Diagnose random blue screen errors on new Intel i9-7960x - LIVE

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[Music] hello and welcome into my latest livestream my name is Carrie Holzman and welcome into the Carrie holzman YouTube channel was a clever name I came up with wasn't it welcoming everybody and today I've got a live repair that it is the system sent into me from a gentleman in New York and I'll tell you a little bit about this so here's the way it works this person I've never met they've seen my videos they see I've i do repairs and they put together one heck of a system here I've got all the specs for the system in the video notes below the video and it's a heck of a system he's got a ton of hard drives in he's like four hard drives in there and a big video card and I said look before you ship this thing to me from New York let's take those hard drives out let's take that video card out cuz I don't need that for my diagnosis and I don't want those things to get damaged in shipping so what I've done is I've put just the spare graphics card I had in here this is a gtx 550 ti so this part is not like the others almost every single part one that else a lot of these parts are a minimum thousand dollars or more you know 64 gigs of Corsair Vengeance led Ram that's about $700 he's got a core i7 what'd I say it was 79 60 or something I can't remember any more yeah 79 60 X that's a $1,400 processor all day long the motherboards around 300 bucks he's got a lot of what I'm trying to convey here he's got a lot of money in the system a big investment here about thirteen hundred watt g2 EVGA power supply those are not cheap that's about 200 bucks he's got the H 115 I liquid cooler he's got a Samsung 970 Evo Drive that's kind of sticking up right here I don't know how well you guys can see that this is something asus does here and then he's got another MDOT to nvme drive down below then they heaps wait a minute he's left some plastic oh yeah yeah that needs to come off so the system came in yesterday well while Mitch and I were filming the update to you know getting the interactive bill done and last night I opened it up and I heard something rattling around in there and I found there was a loose screw rolling around in there which I don't know if that was how it was shifter if that just came loose and shipping and this Bay is loose he should have I should have instructed him the pulleys base everything that adds weight and has a potential for damage needs to come out of the system before shipping it 2500 miles you know across the surface the United States it's not it's not going by plane it's going by a truck so there's a lot of potential for jarring and potholes and things like that and when the gentleman brought it to my door he had it sideways which ultimately doesn't matter in a system like this but it just goes to show carrying its sideways for one person is easier because the box is wider if he were carrying it right-side up but it's you know labeled right-side up the addresses on the top he can't see the address of he's carrying it sideways so I was a little irritated at that but it didn't really matter because there's really nothing that can be damaged here unless one of these came out you see that one's really stiff and this one it's just not in right so these should have come out before shipping so if anybody wants to shift their computer to me for repair you really need to remove anything that is absolutely not part of the equation to reduce the cost of shipping by removing weight and reducing the odds of anything breaking now with that said I went ahead and ran some basic Diagnostics on it one of the first things I found is the system needs a password to log in so I reached out to the customer and got that it was not volunteered so again as a tech you've got to ask all the right questions I dropped the ball there that preventing me from doing anything within Windows last night but what I was able to do was run mem test 86 now mem test 86 came up with an error and I had asked the customer before he sent it to me did you check the memory and make sure you have the latest bios and he said yes he did well I see bad memory so I pop a couple memory modules out leave two in take two out run the test again it passes put one of the ones back in that I took out it passes put the other one back in so I'm back to four it passes so I let it run all night it takes ten hours to run through all the tests on mem test eighty six four times which is what it recommends and I went to bed when I woke up this morning it passed all the tests so maybe the memory became jostle been shipping so it doesn't appear to be any issues with the memory he's getting these random blue screens of death in Adobe Lightroom and I noticed he's got a sound card here and I asked him why did you add the sound card what's wrong with the I mean this is a high-end motherboard it's got excellent sound what's wrong with why did you add that and he says well just because I had it I had it laying around for two years that's not it's not a good reason folks you know that you especially when you're getting blue screens and you're trying to die well anything you're trying to diagnose a problem you really want to have as much unnecessary equipment disconnected from the computer as possible so if you don't if you don't need four sticks of RAM if you can get by with one just for testing if you can get by without all the hard drives if you can get by with just one Drive if you can get by without the add in sound card pull it if you can get by without the printer being plugged in pull it pull everything you can pull and see if the system still experiences the symptom that you are trying to resolve if it is then you know for a fact nothing you pulled is the cause of it and that right there cut your diagnosis time and a half so for all I know this sound card driver could be causing as blue screen I did so if this is a little frustrating and I'm sorry I'm in a big hurry so if I don't seem I'm not chewing anybody out if it seems that way that's not what I'm doing I'm just trying to give you the information as quickly as I can and let's say we have a couple of contributions there I honest bronto's contributed to euros and he said euros he said great videos thank you appreciate that and thank you to all my moderators for keeping it civil in the chat somebody made a comment that they were leaving because the moderators were coming in I love to see that that pleases me because if somebody can't follow the rules leaving is the best thing you should do so that's wonderful now I'm going to show you the customer sent me some photos of the blue screens and I'm going to share those with you right now I just have to I have to add the images one by one here so let's do that right now I put them here so I would have them yeah where did I put them right here okay okay so here's one of the blue screen errors and we're really looking down here at the very bottom where it says stop code whe a uncorrectable error this doesn't really tell me much because this can happen after a blue screen and then on your first reboot this is kind of an error message I think we can ignore I want to know the first blue screen before that one so let's move to the next one they just sent me a picture of this one that one says stop code reference by pointer that's usually an indicator a pointer in memory let's see tip a oku aus cosmos contributed to euros he says thanks for a great channel thank you to PI oh is it a bad overclock know what I did when I got it I noticed the new BIOS was released on the last day of the month last month so perhaps when he checked it you know he had the latest but there was a newer bios out before he mailed it so I went ahead and downloaded that newer BIOS and applied it and then reset the BIOS to defaults so there's no overclocking happening right now anyway let's keep moving on here let's move to the next error message then he got this error right here this is IRA QL not less or equal this is usually related to a driver not always but it can also be memory RAM can cause that and then he got let's see then he got memory management err see these blue screens are all different that's usually an indication of bad memory or incompatible memory incompatible memories tricky because it might pass all the tests just fine and sometimes a BIOS update addresses that and fixes it then he got then he sent me this blue screen this was system service exception what failed was NTFS dot sis a lot of the mods are mean and will ban you for the smallest thing no the mods will not ban you for the smallest thing that mods will warn you and then the mods will put you on a timeout and then the mods will ban you and by the way I will do the very same thing so please don't put down my mods and I won't put you down we all follow the same rules here and if you don't like that you don't have to stay it's just being supportive and kind and not using foul language there are children watching be considerate of others and if you can't show support to people and you can't not say anything then leave I mean it's not that difficult to show some support if you're just here to challenge people and try to prove how smart you are because you're insecure we don't we don't need that I've got that role filled already alright so here is another one you got system thread exception not handled and this was on DirectX at the beers if you look at what failed and then if we go to let's see let's go to the next one this is whe a uncorrectable error that again that usually occurs after a blue screen on the first reboot after blue screens I'm not it doesn't if that was the only blue screen he was getting that'd be different but that's not the case here then he would see we've got another one of these and then we've got like there's one more right there I'm gonna stick it sideways another W e WH e a so now what do you guys think it is what do you think it is it appears very random doesn't it and he was frustrated you know he built the system himself he had a very fine part selection like I said it got a big financial investment got frustrated with it and said would you fix it if I sent it to you and here it is all the way from New York now I have since as I mentioned I've run mem tests on it and so what I got originally was a mem test error which let's see gotta fit that to the screen you'll see it shows three errors in red on test six and test seven but then after I receded all the memory it's uh it's passing so if I go back under those properties and let me browse again to know what's that one I wanted that's the system that's the other like I said the gtx 550 ti is just what i have thrown in there so I can run it there's no onboard video on this motherboard so his graphics card is a 1080 and like I said all the parts are listed in the video notes below the video and I think that's all I have right now to show you so I do have the test results on my phone the mem test that you can just trust me it flied through quell didn't fly thought it took ten hours and there were no errors on four iterations of 13 tests done four times so it doesn't seem to be memory but it could be a compatibility so now let's take a look at what your suggestions are and because let's face it we have some very smart people watching we see check the video card driver absolutely although it's Nvidia it's pretty standardized Thomas Carter thinks it could be a bad motherboard Elliott challenger thinks it's RAM or motherboard or CPU or our driver SSD what about the power supply could it be that could it be bad case metal Space Ghost says bad motherboard and Chris Kane says memory John McLaughlin says I'm gonna go with a sound card driver Nikolas is just blaming Windows it's not Windows too many people run Windows without a problem so it's something that this customer is added to Windows or some flaw in the hardware or compatibility issue with the hardware because Windows has proven to run stable no problems so Joseph Neal says sound card driver L press is it will be a hard drive well we're not booting off a hard driver booting off m2 but it still could be some sort of corruption in Windows 10 it's possible ideally I'm more likely I mean it's probably a something that was added into Windows 10 that caused this instability if it's not a hardware related issue someone thinks the computer is getting too hot we can certainly check the temps and run prime95 and see if those coolers doing its job I will say the fans on this h1 15 I are very loud I asked the customer if he would consider maybe changing those out for an actuals he said the noise doesn't bother him but the doc schewe fans sounds like a good idea and the problem is he's getting the errors in Lightroom so I'm not quite sure how I can put a new hour drive in temporarily to test it I need another way to get it to blue screen hardy says remove the cooler and look at the CPU yeah absolutely I agree Peter Brooks thinks it's a bad kebab you later could be right Jairaj says I had the same problem and it was the motherboard mahai thinks his bad RAM or a bad driver asked for a pic of the CPU box sometimes it says what memory is compatible I've never heard of such a thing in my life you could certainly go to the motherboard manufacturers website that look under the quality vendor list of RAM that's been tested and verified to work with the motherboard that information does not come from the CPU manufacturer that comes from the motherboard manufacturers I'm not sure what you're talking about norm Lewis thinks it's got gremlins connery of things it's RAM Adams leases Windows or driver corruption Johnson check thinks it's video related Malcolm Crabb thinks there's an IR acute conflict with the sound card of the DirectX driver not likely mm-hmm possible not likely Jax de says you should just read the dump files I wasn't able to get into Windows at all last night I only got the password this morning and I haven't turned the machine on other than running mem tests from a bootable USB so we can certainly look at those log files to see if they shed any light on this yes it's strange it well we don't know for a fact that it's only on Adobe Lightroom but we know that it is perhaps that's the thing where he's in when it happens perhaps though by running prime95 long enough maybe we can cause it to crash okay Dave Harkin says use a free program called blue screen view it will tell you