so [Music] heavy we need the help he [Music] [Applause] here I will help you [Music] wow Mission completed super let's ride to next one [Music] what is that it's a puzzle [Music] uhhuh wow yeah red wow orange B uh-oh blue one [Music] more I didn't [Music] know Boom come on come on it's [Music] easy yeah last [Music] one no ouch Mission completed oh H we need to pump look [Applause] yay it doesn't work oops now boys [Music] he [Music] okay woohoo thank you hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] w bye-bye bye hello let's go to play ground yay welcome [Music] wo now is driving let's go oh [Laughter] boy [Applause] y oops sit down [Music] Oliver to City to [Applause] city oh we made it oh let's play [Music] H [Music] okay oops come [Music] on yay [Music] let's start wo yeah ah yummy hello hello let's tickle him hi hello good sit down okay let's [Music] [Applause] [Music] drive super duper [Music] wo h ye Oliver do you like it yes give me five Wow Let's [Music] Go woohoo [Music] w [Music] M score it Oliver wo o o o oh no hello help Daddy hey hey come on come here okay oh Oliver yeah bye-bye goodbye byby where's Oliver he's playing hide and seek let's find him let's go h [Music] watermelons so fun hey fun appetite yum yum I need to find oliv her oh no next door [Music] yes [Music] a wow [Music] nice Oliver Oliver Oliver is not here next is my tool let's check Oliver are you [Music] there crocodile good crocodile don't eat me okay ol is that here my turn I hope Oliver is hitting behind this door w [Music] floor is [Music] lava M yummy I forgot about Oliver oops I'm next last one if oliv is not here then I don't know where is he I see something maybe that's [Music] Oliver Oliver is here yay time to [Music] play H [Music] yay byebye uh-oh he's playing hide and seek [Applause] again yay Family Day thank you l SeaWorld Abu Dhabi wow [Music] wow so beautiful [Music] look [Music] super look at me hey hello hello hello hello hello [Music] wo what is [Music] this let's go hello hello hello so [Music] beautiful [Music] [Applause] wo [Music] let's come on come on dance let's go have some Fun's the sun letage good luck [Music] it's [Music] [Music] wow hello hello [Music] bye do you want to look come on come on [Applause] [Music] oopsie wo you're so beautiful hi hi M yummy y lunch [Music] time B up yummy yummy aha I want to go there okay [Music] yay yay Oliver come come W [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Yoo [Music] y cool [Music] oh I like it look look look hello there everybody high five let's go woohoo w wow it was [Applause] cool go go go come on [Music] win [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes shk yeah come on Yoo W hi wo yeah this was fun [Music] Co goodbye goodbye bye-bye bye-bye [Music] goodbye hello today I have guests in my [Music] house hello hello [Music] up Oliver did you come in without knocking oops let's go do it the right way [Music] uhhuh before entering someone else's house first knock okay well done yay lunch time wash your hands first [Music] okay good boy wash your hands before eating yum wait a minute I'll make you something this [Music] one [Applause] huh Oliver at the table you need to be quiet open [Music] ready Oliver you're doing it wrong oops use a fork yes B up [Music] Oliver don't do that Oliver huh if you get dirty a dinner use a napkin yes you need to be here properly at a table yay great job [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wo [Music] hello yay Oliver what are you my mirror what a Miss it's not Pol like to make a mess when you're in guft I'm [Music] sorry uhhuh [Music] oh come [Music] on [Music] look finish you need to ask permission before touching other people's things Oliver do you want to [Music] paint aha [Music] idea oh no oops follower you messed up my house let's clean everything yes [Music] don't damage other people's things [Music] okay oh no it's late Oliver it's time for you to go home okay bye-bye bye-bye guess should leave on time
Channel: ✿ Kids Diana Show
Views: 1,823,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diana and roma, cartoon, roma and diana, diana y roma, diana roma, diana, roma, oliver, diana and roma english, kids diana show, kids, kids stories, video for kids
Id: BBDphdj5naM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 32sec (3572 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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