Diablo 4 Ray Tracing - RTX 4090 - ULTRA settings - 4K

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nice to see you guys again today we'll be looking at the RTX 490 in Diablo I and starting off I'm just going to show you guys the performance when there's no rate tracing enabled this is of course with daa and frame generation turned on at 4K and it's pretty good performance right it's not perfect but it's not the worst thing ever however when we turn on raate tracing there is a noticeable performance drop and without the frame generation turned on we were hovering about 60 so it's quite a performance it for a bit of a quality increase so anyways let's hop over to the gamep playay all righty let's go ahead and jump right into the game play only going do a couple minutes of it just to Showcase you know beginning of the game how it looks with rate tracing enabled so of course the ultra settings and as you can see the raate tracing is causing a quite a performance drop we are also using frame gen um also using dlia and also we're at 4K so we expect a lot I mean it's at 4090 should always SP the best right currently still the best 590 is still out unless you're watching this in the future and 590 is out or some your GPU so that could be different so you know just get up to your knowledge you know like a gp4 model update or something you know what I mean so yeah anyways I'm going to be doing this video a little bit different than usual normally I record these and then I do a commentary afterwards but this video is going to be a little different I'm going go and do live commentary you know real time just try something fresh try something a little different on the channel never really do that so might as well give it a shot let just go up here so lights pretty uh get a little noticeable uh lighting effect here actually actually um you know I showed you the comparison earlier on in the video is it actually that crazy different yeah it's it's it's there you know it's definitely there there's no doubt about that the performance drop though as you can see here on the top left is uh it's quite hectic so it really depends uh depends your preferences you know a lot of people love High frame rates some people just like quality some people like going to mix up both it really depends on who you are that was quite a frame drop there wow all righty then that's with frame J on as well uh using a 4090 kind of want the best of the best right so yeah that's uh wow you know after all these years 24 gigas ofm tons of compute power the game looks pretty good it's not the greatest looking game on the planet let's be fair so uh wow retracing definitely causes quite a performance It Anyways um yeah no it's it's it's um R tracing it's uh it's interesting I definitely enjoy it in games like Minecraft for example uh cyber Punk with dlss 3.5 that is really nice looking uh Diablo 4 though I mean yeah yeah it it definitely helps out the game quite a bit um again if you're willing to take the performance drop over here I mean we're looking at what maybe cutting in half or something like that and that's with frame gen D on so I mean it's a quite a drop quite a drop and again this is at 4K so that's you know it's more W look at that we almost got down to 60 we just freaking frame generation oh my goodness all righty well I mean hey at least we had nice lighting right um you know the other thing is you can always drop the resolution down to something like 1080P or if you 14 40p and a high Hertz monitor you're probably going to get your um more targeted frame rate especially if you're at 1080p with a 4090 though I'm guessing most people at 4090 have probably gone beyond that unless you're one of those 500 HZ people you are a 500 HZ person I mean hoof that's uh that's pretty impressive honestly let's be fair here uh let's just get frostbolt that's always fun skill has been assigned that's nice all right we are good play too much Diablo by the way this is one of my uh very very uh early play play playthroughs like I said this is a live commentary so please excuse any mess ups it's bit of a different uh form that I'm used to usually it's a much longer you know kind of like a retry over and over again trying and actually these down but you know go try something new for the channel going be trying to restart it it's going to try and do a basically an upload almost every single day um yeah's let's go for it it's not automatic right that's good though do like that LE a big fan of Dungeon Crawlers and stuff like that played a lot of Diablo I love Diablo I also bit of mortal didn't really spend much on that uh you know uh yeah don't really want to spend money on mobile games not a fan of that uh but you know it it was an okay time killer for a couple hours and stuff so it wasn't too bad more than a couple hours uh yeah just uh kind of ran into the pay to win stuff once I started doing PVP and I was like okay yeah no I'm good I'm good I'm chilling out you know don't need that anyways just wanted to let you guys know and do a little update here so yeah channel is going to be uh nice and fresh there's going to be a