which item or driver is causing the blue screen I believe that when I see it well you know I'll try it but I've never met a piece of software that does that that was any good they might get it once out of every ten times but I've never found any software like that to be reliable but stay open-minded towards it when did the problems start occurring pretty much since he built it it never from my understanding it never ran correctly from the get-go so my Cresswell's contributing five pounds uses whatever it is you'll fix it well you know I'll fix it customers running too many pirated programs see that's that's not even funny to me what I have found is when somebody drops four to five four to five thousand dollars on their rig that's not the kind of person that pirate software the kind of person that pirate software is a guy with a six hundred to eight hundred dollar rig or less the cheaper the rig the more indication the person doesn't have money and justifies their theft this would be highly unusual it'd be like having a big screen TV and not having a cable television or you know not having an antenna on it what's the point so well it's possible it's just not likely he forgot the cooling compound the thermal compound is already on the bottom of the cooler from the manufacturer but we can check it again we shouldn't assume anything never assume anything but but we do want to lean we want to invest our time wisely as to what's most likely right you can shatter your brain thinking about what's possible it's possible a meteor comes out of the sky and strikes me in the head but it's not probable so you don't need to spend a lot of time or anxiety worrying about something so unlikely so the idea here is to consider your options the very first step would be to replicate the error once we're able to replicate the error we need to isolate if it's hardware or software that's generally done by reinstalling the operating system but as I mentioned if I reinstall the operating system I have no way to reinstall Lightroom although I can talk to the customer about that but if I can make the error occur in prime95 or some other application I don't have to erase his hard drive I can install a temporary drive put Windows 10 clean install on it and then do the same steps to replica know that caused a blue screen outside of Lightroom if that happens and that would help immensely in diagnosing it but these intermittent problems whether with their about your health their about your car or their about your computer they are profoundly difficult to diagnose it takes patience just running the mem test on this took over ten hours just over ten hours you can imagine if you're a computer technician and you only have spot on your bench from one computer you can't work on anything else well that's happening in my case I went to bed so and that was with intention I knew I wanted to run that last night because I knew it was gonna take a long time and the results will be patient and wait for me indefinitely it'll just stay on the screen until I have been so so the computer is very patient and you know you just adjust your schedule accordingly or you get a big bench that you can put numerous computers on so you can be working on numerous things simultaneously to optimize and make the most amount of money and help the most amount of people in the fastest amount of time possible the problem I have with that personally is I forget what I did to one machine that I do it till I clean the temp files off of that one or did I clean them off with that one so you almost need like a checklist when you start getting that busy and I did have a checklist printed many years ago but now I've I've slowed down considerably the amount of work I'm taking in but clearly you know just from evidence on this channel for the people who think that the repair industry is dead what's all this [Music] what version of Lightroom is running on the system I don't know until I get the system into Windows like I said I haven't done that yet I'll be doing that here momentarily but somebody's complaining I don't read their messages but isn't it weird that they're not so a lot of messages fly by my screen you have to understand I don't see every message telling me I'm not seeing your message is the message Murphy's Law says I'm gonna see you just wasted your opportunity to get my attention by telling me you're not getting my attention which wasted both of our times if your message isn't getting through repeat it don't complain about it because all I'm gonna see is your complaint I'm not seeing the thing you want me to see think about what you're doing here folks help me to help you and understand we've got seven hundred and fifty six people watching and I want everybody to participate and I will do my best to address all the things that I can see when I glance over there's about a 90 second delay from when I talk to when you hear me so we're offset by that so when you see me sort of reading the chat room you're seeing that 90 seconds after it happened my back may already be turned in working by the time you retire so you need to just sort of figure out the rhythm here and of course you can always email me directly if you're a contributor to the channel you can email me directly for that personal support but I want to remind you that we have a lot of smart people here in the chat and you shouldn't be ignoring their advice I wouldn't and I don't in fact I just didn't did I and it and there certainly can see what you're typing even when I can't this idea that it has to be me that's what people pay for Kelli Stewart's contributed $10 and he says I just donated tech that's oh I donated it to tech that's $30 for you Thank You Kelly I appreciate your contribution anybody comes in you don't have to ask what you've missed the DVR function is on you just roll back the video like you would any other video thank you and let's let's get this thing fired up and let's see what's going on this is a corsair 760 T case he's got an algae blu-ray reader in there he's left the plastic on it which is actually a good thing so won't get marked up in shipping not on this side but he left it on the site that doesn't matter that's okay that's alright it arrived fine he had it he had the original box for it still which is ideal when you're shipping it and like I said he chose some really good parts here but I will say that when you're building a computer if you go really really cheap or you go really really high-end you're opening up an opportunity for problems right down the middle sort of the thing most people use not only gives you better value for the dollar but it typically is more trouble-free when you go nickel and diming everything down to the least amount of money so you got a $500 budget you're gonna have computer problems almost guaranteed right from the get-go it's gonna be difficult to get it rough and running if you have any support issues the companies are generally not very responsive because there's no money in it on the other hand when you go top dollar and all high-end components there's simply not as many of them out there they don't get the the the type of usage that you know in sheer numbers why is the amount of population that uses a system of this caliber and as such it's it's far more complex by its very design and it's a bit finicky right I mean if you're driving a Ferrari at 200 miles an hour the slightest move of the steering wheel can cause you to crash and burn everything gets sort of more sensitive the more high-end you go and everything has to be aligned just right on these really high-end systems there's a lot of times where I simply won't build a system like this because I don't want to support it I know how finicky that they can be they're finicky about their RAM they're finicky about the heat issues they're finicky about drivers and it's we're talking high in the thread Ripper stuff the X 299 and X 99 stuff if you're if you had three systems if you had a thread Ripper a regular Core i5 or AMD Rison and then you had the core i9 or any other X 299 those really expensive systems are the finicky ones that are if they're if you're going to have a problem out of the three statistically speaking from my experience your problems will be based on how much you spent the more you spent when you when you hit three thousand and above on a single computer I'm telling you you're on bleeding edge technology here that's running right on the it's literally on the edge there's no wiggle room on the the baseline gaming systems that run you know let's say under twenty five hundred dollars we're using regular consumer grade Intel Core i3 i5 i7 s or Rison Phenom those chips those have more Headroom for error they have more tolerance more wiggle room for for overhead for it's a wider platform that they're walking on versus a tightrope on these high-end systems and I just want to tell you that so you set your expectations accordingly they are very very sensitive and as such you've got to make sure every I is dotted and every T is crossed when you work on these because they simply will crash if anything is off by just a smidge okay tweeks is contributed five Canadian dollars thank you for that tweaks yeah you could be a mod remember a mod status is earned it's nothing entitled I expect you to follow the rules of the mods do not abuse your mod power it will be revoked treat others as you would like to be treated make me proud my mods always make me proud so don't be an exception alright so I've got the the wireless dongle here let me plug this in I've got power plugged in dongles plugged in and my video card I need the DVI which I already have set up we'll plug that in and let's get this bad boy booted up yeah here we go here we go we would go let's come over here hit this power switch I gotta turn the power switch on on the back of the power supply let's turn this on and let's go ahead and take this panel off of here so you guys can see what's going on come on there it is let me just put this back here where it won't get scratched there we go should you booting up there's a beep latest bios is installed RAM has been tested and passed do I charge customers for repairs by the hour or the job look the videos that the computers that you're seeing people ship from out of state those are repaired free of charge the customer would need to provide any parts if they're needed and the customer needs to pay for the shipping in both ways the only money I make will be from whatever superjet contributions and whatever little tiny money YouTube gives me although that little tiny money you know over a period of 12 to 24 months can add up to more than I would charge to repair it of course on the other hand it could add up to less than I would sorry it's just risky it's just how I do it I consider what I do a community service and if you want your computer looked at by me you can make arrangements with me that's the process if you're here even local in Arizona with a repair where you don't necessarily have to deal with shipping fees would have to talk about it basically a system like this is gonna cost about a hundred and forty bucks each way so he's already got two hundred and eighty dollars close to three hundred dollars invested just in the shipping costs and ideally everything should be under warranty if we need to replace anything but if he wants to change these two fans out that's gonna cost him and it's best it's gonna cost him the same if I do it or he does it so it doesn't matter to me I'm happy to do it well I've got it if he wants to order the parts but I made that recommendation to him to just take advantage of me and have me do this for him just order the fans and have them shipped to me and I'll put them in and he is considering that but it makes no difference I just think it's loud if it doesn't bother him it's fine with me so before some of you guys have a cow with regards to the graphics card I told the customer not to ship me as 1080 TI because it could break in shipping so I'm just using a spare graphics card you see when you're a technician you're not interested in impressing your friends when you're a real working technician you need spare parts you know are good in order to properly and quickly diagnose and repair system so you know get over yourself now 300 bucks yeah 300 bucks for shipping the cost for me to go to New York or for the customer to come to Arizona from New York would take about three days of straight driving you'd need probably two to three nights in a hotel of at least a hundred bucks tonight at least fifty bucks a night then you've got the gas it's gonna cost three hundred to four hundred dollars just in travel fees to come out here so it's one of the least expensive ways to travel 2,500 miles across the United States it's very reasonable now I would always advise people remember I'm not making any money on it other than the super check contributions and what YouTube pays me so I always advise people especially when they live on the East Coast find somebody local that reduces your overall cost in transportation it reduces the odds of any damage caused in transportation and it also helps for any future or related problems you have to understand I need to get this right before I send it back there's a lot of my reputation riding on the line when I ship a computer to South Carolina or heck even Louisiana or Oregon which is in Oregon's on the west coast but it's still quite a distance and it's almost impossible for me to offer any support outside of remote assistance and something like this isn't gonna be fixed remotely so you know I can't see the blue screens when they happen and such so it's very important to me that I get it right the first time and it's very important to my customer that they didn't just waste all that money and time waiting for the shipping back and forth and waiting for me to fix it and then paying for the so there's a lot of pressure on me to get it right get it right quickly get it right cheaply and get it right the first time so let's take a look here at that I've missed a contribution it looks like I did Carl Curtin has contributed 10 euros he says you're absolutely killing it with the vlogs lately yeah it's been really really busy you're not seeing half of what I do in fact I ran 5 errands today before I started this video it's a little crazy look I think but I'm not bored but nut bored alright let me take a quick look here let's see