KeHE Order Selector Overview

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foreign [Music] fulfillment specialist and thank you for your interest in one of Katie's most crucial positions the order fulfillment Specialists also referred to as an order selector our order fulfillment Specialists are a vital part of our business helping Katie deliver food to grocery stores throughout the U.S cahey ordered fulfillment Specialists operate electric power Jacks to select orders thank you [Music] each pick requires scanning of barcodes on a pick label and then the pick slot order fulfillment Specialists move cases from the slot to pallets until complete pallets are wrapped manually and staged on the shipping dock [Music] this rule requires a high level of physical fitness and dedication to detail the job is not for everyone here's what you need to know kehey's order fulfillment specialist on average select about 1 000 cases in an 8 hour shift they are required to lift 20 to 70 pounds at one time along with safely operating heavy machinery in both hot and cold conditions because the supply chain is always moving your shifts may start later in the day fluctuate and length or fall on weekends and holidays to ensure your success kehe provides Hands-On training from former order fulfillment Specialists to cover scanning reading labels and operating electric power jacks you have a hand here and here and both feet firmly on you will be supported on the floor and receive feedback on your performance every day [Music] from White from ke distributors I am currently a warehouse supervisor I started out in a Zone packing and I have grown from that to a leaf and then from that I got promoted to a supervisor hopefully in about five years I'll be in a better management position and it'll be a great career for me at kehe we believe in serving to make lives better both through rewarding our employees hard work and dedication and also by serving our communities by helping those less fortunate through our kahi cares Foundation early last April I went to Dave our director in our facility told him of my need by the end of the day that day I had enough Monies to get the ball rolling to build a ramp on the outside of our home so that we could be mobile outside the home a few days later someone from kehe cares contacted me they they asked of my further needs I told them that we were needing a Mobility Scooter a hitch and a ramp to put on his truck so that he could become more independent outside the home it was a great experience and it has impacted Our Lives immensely it's made us so thankful if this sounds like a fit for you apply today to join the kehe team we look forward to working with you [Music]
Channel: KeHE Distributors
Views: 12,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UPmqsI5Wec4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 13sec (253 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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