lot of uploads going forward uh The only days where I'm not going to be uploading something is going to be on Saturdays otherwise that's pretty much my only like break day that I'm going to be taking from the channel uh but yeah like I said otherwise it's pretty much going to be every day we're going to go ahead and do a gtx650 video on Sundays we're going to do an RX 7,600 video on Mondays uh moving on Tuesday we're going to be doing the RTX 460 Wednesday it's going to be the RX 7,800 uh XT so that's always going to be fun and last but not least Thursdays which is today today's a Thursday I'm going to be doing 490 video and then Friday is going to be the more unique one where I do uh is it you know is is still good the more classical segment that I've always had on the channel so that's going to be fun I've always L that up about the AO little level up Little Wave I love that so much yeah but over I mean it looks nice it looks nice drop off but it's whatever and just uh quickly going back to how I actually want to structure the channel and stuff uh days are going to be much more unique when it's actually a Friday otherwise I'm just going to kind of keep a cycle up of like you know couple like modern uh you know graphics cards and just doing one game at a time like I'm doing right now for example that's actually a pretty decent way to actually do things I think that's going to cover you know a quite a quite a big viewer base and everything else so yeah if you guys have been with the channel for a long time uh thanks thanks for you know chilling out here and being here I'm going to be back trying to do a lot more you know a lot more this is just kind of like a nice little warm up kind like the other videos I did they weren't too crazy like my older ones but you know just kind of warming up getting back in the channel just seeing how things are you know seeing how the ecosystems changed a bit and everything else with like benchmarks and everything else think this more like quicker format is going to be nice and then still doing is it still good once a weeks going be a just little combination and I mean it's been a year since I did a lot of those videos so there is a uh big update big update a lot of you know a lot of freeo playay games a lot of modern games just a lot of cool stuff test out so it's going to be fun and uh yeah thanks for sticking around guys if you're an old subscriber really appreciate you guys you guys are always awesome and everything else got love Diablo yeah got to get back into this prob I going to do another 490 video in the future with r tracing just going over the settings a bit more it's kind of just a brief overview of that new update that came out just recently and uh yeah that's that's uh it's about it guys uh don't have really much more to say uh pretty much summary of the video there's a quite a bit of a performance drop for a little bit of a quality increase that's really debatable on how much you think it makes a difference and the only other thing is really well the Channel's coming back finally so this just a quick little video to warm things back up see how things are going and everything else and uh just letting everyone know that channel is going to be nice and fresh going forward and we're going to have quite a bit of uh videos going up pretty consistent outside of Saturday I need one rest of day at least you know otherwise though lot a lot of videos coming guys so yeah really love you guys appreciate you guys thanks for subbing and everything else if you're an old subscriber really appreciate you being here I mean this Channel's been you know around for ages but it wasn't really persistent when it was growing a lot so try and get back into it and actually try and grow this time around so yeah you guys enjoyed the video I know it's a little bit of you know different format and everything else kind of just rambled on but yeah you know got to try out new things right so yeah if you like it feel free to like it if you dislike it feel free to dislike it if you really like it feel free to subscribe and otherwise guys otherwise yeah there's AIP little mess up from that live feed and everything else you want and cut the video over now I mean kind of just want to show off how it looks in the first few minutes of game play um yeah it's good looking it's a good looking game what can I say right look at that look at that lighting look at that lighting look at that these textures don't actually seem that crazy to me though which makes sense because you usually play zoomed down see Zoom it in Diablo I don't know why you would your character so much better okay all right thanks for watching really appreciate you guys love you all take care all right peace peace
Channel: technhealth
Views: 857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 4 ray tracing on vs off, diablo 4 rtx 4090 ray tracing, diablo 4 rtx 4090, diablo 4 ray tracing, rtx 4090, rtx 4090 gameplay, rtx 4090 benchmark, diablo 4 ultra settings, diablo 4 benchmark
Id: 65I5q46lNDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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