we can sign into this customers computer I'm gonna just block the view so you don't see the password oh we've got Apple iCloud we don't need that let's cancel that we can't access your onedrive folder I don't want to access onedrive and I can't see any wait it just says try again or set up onedrive I don't want either one of those let's go to task manager now let's just close out onedrive we'll just end the task on that get it out of here okay so here's the customers desktop I can't see anything yeah there it is alright so Oh platter jockeys contributed ten bucks he says hey Carrie you do great work teaching us I always learn something once again the difference between mic Channel and other tech channels is those other tech channels for the most part the big popular ones they're just tech enthusiasts they don't hold any accountability or liability to anything they say or do or recommend other than to themselves I'm held accountable for this I'm responsible for it and I'll be responsible for it after the customer gets it back so you're unlikely to see those tech enthusiasts actually do any real work for a real customer they do work for themselves and you know they screw up it's just their own issue if I screw up consistently I'm out of business so I can't afford to screw up and all I'm doing is I'm turning a camera on to show you what it what you can expect if you ever want to become a technician this is the kind of work you can expect customers are going to bring to you not the kind of stuff you see on these type channels where they're deleting or swapping heat spreaders or making custom cooler they generally no customers and certainly no corporations will ever pay you to do that in the real world that's all hobbyist stuff and there's nothing wrong with that I'm not opposed to it but there is a difference between why I make my videos and why they make theirs so anyway my whole thing here is to teach is to share the experience with you and to set your expectations appropriately if this is a career field you're interested in going in you can you absolutely can you're not too dumb most of the people that do this kind of work I have to fix after they're done with it so hopefully they don't get me wrong there's there's people better than me I'm not saying I'm the best I'm not the best I've got a lot of experience and that benefits me against somebody who has less experience but it does feel like the majority of people out there doing this have no clue what they're doing because I see a lot of stuff that I'm not the first person who looked at it right I just was what if they did think about this if they did fix it that I never know about it so my conclusion is because I see so many where the stories are you know it was brought to a shop they misdiagnosed it they didn't know what they were doing that's what I hear constantly and the guys that do it right I never hear about those guys so if you want to get into this field I hope that you take the advice that giving you adapt it to fit your personality and your however you want to make it yours and then do work that makes me proud okay let's take a quick look here at what's going on I see he's got a Cronus in here he's got Samsung magicians software in here so clearly he's a viewer that follows the advice I give right which is the Samsung magician softer and Acronis you see me use that all the time cuz it's good he's got the IQ software for the cooler let's bring that up it recognizes the RAM that's interesting and then it recognizes the pump chunk number one where's the temp not quite sure there's our system info that's our CPU what's going on with that we're at 24 degrees Celsius only an 8% load you know there's nothing here that indicates anything wrong with the heat and I'm reluctant to even start there because it seems so unlikely so many people on the internet that communicate about computers are so unhealthily infatuated and obsessed about heat and thermal compound I seriously think they should be on some medication because in reality heat is rarely ever a problem with computers it's very rare that you run into heat it does happen it's very rare so I see all these hundreds or thousands of people in forums and Facebook groups and read it and they are all talking about getting their temps lower getting their temps lower but but nothing about any problem they're trying to solve they're just have this really unhealthy obsession with temps it's it's a very bizarre psychological behavior almost an illness but I want to caution you against listening to people read on it or go on about thermal compounds thermal compound application deleting and coolers because most of that stuff is for extremists and if you consider yourself at extremists well then that's different but I don't think most of us do most of us don't have the money or the time to afford to be an extremist I don't need to buy mountain climbing gear for Mount Everest if I'm just hiking a hill down the street I don't need to listen to the advice from the guy who hikes Mount Everest on how to be prepared it doesn't apply to me unless I'm going to hike Mount Everest right and so that's what happens apparently when people talk about thermal compound and cooling they have this really strange obsession that has no basis or precedent for justification for existing they're not fixing anything they're looking for a problem and then they're potentially damaging the computer trying to fix something that's not broken that's running within its operational parameters it's weird it's just weird and be I'm just warning you of those people okay so you do what you want but you've been warned so I'm not gonna worry too much about heat right now what I'm curious about though is just making this blue screen reoccur so let me see if I can bring up Lightroom let's just start with Lightroom by the way this is the first core I nine I've ever worked on I've never seen one before today but I'm not worried or bothered because they're all pretty much the same computers all more or less run the same since the very first computer I got my old trs-80 model 1 back in 1984 there's still the same there's some differences with things you know you do learn a little bit here in there but it's building on a foundation of already established knowledge of how a computer reacts and responds and that doesn't change because you've got a rise in road or because you've got a core i9 or because you've got a core i3 or because you've got an apple or none of that matters they all operate on the same principles so the customer will probably play around with overclocking I did ask if that's why the liquid cooler was down there I think because of the case window he's really going after some looks this Ram is just a white LED it doesn't change color and you pay extra for that so clearly this person cared about the lights and they were willing to pay more money to have the lights but I will tell you when you guys have seen it happen on this very channel where the RGB software that controls the lights on the motherboard a Seuss's RGB lighting software caused the blue screen errors on the latest version of Windows but I had to figure out on a brand new build and it turned out because Windows had just been you know it was like redstone for 1803 had just been released I think that the RGB software had not yet been updated to accommodate that all right take it back it was updated but I installed the driver DVD which had an older version and it caused the blue screen error there's not a really stupid reason to have to diagnose a problem because of a blue screen for RGB lighting it's again it's your decision to make I come from a corporate environment time is money nobody in the corporate environment will pay you for that they just won't pay you for that okay license key error Norton Security is not active because you've disabled your subscription for this device good I'm fine with that sign-in is required apparently it's just a trial of Adobe Lightroom and it's gonna require a sign-in where are we consigning with Google or Facebook I don't know how he signed in so tell you what I'm not gonna do that right now instead what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna run I'm gonna grab my little handy dandy trusty flash drive which has my utilities oh you guys should start recognizing this about now and let's run prime95 and h/w info let's monitor the temps you're probably gonna hear these fans ramped up they get pretty loud and let's see if we get this thing to just crash on us just from burdening it just to determine if it's only light room that's doing it so let's do that that's a good place to start and then well it's doing that we can also go and look at the logs how come I'm not seeing the flash drive there we go there it is alright so let's do let's do crystal disk mark let's do cpu-z let's do HW info and let's do where's prime95 oh it's under PC testing on describe the whole folder and let's just copy all of that so it'll run fat it runs faster off the desktop that it does off the flash drive so I'll just copy that onto the desktop so we can unplug the flash drive and run straight off the desktop for performance reasons I'll just take a minute here my PC testing folder has some graphics tests like 3d mark and stuff that take a minute to copy that we actually don't need but it's quicker for me to copy it than a deselected copy we're getting there it's gonna take just a minute guys yeah Oh apparently it's just loaded the graphics tracker so the screen just everything's shrunk down so in the background windows was apparently loading the driver for that video card which is good much better alright so so these are the items I've just copied over right here and I'm gonna go ahead and start let's get HW info running first so let's start that we'll run and then let's start prime95 which I have right here and we'll run that just stress-testing click OK and now all of well that's a lot of threads Holy Smoke that's a lot of threads Wow ok Wow let's go to the sensors and we can see the temps of what's going on here here's our clock at what's going on here sensor warning this foundered embedded controller sensor from which it can't report from which it can report data reading data from this sensor can cause a higher system load or latency which can result in occasional performance drops on some systems this can also have an impact on system stability these affects our system specific and not likely to occur at most systems it's also recommended to use other applications able to read the data from the sensor along with HW info as this can cause a conflict so not not to use other applications at the same time so we'll continue continue it's it's referring to the sensors on the liquid cooler and let's drop down to temps here which uses just 100% across all the course you could see how many cores this has if you go straight down from here oh yeah these are all the cores so you got 16 real cores and 16 hyper threads for a total that appears to be 32 and now we can look at our temps here so this is our current temp down this line our minimum temp down this line and our maximum 10th temp down this line and then this distance to t2 2 throttling we don't we can ignore everything from here down we're not interested in that we're just interested from here to here so current temps now are 47 degrees 48 degrees pretty much all the way down the line 45 to 48 degrees Celsius all the way down the line and let's just let that run for a little while and see how that how that pans out okay if you're just joining welcome into the channel this is a live video diagnostic and hopefully repair of this customers built system which contains all the parts listed in the video notes below this video if you're curious what CPU what Ram what motherboard what graphics card this is not the customers graphics card it is mine I'm using it for testing the customer mailed the system into me from New York and so we took all the spare hard drives out we took the graphics card out because those are things likely to be damaged if anything's gonna be damaged mechanical drives and big heavy video cards traveling that distance and back again when I return it it doesn't sound like it would have anything to do with the blue screen he's getting and since Nvidia cards all basically use the same driver more or less I'm just gonna use a spare old gtx 550 ti i had laying around and then once we get it resolved then i'll take it back out I normally would even be happy using onboard video but the core i9 doesn't offer that the BIOS is currently up-to-date and the RAM has passed a 10-hour test of mem test 86 and the RAM has passed that test that was all done last night and the BIOS was reset to defaults Samson Sam says I carry am new to your channel and I like what I see here will welcome in Sam everybody who likes it as certainly welcome do you have any newer GPUs that have HDMI HDMI out this graphics card does have HDMI out but it's mini HDMI and my connector to go for mini to regular is too wide to fit I spent 50 dollars on cables last night at Amazon to get VGA to DVI VGA to HDMI HDMI to DVI DVI to VGA I had a slurry of of just different cables so that I can plug directly and but but because this is a customer's system and it's got his personal information on there I'm intentionally standing in front of the screen and I'm intentionally blocking a lot of stuff for a customer's privacy just out of kindness you would want me to do it if it's yours more than likely are you people you're the same people by the way who complain about Windows 10 spying and then complain because you can't spy on this customers personal information think about what you're asking but when appropriate I do hook it up to the video capture card usually like new builds and and where customers are like you know they've sort of prep the computer for me and they've hidden all their stuff but I've got to be very careful about that so I appreciate your consideration about that so right now we're looking at looks like 51 to 52 degrees Celsius we haven't climbed any higher than that so far well now I take it back the maximum we've hit so far is 54 54 a couple of time on a couple of cores but it's really really low you hear that I don't know how that doesn't drive him crazy yeah that's crankin now the off he has contributed ten pounds he says you're the man I'd rather listen to you and not be confused by hype advertisement and sponsorship keep it real keep it up thank you Theo fee coffee I appreciate that that's what I do here there's no sponsorship you might get little banner ads I have no control over that everything's just just a real tack doing real work and the camera is a fly on the wall so you guys can see what it's like because these other tech channels these big tech channels don't really give you a clue as to what it is to be a technician but if you enjoy sort of impractical things that bring enjoyment from the exercise or puzzle or challenge of doing it you know those channels certainly have value there but I don't want you to conflate what those big tech youtubers do to what real working technicians do there's very little in common so that's what that's what motivates me to make this continue to make these videos and as you can see their video the repair business is far from dead you don't get to see everything I work on a lot of customers most customers don't want their computers showing on camera and they don't want the potential for anything on their screen to be shown especially businesses where there's a lot of proprietary business information and customer data that could be exposed so what you're seeing is just a scratch on the surface of what I do for a living and when you listen to somebody say there's there's a computer repair is dead so what am i how is that possible yeah that power supply has a 10-year warranty on it the EVGA 1300 g2 and again you can look in the video notes below the video to see all the parts that are that are part of the original builders what you're seeing here and again because the system was shipped from New York to Phoenix and it'll have to be shipped back from Phoenix to New York items most likely to break in shipping or hard drives and video cards and because the problem isn't likely caused by those items I asked the customer to remove them it also reduces the weight which reduces the cost of shipping reduces the odds of damage everybody's happy yeah these fans are just crazy loud that noise is the refrigerator ice maker it'll shut off right there I'm gonna go ahead and pull this I usually like to disconnect properly but I'm getting mold in my old age I have lots of flash drives now so if I kill one I kill one but you should properly disconnect them before you remove them if you care about them clearly I don't care about it so we're not seeing any crash yet we're attempts hitting 63 degrees Celsius we're climbing 64 appears no 60 yeah no yeah 64 we hit it once on one core so far on car number 365 now so we're just going to keep letting it run if you again if you look in the video notes of all of the hardware that's actually in the machine that the customer removed I think you'll better understand why the power supply of the size was selected although this is enough for two graphics cards honestly they did go a little overkill on it but they also have a lot I think they got four hard drives which individually don't take that much power but it's still a lot of stuff that has to be cabled up and you'll see all the SATA plugs are all connected all six of them well out of eight cuz I think two are disabled through the nvme using both I think I don't know but he's obviously just left the data cables in there so when he gets it back home in New York he can just plug his drives back in easy-peasy but yeah I'd be kind of stupid to mail those drives and pay for that shipping and risk damaging them in there they have nothing at all do with this particular problem four hard drives they need an as I agree I do agree is the all-in-one making any noise the fans are making noise if he changes these fans out I suspect the noise you know if he goes with like Nashua one forty millimeter fans I think it'll quiet it right down the Corsair fans here on the case these LED fans that are blue up here in the front these are dead silent there's no problem here but these are though this is what you're hearing right now it could be something on the graphics card no the graphics card is quiet so it's just it's these two fans that's making all the racket not the pump did the computer go to sleep screen went to sleep let's get that back on there let me go in the power options and change that so it won't do that to me everything else looks good so far still maximum tent is 65 degrees Celsius that hasn't changed much we'll let this run a few more minutes Carrie do you have a website you're looking at my website right now it's possible it could be the SSD it's possible a meteor could follow the sky and hit me in the head chances are based on life experience that's not likely gonna happen based on life experience it's not likely the SSD when you're let me give you the best tip I can give you when you're doing any kind of repair always check the EZ most likely things first before letting your imagination run wild on you and making you a technical hypochondriac it's doubtful there's anything related to the SSD now I could embarrass myself and at the end of this find out it is but in actual you know almost 30 years of experience of fixing computers I'd say a good 90% 9 out of 10 times the problem is something obvious and simple you just have to you know look at the obvious and most likely things first don't waste your time going after some little possible thing that has no precedent when I say no president I mean I can't recall an SSD ever causing a blue screen error ever in my entire life so there's no reason for me to go that's the first thing I'm on a check if you can if you wanted to that's not the way I do it je Hilton's contributed five pounds he says keep it up Kerry love to work I just built my parents a brand new computer and now I'm starting on my own awesome he says you're a genuine inspiration thanks for sharing your story thanks for your contribution I really appreciate it then good for you you know I'm proud of you you make me proud when when the people that watch my channel actually utilize what I'm teaching them and by the way you're allowed to take what I'm teaching you and manipulate it and change it so it fits your personality that I am not offended by that what offends me are people who want to challenge me you know you can you can go start your own YouTube channel laughing it's stopping you there's no reason to challenge me I've been doing this for a long long time far as I know you've done nothing I you know if you don't have any videos and you published any books and you've been hosted any nationwide radio talk shows but you're gonna tell me there's an old expression don't let anybody who's done nothing tell you how to do anything so you know anonymous cowards hiding behind fake names telling me I don't know what I'm talking about is laughable and the Internet's are filled with these characters so you know I can't tell by looking at some bizarre name on the screen if you're actually someone with you know equivalent experience or if you're just a 12 year old with nothing else better to do so I have to do my job anyway and I just don't appreciate being challenged because it's preposterous I don't have to give out this information for free so why would you challenge it Michael C's contributed five pounds a Michael thank you for the contribution yeah we're still not seeing any crashing here so what I might have to do that you know before I can even begin to try and fix this I need to replicate the problem I need to be able to make the problem happen if I'm unable to make the problem happen I have no way to know if I fixed it I'm just guessing at this point and anybody can do that there's no reason to go through the expense and time and effort of sending me the system for me to guess Jaz Sinclair says I finally got my ten atti it's an EVGA it's wonderful I bet it is can you use so called diagnostic cards to check the Erica if diagnostic cards actually work there would be no reason to be a technician if your idea of fixing problems is to plug in a piece of computer technology that tells you how to fix it why don't why doesn't the computer just why don't you just have the computer fix it let the computer diagnose itself let the computer repair itself because it's not possible computers can't think with judgment computers can only spit back out what they've been told most Diagnostics don't make any sense so a computer which is a very logical device cannot tell you what's wrong with it those postcards in my opinion are a complete waste of money and they undermine what it means to be a technician you simply cannot replace experience with a piece of hardware we haven't become that advanced of a civilization yet and I doubt we'll see it in my lifetime if you think running a postcard as a solution you should probably not fix your own computers and take it to somebody who can christophe Ashes contributed five euros Carey what is our guess what is wrong with it I don't know right now I'd really I have to see the problem and so far I haven't seen it I need to see the problem before I can offer up any ideas that would mean anything they're completely baseless you might as well just say anything you can pick any components say it could be that and you could be right I have nothing nothing to base that on Eric has contributed five dollars us.thank five dollars Canadian thank you Eric thanks for your contribution Nelson says he's contributed $10 thinking Nelson Carrie is ex-mp enable did you reset the BIOS to default I reset the BIOS to default this is when artificial intelligence comes into play my experience is it's actually artificial ignorant I've never seen artificial intelligence I've only seen artificial ignorance and even then I'm not sure how artificial it is felt pretty real to me it's still AI Jesse and Clara says when I was contracted to the Department of Navy we had a bizarre issue where Microsoft Excel was showing up all kinds of red X's other and spreadsheets and the solution turned out to be a laser jet free printer driver you know Delta six one three eights could you read a dollar ninety nine Thank You Delta six one three eight and William McKinney has contributed two dollars thank you for that contribution William yeah we're gonna pull up let's in fact let's go ahead an pull up the event log now I've been sort of into the chat and not really thinking about it with so many components removed it's hard to get the same blue screen of death absolutely not in fact the components removed are highly unlikely it's like saying with so many satellites being removed from the sky the odds of being hit by a meteorite are lower now than they were they weren't high to begin with the odds of that happening were like next to zero I would not tell a customer with 30 years of experience that take out components that could potentially be causing the problem his drives in his video card are not likely the source it's possible but the odds of that are incredibly slim yet the odds of those components being damaged in shipping and the odds of having to pay more for the added weight back and forth that's almost guaranteed so let's be reasonable people you're second-guessing somebody with almost 30 years of experience in the industry you might just before you challenge me you might just think for a moment maybe he knows something I don't know is that possible am I asking too much Kerry you're so unreasonable thirty years come on I've been on the internet for five years I know as much as you yeah you probably do michael mcallister has contributed $2 what is the customer doing when the blue screen occurs he's in Lightroom which I cannot bring up right now it requires a sign-in so I may have to get on the horn with the customer and find out was he using a raid set up now mm-hmm all right so I was gonna look at logs was night mm-hmm let's see I'm gonna control panel and let's see Administrative Tools Event Viewer all right what is the Event Viewer say windows logs application logs well it's taking a while to load there they go see if we can't make this bigger well Bonjour service from Apple is giving us a lot of grief application error in Far Cry 4 faulting module is FC 64 DLL so that's far cry he didn't say anything to me about far cry another application error this is the Mike Rosario Intel I a stored data manager service study XE vaulting module is is di - that could be something to look into that's maybe an updated storage controller driver because that could certainly caused us issues we got an office 2016 licensing service cannot be found we've got a warning on the restart manager with office 16 again 2016 another office 2016 but these aren't blue screens these are warnings more Windows Error reporting Windows Update failure Windows Update failure Windows Update failure Windows Update failure office 2016 application error again on the I a stored data manager service version 5 301 4 1 2 well see if there's a newer version of this I store or whether or not that's just normal I've seen Norton Internet Security cause these issues to which he's got on here hello this whole thing just froze but just happened okay we're back you don't know what it did there um keep going errors application error again ia store Licensing let's go over to system see what we have here for errors in the system area this is all today let's scroll down let's go back a little ways warnings warnings here's an error bug check computer has rebooted from a bug check the bug check dump was saved in this file hmm okay it tells me nothing critical system is rebooted without clearly shutting down first there was a month ago this could be caused if the system stopped responding crashed or lost power unexpectedly another unexpected shutdown the application specific permission settings do not grant local activation permission for the com server with clsid bla bla bla that's the distributed comm I'm not too worried about that same thing same thing same thing warning the local adapter does not support an important low-energy controllers state to support peripheral mode the minimum required supported state mask low energy peripheral role functionality will not be available don't care look at all these errors holy smokes server did not register with a decom within the remote within the timeout period it's the same thing over and over again Wow a lot of it the Intel Rapid Storage Technology Enterprise Services 10 terminated unexpectedly and yet none of the blue screen errors pointed to that at all so you know that there's a lot here in the event log but it's not really telling me anything so far just take a look at what you guys are saying Carrie used blue screen view 1.55 well we can try it like I said I've not had very good luck with these programs in the past but we could take a look at it it's something they're not gonna hurt is a HCI enabled or not we're running nvme drives so that does not apply HCI is just for seta it's not for PCI Express is the owner of this computer watching this video I have no idea no idea he could be sure he will be if he's not now he will later was that called blue screen view let's see if I can find that we should be connected to the Internet here we'll just keep letting prime95 run this machine can handle the workload no it's from nurse soft the nurse soft has some good programs and some crappy programs which one is this we kind of light it up okay system requirements Oh where's the download oh I love how nurse soft just did that they just opened a new tab and threw an advertisement at me thanks for the recommendation all right let's find the app download it download it in 64 bit yeah let's grab the 64 bit save that distract it this strange view blue screen view let's see what it says there are nine crashes no says there are zero crashes there's no dump file apparently it's supposed to automatically load the dump file it doesn't find one from what it appears load from there yeah there's nothing like I say these utilities are usually useless this is why don't waste my time with them what was he bill out of yours joined I've seen bill in a while welcome back bill gonna see again I mean that's some pretty heavy usage we're running prime95 on here full bore now for what's it been twenty minutes I think you guys probably know better than I do I didn't have been timing and I've been paying attention to the clock but yeah it's it's full out pedal to the metal and where did my temps go it's gotta be minimize somewhere well there it is no what's primary fun there it is right there okay so our maximum temps we're hitting 66 so we definitely 67 67 is the highest I've seen which is still well below the threshold so I'm not worried about that I think what I'm gonna have to do since I can't seem to make this crash is probably have to get the customers login information to the application cuz I cannot run the application without his credentials and then further than that I will need him to explain to me what he is doing within the application so that I can repeat that and I should see the same thing he sees the good news is let's say for example that I do that and I still don't see the problem then it's possible that one of the parts he removed one of the hard drives of the graphics card is the source and that limits him to just two things he can fix it anybody can put a system like this together can figure that part out on their own the important thing is that it works for me that I can go through the same steps he goes through I can even give him remote access if he's got another machine and he can actually log in and use the machine remotely and show me demonstrate the problem to me and at least when the remote access is reversed when this blue screens he won't see it but I will and that's what's important so let's try let's run let's see what else do I have to run well let this continue to run and let's throw it's gonna be something else on here I can throw it on here but push it hard well let's run Cinebench see what that does so we've got with prime95 running will run Cinebench simultaneously it really taxed the system and see what happens here hopefully well either way whatever it is it is right but if it blue screens that's all well and good so we'll do the OpenGL here we've got to do the License Agreement except run let that run once again you guys are failing to understand I've been in the business for thirty years of looking at some of these comments about memory speed and bio settings this was all discussed with the customer before I had the customer go through the expense time and effort of shipping this to Arizona please please if it was that simple he wouldn't have needed to ship it to me that's not what it is I always say check the simple things first and I always ask the customer hey before you box that thing up and ship it across the country make sure you reset the BIOS make sure you have the latest files make sure that you you know that the do your do the best you can to avoid shipping it to me do your best you can to check everything pull the memory modules out run it with half the memory read mem test on it save me and me both some time and money I don't just say yeah you want to ship me a computer ship it I ask a lot of questions and I want to make sure that the customers expectations are set correctly and you know if a customer says they're not willing to do it that's fine but the customer doesn't have to you know if the customer wants to throw money at it I'm right here I've never run into a customer that wants to do that that's still preparing the test all right see what this is gonna do it's pretty good frame rate considering prime95 s pushing all the quarters at 100% at the same time and that's only a 550 ti graphics card in there so not exactly equivalent to what the customer has close enough for diagnostic purposes though yeah no crashing there that looks fine eight-point oh nine frames per second with all that stuff going on in the background and then we'll just do the CPU test next we'll see what that does it's gonna perform the render test it's gonna render right now that's about the closest thing I can think of to Lightroom that I can get to without actually using Lightroom 27:15 CB whatever that means looks good everything passes you can't find any fault there do I want to save it no let's take a look at what about the heaven benchmark what if we run that that out a tick it off so I got to install the C++ stuff and newer versions already installed okay good and then maybe I can just install the heaven program see I'm just installing the heav'n benchmark just trying to think of ways I can just push the system right up to its edge to make it blue screen and so far it's running flawlessly although a bit loud flawlessly done the last alright where's heaven at let's launch that what's over here lost my mouse there it is this actually may not load because I haven't rebooted since the driver updated it could be wrong we'll see remember prime95 is running and pushing all 32 cores you know 16 cores 16 extra threads at a hundred percent well it's simultaneously trying to load this so it's it's a heavy workload on the system right now so I'll give it a minute but I've seen it freeze up here when the driver has been updated but the system has not been rebooted I will see if it needs that or not just it looks like it's progressing you get a whole lot of nothing hmm yeah that's not gonna load I think I have to restart it because of the driver it's not even responding to anything right now let's try let's try it one more time give a lot oh you load it that time let's run the benchmark Malcolm says as the customer had the issue within Adobe Lightroom that needs to be used as the application as it may be using parts of memory that these applications are not that's absolutely true but given that I'm live right now and can't talk to the customer I will do what I reasonably can to push the system hard to see if we can replicate the error until I can get to the customer this is all I can do or I can just end the video since you you know if I agree with you and say it's pointless then we should all just go home because well you guys are home but but you understand what I'm saying I mean you be careful what you're asking me to do here carry the owners watching call him live no I'm not gonna call him live I don't need him exposing his login credentials to the world Dave Murray says great stream carry love Anna thank you Dave yeah so we're running the benchmark you got to remember prime95 is pushing all 32 threads at 100% simultaneously and this is not a 1080 tia height graphics are there's only a 550 ti graphics card overall the system is performing a much much better than I would have suspected it would I'm actually impressed with that frame rate considering just how hard the system's being pushed right now and how old that video card is I'm just a little amused at some of the suggestions coming in or clearly from people googling that have no real experience at this solving this problem cuz they're to me it's amusing I appreciate the thought in the in the intent I know your intent is is the help but you're really not helping if while you're doing is googling and parroting that information back to me if you had real experience in real life fixing a blue screen error on a cor i9 using Lightroom then I would be very interested in what you did to resolve it but if all you're doing is googling and then you're parroting that back out you're not really helping me you're just confusing everybody okay so heaven his please heaven is stopped running there so the benchmark completed without any errors and that was my concern was to see that it would complete without errors which it has done successfully so let's get out of that I don't know I keep losing my mouse okay let's close that out now look when I stop prime95 you will probably hear those fans quiet right down almost immediately let me just take one last look at our temps where we at why is this running was it running twice alright might have had heaven running simultaneously I didn't know you could do that it looks like it was running heavens two versions of two iterations of heavens seemed to be running at the same time which is you know even an even better test we're hitting as much as 69 degrees Celsius maximum but currently the top temperature running at this moment is 62 on just one core so I'm gonna go ahead and stop prime95 boom it stopped and we should see these temps immediately go down and here those fans almost immediately slowed down resulting in the much lower temperature drop but it probably dropped by 20 plus degrees centigrade here in just a few seconds although water in a liquid cooler takes longer to cool than an air cooler so it's not necessarily that the CPU is stopped generating as much heat but that we have to wait for the the liquid in the cooler to go through the radiator enough times to finally get it cooled down that's where liquid cooler actually keeps your wedding hotter than an air cooler in situations like this or you know if I were to shut the system off this whole area would be hotter far longer than if I had an air cooler on there but if you want overclock this will cool better at higher you know than an air cooler so you'd be able to get higher clock speeds with it so it depends what's important to you Steve Larkin says you really do put yourself under a lot of pressure to find faults in a live-video big respect to you Kerry thank you Steve there's somebody who gets it I appreciate that pipes are warm but they're not overly hot and I can feel the fluid moving through them I can actually feel the vibration it's doing this job it's taking a long time much longer to cool down than I thought notice how that light went from red to blue I think he's got it turning red in the software when the temp hits a certain temperature that wood glows red like that now it's blue so it's it's cooling was the customer reporting problems were running any other software the customer is very important for the customer to be able to use Lightroom it's one of the main purposes that this computers that he needs the computer for and why he spent so much money on it so whether or not he has problems and other software is irrelevant he needs Lightroom to work and I can't get Lightroom to work without his credentials so I can't even test it until I talk to I think his reasoning behind putting the sound card in is flawed he I asked him what was wrong with the onboard sound this motherboard has an extraordinarily fine sound card one of the best you can get so I wanted to know what this was and why he used it and he didn't answer me as to what it was he just said he had it laying around and he wrote it's quite a go but he had it laying around so why not use it well I'll tell you a reason not to use it it invites problems if you don't absolutely have to have it don't use it you know if you're a sound engineer if you're a musician and you need a higher end sound card I understand but if you don't I got to tell you something the built-in sound card on this motherboard this Asus repĆŗblica gamers board is more than likely much much better than this whatever this two-year old sound card is I'm gonna guess but he didn't tell me a maker model on it so I don't know what this is I haven't pulled it out remember I don't want to try fixing anything until I see the problem otherwise anything you say in chat with regards to what you think it is is possible but not necessarily probable and nor is there any precedent for you to come to that conclusion with regards to this problem you're just throwing darts at a wall which anybody can do it requires very little effort to throw a dart at a wall so what a technician does is the technician has to replicate the error that the computer that the customer claims verify it and then take steps accordingly that are most likely to be the root cause of that this is something you gain through experience a lot of people use Google is a shortcut and it does help a lot but there are occasions where Google doesn't help at all you simply can't be a Google tech 24 site you can't sustain a business on Google tech you have to be able to utilize all of your tools including this one up here and the more you do it the more experience you get the more you start to you get hunches and feelings based on past experience it's hard to explain it and you know look when you can google something find the answer it's great and nothing wrong with that that's just working smarter but if that's the only way you know how to work you're not gonna survive in this business very long so I think what we'll do I'll take a little break let me see if I can reach out to the customer maybe we can get TeamViewer on there or something some free remote ultra viewer something and see if I can get the customer to show me that would be the best thing so let's all take just a little 15-20 minute break and we'll come back and then and if I can't get a hold of them like I can't see any point in continuing it when I tested with mem test they only tested in dual in a single dual channel I didn't test in quad Channel well I did test in quad channel overnight but initially I tested everything in dual channel so but you guys are making assumptions you're not a so here's my point when you guys say you're just trying to help you need to be asking me questions because otherwise you're just spitting out irrelevant information and you're and while your intent is to help what you're doing is you're confusing a lot of viewers but feel free to ask me if I had tried this that would be more appropriate than just making an assumption that I didn't and like I said your the end result is you're just making a lot of the chats moving so quickly with irrelevant information I can't see the relevant information you're not helping me when you do that so but yes if you if you have a question about an idea you have confirm it with me didn't just that's all so we're not going down some path without justification that's already been gone down especially if you haven't joined since the beginning of the feat and you missed all the prior information so when I take the break you'll be able to rewind the video to go back to anything you might have missed and and get caught up with us I hopefully will be maybe 10 15 minutes I hope I can reach him he might be at work he might be unavailable I don't know but let me try that first and then we'll try to see if we can get this problem replicated you know we want to see a blue screen of death that's our goal here we want to see it it's it's kind of humorous to me that sometimes customers will say you know I can't believe that you that you didn't have the problem and then they're sad and disappointed that you know that the problem was something simple anyway don't be sad and disappointed it was simple yeah be happy what do you want it to be complicated and expensive and take a long time so anyway let's take a quick break and I'll be back here in just a little bit remember you can rewind this video you can use your mouse and scroll back to see anything you might have missed and then I will be back as soon as I find out one way or another if I can get ahold of the customer so hang in there I'll be right back you okay guys I've got the customer on the phone right now I've got TeamViewer installed and I've asked him to log in and demonstrate the problem to me so we can see if we can replicate this problem if any of the parts that I asked him to remove before shipping our result of the problem we won't be able to replicate it or if the BIOS update I did resolved it or receding the memory resolved it this this will tell us one way or another so I see that wallpaper wind black so I guess you're connected now yes yeah okay and go ahead and bring up your Lightroom I'm gonna kind of stand in front of the screen so people don't see your login credentials [Music] okay it looks like you're logged in and it's loading all right now I'm gonna step aside so everybody can watch you now and we can actually let me move this TeamViewer notification out of the way okay so let's see if we get a blue screen [Music] right now yeah you can always upload one through TeamViewer as well if you wanted to do that or or you can search through whichever is ever easier for you reinstalling the window again oh you did reinstall windows ya know when you reinstalled it did you wipe it clean or did you just do like a repair install I did okay yeah the 970 Evo that was added recently from the Intel that's the way I would have done it so so you were so it was crashing you wiped the hard drive reinstalled Windows reinstall your applications reinstalled Lightroom Lightroom work for a week or two without any problems and then it started crashing and it just keeps crashing after again right back to he is talking from weird okay we use Firefox I'm just gonna stand it yeah you can do file transfer you can literally copy and paste it if you want to as well okay so you've got that file transferring now Alan Butterfield's contributed five pounds this is hi Carrie this has been a great learning curve for me you're one of the best texts around and I'm from the UK in Liverpool keep up the great work well thank you Alan thanks for your contribution I appreciate that flattery will get you everywhere [Music] you should be able to talk down to all the time yeah you can drive drag and drop it or you can right-click and choose copy then go to the remote desktop right click on it on an empty spot and choose paste either way TeamViewer will take it either way it's not letting you copy and paste or it's not like letting you drag a drug that's weird well oh maybe because you're on a Mac yeah okay yeah I'm probably the file I have is big I find the pictures on the computer Oh looks like an MRI yes I don't know what and now these blue screens as you're adjusting like your color temperature and stuff on this image was there anything in specifically that you could never seem to get past or was the blue screen just completely random condom well those are the fun ones to fix yeah I know you know I'm with the Adobe support on Mike Russell any single person like I was thinking maybe software issue but not to be not I don't think yeah usually by the time the customers reach me I'm they've already be like I'm their last resort you know I know it's inconvenient to ship a computer so far so I have to assume you really tried a lot of things even though we didn't talk about it I have to assume that you just weren't real eager to ship at 2500 miles and when you were doing this the system wasn't overclocked right you just had everything stock know I felt like I decide to upgrade that it's my home computer what I start with the i9 there other the 970 940 not the second thing I try to overcome yeah the system is not stable require I'm not worth doing right happened the same same thing happened and then I said okay maybe because I overcome the CPU let me just return the oh you sent the cpu back and then get a replacement yeah and then oh yeah I know where this is going yeah didn't make any overclock it at all from the beginning from day one same issue hmm okay well we know there wasn't any damage from the overclocking then not at least not to the CPU oh this one I didn't even try stuff with a bucket okay good and of course if this is the kind of work you do with the computer those fans are not very loud right now but when I push the system hard those fans get pretty loud so they do so you have experienced that done thing when I did the testing was like a little bit loud but otherwise with normal use that's what I figured yeah yeah yeah normal use you're not hit you're not pushing the system that hard to tell that's just when you test it yeah so whether or not that's anything you want to address you know that's up to you it kind of depends on what kind of a hurry you are to get the system back if we can't make it blue screen you you know I'm wide open as far as how long you want to keep testing but you know we do I already did there was a new BIOS update that came out and the last day of the month last month and that could have addressed something and I receded all to the RAM but you did all that already right you already receded the RAM and tested the RAM so the only problem I could think is maybe the RAM got shifted in shipping and that's why I had that that mem test error because after it has receded it's it's flying through it just fine it's possible you could have a problem with your graphics card though I doubt it oh yeah you had a 1080 and a 1080 Ti in SLI mode no no I - and a two tiny reason SOI yeah but I did like it was like the green I thought maybe this one of the things I did change is the okay maybe they're SLI or one of the graphic cards I get your postcard and I get this one 1080p I just presented to maybe two principal Wow you're throwing some money at this problem I sure holy smokes okay so you had 1080 T sorry you had to 1080 s in sli mode you were getting the blue screens you took them both out and replaced both of them with a single 1080 Ti and that has made a difference so so it's not your graphics card we know it's not your CPU your temperatures are running fine so it's not a heat issue your memories passing the test but that doesn't resemble that doesn't absolve your memory entirely but it does make it less likely you could still have an issue with the motherboard itself and if there's no real good reason to have the sound card in there if it was me I wouldn't have it in there just because the sound card was something you added after blue screens were already happening right okay well nevermind that then yeah what about power supplies did you try any different power supply so you had a thousand watt corsair power supply you were blue screening you put the EVGA and that you've got now you still blue screening you've wiped and reinstalled windows and everything it's still blue screening I'm starting to sense your frustration now yeah but on the other hand I'm not seeing a blue screen I'm only hearing you telling me about it and I don't think you're a liar I don't think you just wanted to send your computer to me but well I don't like it when things don't add up there's got to be something we're missing how long on average when you're doing this in lightroom how long does it normally take you before a blue screen occurs it's condom also sometimes two minutes three minutes sometimes after our Wow okay yeah well that's frustrating now what about any issues with Lightroom itself you said you spoke to Adobe they weren't familiar with any particular compatibility or similar issues with the i9 and they obviously they know Lightroom better than anybody and this add them baffled with no answer and you talked to Microsoft oh you did like three times three six windows like maybe three four times every time I called them they gave me the same answer consolation yeah well it's a script yeah okay hmm it feels like memory to me it really does did you try running it with with less memory just to see did you'd like to take half of your memory out just a right skill memory and it was blue screening with that you switched to the coarser memory you basically swapped every single part but the motherboard no matter what I used to have that yeah what do you have two computers now I mean it sounds like you bought enough extra parts anything they took it back and again you got a refund Oh awesome that's great yeah good to know I don't think we have micro centers here in Phoenix but I've heard about them yeah good good to know good to know all right so it's a different motherboard different CPU different power supply different graphics card different cooler all others difference also you stop there another course they are likely for cooler also like oh I can't get this one and a different MDOT to drive well I mean you're you were booting from the Intel one before and now you're booting from the Samsung now okay so what happens is like you shall never have the equal nine you can see with that well I tell you you had the 960 yeah and the Intel yes and then you upgraded the 964 the 970 yeah and usually what ends up but then has to be all for the same issue with the glue scream so I don't ya know so you were initially booting from the Intel and then did you switch to the 960 and try that or did you just swap the 96 we did so what I did they didn't find any issue okay so yeah wow you got Samsung involved in this you got Microsoft involved in this you've got Adobe involved in this and no answer finally carreƱo and now it's it's all come down to me no pressure well it's gonna get fixed one way or another yep I know good alright as long as I have your confidence but I just I have to see the problem though because I don't know where to start I it's hard to know if you fixed it when there's no way to real test it you know to really replicate this issue so I'm hoping by just chit-chatting here with you that you're just kind of working in the background as we bide our time in the hope that it occurs is is this a good time for you because if we can do this another time if you're busy well when you have to go you let me know cuz we can do this anytime but I know we've got viewers watching live we've got about seven hundred and seventy-six people watching us live and and everything that you've described to me doesn't make sense so there's a piece of information that's missing and that's my goal is to find that piece of information also what I noticed like I do not but help remember with the email that I sent you earlier but when I do like video game archive for right not I'm sorry for exotic try for I was any people to install this game again at all I did see errors in your event log about far cry 4 yes I content the you play those guys that they they saw Ubisoft they wanted a game they send me like some fixing stuff this and Rhonda stead I unable to do anything with nothing happen but could happen warranty with this game specifically with nothing with well these things these could be related may be getting far cry 4 to install and work do you want to try that now is it is that something you just bring up from Steam the I mean since this seems to be working you don't have to close it down we can leave it open and then also install Far Cry 4 at the same time you want to try it or what do you think that I need to see an error I'm desperate to see any error at all when I play them maybe but tend to be nice the video card was like cool I liked in 55 our channel so you're getting some weird lagging in what games any kind of game like I feel like for Christ 5 when you was born which other thing I was playing ok did you when you had the 10 80s and SLI were you still having that lagging machine so there was so everything ok all right and this machine didn't have SLI then this was the old machine yeah okay so it did have SLI yeah the beginning but since you put the 10 atti in that's when it started lagging no even without so I am like okay all right all right yeah let's bring up steam and see what see if you can get far cry 4 T crash maybe I can see that now you were using Lightroom on a system you had before this yeah and you didn't have any problems with it yeah it's just part of the new system so right now it looks like you're getting farcry installed here then usually where does a crash is it at the end of the install during the install or when you start the game so far is normal I mean I'm sorry say that one more time I mean yeah well I was just trying to get that defined so it does install it doesn't play yeah yeah okay so everything has been replaced including the CPU every single component power supply Ram CPU motherboard the sound card wasn't in it you added the sound card after the fact that it hasn't changed anything either way all right you try plugging it into a different outlet in your house does what a power source that seems unlikely I'm just asking no no and you had other computers plugged into the same power source that ran fine for you okay so the only thing that's changed is this new hardware what if the BIOS update could have done something we'll know if this plays if this plays that had to be a BIOS update because I can't imagine the SSDs have been swapped out everything's been swapped every single every single component apart from the case did you change the case was it a Corsair I will give it I will give you two you're very thorough yeah well you know some people give up earlier than others but you I don't think you had anything left i I think I mid I think I'm your last help me obi-wan Kenobi you're my only hope but it may not have been anything to do with me if it was a BIOS update it might have been the BIOS all along maybe just given it's a brand-new chip the i9 hasn't been out that long I've never seen one before this is the first time software Steam client update has been downloaded you know okay restart steam nine hours Holy Smoke from 6-8 621 gigs to download Far Cry 4 you kidding me I mean New York in New York City we have that one gig Internet so you can't download over like maybe yeah go ahead rub it in and you also have drinkable water that comes out of your faucet I don't yeah darn New Yorkers my friend from Canada came to visit me and he said why was your tap water taste I said I wouldn't drink it if I were you and he tasted it he went oh that's disgusting is a welcome to Phoenix 21 gigs and this is far cry 4 not far cry 5 the people in the chat say you've easily spent over $7,000 would you say that's about right yeah that's what I spend on bottled water you know when you have problems like this it's important to remember to laugh yeah as he made another computer out of all the parts he ripped out now he said he bought a lot of the parts from Micro Center and was able to return them for a refund slow death says there are 70 gigabyte games that's crazy back in my day 8k that was your game gotta fit it in 8k it's right and then we got the 64 K and we were playing with fire then digital fire which is damage I'll reach my data cap now my data cap is a thousand gigs I think we'll be all right people corrected me they said that's not what I spent on bottled water that's what I spend on coca-cola they might be right now you get all the work right you built this yourself how many computers have you built so I start buildings in 2006 oh wow yeah myself and then I building computers but well well that's really good okay so you know what you're doing yeah I can go I mean you know I mean clearly I mean I'm looking at it I don't see anything wrong with anything you've done and I'm looking for it you know I'm really looking and it does smell a little like cigarettes do you I'm just curious are you a smoker hey I wonder why it smells like cigarettes yeah we have the kitchen close by so foggy that's why oh okay yeah all right well that's good that's good you just I've seen a lot of smoke damage from not your computer but from other computers from people that like sit in front of it and literally blow the smoke right onto it and it causes all kinds of damage to the components over time and I was just curious it's just lightly it's not real heavily but it's got that smell to it that cigarettes are night I was just curious it doesn't really matter hey let's see what they're saying in the chat room here what's this download say it needs how much time six hours I guess we should just let this run and then maybe you and I should reconnect since you have to go soon anyway I mean if you want to bring up Lightroom and play with it a little bit more and let this just run in the background while you play with Lightroom you know anything that can cause that blue screen like I said that's I'm desperate to see an error because I'm you're frustrated because you're getting this error you can't solve it I'm frustrated because I can't get the error Kevin Paszek has contributed $5 he says it ain't much but you're earning it say it's true Kevin thank you for that I appreciate it yeah the last two computers I head in for repair they were real easy fixes you're making up for that right now you're making me earn my money today and given that I'm not making any money it's just you're you're just paying for shipping I need to I need to reevaluate my business model I think it's not right no this is good this is what I live for I you know there's this what I do can be very boring because I see the same problems over and over and over or it can be very frustrating because no matter how many years of experience I have I run into something like this that doesn't make any sense and I've never seen it before so that's good it keeps me interested and it keeps me out of jail right keeps me busy REM has contributed $10 he says good stream my friend thank you REM I appreciate that rich Robbins and the chat says tell him to keep loading stuff until it blue screens well he's only getting the blue screen specifically in light rooms so I don't see the point in just loading stuff if the other stuff he's doesn't have a problem with yeah it's just Lightroom and in Far Cry 4 and those two things could be related you know if we fix one by default we might be fixing the other that's that's my optimistic view hood at this point did he say he swapped out the mother word he swapped out every single component everything SSD case power supply motherboard CPU cooler power supply reformatted reinstalled the operating system reinstalled lightroom nord obj says he's contributed $10 carrey this is a real challenge maybe a little more money will work he's tried that already right you already tried to throw money at it solution that didn't work did it I used to work for a guy and he used to tell customers they'd say can you fix it and he would say we can fix it if it takes every penny you have which i think is a horrible thing to say to a customer but he thought it was funny if I was a customer I'd be afraid there's a little truth in that little joke if I put the cover back on the case does it crash I don't think so it's not an airtight cover oh and you did reset your BIOS right when you had the system you went to the default settings yeah yeah and then you had two different motherboard so those are two different biases and yet the other board was crashing - you said it was crashing with a lesser model of the i9 so I what you said you went from what was it an i9 4079 40 yeah I think to the 79 60 and and and everything in the chat room they says does not compute does not compute exactly that's exactly right something's not adding up there's some piece of information here when he said he was using Lightroom with no issues is it the same version of Lightroom he has on this computer three times four times then that can't be I mean every every month every month there's a new update not every month bracket update update 3 July it's been updated three times since the problem started yes but not necessarily as a result of one of the updates the problem didn't start no okay he's replaced the RAM he had g.skill RAM before he's replaced the software the sound card he added he added after the fact after the blue screens and it hasn't made a difference do you use a nun it ups an uninterruptible power supply on this machine is the nvme changed out yeah we talked about that he had a 960 you sent it back to Samsung replaced it with a 970 Samsung checked the 960 out couldn't find any problems with it and returned it to him yes the graphics cards were swapped he had 210 ATS and SLI he replaced it with what singleton atti doesn't made any difference if you're just joining us the customers connected remotely from his home in New York to his computer here in Phoenix and I've asked him to use the computer as he normally uses it where the blue screens come up so I can see a blue screen occur and he also says Far Cry 4 doesn't play so we're downloading for Far Cry 4 but it's gonna take a while it's 21 22 gigs of download so we probably won't be able to get that done during the live stream but it's running in the background or at the same time he's running Lightroom and using it as he ordinarily would to try and replicate the problem he says sometimes the problem happens in two minutes and sometimes it's a couple hours there's no rhyme or reason to when these blue screens occur Diego Lou's Sam stands contributed $10 uses hi Carrie I'm having problems finding your email can I contact you on the facebook messenger app yes you can you can also find my email at Tech - vets comm there's a link to click on to email me there you've got people in the chat room going I've never wanted to see a blue screen so much lol hmm was it a blue screen when I received it no I have never seen this computer blue screen but I wasn't using Lightroom and he says it only happens in Lightroom I couldn't bring up Lightroom because it requires the customer's credentials and even if I could bring up Lightroom I don't know how to use it so by having the customer log in remotely he's now able to put his credentials in and use Lightroom as that he would normally use it at home where he experiences these random crashes in the hopes that we can have a random crash at some point that's what we're doing right now the hard drives that you're using are they old or they new and when you were having the problem did you disconnect those No ok so if we can't make this end that I'm talking into the future I'm not talking about anytime today but if we end up never being able to duplicate this problem and you get it back and you put your video card and hard drives back in it and it happens again it's got to be the video card of the hard drives right so I see what happens but hopefully we'll see a blue screen cuz I don't I would hate to ship it back to you after having done nothing more than basically update the BIOS that would be a very expensive BIOS update for you yeah and Micro Center ain't giving you your mind FedEx isn't returning your money is all I'm saying no yeah they did their job they're the only ones making money on this whole deal over 800 people are waiting in anticipation for this blue screen so no pressure like I said there's you let me know when you have to go okay that's kind of funny based on the images you're looking at someone in the chat room is has diagnosed this to be acute Adobe colitis or Microsoft to colitis that's funny someone said maybe the computer prefers my house over yours I guess maybe it just needs to he just needs to stay with me for a little while no no I mean you know it's it's don't worry about me you're the one that's being inconvenienced in both time and money not me this is this is a learning experience for me it's that something new this is what I live for when I'm checking the temps I don't need to check the temps cuz I can hear the fans are not cranking up if the temps are getting hotter those fans get loud and those fans are staying nice and quiet so it's clearly not a temperature problem the gentleman who sent me his computer he had a bad reset switch he's suggesting I check he resets can you imagine how easy my job would be if that's all I did all day it's a bad reset Shh have you tried changing the reset switch yeah bad reset switch is really really rare you got to be someone special to be afflicted with that particular issue that's just bad luck I think that guy needs to go play the lottery what about your mouse and keyboard are they the same keyboard and mouse throughout this whole process or have you changed those out it's I don't think it's likely to be a keyboard or mouse I mean especially if they're you know not exhibiting any strange behaviors but you got it you got to consider everything connected and I got to wonder what's different if my place from the way I have it hooked up to what's different in your place and that is something to consider as well although it seems highly unlikely Arnold in Holland says the Intel forum contains messages about problems with an i-9 CPU at X naught X 299 chipset based boards with Adobe Lightroom and that a BIOS update fixed a blue screen issue and he hopes that information helps well I don't think it helps it's a very strange random intermittent problem so just because we're not seeing it now doesn't mean it doesn't exist it could take an hour or two before it happens and sometimes it'll happen two minutes so I don't know that I think you guys might be giving up a little earlier or like well that's done let's go to lunch you're doing that far too soon you know you need to give the system time okay can I get executed I'm sorry what oh you need to go yeah yeah absolutely hey listen thanks for joining me last minute like this and for running it through the tests just go ahead and close out TeamViewer and just leave everything running that's running right now and I'm gonna let it sit that way will it downloads far cry 4 ok and then when you have some time later on give me a call and we'll pick it up and see where we're at okay all right well thanks again and we'll talk soon ok thank you yeah where you gonna see that on youtubes check channels check check channel tech tech Channel what other YouTube channels do this they're not as crazy as me real customers real problems in real time so he's disconnected from TeamViewer let's minimize that how are we doing on Steam where did the where did the upload go there it is it's got 1.8 gig out of 21.5 it wants 3 hours and 20 minutes to complete that I'm gonna let that run I'm just waiting to see I can't I can't fix something that's not broke can you understand now why I get so frustrated when I see you guys looking at temps when you're not having any problems when I see you guys asking questions about thermal compounds when you're not fixing anything I get frustrated because I can't comprehend why anybody would go looking for a problem when they're not experiencing any problems because usually all you end up doing is creating one and a great expense and often come to me for help afterwards that was a completely avoidable if you'd had just left it alone because problems tend to creep up on their own when you do everything the way you're supposed to you don't need to invent them this is a great example this right here is a great example of that in the sense that he hasn't done anything wrong obviously that I can see all the parts have been swapped out software's been reinstalled I don't know and you know we have this problem this is a real problem you can see he's using this clearly he's using this for medical related work that's some pretty serious stuff and granted it's now I'm sure it's he's not relying on it as the sole computer but I'm sure he would like to and you think of the investment that's made you think how serious money gets when you start spending it and it's yours you just want it to work you don't necessarily want to start screwing around with it just to see what would happen you go to a swap meet or a goodwill I'd buy a used computer and take those apart and play with those all day long this is more common than you would probably believe sometimes the customers incapable of actually describing the problem accurately and so you ask the customer to demonstrate it which is what I've done here not because the customer couldn't demonstrate well but couldn't explain it well but because I couldn't understand it well because I don't use Adobe Lightroom I never used it in my life I know what it does and I know why it's used but I don't know how to use it so how would I test it so it's best when people do this benchmarking stuff and burning software it's all a waste of time giving it to the customer that's the best benchmark ever if the customer is happy the systems running fine that's the only benchmark that matters so when people get obsessed over benchmark numbers that aren't matching their friends but they don't have any problems so you know the gameplay is smooth I just I can't I just can't wrap my mind around having that much free time to just sit around and do nothing but poke it's something that's not broken until you break it I just don't and this is why because behind this computer I've got six more waiting for repair and once those six are done I've got three more coming in and not necessarily Weaver I've got one I've got to upgrade one two three I've got to upgrade four five I've got a build so yeah and hopefully the ones I build when I send them especially the one that's going to Australia I better make sure I double and triple check everything because if I overlook the smallest little thing it's a long trip to Australia in fact it just wouldn't be practical to you know other than have somebody local fix it so ya don't need to go looking for problems and except they do when it's going to us try a different starting then I will look for problem because regions come in this is let's see what did I miss Zee modems contributed 20 bucks totally worth this he says this live stream is amazing you see you and I have different views on the headsman I feel like I haven't really gained anything other than just sharing with you a real technician customer interaction and a demonstration of you know an end user this is not a common end user he's built about 12 computers and he's selected very high-end parts but this is real this does happen in the business it doesn't happen very often most of the people who can do this can solve their own problems I completely understand his frustration in that what else is left I'm it I'm the last thing left and I am not the kind of guy to just kick the can down to the next guy I'm the buck stops with me every computer problem can be fixed I've never seen a computer that couldn't be fixed and there's just a level of patience and you accept it as a challenge and a great learning experience that will be shared in future stories as I'm building a computer in years ahead I remember there's a guy from New York mailed me a machine with super high end and and I'll be able to tie that story up with a neat bow sooner or later but right now not so much when he contacted me when the customer contacted me an email and explained this he didn't go into that much detail because we that's the first time we've spoken on the phone we've only spoken this way and you know you can convey a lot more information quicker when you speak and when you listen and that was a lot more information that I had previously Ron Stewart says he likes my mouse and keyboard this mouse and keyboard over here this is the jelly comb and this is a Logitech over on this side cable management in this case must have been a bear it's well really you want to see it it's not a whole lot to brag about there but you know what one of the things about the 760 T's you know you can just shove them in there and close the door management done rock on no it's it's perfectly fine that way you don't have to make it look pretty in the back am I gonna do any more streams tonight no now I will not I've got to eat dinner at some point tonight it's about 4 o'clock my time I had to run 5 errands before I started this today and I have a bunch of computers I've got four let me think that computer go into Louisiana I need to finish that I got to do the wire management and I got to reinstall the OS from home to pro I got to put pro on there reinstall the drivers and tweak it a little bit you get the cable management nice and clean put the covers on it and get it shipped out I won't film that because it's boring and then and then I've got a one going I've got one going to or again that system I built with the MSI motherboard customer contacted me says he wants to buy it but he wants to change the RAM the envy me drive and at a 1080 TI graphics card those parts those three parts came in today and the system's already belts all I have to do is get it up here on the bench pull the RAM put in the customers Ram pull the envy me drive put the customers envy me drive in there I think he got a one terabyte Samsung 970 Evo Pro I mean it's an Evo and then slap the video card in do the cable management box it up get that one out to Oregon then I've got the nuka-cola case that's for another gentleman his name is John another nuka-cola case going to Australia but I haven't ordered the parts for that other than the case and a viewer named Robert who's local said I bought a new Cocola case what he bought and he moved his parts into it and it the system wouldn't boot up and he got angry and he pulled his parts out put it back in his old case and it said do you want this nuka-cola case I said seriously is I now I could return it but I just I want to give something back and I want to be anonymous about it so don't tell people my name and I said that's fine Robert I won't tell people I won't tell people your full name we'll just say his name's Robert cuz cuz that's his name and we'll say he's a local viewer because he's local and I guess he there's a bobblehead included in the NZXT kay I was wondering why there's this big piece of styrofoam down in the power supply area it didn't make any sense to me but I didn't open it up and look when I did the showcase that case and any suck they even put the bobble head back in it you can just have the whole thing it's my way of giving back and you just keep doing what you're doing and I thought maybe I should move thread Ripper into nuka-cola for me there's only 2000 of those nuka-cola cases made and I've got three of them right now NZXT should love me but then I don't know how to display all the contributors names without really affecting the look of that nuka-cola case I'll find something to do with it Patrick Caruso says carry a mailed you a little something in honor of you reaching over two hundred thousand seven well thank you Patrick of course gifts aren't necessary but they are appreciated but not necessary corner the market on coca-cola cases yeah well the coca-cola needs to start paying me if we're gonna take it that far the least they could do is give me some free coke complimentary diabetes you know give me something bad metal that's not carry I did a rebuild of my core i7 4770k very soon I'm gonna do a new computer build with horizon 2700 X I like your videos very much all the best from Amsterdam in the Netherlands Wow well thank you that's from CBD cat Simon says you need to put thready in there and enjoy that case yeah we got to give me a bit thrity wouldn't be possible without the contributors I can't just go back on my word I got a there may be another solution to this best of both worlds I got to think about it it's it's not high up on my priority list right now I've got the case got the red ripper it's all being pushed aside customers come first and as long as customers keep coming then it'll just have to keep waiting all right well I think what are we at here 3.1 gigs have been downloaded 2 hours and 30 minutes so at least it's not at six hours that's updated too but much more accurate number and I suppose when I'm done streaming this will speed up a bit cuz I'm not only uploading data but I'm also receiving the data I'm uploading as I watch what you guys are saying versus what I I see I see both the live feed that's you know the minute I do this it happens instantly and then when you guys get it about 90 seconds later so there's data moving back and forth on any YouTube livestream that I do and on top of that this is using sharing the same internet connection and it's probably why it's bogged down and furthermore I hooked up wirelessly to the network and there's no antennas here on the back so it's not getting a very good signal so when I'm off I can take my hard line and plug the land into it that way and that could speed it right up clock watch says your live streams are usually very interesting many things from Hungary thank you for that I believe my ancestors on my father's side are from Hungary and Portugal on my mother's side that's what I've been told I haven't done the 23andme yet I don't want them to take my DNA and make superhumans out of it not without me getting paid you do sign away your rights to your DNA by the way you basically tell companies like ancestry.com and 23andme that they're if they have a right to make money from your DNA and not give you any of it so yeah I'm not okay with that make a plaque for the thrity build contributors yeah we're talking about that it's just it's not really financially feasible at this point but we're we're looking at some different ways to do that the 200 hours should be named Corsair Holtzman Kerry are you still planning to change out the thermal take cooler on the thread Ripper it's not a thermal take cooler on the thread Ripper it's a tenor Mac's cooler and yes I have an Arctic 33 TR or TR 33 cooler sitting in a box just waiting until I have time customers come first what do I think of the new user interface in chrome 69 it to me it's not a big deal it doesn't really look all that different kind of like it to be honest but it's not it's not enough that yeah I might find out I'm adopted that's right president Trump's on illegitimate child with the porn star that's what I'm afraid my DNA test is gonna reveal it'll be the best DNA test with the best genomes everybody's gonna love my DNA markers to the best the world seen now my hair's not right for that I can't be right I have too much hair for that can't be possible Jesse in California says he enjoys watching the videos Thank You Jesse appreciate your kind words I have the best viewers trust me you might get cloned - Carrie yeah nobody wants that and that's that'll be the end of civilization right there have I been to Portugal I barely been out of the United States no I've never been to Portugal but I think I'd fit in there you know and I think my height my skin color like you know darker skin probably people think I'm a native start talking to me in Portuguese and I'll just look at him like my dog looks at me alright guys I think we're gonna go ahead and wrap it up now it's 4:12 p.m. Pacific time we've been live for 3 hours and 13 minutes we have 717 people watching live 718 people watching live all around the world and thank you so much I'm sorry to abandon you but there's nothing to see here move along I'm waiting for a download to complete now it says 4 hours let's see if I can get far try to install and then back over tomorrow so we can continue filming the interactive build I'll try to find some time Friday to follow up with this and to get those customer systems built that are patiently waiting for me make Trista fetch make this computer grading yet yeah where's the problem it was never great it's been having those problems and stay won but that was funny but I won't leave you guys hanging on this whatever ends up that I will definitely do a follow-up before I ship it back no worries there but there will be a continuation to this video and it will appear during the they'll be 20 seconds of black after I end the video and the reason for that is and that's why in the interactive builds you always have 20 seconds from the time the link appears YouTube only allows you to add those links within the last 20 seconds or less but you can't put them in E sooner than that and so I will purposely leave 20 seconds of black once I wrap this up so that when I do the update to this I can add the video to it so anybody watching it for the first time when they reach this point skip forward to the end and there'll be a link that click on it take you to the continuation see thinking ahead alright guys for all the contributions thank you guys so much I really do appreciate it for all of your kind words and support I really appreciate it for the moderators keeping everything civil in the chatroom and keeping control of the trolls so that I don't I'm not needlessly distracted from selfish jerks thank you thank you thank you I'll see you all again very very soon until then bye for now you you
Channel: CareyHolzman
Views: 43,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Carey Holzman, LIVE, PC, AMD, Ryzen, Threadripper, 3950X, build, pc, personal, computer, assemble, how-to, DIY, seasonic, gigabye, asus, evga, radeon, nzxt, case, team, ram, memory, rgb, ultimate, nvme raid, nvme, m2, samsung, raid 0
Id: MVy0zNoPfWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 17sec (11777 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2018
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